Community > Posts By > millsdd

millsdd's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:37 PM


millsdd's photo
Thu 11/09/06 05:33 PM
hey ya'll !

millsdd's photo
Thu 11/09/06 05:32 PM
The fact is a huge chunk of the population of S Africa is white
(remember apartheid?) mostly of german descent. It was all colonial with
the G running things so being of South African descent doesn't mean "of
color" <---- my own and most of my black friends preffered term these
days. I guess if I were in your shoes I'd be wondering where all of me
comes from but it doesn't change who you are and hope you have more luck
in the future getting the answers you're searching for. A sense of
identity is a most important thing. As for white or "of color".... I
once saw a lady I had known from kindergarden and it sort of looked like
we might start a relationship. She got all quiet one evening while we
were talking and said there was something she had to tell me. "I'm
biracial" she said to which I replied...."Ok so you're human and WHAT?"
because as far as I'm concerned the only race I see (or want to be in a
relationship with) is the human race and the color of ones skin or where
they or their parents come from makes not one whit of difference beyond
that to me. Wish I could say most of the human population felt that way.
I think we'd all get along a crapload better if everyone realized that
was the important race issue!
I understand wanting to know more about where you're from and who you
are but really, if it makes a difference to anyone but you then those
people aren't anyone you should care to have in your life Hon. Being
adopted I've always thought the biggest issue from my heritage I'd
REALLY have to care about were genetic health issues.
Again, hopefully you'll have more luck in the future finding the answers
you're searching for but in the meantime be who you've always been and
love yourself for being that person as much as those who love you do!

millsdd's photo
Tue 11/07/06 10:20 PM
I can ALMOST understand why guys do crap like this (I mean hell they're
getting some from more than one source) but it's exactly this shit that
I don't understand why women put up with it?!? Forgive once and give a
second chance if you truly love someone but after that it should be
clear your feelings are wasted on someone who's using you and it's time
to move on! It's exactly this sort of thing I've talked about in my
other posts..... women who'd rather be with a man who'll use them like
this and basically treat them like shit than to be with a man who REALLY
would love them and respect them! How's a "good guy" supposed to compete
against the assholes of the world when it's the womans choice to be with
the asshole no matter how bad he treats her?!?

millsdd's photo
Mon 11/06/06 06:16 PM
You and yours are in my prayers.
(((((((((( Morena ))))))))))


millsdd's photo
Mon 11/06/06 04:13 PM
Been here a couple of weeks now myself but have to say this is one of
the best! And that's because of the people here. Welcome anyone newer
than me and thanks to those who were here when I got here LOL

millsdd's photo
Sat 11/04/06 09:43 PM
Right now all I have is Cuddles and Betty.....
Cuddles is a 13 foot burmese python and Betty is an 8 foot redtail boa
Miss having a dog but the landlord won't allow it.

millsdd's photo
Sat 11/04/06 12:14 AM
Lady I'll have to disagree with the "most" part of your comment as I've
been disagreed with about how the majority of women don't really want
the nice guy. I for one am flat out sick of being told I AM the nicest
guy she (insert any of the women I've dated) ever met but she's just met
someone who "excites" her more only to find out he's a drunk or addict,
slaps her around, talks down to her, cheats on her etc. That's a hell of
a lot of excitement I think I'd do without in my life were I a woman!
I'm sorry but I would be good to the woman in my life end of story, if
that makes me a nice guy but undesirable then her head is more messed up
than I want to deal with.

millsdd's photo
Thu 11/02/06 08:22 PM
Thanks Morena
I posted how I lost mine a while back. Just made 3 rules.....
#1 don't eat unless I'm hungry
#2 stop eating when I'm not hungry any more
#3 don't let myself get too hungry (so I don't binge)
It took a bit over a year and I'd like to lose about 20-25 more but seem
to be stuck at 205. Still I'm happy with that!

millsdd's photo
Thu 11/02/06 08:15 PM
I put a couple of old pics on my profile from about 5 years ago when I
weighed 100+ lbs more than I do now (308 at my peak)
I usually don't put them on a profile for fear that someone will think
that's what I look like now! But here at this site I can put more of an
explanation with them and just wanted the friends I've made to see them.
For those struggling with weight issues here's proof it CAN BE DONE !

millsdd's photo
Thu 11/02/06 07:41 PM
I'm single but most of my friends seem to be female and believe me I
made those friends AFTER my divorce because my Ex was a totalitarian and
I had very few male friends even. Anyway.... I think the "friends maybe
more" is as disgusting as you Star because it's a thinly veiled attempt
at foolin around. "Searching" for new friends of the opposite sex is
exploring other opportunities because he isn't happy at home but it's
still wrong. "Making" friends of the opposite sex just because you met
someone by chance in a setting where you got to know them a bit is one
thing and I fully believe in friends of the opposite sex and don't have
a problem with it but if he's "looking" then that's just what he's
doing.... looking :(

millsdd's photo
Thu 11/02/06 06:49 PM
But if you're attracted to her and falling, and you hesitate you risk
blowing it too. It seems like a can't win situation!

