Community > Posts By > Lindyy

Lindyy's photo
Sat 12/06/08 04:10 PM
Edited by Lindyy on Sat 12/06/08 04:14 PM

Someone sent it to me in an email, funny and terrible at the same time:

With less than two months remaining in office, George W. Bush, witnessing a devastating defeat for the Republican Party, worse favorability ratings than those of Richard Nixon at the height of the Watergate scandal, and the most devastating economic situation since the Great Depression, is reported by a number of well-placed sources in Washington as drinking heavily.

After having tried to explain away the collapse of several Wall Street brokerage houses by saying, “Wall Street got drunk,” it appears that it is Bush who is suffering from bouts of drunkenness.

According to informed sources who spoke to WMR, Bush was visibly drunk at the recent G-20 economic summit in Washington and at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Lima, Peru. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso, Chinese President Hu Jintao, South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Mexican President Felipe Calderon, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper were among the world leaders who had the chance to witness an inebriated Bush both at the G-20 and APEC summits.

WMR has long reported on Bush’s heavy drinking. On July 31, 2007, WMR reported: “WMR has learned that the January 13, 2002, incident in which President Bush claimed to have choked on a pretzel and passed out briefly was a cover story designed to divert the media’s attention away from Bush’s heavy drinking. A well-placed White House source has confirmed a previous account of another well-connected White House source that Bush had been drinking while watching a Sunday NFL playoff game between Baltimore and Miami.

for fun, watch this:

Don't you just wish? Dear God Almighty......have mercy...............

So and so said that so and so said that so and so said that so and so said that....

God, if you listed to some of the posters in this forum you would think I belonged locked up in an institution in the Antartic, with chains and tarred and feathered.....simply because I am a Christian and a Conservative Republican....just like President Bush....


Lindyy's photo
Sat 12/06/08 12:56 AM

Also, Freddie Mercury was the greatest singer in Rock and Roll history drinker

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Lindyy's photo
Sat 12/06/08 12:54 AM
Edited by Lindyy on Sat 12/06/08 01:17 AM

I believe that our beloved Freddy was rather sneaky don't you? And did in his own many ways promote freedom of choice in sexuality in his music. If you don't believe me go read some more of Queen's lyrics on

shocked "SNEAKY" pretty nasty statement to make.....shocked

slaphead Talk about distorting/taking out of way is that song about homosexuality:slaphead

Your "take" on this song is TOTALLY opposite of what the rest of the music world says it is:

"Don't Stop Me Now was voted "The Greatest Driving Song Ever" by viewers of the BBC television program Top Gear. (*Music video from Pstonie of, with lovely shots of zooming cars)

Don't Stop Me Now is a 1979 hit single by Queen, from their 1978 album Jazz. Words and music were by Freddie Mercury.

"I'm gonna go, go, go there's no stopping me / I'm burning through the sky yeah 200 degrees... " "

My dear I have been an avid fan of Freddie and Queen from day're speaking to the wrong person on this subject.......and NO he did NOT promote freedom of choice in any of his songs.....I will leave it at that......


Lindyy's photo
Fri 12/05/08 11:17 PM
Edited by Lindyy on Fri 12/05/08 11:18 PM

Should Freddie been allowed to be married?


AND, he had NO desire to be MARRIED TO A GAY MAN.....:

In the early 1970s Mercury had a long-term relationship with a girlfriend named Mary Austin (whom he had met through guitarist Brian May). He lived with Austin for many years. However, by the mid-1970s, the singer began an affair with a male record executive at Elektra Records; this ultimately resulted in the end of his relationship with Austin.[40] Mercury and Austin nevertheless remained close friends through the years, with Mercury often referring to her as his only true friend. In a 1985 interview, Mercury said of Austin, "All my lovers asked me why they couldn't replace Mary [Austin], but it's simply impossible. The only friend I've got is Mary, and I don't want anybody else. To me, she was my common-law wife. To me, it was a marriage. We believe in each other, that's enough for me."[41] He also wrote several songs about Austin, the most notable of which is "Love of My Life". Mercury was also the godfather of Mary's eldest son, Richard.[33]

By 1980, Mercury began to frequently visit gay bathhouses and clubs where he met many short-term partners.[42] By 1985 he began another long-term relationship with a hairdresser named Jim Hutton. Hutton, who himself tested HIV-positive in 1990,[43] lived with Mercury for the last six years of his life, nursed him during his illness and was present at his bedside when he died.

