Can somebody please....
Cannot for the life of me figure out what the Reverend Franklin Graham and the Reverend Billy Graham ever did to you....... BUT LIKE IT OR NOT, AND I KNOW THE 'NOT' APPLIES TO YOUR MINDSET......THE SAMARATINS PURSE HAS DONE MORE THAN ANY godforsake liberal, communist, marxist penn will ever be capable of sorry Charlie...........I KNOW THAT BURSTS YOUR LITTLE BUBBLE OF PENN.........SUCH IS LIFE IN THE HATE FACTORY ............ Off-topic: this is 'political, current news and events' forum, not a 'CHRISTIAN SPECIFIC AND EXCLUSIVE' forum. RESPONSE: WRONG, AS USUAL.........I referred to an organization that has donated more financially and physically to Haiti than penn has..........THAT IS PERFECTLY ALLOWABLE...... ******************* You do not know Sean Pen, and as you wrote about your chrisitian friend," RESPONSE: How do you know who I do and do not know????????? Well??? It is not wise to make 'assumptions' when you can be addressed about it.......... DO YOU KNOW THE REVEREND BILLY GRAHAM, THE REVEREND FRANKLIN GRAHAM, DO YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE SAMARATIN'S PURSE ORGANIZATION..........NOW THAT IS A LEGITIMATE QUESTION.....NOT ASSUMPTION, A MERE QUESTION. It is good to take your own advice........ ********************************** Personal insults: While I understand you know a good PSYCHIATRIST, could you please keep your insinuating PERSONAL insults along with your psychiatrist for yourself. OH, DID YOU JUST PERSONALLY INSULT ME? *************************************** Decidedly Lady 'lindyy', you appear to have no intention of respecting the simplest rules of this forum. RESPONSE: I have observed YOU, VOILEAZUR, disrespecting the simplest rules of this forum. So, your allegations, and that is merely what they are, are more or less the pot calling the kettle black......unless you would desire to retract your allegations. AND, ONE LAST THING...................MY NAME IS "L I N D Y Y"....... more, no less.......simply LINDYY. To continue to address me as "Lady 'lindyy'" will from here-on-in be considered deliberate and willful HARRASSMENT. KINDLY REFRAIN FROM DISTORTING MY NAME......THANK YOU EVER SO KINDLY........ |
Middle East Peace....HAHA
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm you do not seem to feel much acceptance towards Israel, the Jewish faith, Jewish people and those of us who thoroughly support Israel 100% +.............Such is life............. Israel has had much insidiuous injustice done to the country which is blessed by the Lord God Almighty and declared to be "HIS Chosen People"............but in the end......Israel will reign..........just as God declares Israel will reign............. Did one ever stop to inquire into one's individual mind as to why Israel is one of the strongest countries in the word and feared by the Arab countries and the Palestineans? Because Israel is strengthened by God............Israel is GOD's, people, land, country........... God, All That Is, The Powers That Be picks favorites... If you do not like the way the Lord God Almighty does things....address the Issue with HIM |
And to think Obama has our best interests in mind! NOT. AGREED,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,NOT |
who cares? You should...................if you want your constitutional freedoms kept................ |
who cares? I do... it's my livelihood, thanks for not caring. The issue is real and shouldn't be belittled. But for the host to bring everything back to the President of the country, with an evident 'hidden agenda', demonstrates that it is he, using your very real issue as 'bait' (sorry for the pun) in his gratuitous hate campaign, WHOM DOESN'T CARE!!! That's a fair point for you to make and I appreciate you making it for my understanding. However, (and I speak humbly to you) it's not your job to clarify his statements, is it? THANK YOU FOR BRINGING THIS POINT TO THE ATTENTION OF ALL.....I do believe people are able to clarify their own statements without the 'divine intervention' of the individual whose post you responded to. Who, btw, always GETS IT WRONG............ |
Edited by
Fri 03/12/10 08:22 PM
"This week, the Rev. Jim Wallis, a liberal evangelical leader in Washington, D.C., called on Christians to leave Glenn Beck." As I am well apprised of true, credible Christian leaders, and NEVER having heard of this jim wallis..........I had to do very little research to realize this man is a goofus from word go......... From my research, he is a political individual, hiding behind a facade alleging that he is a Christian Evangelist......HE IS A PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL......... Jim Wallis Promotes His liberal Agenda and Book at Wheaton College Published February 28th, 2008 by Editor in Liberalism In this piece Shane Trammel informs us: " Several days ago, to our surprise, we found out that Wheaton College had invited leftist, Pro-Homosexual Evangelical Jim Wallis to speak and promote his new book. In the interest of our readers, we have collected several links that are very informative regarding Wallis and his recent visit to Wheaton. We take the same position as many that Jim Wallis is very liberal in his political and biblical ideologies. The fact that Wallis was able to promote his political agenda to the students of Wheaton without opposition or real dialogue with students is problematic to say the least. Wallis and his cohort’s have taken liberalism and the social gospel and resurrected it so as to infect a new generation with a false gospel, a false ideology…" I do surmise that it is adequately safe to say the this individual DOES NOT SPEAK FOR THE CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY........... |
Middle East Peace....HAHA
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm you do not seem to feel much acceptance towards Israel, the Jewish faith, Jewish people and those of us who thoroughly support Israel 100% +.............Such is life.............
