Community > Posts By > grkboy

grkboy's photo
Tue 05/13/08 09:28 PM

What is your take on Hell?

I grew up being taught that Hell is all fire, brimstone, suffering, and evil.

Now as an adult, I wonder if Satan isn't so much a "master of evil" but more the guy God appointed to watch over and run Hell. I also wonder if Hell is as "forever" as many religions preach. Maybe the lake of fire is more a means to cleanse the soul of sin before going to Heaven or even trying again on Earth.

If God created it all, then he created evil, Hell, and Satan. He could easily destroy it all with a blink of his eye. Hence why I can't imagine things being a "Holy War of Good and Evil". The winner is already there.

grkboy's photo
Tue 05/13/08 09:12 PM

love that show!!!!!!!!!!

Me too!

grkboy's photo
Tue 05/13/08 09:10 PM
Beat Street

grkboy's photo
Tue 05/13/08 09:02 PM

I have been here over a year and although I have made many friends, I can't seem to get a date. Am I not attractive, bad personality or a distance issue? Anyone have any helpful advice?

You're ugly as sin!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH devil

Just kidding. I think you have a rather sexy body for a 52 year old. Maybe guys are intimidated by you? Plus I hear it's harder as you get older? Maybe you're not finding a good pool of single men?

grkboy's photo
Tue 05/13/08 09:00 PM

A friend and I were discussing age differences the other day. He thinks that it's okay for an 18 year old to have a serious relationship with someone 28-30. For me, there's too much of a difference between an 18 year old and someone that's almost 30. I can't seem to get over the thought that you know, when an 18 year old was probably still playing with dolls/action figures, I was giving birth to my first child. lol Any thoughts?

I recently had a very beautiful 21 year old woman come on to me (I'm 34). I was very flattered, but didn't want to get involved with her simply because of where we're at in our lives and such. I knew that maybe we'd share a few smiles, but later just drift apart because of our levels of maturity.

Sometimes the spring/autumn relationships work, but only when both sides share a common maturity that makes them work.

grkboy's photo
Tue 05/13/08 08:58 PM

Ok this is the deal.......I am sick sick sick of this girl.....e-mail girl for a little while......sometimes for a long while. Then ignore girl.....Be on-line.....but say nothing to girl.....What the heck is up with this.....ok yea as matchmaker I see it all.....but this infurates me......if you don't want to talk to girl anymore......TELL HER

Why leave her wondering wth she did wrong....when it's you that all the sudden just falls of the planet earth......huh answer me Mr....

I agree. I think plain honesty rocks. I can easily handle it if a woman tells me "I'm not into you like that" even if we did share a few emails or even a date. What I can't stand is the sudden vanishing act or some BS excuse to reject me.

Honesty = Respect in my book

grkboy's photo
Tue 05/13/08 08:55 PM

if you were married wouldn't you want to provide your wife everything she wanted.


I take marriage very very very seriously, so I wouldn't just rush into it with any woman. If I know 100% that she's the one, then there wouldn't be anything I wouldn't do for her.

The fear of her becoming a spoiled little princess wouldn't exist because if I know she's right for me, then I'll know she wouldn't become that. :wink:

grkboy's photo
Tue 05/13/08 08:50 PM

were in love with the same person how would you go about things? Assume this person is oblivious to the fact you both are in love with him/her, and that this person hasn't shown interest or disinterest in either of you.

I would judge it more on who feels stronger. So if I think the girl is hot but he's totally into her, I'll back off. However, if I think she might be the one and he's just hot for her and any other girl out there, then I'll push to get the girl.

I've been fortunate that my friends and I never had the same tastes in women, plus we respect one another enough not to "drink another man's kool aid"

grkboy's photo
Tue 05/13/08 08:47 PM

do you need to see a person to keep a good relationship going? is weekends enough? twice a week??

I'd say it depends on the two people.

I'm perfectly fine with seeing her once or twice a week and chatting on the phone or internet every day or several times a week. I understand she's got a life and I have one too. Some people require more.