Freddie also left the vast amount of his Estate to Mary.....


Lindyy's photo
Fri 12/05/08 11:02 PM

Yes there are many things we can not enjoy that a straight couple can. I own my home, and I deliberatly had to make my partner part of that deed so that if I die it automatically goes back to her, so both our names are on that deed. My family or hers could not take our home out from under us. But there are so many things that straights enjoy as married couples that gays can not have by law. Only someone caring enough to learn that would know.

We do not want special laws made just for us as we are accused of by those who want to stir trouble for our community, but it's hard to fight that kind of strong opposition and down right lies about what we really want.

There are many things a gay/lesbian can do concerning their 'partner.' I know, I am a legal plays no role in MANY legal matters.....i.e. you can leave your estate to anyone you chose....have whomever you want for your executor, executrix, I must add that different states can have different laws....I am referring to can make anyone you chose your 'beneficiary' to both can buy a house together with both names on deed so both legally own it....and on and on......

gays and lesbians when it comes to taxes are treated the same as I, a single person, gets treated....

so....from what I see...... about the only MAJOR disadvantage is not being entitled to health insurance coverage as male and female married couples are entitled to...not sure about HIPPA and people being hospitalized and entitled to medical records/information....they have gotten very strict on that.....when my father was dying it was like pulling teeth to find out what was wrong....and I had Power of Attorney......both property and health......



Lindyy's photo
Fri 12/05/08 10:50 PM

Lindyy believe it or not, some gays don't like the parades either. I don't because I think it sets us back. If you want to get people to understand being gay I hardly think one can do that by flaunting sexuality and scaring people to death with it.

At the same time I have a certain admiration for their courage to do what they do. Just as Fredie did in his own way. He didn't let society ruin his dream, but I think he would have been so much happier in his life had he been able to find true love, that was after all what he wanted. I don't think he went about it in the right way, but then who am I. And I think at that time everyone was struggling with sexuality, both gay and straight. By the way I didn't mean flame in the way you thought I mean. It's an expression, not a insult.

I think if we humans never learned to be so uptight about sexuality and our bodies in the first place we wouldn't be so absolutely obsessed with it now. But what I see as human societal evolution and growing pains today, other's see as a threat to world order. That's unfortunate...

How well did you follow/study Freddie?

Lindyy's photo
Fri 12/05/08 07:32 PM
Edited by Lindyy on Fri 12/05/08 07:38 PM

Why do we as tax payers pay for a private jet for this woman? This is ridiculus. She can fly commercial like everybody else. She is nothing special.

Pissed off taxpayer!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course she is special....just ask her....another "Do as I say not as I do" democrat characteristic.....:angry:

BTW....neither Newt Gingrich nor Dennis Hastert had a private jet.....(Republicans....)

Lindyy's photo
Fri 12/05/08 07:21 PM
Edited by Lindyy on Fri 12/05/08 07:29 PM

Mind you I also liked to fix bikes and had several bikes.

oh oh let's not forget my carebear collection!

I could never manage to learn to ride a bike...always fell off scraping my legssad2

BUT, I bet my beanie baby collection is bigger than your carebear collection:tongue:


That's possible Lindyy lol I stopped collecting them years ago and moved on to video games lol

I still collect my beanies!

(Hoping no one does math and figures out when beanie babies came out and how old I am......meaning I was no little girl when I started colleting them:smile: )

Lindyy's photo
Fri 12/05/08 07:17 PM

I get the love the sinner hate the sin, but it is only a sin to some people. For me it is not a sin to love someone with all my heart. If you can't love me for who I am, being gay included then I don't need that kind of love. I am happy being loved by the people who have accepted that i am gay and love me anyways.

My mom has only one wish, that I find a guy that will treat me right and be there for me.

In my heart I do not feel that it is a sin to love someone regardless of their gender.