Israel has had much insidiuous injustice done to the country which is blessed by the Lord God Almighty and declared to be "HIS Chosen People"............but in the end......Israel will reign..........just as God declares Israel will reign............. Did one ever stop to inquire into one's individual mind as to why Israel is one of the strongest countries in the word and feared by the Arab countries and the Palestineans? Because Israel is strengthened by God............Israel is GOD's, people, land, country........... |
"Happy, Healthy and Hotis a guide for
young people living with HIV to help them understand their sexual rights, and live healthy, fun, happy and sexually fulfilling lives. The guide aims to give information on how young people living with HIV can increase sexual pleasure, take care of their health, practice safer sex, have children, develop strong intimate relationships and access support." This is on the beginning of the brochure............... All I can say is |
That being said, I'll ask that you please refrain from making impertinent threats. It's against forum rules. YOU SLANDERED AND INSULTED ME DIRECTLY....YOU ARE WELL AWARE I AM A REPUBLICAN........... YOUR SLANDER AND ATTACKING IS AGAINST FORUM RULES........... WHICH YOU ARE WELL AWARE OF, BUT WHEN IT COMES TO ME.....YOU SEEM TO THINK YOU ARE IMMUNE TO SUCH FORUM RULES............... |
Republican flunkies have jacked National debt and deficits, contrary to republican 'dogma'. DON'T YOU EVER AGAIN REFER TO ME AS A REPUBLICAN FLUNKIE........... SAVE YOUR INSIDIOUS INSULTS FOR PEOPLE OF YOUR OWN COUNTRY. Dear Lady 'lindyy', The comment was not aimed at you personally, but in general to republican administrations. With respect to term 'flunkie', not that I have to explain it, but it pertains to the administrations in question; they 'flunked' miserably in respecting their sacred promise of fiscal conservatism: low deficits and reducing the National debt. That being said, I'll ask that you please refrain from making impertinent threats. It's against forum rules. Furthermore, unless you were elected RULER-IN-CHIEF of the WORLD WIDE WEB, I suggest you refrain from making personal insults to people, simply because they happen to live in a country that is not your own. It is most uncivilized, and again, it is against the forum rules. Freedom of speech is a privilege afforded in a very large proportion of the Western World. I have read several comments from you, in capital letters, where you remind the whole WWW of your 'freedom of speech' privileges. Have the decency of respecting the same privileges when it comes to others. I still serve my famous BALONEY SANDWICHES............ |
Can somebody please....
love him or hate him, he's the most involved actor in world poverty and other charities and travels first hand to impoverished areas. brad pitt's probably second now that MJ's gone. i'd love to see everyone that's whining about him match his efforts or at best quit watching movies since all of hollywood are liberal nazis...and these are O'reilly's words. He is not an actor, but Christian Evangelist, FRANKLIN GRAHAM'S (SON OF EVANGELIST BILLY GRAHAM) his SAMARTIAN PURSE organization/fund cannot even be closely matched by the left wing liberal, full of hate phoney actors......... _____________________________________________________________________ «... Sean Penn helps out in Haiti!!! While many stars were busy appearing on the Hope for Haiti Now telethon (which raised more than $57 million), Sean Penn was actually in Haiti. Penn arrived on the scene on Thursday accompanied by 11 doctors and a U.S. businesswoman with whom he has established a private Haitian relief organization, reports AP. Penn brought 1,000 water filters that were distributed to villages outside Port-au-Prince. He spent part of Friday meeting with aid groups and hospitals. "The idea of us being here is to make sure the aid gets to them," he said. When asked by Fox News Channel's Geraldo Rivera on his Geraldo At Large show last night about the aftermath of the earthquake, Penn said, "It's horror." Penn told Geraldo that the "military is doing the most extraordinary job." And he said the "positive reporting, reporting of positive actions by the United States ... I can say has been unbelievable, unbelievable - and meant and felt." But, he said, "the mission is so centered on Port Au Prince that some of the other areas, the epicenter areas, are being underserviced. It's just a complicated situation. But I think it has to be continually reported that Port Au Prince is not all of the issue. Port Au Prince still has major emergencies – infections, communicable diseases, concern." He added, "People are dying by the thousands a day." ____________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE RIGHT LADY 'LINDYY', PENN IS NOTHING OTHER THAN A «... LEFT WING LIBERAL, FULL OF HATE PHONY ACTOR...» !!! Nothing to compare to your «... RIGHT WING CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALIST, FULL OF HATE PHONY PREACHER...» though!!! Maybe Penn should run for president against «... RIGHT WING CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALIST, FULL OF HATE PHONY HOCKEY MOM PALIN...» !!! That would teach him a lesson in humility!!! I mean he would never make it, 'cause I know you and your friends would all vote (and that's a lot of votes ;)) for the 'FULL OF HATE PHONY HOCKEY MOM'!!! I KNOW A GOOD PSYCHIATRIST................... Oh, excuse me ever so are not a Christian................ Cannot for the life of me figure out what the Reverend Franklin Graham and the Reverend Billy Graham ever did to you....... BUT LIKE IT OR NOT, AND I KNOW THE 'NOT' APPLIES TO YOUR MINDSET......THE SAMARATINS PURSE HAS DONE MORE THAN ANY godforsake liberal, communist, marxist penn will ever be capable of sorry Charlie...........I KNOW THAT BURSTS YOUR LITTLE BUBBLE OF PENN.........SUCH IS LIFE IN THE HATE FACTORY ............ |
