Community > Posts By > millsdd

millsdd's photo
Sun 11/19/06 07:07 PM
I think one look at my pics should tell anyone I'm real and those are
actual pics of me. Who in their right mind would pretend they looked
like this ? LOL

millsdd's photo
Sun 11/19/06 11:47 AM
Whisper, in answer to your question I think, at least on my part that
the reason we're here looking at an "advice" forum is I haven't managed
to figure things out myself and always thought 2 (or more) heads are
better than one. None of us may have the answers but working together we
might manage to find them where sitting out here alone and trying to
figure things out by ourselves would take much longer if not forever.
The people here are facing and have been through the same things we all
have and maybe, just maybe if we get enough of us together on the same
questions each person will have 1 tiny piece of experience that might
bring together an answer for some of us!

millsdd's photo
Thu 11/16/06 07:08 PM
I've always like "Go High Upon The Mountain" not sure I got the title
right but that's part of the lyrics

millsdd's photo
Thu 11/16/06 06:42 PM
"not right" .... "insane"......"nuts"......"sadistic bastard".......
those were some of the NICER things said about me after that ! ROTF

millsdd's photo
Thu 11/16/06 06:41 PM
Not that I wouldn't love to cast a vote on this but DAMN ! ! I just
can't decide! They're ALL hot ladies and unless I could vote for em all
I'll just keep my votes to myself ;)

millsdd's photo
Thu 11/16/06 06:26 PM
This holiday season is gonna be rough for me. I'm used to being mostly
alone during them but this year I'm 1500 miles from any close friends
and my kids and I'm not going to be able to afford to fly back for
Christmas to see my kids as I had hoped to :( Haven't seen them in 8
months and odds are good it'll be that much longer to maybe even a year
before I can :(
I have the time off due me but the price of a plane ticket and then the
need of renting a car not to mention just eating expenses (I can stay
with friends in Ohio or my Mom depending on where I actually stay so
room isn't an issue) would eat up what I've managed to save since I
moved here and then I couldn't give the kids a darned thing so I'll be
sending them checks with love instead of seeing them.

millsdd's photo
Thu 11/16/06 06:11 PM
just loafin after the day at work
if ya want a good chuckle I added to the chili cookoff post tho
it's my own story and all the more funny cause it's true ! LOL

millsdd's photo
Thu 11/16/06 06:01 PM
I just HAD to post on this one!
I've been doing chili cookoffs for several years and won the local one
at one of my regular pubs in Columbus 3 years running for best tasting.
My chili takes a week to make (if anyone would like details on that I'm
happy to share) Anyway....... the 1st couple of years I entered I only
got into the "tastiest" category but 2 years ago the guy who won the
"spiciest" cat ticked me off with his entry. It tasted like almost pure
Tabasco and I'm pretty sure 99% of it was just that, straight from a BIG
bottle. Tabasco isn't very hot in MY book and I've really never cared
for the taste since I'm not a big pepper flavor fan. Last years
competition rolled around and I decided to enter all 3 categories
including "most unusal"
I made my regular chili which isn't for the weak of taste anyway but
it's not firehouse hot either. Before I added the meat I pulled a crock
worth out and use tofu and portabella mushrooms instead of meat in that
crock to make a veggie chili since the bar owners were vegans. The
majority of my chili I continued on as usual and then the day of the
tasting I pulled another crocks worth out and set aside for the
My regular entry usually disapears within minutes so I learned from the
start to have at least 5 or 6 crocks worth of it in reserve LOL
Now a couple of years ago a lady friend of mine knowing my propensity
for the hot stuff got me a bottle of "DaBomb Ground Zero" which is
distilled habanero oil. It's pure extract and rated something like 1500
times hotter than a jalepeno! The instructions on the bottle are "dip a
toothpick 1/2 inch into the oil and stir just that into one crock of
chili to season"!!
Yours truly decided if they wanted hot and spicy I was gonna give it to
em and poured about 4 ounces of that bottle into that one crock!
I put warning labels allllll over the crock, atomic symbols etc and even
burned the bowl off of a wooden spoon and dipped it into the chili to
make it look like the chili had burned up the spoon! What I hadn't
counted on was that with it actually being my normal chili it still
tasted good and the oil takes a few seconds to hit ya no matter how much
there was in there!
Most people managed to get 2 or even 3 bites in before it hit them and
by then the damage was done. I heard and saw a lot of nodding and "ummmm
tast......OMFG!!!!" ROTFLMAO
Of course the labels weren't good enough and the 1st victims thought it
would be funny not to add more warnings and were actually encouraging
people to try it! One poor young lady had a couple of bites, couldn't
catch her breath once it hit her and then hyperventilated until she
passed out :( She ended up having the squad called for her but in the
end she was ok.
I was called every name in the book (and even some new ones) that night
and for several weeks after. The bartender told me a week later he
hadn't been able to shit for 4 days just out of fear! ROTF :)
At any rate, no one died and the final results were.....
Tastiest 18 votes for 1st place by 5 votes
Most unusual 11 votes for 2nd place missing 1st by 3 votes
Spiciest 1st place by unanimous vote of 84 votes !! LOL
It was also announced that the bar owners had renamed me to "ATOMIC DON"
and had instituted a rule change for the following year.
"Before entering the spiciest category the cook has to publicly eat 2
bowls (about 4 ounces) of his entry"
I've been eating that sort of stuff all my life so I went up and ate a
bowl just to show them it could be done :P
I learned long ago to take those 1st hits and get it over with and then
ya go numb anyway so it wasn't a big deal LOL

