Community > Posts By > millsdd

millsdd's photo
Sat 10/21/06 05:44 PM
Just have to wait for my appetite to come back before I sample more
Morena LOL

millsdd's photo
Sat 10/21/06 05:42 PM
Well I don't know how this will fit into a dieters plan but I'm sure you
can sub low fat margarine to cut the calories and it shouldn't be too
I just came up with this last week............
You know those "imitation crab meat sticks" (I think they're really
whitefish but they're red down the side to look like the meat from a big
crab leg?
Cut a package of them up into cubes and set aside.
Prepare 2 lbs of reg spaghetti noodles to preffered doneness and set
in a large skillet melt a couple of tablespoons of butter(or marg) and
does to taste with garlic powder and lemon pepper
dump in the "crab meat" cubes and stir to coat well with the butter.
Pour over and stir into the spaghetti and VIOLA !! You have a garlic
lemmon pepper crab pasta in all of about 12 minutes!
That's what's for dinner at my house tonight (well half that anyway, I
figure on the whole pound of crab and 2 lbs of noodles for 2 people)

millsdd's photo
Sat 10/21/06 05:24 PM
yeah but all I seem to get is licorice filled ones (I HATE licorice

millsdd's photo
Sat 10/21/06 05:15 PM
Stayin in tonight, probably go out tomorrow evening to throw some darts
and stuff but just finished my 1st week of 4 tens and had to go in extra
early this morning to open. I'm off the next 3 days so tomorrow night
will likely be my "night out" for a while. Goin out alone bites.

millsdd's photo
Fri 10/20/06 10:56 PM
well g'night and sweet dreams, maybe you'll have started something with
this idea!
have a good weekend :)

millsdd's photo
Fri 10/20/06 10:49 PM
IRC is "Internet Relay Chat" and it's cool, there's a gazillion chat
rooms on millions of servers out there. Google it and you'll be shocked
if you've never heard of it but a site like this with some "community"
is a nicer place to visit a chat room if it can be kept under control.

millsdd's photo
Fri 10/20/06 10:34 PM
there I said it LOL
Hi Ya'll :)

millsdd's photo
Fri 10/20/06 10:32 PM
That would be great as long as they can keep the spammers and bots the
heck out! I tried Yahoo chat a couple of times and most of the rooms are
full of bots that spam you but not a single REAL person. IRC is good but
sometimes the same thing happens. Maybe they can set it up with a little
stricter form of ID verification? I agree about having to cruise the
posts though. It's cool to have multiple topics going but a pain when
you want to have a conversation.

millsdd's photo
Fri 10/20/06 10:12 PM
the past couple of months have been hell and some of you fine people had
kind words for a man ready to give up and at a couple of points even
cash in :( I've made a couple of good friends here and REALLY need to
thank them for their help in getting me through it. I'm not going to
name names but you're regulars and I know you'll know who you are. Now
the tough part...........
I'm sitting here alone in Colorado tonight. I moved here in April and
have yet to meet very many people IRL other than some card playing
friends and people at a bar where I play pool and darts. I'd like to
meet and make some REAL friends (and yes of course especially ladies, or
rather a special lady) but from what I've seen there aren't too many
Coloradans here. A side note to one special lady who was a real up the
the challenge friend here..... I know there's a lot of distance between
us but you never know what the future might hold and I hope we stay
friends and maybe something else might develope there. The fact is this
last dumping was especially hard and any lady interested is going to
really have to understand I need to go slow and let things develope
because my sense of trust is severely torn up. All I want in the end is
to find the lady ya'll keep telling me is out there so how about it? Any
Coloradans out there need a bud and any female ones interested in
getting to know a really nice guy and at least being his friend? As for
the nice guy tag I REALLY hate it because it's usually a signal a
relationship is coming to an end but I guess I'm stuck with it and if
necessary I guess I can supply references! LOL
This may sound dumb too but even if you're not from my area and know
anyone who is that might be interested in being put in touch I'd be
happy to hear from you. It's going to be a long dark lonely winter and
at the least I'd like some friends outside the bar scene to do things
Thanks again to those who were friends in my time of need. Who says you
can't make real friends online?!?

millsdd's photo
Wed 10/18/06 10:27 PM
Thank you Tx :( for everything

millsdd's photo
Mon 10/16/06 10:42 PM
thanks Dakota
I'm not there yet, still in "give up" mode and don't know how long it'll
last or if it will ever end but I'm dealing with the pain the best I
know how.

millsdd's photo
Sat 10/14/06 10:18 PM
I've never seen the point in being other than who I really am online
because I like to meet my online friends and ESPECIALLY when it comes to
meeting a lady from online I'd think that was important. I mean geez, if
you post ancient pictures, and make yourself out to be someone else then
the only thing you can be doing is playing games because you could never
expect anything real to happen once the jig was up!

millsdd's photo
Sat 10/14/06 10:15 PM
it almost seems like the choice is die now (give up) or keep trying and
be killed a little at a time. What's really got me bugged is that it's
been a couple of months and this last one I can't seem to let go. It's
always hurt but this time it seems even worse.

millsdd's photo
Sat 10/14/06 08:32 PM
I just don't know :(

millsdd's photo
Sat 10/14/06 05:22 PM
then you get accused of "falling to quickly"

millsdd's photo
Sat 10/14/06 05:11 PM
I'm so damned afraid of going through this again, not having any clue
what I'm doing wrong or if I'm going to hurt someone else because I hold
back for my fears.

millsdd's photo
Sat 10/14/06 04:31 PM
I believe I AM the right person, I'm a good guy who doesn't screw
around, doesn't belittle or berate women (or abuse them)I treat all
women with respect and when in a relationship devotion. That's the
person I am and I'm telling you that no matter how or where I've met
women I've been kicked to the curb for the "bad boy" who they'll flat
out tell me is no good for them and they know will hurt them but that he
"excites" something in them. I swear I'm going to puke in the face of
the next person who says to me "you're a great guy.... but"
It's been my experience that there's way too much truth in the phrase
"nice guys finish last" and I'm tired of it. I can't change who I am if
it means becoming some asshole who doesn't mind being hurtful to the
people he cares about and until someone can tell me how to identify the
women who really want a guy like me and not the ones who are just
looking to screw with my mind and see how long it will take them to
convince me they really care and respect me I HAVE given up.

millsdd's photo
Fri 10/13/06 10:51 PM
You're right Jade,
Sorry to bring the forum down. Think I'm going to call it a night since
even though I asked for someone to convince me I don't think it's
possible. She's not out there, doesn't exist and the only sure thing in
life is pain. I'm sick of the pain and the games.
again my apologies for bringing ya'll down

millsdd's photo
Fri 10/13/06 10:48 PM
Current 03 Dodge Neon (red)
Favorite ... my 1st and what I'd like to have again....
1962 Ford Falcon Futura 2dr (had it for over a million miles so it was
MANY colors over time)

millsdd's photo
Fri 10/13/06 10:46 PM
To have loved and lost means that in some fasion the love was returned.
Not just a game she was playing to see if you'd expose your heart to the
pain she intends to inflict. The women I've met have been from all walks
of life met in all sorts of settings. So varied in fact as to lead me to
believe most if not all women are out to mess with the good guys and
really want the "adventure" of the jerks, partly I think because they
believe they can change him.