I'm not sure I understand why there is such a rush to push this through so fast when none of it will even begin to take effect until after the next Presidential election? and why is he spending so much time and rhetoric demonizing the insurance industry when he is going to force every single american to to buy their products? EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT POINT......... |
Republican flunkies have jacked National debt and deficits, contrary to republican 'dogma'. DON'T YOU EVER AGAIN REFER TO ME AS A REPUBLICAN FLUNKIE........... SAVE YOUR INSIDIOUS INSULTS FOR PEOPLE OF YOUR OWN COUNTRY. |
Edited by
Thu 03/11/10 02:23 PM
Republican flunkies have jacked National debt and deficits, contrary to republican 'dogma'. DON'T YOU EVER AGAIN REFER TO ME AS A REPUBLICAN FLUNKIE........... |
#5. It is unconstitutional. The bill requires every American to buy health insurance, including healthy people, and offers subsidies to help middle-income families. Insurance companies sought the mandate, saying it is the only way to keep premium costs from skyrocketing once they are not allowed to deny coverage to people with pre-existing medical conditions, drop sick people or limit annual and lifetime coverage (all popular provisions of the health bill). The mandate would not be the first imposed by state or federal governments -- they already require people to buy car insurance, buckle seat belts and wear motorcycle helmets, not to mention make sure their children are educated. Conservatives used to promote the health insurance mandate on grounds of personal responsibility. It's the law in Massachusetts. This is classic... The old.. you have to buy auto insurance line.. Well, you actually don't have to buy auto insurance if you don't own a car. It's an individuals choice whether he or she owns a car. There is nothing in the constitution that provides the federal government the power to compel someone to buy anything. A drivers license is issued by the states and is considered a privilege not a right. If you don't pass the driver's test you are not granted the privilege of driving legally. The insurance aspect of car ownership is a hedge that is required because most people can't afford to buy the vehicle outright. The finance company or bank actually owns the vehicle and they want to be sure that if you wreck their vehicle there is a way for them to recoup their investment. After a person pays off their car they are required to keep atleast liability insurance in case they cause an accident and someone else is injured or their property is destroyed. Notice how the requirement of insurance coverage is based on the concept of protecting the interests and investments of others, not necessarily the person that buys it. Government mandated health insurance is not the same as auto insurance. BY definition, I agree, but in theory it is a similar mandate. The auto insurance mandate arose mostly out of economic concerns more than public safety. For all the people who drove cars without insurance and then had ACCIDENTS,, the rates of those WITH insurance went up to cover the costs. The mandate , therefore, that all drivers carry insurance was born. With healthcare, similarly, for everyone who ends up in ill health and does not have insurance, it costs those people who DO have insurance more money , and the mandate that everyone carry insurance for their health has been born. Here in Nevada, we have had an emergency care shut down because so many uninsured came in with emergencies having to be treated,, the hospitals couldnt keep up with the costs by themself and SOMEONE had to cover the cost, noone did, and they shut down. Do you have FACTS to substantiate your allegations, you a google and print the statistics, website, etc.....or do you just post assumptions? ANYONE KNOWING ANYTHING ABOUT CONSTITUTIONAL LAW knows that the government CANNOT, consitutionaly make anyone buy anything.......AND, should this so-called health reform of obama's pass mandating THAT everyone buy health insurance or be fined and/or imprisoned, well expect quite a few YEARS of having this quagmire of a dictatorship mandate be tried in courts..............PEOPLE JUST DO NOT THINK....RATHER SOCIALISTS DO NOT THINK........ |
Seems as though none of the left wing liberal obama supports can come up to a rebuttal to this article.........wonder why... |
Can somebody please....
love him or hate him, he's the most involved actor in world poverty and other charities and travels first hand to impoverished areas. brad pitt's probably second now that MJ's gone. i'd love to see everyone that's whining about him match his efforts or at best quit watching movies since all of hollywood are liberal nazis...and these are O'reilly's words. He is not an actor, but Christian Evangelist, FRANKLIN GRAHAM'S (SON OF EVANGELIST BILLY GRAHAM) his SAMARTIAN PURSE organization/fund cannot even be closely matched by the left wing liberal, full of hate phoney actors......... |
2010 demo train wreck ?
"...........then i liked romney but we all saw the GOP's true bigot colors when they threw him under a bus for being mormon."