Community > Posts By > Lindyy

Lindyy's photo
Sun 11/23/08 06:25 AM

O'Rielly and FOX do not have just high ratings....they are THE TOP RATED show, network... major difference!

On November 4th, all the people got to vote. I don't think they voted the Faux party line...


Lindyy's photo
Sun 11/23/08 06:23 AM

Lindyy, if you are basing the truth of what someone says by their popularity ratings you are doing yourself a huge disservice. You should not believe anyone for ANY reason other than the fact that you have heard all sides and come to your own conclusion. Don't let any media source tell you what your opinions should be. flowerforyou

First of all......people you do not have the right or authority to TELL anyone what to do or believe......

State your OPINION and that is it!!!!!


No one on here is infalliable, perfect or completely correct or completely wrong....

Lindyy's photo
Sat 11/22/08 10:59 PM

if you want to see pure propaganda just watch Fox news.

Bill is my favorite. disagree and you are un american, talks over a guest if they do not agree and then cuts them off if that does not deter them to say what he wants. then he tells the audience what a nut job they are.

pure news. The others on fox are close but Bill should be cleaning latrineslaugh

"Bill" ia an extremely knowledgeable individual, well versed and educated on the issues with which he presents to his audience. He has the highest rated show on cable....obviously millions of individuals agree with him!! THINK about it.....
One does NOT get those ratings by being "in the wrong."


That's just sad to me, Lindyy. How can people admire a man that says such things?

SAY WHAT KIND OF THINGS??????????? BE SPECIFIC...not overly broad, vague or ambiguous! If you are going to question something....back up your allegations with FACT.

IS what Bill Moyers says OK...MSNBC, CBS, Huffington Post, Michael Moore, Striesand, Rosie O'Donnell, etc.???

Do you ever watch The O'Rielly Factor?

How often do you watch FOX??

O'Rielly and FOX do not have just high ratings....they are THE TOP RATED show, network... major difference!

Lindyy's photo
Sat 11/22/08 09:17 PM

if you want to see pure propaganda just watch Fox news.

Bill is my favorite. disagree and you are un american, talks over a guest if they do not agree and then cuts them off if that does not deter them to say what he wants. then he tells the audience what a nut job they are.

pure news. The others on fox are close but Bill should be cleaning latrineslaugh

"Bill" ia an extremely knowledgeable individual, well versed and educated on the issues with which he presents to his audience. He has the highest rated show on cable....obviously millions of individuals agree with him!! THINK about it.....
One does NOT get those ratings by being "in the wrong."


Lindyy's photo
Sat 11/22/08 05:37 PM

this is why we need the Fairness Doctrine back. So the left has an equal chance to air their hate speech Post....Michael Moore...Streisand (STILL waiting for her to move out of the USA like she PROMISED!)Rosie O"Donnell..shall I continue?????

Nothing coming out of the sources you cite come close to what was spewed in the OP examples, and there are many more like them. Still, I think the "Fairness Doctrine" is nonsense.

Oh, please!!!!!whoa

The Fairness Doctrine is a disgusting attempt to diminish the First Amendment ..... Freedom of speech...EVERYBODY's FREEDOM of SPEECH...left, center, right...upside down, inside out.....:angry:


Lindyy's photo
Sat 11/22/08 03:22 PM
Edited by Lindyy on Sat 11/22/08 03:34 PM

this is why we need the Fairness Doctrine back. So the left has an equal chance to air their hate speech Post....Michael Moore...Streisand (STILL waiting for her to move out of the USA like she PROMISED!)Rosie O"Donnell..shall I continue?????


Lindyy's photo
Sat 11/22/08 03:18 PM
Edited by Lindyy on Sat 11/22/08 03:35 PM

Interesting transcript from "Bill Moyers Journal" on right-wing hate radio. Here's a sample:

Michael Reagan, son of the former president, suggested that people who claim that "nine-eleven was an inside job," a U.S. government conspiracy, deserve to die.

MICHAEL REAGAN: "Take them out and shoot them. They are traitors to this country, and shoot them. But anybody who would do that doesn't deserve to live. You shoot them. You call them traitors, that's what they are, and you shoot them dead. I'll pay for the bullet."

Neal Boortz went after victims of Hurricane Katrina.

NEAL BOORTZ:"That wasn't the cries of the downtrodden. That's the cries of the useless, the worthless. New Orleans was a welfare city, a city of parasites, a city of people who could not, and had no desire to fend for themselves. You have a hurricane descending on them and they sit on their fat asses and wait for somebody else to come rescue them."

what You want me to believe Bill Moyers??what

AFTER all the hating & bashing these past 8 years of President Bush, Conservatives & Christians & post this trivial nonsense of Moyers?what what

OH....pleaseslaphead asleep frustrated whoa


Lindyy's photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:58 AM

Lindyy's photo
Tue 11/18/08 08:24 PM

between me and several other psychics we agree she was killed

Not so sure how I feel about psychics....But is that all...nothing else?

well if you dont belive in psychics then why are you asking if there is anything else

Back up!

I said "Not so sure how I feel about psychics"

I have heard that they have been used to some degree of success in certain circumstances......

With that being there anything "out of line" in asking for more information, explanation, understanding?