BTW I was using the term "you" in a general form lol i wasnt directly aiming it at Lindyy.

I edited my post as I felt that one of the things I said was incorrect to say and didn't wish to offend or upset anyone so I altered it.

I know it was not directed at me..... BUT,does not my love for Freddie show that I love the PERSON, but not the sin?

I do admit I cannot tolerate the "gay parades", just as much as I do not like prostitution and heterosexuals pornography.....


Lindyy's photo
Fri 12/05/08 07:10 PM

Mind you I also liked to fix bikes and had several bikes.

oh oh let's not forget my carebear collection!

I could never manage to learn to ride a bike...always fell off scraping my legssad2

BUT, I bet my beanie baby collection is bigger than your carebear collection:tongue:


Lindyy's photo
Fri 12/05/08 07:06 PM
Edited by Lindyy on Fri 12/05/08 07:13 PM

Oh wow I watched a movie about Fredie's life. It was great, but very sad to me. Maybe I watched it on a bad day.

On YouTube are several segments on Freddie's life, with his Mother and his Sister being interviewed.....I find his life to be absolutely facinating.........ending sadly, yes....but he was so brilliant....right from childhood...


Unfortunately I only have dial up right now where I moved, so youtube would be painfully slow if it loaded at all.

I do agree he was a brillian performer and a tortured soul ultimately. But I wonder about something you said earlier. You said you were harrassed by people calling you against homosexuals, yet he was a flaming homosexual. Far more permicuous than all of the gay people I have known, counting them on my hands.

I know about the love the sinner not the sin thing, but putting that aside for a moment.. why would you be against homosexuals if you find him so facinating I wonder? Is your objection religiously based? Do you know any gays other than Fredie? Not wanting a fight here, just curious.

When Freddie performed and sang.... he did not "flame"......he did not promote homosexuality on stage or when he sang (he did 'poke fun' and did dress on the wild side when he first started out...but his parents did not know about his homosexuality until close to the end...and ABOUT the only time he openly talked about it was a while after he discovered he had aids and admitted in a video that I viewed "I got promiscuous, and that is what happens when you become promiscuous"......I wish you could view the videos of LIVE AID......he was fantastic and stole the show......

My favorite pic of that most people do not relate to....his thoughtful, quiet, personal side.

AGAIN...LOVE the sinner HATE the sin....people just do NOT GET is NOT hard to understand

YES! I know gays and lesbians......but I do not flaunt my friends' sexuality around to others.....but they know how I feel about it.....


Lindyy's photo
Fri 12/05/08 04:10 PM

Oh wow I watched a movie about Fredie's life. It was great, but very sad to me. Maybe I watched it on a bad day.

On YouTube are several segments on Freddie's life, with his Mother and his Sister being interviewed.....I find his life to be absolutely facinating.........ending sadly, yes....but he was so brilliant....right from childhood...


Lindyy's photo
Fri 12/05/08 04:08 PM

I guess there are one or two adulterers here. People who claim to live according to the bible but who clearly are not.

That is an extremely judgmental/derogatory statement, especially when you obviously do not personally know someone.......

Lindyy's photo
Fri 12/05/08 04:02 PM

No, I am not insinuating anyone on these boards is or was ever a whore.

It is almost mind boggling that any reader would think I was.

The saying, once quite common, was one used to illustrate the foibles of human nature.

The whore once saved from her disreputable behavior distances herself from it and decries the behavior no matter how trifling of others as a way to offset her own feelings of guilt.

We've all seen it in others and sometimes in ourselves.

Keep asking questions of me if you like. Just remember before you or anyone else runs to the mods crying she was mean to me in her answer it was you who first personally addressed me in this forum. If you persist and don't care for an answer I give then please accept the outcome like an adult and don't go whining to the mods.

I found it to be an abrasive/inflamatory statement...making one wonder the purpose/intent of it having been made.

Lindyy's photo
Fri 12/05/08 03:04 PM
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
For someone who understands..................

Lindyy's photo
Fri 12/05/08 02:38 PM
Edited by Lindyy on Fri 12/05/08 02:57 PM

I have always respected Lindyy and hope that she respects me as I have never stooped to name calling or any of the other nonsense that some might do.