millsdd's photo
Wed 11/01/06 08:09 PM
Pasting my latest conquests email.
Apparently she was so smitten with my profile she's lost her language
skills ! ! ROTFLMAO

Hello my new friend! Nice to see you here!
When I have seen your data, I have understood, that I
have found that looking for already during long time. I
very much need in real man because I can not find him
in any way. And my heart prompts, that it YOU! It can
seem to you strange, that I speak, but it so. It speaks
my heart. And it speaks me, that my choice is correct.
Now a little about itself: My name is Anna, I am 25
years old and I have never thought, that I shall start
to build relations through the Internet. Many people
speak, that I look more youngly years, but however I am
25 years old, it's true. I the orphan. Mine the daddy
and favourite mum have died. It is lonely without them
for me. All this has caused in me hating in lives. I do
not have favourite person with whom I could discuss
something, together laugh, go to the cinema and etc. I
search for the man which can make me happy and which I
shall necessarily make happy. I searched long then have
decided to take advantage of the help of the Internet.
And here I have met YOU!!!
If my letter has touched you in soul that write on:
thismyletter123 (dog) googlemail (dot) com
I hope to see you in my mailbox. Bye! Bye!

millsdd's photo
Wed 11/01/06 07:56 PM
1 word............... BEAUTIFUL ! !

millsdd's photo
Wed 11/01/06 06:04 PM
I have problems with the article but all in all thought it was good or I
wouldn't have posted it. I guess the big problem is reading when she's
ready for you to want to be her "all and everything" But then some just
play games for the fun of it too.
Dunno who might have read the posts I made when I 1st came here but the
short version of the story is..........
Met a girl, we hit it off. I was actually a little hesitant because of
past burns but she was persistant. When we met I was still in meeting
women mode. Took her a bit to convince me I didn't need to meet anyone
else. She said the L word 1st, I said it back and told her why I hadn't
said it 1st (fear)....
she told me she had fallen, and I told her I was falling fast.
things progressed, we started talking about her moving in......
I asked her to formally and she said yes.....
the next day she called me at work to tell me she had met someone a week
before and they had been talking (yes, even as we decided to live
together) and that she had a date with him that night.
Needless to say I was dumped after that date even though she told me the
guy flat out told her he didn't want a REAL relationship, his hobby is
going out on Sat night to see who he can pick up for a 1 nighter, he's
on proby for possesion, he tells her what a loser she is, she was
actually at his place visiting unnanounced one evening and one of his
other women showed up just as she was leaving yet she's still SOOOOOO in
love with him!
I'd say he qualifies as the bad boy and a jerk but this nice guy ended
up last to him nevertheless even when she freely admits that he's the
type she's always been attracted to and she can't explain it.

millsdd's photo
Wed 11/01/06 05:49 PM
I'm bakin a couple of stuffed pork chops with seasoned rice (I eat more
rice than most Asians) but DANG Morena! You had to go and mention Av
salad and me here with none in the house! :( that sounds soooooooooo
good and I don't feel like running out after the fixins.

millsdd's photo
Wed 11/01/06 05:47 PM
Pinches self.....OWWWW Yup real! but that's still just my opinion. I
think we'd have to talk for you to come to the same conclusion.
Something at least a couple of the regulars have done. Certainly glad I
found this site when I did !

millsdd's photo
Tue 10/31/06 11:32 PM
I don't have a lot of prosthesis or makeup, to do other people would
take quite an investment in both money and time which I don't have a lot
of either right now. Maybe someday, it's a fun thought at least.

millsdd's photo
Tue 10/31/06 11:13 PM
Thanx Morena :)
I've had a few people suggest I rent a booth in a shop for the week
before Halloween and do stuff on other people. It's be a crapload easier
because it's a PITA trying to get it right in the mirror LOL If I
really had the time and the money to get the really good stuff I think
it'd be a blast to make other people up for the holiday. I'd kill to
have one of the pros from Hollywood do mine just once or even take some
classes to really be good enough to warrant trying it.

millsdd's photo
Tue 10/31/06 11:06 PM
I've been interested in good special effects makeup for years and have
built a decent kit for myself. Tonight the bar where I play on a pool
league was also having a costume contest and since I was going to be
there anyway I figured I'd do a lil sumthin even if I couldn't go all
out like I have in the past for contests. Anyway............
I added a couple of the pics to my profile that I took before I headed
out just because I liked how it came out. Take a look and let me know
what ya'll think.