Lindyy's photo
Tue 11/18/08 07:41 PM

between me and several other psychics we agree she was killed

Not so sure how I feel about psychics....But is that all...nothing else?

Lindyy's photo
Tue 11/18/08 07:17 PM
What happened to her?

Supposedly there is now another witness.....her parents have gone through so much. Her Mom just said on (FOX) Greta VanSustern's show that they do not know what to believe.....

My teenage son is a horrible thing to endure....BUT I would NEVER want to lose a child and never know where my child is or what happened.....

THAT is a nightmare........I wish I could help some way....

Lindyy's photo
Tue 11/18/08 06:05 PM


Libby the housing market really hit home to me. Florida is at the top of what really needs to be look at. me Lindyy:heart:

Housing.....4 years ago I spent $50,000 remodeling my worth LESS today than it was thenslaphead sad


I've spent a chunk of money fixing my house up too. My house is also worth less today then it was before I fixed it up.

I just do not understand how it happened.....if we fix up/remodel our homes....HOW can they be worth less???????sad :angry:

Lindyy's photo
Mon 11/17/08 08:48 PM


Libby the housing market really hit home to me. Florida is at the top of what really needs to be look at. me Lindyy:heart:

Housing.....4 years ago I spent $50,000 remodeling my worth LESS today than it was thenslaphead sad

Lindyy's photo
Mon 11/17/08 08:41 PM

they should be forced into Chapter 11. Then the law will require them to reorganize the finances and management. That'll drag em kicking and screaming out of the 70's

Sort of like A little "fine tune-up"rofl
Oh, is bedtime....


Lindyy's photo
Mon 11/17/08 06:36 PM

Do you think the American Auto Industry should be bailed out?

I don't think so.

What do you think? huh

This one hits close to home as my best friends work for GM.

They are my age & I certainly do not want them to be out of work at this stage in their life....

BUT......NO.....Enough is enough.

But, was it not in the news recently that GM was going to buy out another car dealership (for lack of better words) THUS.. I do not understand this giving GM "bail out" money...or am I wrong on that one?



I don't understand either.

Just like I didn't understand bailing out AIG while their executives were partying as their company was being bailed out by the government! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

It seems that the government doesn't give a crap about the poor or middle class, who are drowning in debt!!!

So why should we care about these corporations!!!!

My friends are really confused....every year they get laid off for a few weeks at a time - a couple times a year......poor management??????

Lindyy's photo
Mon 11/17/08 05:03 PM

Do you think the American Auto Industry should be bailed out?

I don't think so.

What do you think? huh

This one hits close to home as my best friends work for GM.

They are my age & I certainly do not want them to be out of work at this stage in their life....

BUT......NO.....Enough is enough.

But, was it not in the news recently that GM was going to buy out another car dealership (for lack of better words) THUS.. I do not understand this giving GM "bail out" money...or am I wrong on that one?


Lindyy's photo
Mon 11/17/08 04:58 PM

Do you think the American Auto Industry should be bailed out?

I don't think so.

What do you think? huh

Lindyy's photo
Sun 11/16/08 09:19 AM

He figured that if he could not afford it, he needed to save it.

Debt--the real American way!


My brother's wife called me several years ago......Seems she had a cregit card that she kept at the $5,000 limit slaphead

The credit card company notified her that they were raising the interest rate on her card due to the balance remaining at $5,000. She wanted to know if they could do thatslaphead

"DUHHHHHH.....of course... they are out $5,000 because of you!" 'BUT I make a payment every month,'...."Then WHY is your balance at $5,000?"
"Because I go buy somethimg else...."frustrated frustrated

Yes you have people like that. We always have from the begining. So now all these "Types" of people caused this melt down? I dont buy that. It was a facter but a small one compared to the rest. Those people have never "Busted" the bank before unless the bank let it.

JUST PROVING the economic situation is a 2-way street!!!!frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated

Lindyy's photo
Sun 11/16/08 08:13 AM

He figured that if he could not afford it, he needed to save it.

Debt--the real American way!


My brother's wife called me several years ago......Seems she had a cregit card that she kept at the $5,000 limit slaphead

The credit card company notified her that they were raising the interest rate on her card due to the balance remaining at $5,000. She wanted to know if they could do thatslaphead

"DUHHHHHH.....of course... they are out $5,000 because of you!" 'BUT I make a payment every month,'...."Then WHY is your balance at $5,000?"
"Because I go buy somethimg else...."frustrated frustrated


P.S. I own zero credit cards....that "SALE" that you just "HAD" to have ends up costing MORE than the ORIGINAL selling pricefrustrated frustrated

Lindyy's photo
Sun 11/16/08 08:11 AM

He figured that if he could not afford it, he needed to save it.

Debt--the real American way!


My brother's wife called me several years ago......Seems she had a cregit card that she kept at the $5,000 limit slaphead

The credit card company notified her that they were raising the interest rate on her card due to the balance remaining at $5,000. She wanted to know if they could do thatslaphead

"DUHHHHHH.....of course... they are out $5,000 because of you!" 'BUT I make a payment every month,'...."Then WHY is your balance at $5,000?"
"Because I go buy somethimg else...."frustrated frustrated