I always post with the utmost respect for anyone I am typing to.

We are supposed to live in a free nation and yet "minorities" still have to fight for rights. I would like to remind people that almost everyone in the USA has had to fight for their rights at one point or another.

Women had to fight for the right to vote and work outside the home.

African americans had to fight for rights.

At one point reliogion had to fight for rights, because guess what....christianity isn't the only religion out there.

So gays now have to fight for the right to marry.

As I have said many many times already....If gays can do everything else america wants from us, pay bills, taxes, fight inour wars and sometimes die for our country, then we should have ALL of the right severyone else has not just the ones that people want us to have...including marriage.

The marriage doesn't have to be done by a church it can be done by a judge or jp. Gays just want to have the right to do it, I am gay and I am not religious with no plans to marry so I am only in this for the rights of others.

No matter how all this comes to pass I will not love my fellow man any less. Each person that I talk to in these forums has made some impact on me...including Lindyy. I am grateful to have met every person here and consider them, at least to me, a friend. We may not always agree but, really, who agrees on everything?

My roommate is my best friend yet we are polar opposites...yet I can't imagine my life without him.

I have always had respect for you.

If the topic had not been brought up....I would have never made any comments......

If people would view my profile they would see my favorite singer....who will always have a place in my heart and whom I still dearly FREDDIE MERCURY.....and I have been bashed for being against homosexuality and yet loving Freddie....people just do not get it...LOVE the sinner (of which I am one) and HATE the sin.......
AND I am not a happy puppy when I myself sin....sigh......


The following is something I posted today in another web site that I am on:



Description: Freddie Mercury was a British musician and songwriter, best known as the frontman and pianist of the rock band Queen. He is remembered for his vocal abilities and charisma as a live performer. As a songwriter, he composed many international hits, including "Killer Queen", "Bohemian Rhapsody", "Somebody to Love", "We Are the Champions" and "Crazy Little Thing Called Love". In 1991, Mercury died of bronchial pneumonia brought on by AIDS......

Also known as: Farrokh Bulsara

Born: September 5, 1946

Died: November 24, 1991

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Lindyy's photo
Fri 12/05/08 02:34 PM

You asked and I answered.

Sorry if the answer proves my point.

It's not my wish to make anyone mad. Really I find it terribly interesting that people can so passionately espouse a position and even advocate imposing that position on others when they do not to put it simply "walk the walk" themselves.

I have always felt it has much to do with tempering personal guilt and shortcomings but I can't prove that. It's just something I have observed over time.

There's an old saying, "There is no woman so moral as a reformed whore"

She, who made so many bad choices is anxious to cling to her new found morality and to preach it's merits to others as a way of dealing with the lingering guilt of her past.

It's simply an aspect of human nature I find fascinating.

Are you insinuating someone on here is or was a whore?shocked shocked

Lindyy's photo
Fri 12/05/08 02:31 PM

Absolutely, God has infinite wisdom.

I have never challenged the wisdom or existence of God. Or maybe even multiple Gods and Goddesses.

What I do question and will always question is the man or woman who presumes to speak for God or who points to the bible as the word of God, a book that has been translated and edited by man. Man and his churches who have chosen to selectively included and discard, to interpret what they put forward as being the word of God in ways that are most beneficial to them socially and politically.

Man is a weak and flawed creature. I do not subscribe to nor will I ever follow some charlatan in a religious vestments who tells me he or she knows the will of God.

I am alright with God and feel quite secure in the destination of my immortal soul.


Lindyy's photo
Fri 12/05/08 01:59 PM

If God in his infinite wisdom wishes to smite or to visit destruction and extract a pound or two of flesh as punishment that's fine and even as it should be I suppose.

That's a little different from a man telling another man that God approves of assassination.

Are you admitting God has infinite wisdom?

Lindyy's photo
Fri 12/05/08 01:43 PM

Constructive posting would be appreciated.....
Edited by Lindyy on Mon 12/01/08 04:02 AM

YES, it would be appreciated!!!!

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