millsdd's photo
Thu 11/16/06 05:30 PM
Hey Ram,
wassamatta ? Having trouble finding people interested in civil
conversation? To tell the truth I've opted out of any topic once things
started getting nasty so I haven't been posting or replying much myself.
Not interested in flame wars whether it's "all in fun" or not.

millsdd's photo
Wed 11/15/06 08:22 PM
Straight up Shay,
"pleasuring" or "pleasing" ? there's a huge difference and I'm not being

millsdd's photo
Wed 11/15/06 08:19 PM
That was tongue in cheek but still a little true to how I feel
sometimes. Women, there's no pleasing them! It's pretty much as true as
nice guys finish last :(

millsdd's photo
Wed 11/15/06 08:14 PM
There's a way to actually please women ?!?

millsdd's photo
Wed 11/15/06 08:08 PM
Welcome to the house GNGG

millsdd's photo
Wed 11/15/06 08:07 PM
Welcome Mick!

millsdd's photo
Wed 11/15/06 06:22 PM
Been hooked on DWTS since season 2, used to love Ballroom Bootcamp too.
I took some lessons with a lady friend and it was a blast not to mention
learning to be able to get out on the floor without total shame LOL I
always figured the ladies might like it if a guy actually knew how to
dance and it might be a bonus on my "dating resume" ;)
Other than that I'm a real "LOST" addict, never miss it or miss
recording it if I can't watch the 1st broadcast. Seen every ep since day
one and I STILL don't have a clue what all the hell is going on with
that show! :P

millsdd's photo
Wed 11/15/06 06:14 PM
OHHHH YEAH !! Thanks for the spoiler! I couldn't believe how ES moved
from the start. Especially after seeing Jerry Rice bring "the robot" to
every dance he did :P
As far as I'm concerned Mario should have been booted the minute they
found out he used to really compete in California!
Emmett is the MAAAAAAN !! ! !

millsdd's photo
Tue 11/14/06 10:33 PM
Hey Nyla, just saw your profile. I grew up in East Liverpool! Go Bucks!

millsdd's photo
Tue 11/14/06 10:32 PM
I agree, report and ban sheesh

millsdd's photo
Tue 11/14/06 09:54 PM
Welcome G , I think you'll like it here

millsdd's photo
Tue 11/14/06 09:49 PM
welcome ya'll :)