I've seen some couples where they are literally spending 6 nights a week together and wonder why they both got bored quickly. Seen some get all crazy jealous because they can't talk to their SO every day and see them a lot over the week.

It's really down to how much the two people need or want to see one another.

grkboy's photo
Tue 05/13/08 08:44 PM
I'd say dress appropriate to the occasion. Don't dress too fancy or too casual...just dress to make a good impression yet appear relaxed.

So for a dinner, I'd say a nice outfit or dress. Coffee I'd say just some fitted jeans and a nice top. You get the idea?

For guys it's the same. Coffee date I'll wear a nice pair of fitted jeans with a button up shirt. Dinner I'll put on something slightly more fancy. Maybe a suit jacket with the jeans and a shirt, or even a suit with no tie if it's a nicer spot.

The goal really is to make a good first impression, but not to appear as something you're not.

grkboy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 06:48 PM

There is a man in my life that I love dearly. He has been hurt in the past a few times and it upsets me:cry: I have known him for some time now. What does it mean when I cry when hes upset or not feeling well? Does that mean that I love him? I would do anything for that man. He makes me feel great I love being with him. So as I sit here typing this Im thinking of him and crying me eyes out:cry:

You're single and on a dating site.

What's stopping you from trying with him?

grkboy's photo
Mon 04/21/08 12:46 PM
3-4 meals a day usually.

grkboy's photo
Mon 04/21/08 12:24 PM
Slept through the earthquake.

Next day called any friends I had who are in relationships and asked them if they really made the Earth move last night.

grkboy's photo
Mon 04/21/08 10:19 AM

to offer to someone that makes you special?

People have to get to know me in order to see what I can offer.

One can't just state it in comes out like every other reply and online ad.

grkboy's photo
Mon 04/21/08 10:16 AM all have some rough weekends.

I spent some quality time with my brother on Saturday. Don't see much of him much now with a wife and baby taking up his time. It's all good.

Sunday I went to this interesting event by the Lake with drummers and fire performers. It was amazing.

grkboy's photo
Mon 04/21/08 10:13 AM
I understand to a degree why people get a prenup.

However, call me a hopeless romantic, but I think when you get one it's like you're already saying the marriage will fail.

Plus I think most marital problems can be solved simply with some patience and understanding on both parts. You look at why many relationships fail, taking away the cheating aspect...many times it's two people having a battle of wills as opposed to working out the problems.

grkboy's photo
Mon 04/21/08 09:57 AM
No. Not saying I'm ugly, but I wouldn't suddenly front an ego and believe I'm God's gift to women either.

I also agree with Moondark. The fashion industry has gone way too over the top now, especially with the anorexic sickly looking super-thin models they've been using to catch media attention.

I think a designer could get more attention by taking the average joe and making him look as good as a GQ model, or the average jane and making her smokin' hot.

grkboy's photo
Mon 04/21/08 09:55 AM
Do anything interesting?

grkboy's photo
Fri 04/18/08 01:16 PM

what's a good way to make the best first impression.

Be your confident self.

grkboy's photo
Fri 04/18/08 01:10 PM

Well we know the answer to that one.

Why is it when your "internet interest" flirts with someone else it makes you mad?

I'm pretty rational and logical, and don't put too much thought into "internet interest".

Sometimes you think you have a connection, maybe you just don't.

Sounds like you want to believe that the guy who messaged you or you messaged him really wants to make you a priority. That he's all about getting to know you and building something together with you.

When he flirts with someone else, it makes you wonder if you mean as much to him as he does to you. Makes you concerned that maybe he's just looking for anyone and not specifically you...or worse he's just playing the field looking for a lay more than a girlfriend.

In the end, men are taught to play the numbers game. To approach every female we find interesting and/or attractive. From there we get to know them on an initial level, delete the ones who end up not clicking with us (or are headcases) and then either work to lay all the girls (if they just want sex) or see which girl will jump past her own insecurities and guard to really try a relationship with a guy.