Community > Posts By > Lindyy

Lindyy's photo
Fri 12/05/08 01:42 PM
Edited by Lindyy on Fri 12/05/08 01:44 PM

This is a dating forum. I guess there are one or two adulterers here. People who claim to live according to the bible but who clearly are not.

Goodness.... and I THOUGHT I was in the Politics, Current News & Events Forum:banana: :banana: :banana:


Lindyy's photo
Fri 12/05/08 01:37 PM

oh yes...absolutey...I'm just trying to let him know...that if he's going to try and debate this topic on this board...the numbers are NOT in his favor...gulp !!...I watch what Lindy goes through...although...I think when she injects religion into it...she leaves herself wide open on this board...when people say..." there's no place for religion in this debate " the eyes of most Conservatives...that IS the debate ! other words...and I may be wrong...but...I think Lindy believes that God is probably not a happy camper when he see's what's happening in this country...on a daily !!...and...may I add...nor am I !!...sad ...and...that's just MY opinion...for what it's worth...

I know I leave myself wide open on this to the negative remarks made to the posts I have made from a Christian perspective.....because it seems that some feel that Christianity does not fall under "Freedome of speech." Oh, odd.....never knew the First Amendment to the Constitution of the USA was limited to a select few......I think freedom of religion is included in that First Amendment.....

And, you are right.....I do not think God is a happy camper at all with what is going on "In the world that HE created."

BUT, I will continue to post in the style that I have always posted............that is a guarantee......


Lindyy's photo
Fri 12/05/08 01:29 PM

Name calling seems to come easily to some here.

It's a measure of their intellect.

If you can't bring a real fact based argument to an issue call names and claim God is on your side.

On thread after thread no matter its subject matter or content the president, the war, the economic crisis, gay marriage, crime, health care...

Doesn't matter what the issue is their retort is always the same in the end.

Name calling, the assertion theirs is the only right and moral position and then the tried and true "because the bible tells me so" line.

This along with a stunningly consistent ability to ignore facts or proofs even when they are placed before them.

Even more disturbing are those that comment on threads without even reading the posts.

To them I say this. Cling to your prejudices, hatred and limited thinking all you want and post it all please. Your true colors show. Your pathetic meanness shines through.

Your hate, pettiness and limited thinking only serves as an example to the rest of us. It fuels the desire to educate to replace ignorance. It drives us to fight hate with love. It motivates us to not be silent but to instead speak out for justice for all.

I thank you.

Strange.....I feel the same way about those that oppose me.....I am constantly having hatred, sarcasim, name calling being thrown at me......


Lindyy's photo
Fri 12/05/08 01:27 PM

These "christians" baffle me.

These non-Christians baffle ME.

Lindyy's photo
Fri 12/05/08 01:26 PM

Please do NOT call me a liberal or an idiot for I am neither.

I do not agree with your point of view and that is my right. Just as it is your right to not agree with mine. You will notice that none of the so called libs have stooped to calling the religious people idiots.

I guess believeing that everyone should have the same rights makes me a lib.

BTW I know a great many gay men and women who are over 44 years much for the average

Oh, you have been off the forums toooooooo long....I have been called everything imaginable.......


Lindyy's photo
Fri 12/05/08 01:24 PM

bible thumping isnt cool....

you save what you can save..
if somebody wants to listen to a preacher..they will go for the church.

ive learned a few FACTS in cant FORCE beliefs ibn others..u just stand true to your own.
and you research...and if your wrong..then so be it..acknowlede it.

own YOUR moment

Sorry to disagree.......but you are stomping on my freedom of speech I said in my post if you read it....I do not force my beliefs on anyone....but I state my opinion and post my facts that I derive my opinion from....just like everyone else on here does......

I do not back down from what I believe in just to pacify someone......

okay state your opinion darlin..
but sometimes stating is different from shoving down throats....

Jesus never forced himself on anyone.

I could very easily say you are shoving your opinion down my throat.........

I have freedom of speech just like everyone else on here............

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

I don't see anyone else posting the bible, verse by verse. So I dont see how you could say anyone else is shoving anything down your throat of any other religion. Go back and take a look. : )

Your statement is pointless......the FACT is I prove my beliefs with FACTUAL proof from the BIBLE which supports my beliefs.......

I could state that I have it shoved down my throat all the time that I am shoving my opinions down someone's throat..but I am not narrow/closed minded...SO, DOES THAT MEAN EVERYONE SHOULD STOP POSTING BECAUSE EVERYONE IS SHOVING THEIR OPINIONS DOWN EVERYONES' THROATS?

If you do not like what I post...SIMPLE...DO NOT READ MY POSTS:smile:


Lindyy's photo
Fri 12/05/08 01:18 PM

Most people who say they live by the bible do not.

They pick and choose and follow what is convenient.

AND, pray tell, where do you get the information to make such a statement? I find it to be the absolute total opposite....


Lindyy's photo
Fri 12/05/08 01:11 PM

In another demonstration of Christian love we see this...umm...what happened to Thou Shall Not Kill???

He gives a religious blessing to murder:

Last night, on Fox News, Sean Hannity insisted that United States needs to "take out" Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Warren said he agreed. Hannity asked, "Am I advocating something dark, evil or something righteous?" Warren responded, "Well, actually, the Bible says that evil cannot be negotiated with. It has to just be stopped.... In fact, that is the legitimate role of government. The Bible says that God puts government on earth to punish evildoers. Not good-doers. Evildoers."

Some insist that Warren is a centrist, moderate type. He is, in fact, a very hard-core Christianist integrated firmly into the GOP. As such, he sees government as a divine institution authorized to punish evil and promote good - as fundamentalist Christians view those things.

WRONG about Warren......your last are putting words into his mouth.....not right to do.....

Read the Old will find God's stand on this issue....I just posted about Sodom and Goomorrah on another cannot pick and chose from God's Holy Word, the is all interwoven.......KING DAVID is a prime story concerning destroying the enemy.......

AND I agree with Sean....... Ahmadinejad sooner or later, needs to be disposed of......Isreal is his prime target, have you forgotten that he said that Israel needs "wiped off the face of the earth" and he will be right on the USA's tail......

Oh, can deal with men such as he by sitting down and chatting...having tea and like him are such wonderful conversationalists....wanting peace and freedome...sure, and I am Santa Claus....

Lindyy's photo
Thu 12/04/08 01:58 PM

scared Ive been noticing this insanity for months.scared There are a lot of mentally imbalanced people getting way too involved in political discussions.scared

AND, YOU have the credentials to justify making this statment?

Lindyy's photo
Thu 12/04/08 03:41 AM

I am proud to be a Bible Thumper......that is me.....I spread the Gospel as the Lord tells us.....I love the Lord with all my heart:heart: ....I do not tell people they HAVE to believe it....but like others....I am allowed to post my opinion and back it with facts.

:heart: :heart: :heart:
ha ha a proclamed Bible thumper that flaunts boobslaugh laugh God forbid not in your pictures now..... but have been in the past!laugh laugh Yes that is in gods words to flaunt your belongingslaugh laugh or most all of themlaugh laugh Hope that worked a date for you!laugh laugh

Oh, dear......nothing constructive to add to the post?:banana: :banana: rofl rofl

Lindyy's photo
Wed 12/03/08 09:16 PM

bible thumping isnt cool....

you save what you can save..
if somebody wants to listen to a preacher..they will go for the church.

ive learned a few FACTS in cant FORCE beliefs ibn others..u just stand true to your own.
and you research...and if your wrong..then so be it..acknowlede it.

own YOUR moment

Sorry to disagree.......but you are stomping on my freedom of speech I said in my post if you read it....I do not force my beliefs on anyone....but I state my opinion and post my facts that I derive my opinion from....just like everyone else on here does......

I do not back down from what I believe in just to pacify someone......

okay state your opinion darlin..
but sometimes stating is different from shoving down throats....

Jesus never forced himself on anyone.

I could very easily say you are shoving your opinion down my throat.........

I have freedom of speech just like everyone else on here............

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Lindyy's photo
Wed 12/03/08 08:37 PM

I am proud to be a Bible Thumper......that is me.....I spread the Gospel as the Lord tells us.....I love the Lord with all my heart:heart: ....I do not tell people they HAVE to believe it....but like others....I am allowed to post my opinion and back it with facts.

:heart: :heart: :heart:
When you bring your religon into politics what do you call it?

FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Lindyy's photo
Wed 12/03/08 08:35 PM

I am proud to be a Bible Thumper......that is me.....I spread the Gospel as the Lord tells us.....I love the Lord with all my heart:heart: ....I do not tell people they HAVE to believe it....but like others....I am allowed to post my opinion and back it with facts.

:heart: :heart: :heart:
Again this nation does not have a national religion...Its not in the Constitution and by law we dont have to worship anyone religion. Now if you want to make one mandatory we should put it up to a vote for all.

Took my post TOTALLY OUT OF CONTEXT......and I have the same right as anyone else on here to state my opinion and back it with the facts that I derived my opinion from...thank you very much....

Lindyy's photo
Wed 12/03/08 08:30 PM

bible thumping isnt cool....

you save what you can save..
if somebody wants to listen to a preacher..they will go for the church.

ive learned a few FACTS in cant FORCE beliefs ibn others..u just stand true to your own.
and you research...and if your wrong..then so be it..acknowlede it.

own YOUR moment

Sorry to disagree.......but you are stomping on my freedom of speech I said in my post if you read it....I do not force my beliefs on anyone....but I state my opinion and post my facts that I derive my opinion from....just like everyone else on here does......

I do not back down from what I believe in just to pacify someone......

Lindyy's photo
Wed 12/03/08 08:24 PM
I am proud to be a Bible Thumper......that is me.....I spread the Gospel as the Lord tells us.....I love the Lord with all my heart:heart: ....I do not tell people they HAVE to believe it....but like others....I am allowed to post my opinion and back it with facts.

:heart: :heart: :heart:

Lindyy's photo
Wed 12/03/08 08:11 PM

I am against gay/lesbian marriages. Based on moral issues......male and female were created for a specific reason....God destroyed Sodomn and Gomorrah for homosexual relations ..... where do you think the word Sodomny comes from? If I am correct, at least in some states, Sodomny is illegal......perhaps some people were born with those tendencies....but definitely many developed those tendencies from unfortunate childhood experiences, actions, psychological events........BUT, people do not have to stay that way.....there IS help....

I'm curious. Is sodomy illegal for gays only or does it include heterosexuals?


Lindyy's photo
Wed 12/03/08 08:03 PM

if being gay is a sin, may God strike me dead on the spot...

hmm still alive

Tis nothing to joke about.....LOVE the sinner, hate the is that simple....

Lindyy's photo
Wed 12/03/08 08:01 PM


How many Catholics have divorced or committed adultery?

so your angle is...a sin is a sin...sorry...non of that crapola ! for me ?...never...I didn't have a chance...gulp !! ?...yes...but I went throught the whole anulled church rig a ma role...and was forgiven and understood...nanananana...:banana:
I truly expected nothing less from you:smile: . A sin is a sin. There is not half sins or partial sins.

AHHHHH.....BUT sin is forgiven if confessed and repented of and forgiveness is asked......thus the purpose of Jesus Christ....

ONLY sin NOT forgiven is "Blasphemny against the Holy Spirit."

Lindyy's photo
Wed 12/03/08 07:51 PM

That's your beleifs and no one is saying anything about that. I think you might find in there somewhere about pushing your beleifs unto others and judging others..Im might be wrong so will not state that as fact.

Sorry, but posting my facts to back up my statement is NOT pushing my beliefs on anyone...

If we were to go by your statement.....then EVERYBODY IS PUSHING THEIR BELIEFS ON EVERYBODY.

Lindyy's photo
Wed 12/03/08 07:48 PM

condense it or no one will read it...

NOPE................straight from the Bible.....facts are facts.......

From the beginning of Genesis, to the end Revelations.. the Bible speaks of homosexuality as sin forbidden by has to be all printed for proof......


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