Community > Posts By > millsdd

millsdd's photo
Tue 10/31/06 02:06 AM

millsdd's photo
Mon 10/30/06 09:06 PM
read the article (you'll have to paste it into a browser window) but
it's a good one and maybe good advice for some of us nice guys

millsdd's photo
Mon 10/30/06 08:51 PM
Actually Jello or rather gelatin not just the brand name stuff is the
collogen (the same stuff they use in the lip injections) that surrounds
the joints and yeah makes up a horses hooves. It's dried out and ground
up and then when you cook it with water it reconstitutes into the jelly
form. Having said that as disgusting as it sounds most people don't know
that it's actually really good for you because at least some of it your
body tends to use to repair your own joints and it's often prescribed to
arthritics just for that reason.
Sorry, been a reader and trivia buff all my life.

millsdd's photo
Mon 10/30/06 08:43 PM
A good article

would love to hear opinions from both sexes here !

millsdd's photo
Mon 10/30/06 07:49 PM
What I mean though is if you REALLY want to believe them you can be
blindsided by your own desire for it to be true. How does one learn to
trust oneself in that case because you can let your emotions dictate to
you what you believe is real and what isn't. And if you analyze it too
much you just seem indecisive and might blow it anyway. A vicious circle
of caution and incaution.

millsdd's photo
Mon 10/30/06 07:22 PM
You not only have to trust them but you have to learn to trust yourself.
When you said "you'll know" Tx how does one learn to trust that
instinct? I THOUGHT it was the real thing before and was proven wrong in
the end. Now I worry that I might be wrong again, not only in how they
feel about me but if I'm even right in how I THINK they feel about me.

millsdd's photo
Mon 10/30/06 06:21 PM
I'm just tickled I've been so very popular with women in Ghana for the
past week. I've gotten 3 or 4 IM's and requests from them to be added to
my list a night for the past week or so. Hey at least women somewhere
want me! LOL

millsdd's photo
Mon 10/30/06 04:26 PM
My kids are 21(son) and 16(daughter)and I learned a LONG time ago to
lower my voice if I wanted to really be heard. Of course it's not a
pleasant lowering and usually through gritted teeth but they started
calling it "the voice" and I've found it works on others besides my
kids. When I need to get my point across to some asshole I use "the
voice" and it usually gets their attention..... especially when
accompanied with "the look" LOL

millsdd's photo
Mon 10/30/06 04:18 PM
same here Loon

millsdd's photo
Mon 10/30/06 02:07 PM
yeah Will I agree, and maybe have pictures taken for us ? };)

millsdd's photo
Mon 10/30/06 01:42 PM
Tell the fool no once, then the 2nd time you tell him you have a man and
wouldn't be interested in someone to freakin stupid to understand the
word no the 1st time even if you didn't. Tell him he flunked your
relationship IQ test :P

millsdd's photo
Mon 10/30/06 01:29 PM
A good looking man walked into an agent's office in Hollywood and said
"I want to be a movie star." Tall, handsome and with experience on
Broadway, he had the right credentials.
The agent asked, "What's your name?"
The guy said, "My name is Penis van Lesbian."
The agent said, "Sir, I hate to tell you, but in order to get into
Hollywood, you are going to have to change your name."
"I will NOT change my name! The van Lesbian name is centuries old, I
will not disrespect my grandfather by changing my name. Not ever."
The agent said, "Sir, I have worked in Hollywood for years... you will
NEVER go far in Hollywood with a name like Penis van Lesbian! I'm
telling you, you will HAVE TO change your name or I will not be able to
represent you."
"So be it! I guess we will not do business together" the guy said and
he left the agent's office.
FIVE YEARS LATER..... The agent opens an envelope sent ! to his office.
Inside the envelope is a letter and a check for $50,000.
The agent is awe-struck, who would possibly send him $50,000? He reads
the letter enclosed...
"Dear Sir, Five years ago, I came into your office wanting to become an
actor in Hollywood, you told me I needed to change my name.
Determined to make it with my God-given birth name, I refused. You told
me I would never make it in Hollywood with a name like Penis van >

After I left your office, I thought about what you said. I decided you
were right. I had to change my name. I had too much pride to return to
your office, so I signed with another agent. I would never have made it
without changing my name, so the enclosed check is a token of my

Thank you for your advice.

Sincerely, Dick van Dyke

millsdd's photo
Sun 10/29/06 10:56 PM
sorry folks, I thought the original question/topic was serious

millsdd's photo
Sun 10/29/06 10:28 PM
a guys 2 cents and perspective on lines women use here if it's ok. First
off I'm very shy in real life and have actually only managed to drag up
the courage to introduce myself to a woman I didn't know once in my
life. All I did was buy her and the girl she was with a bottle of the
beer I noted they were drinking and walked up as they were finishing and
said "Good evening ladies, my name is Don, how ya'll doing tonight?" it
actually led to one of the longer relationships since my divorce (almost
a year and a half) and although she wasn't in the end "the one" it
turned out to be good and still I haven't managed to do it again. Having
said that it's because of my shyness I sort of wish women WOULD approach
me once in a while and just say " Hello" because I can handle that and
am ok with making conversation, it's just me doing it that scares the
spit outta me. No line necesary , just a simple hi and an indication
she'd like to talk and the ice is broken. Now as for the only "line" I
have heard......... and I swear you ladies have a manual because I've
heard it several times........
I've had women I never met before come up, rub my head (I don't go
anywhere in public with so much shadow that you'd ever feel it with
anything) and say..............
"MMMMMMMMMM I wonder what that'd feel like between my thighs?"
Now I know from the beginning that they're just playing and flirtin and
like I said, once the ice is broken I can handle the shyness so the
devil in me has always gotten the better of me when I've heard that and
my standard reply is.............
"only one way to find out Sugah!" only once has that gone anywhere but
it's always led to a nice evening of fun conversation and flirting and
then we've gone our seperate ways. Yeah it's fun and funny but if you're
serious about wantng to start a conversation with a guy ladies, please,
just say hello!

millsdd's photo
Sun 10/29/06 04:19 PM
Guess I'm the odd one out here, not only as a guy but even with the
ladies who seem to hate it because I've ALWAYS loved shopping. I can go
to the outlets, spend all day looking and not buy a damned thing. Of
course it's really great when I DO find something I want (and can
afford) but spending money isn't the point. It's being out and checking
out merchandise, making a wish list I'll never fill, and hoping to find
a real bargain. I also love the thrift stores, they're my lifeline when
I need something and it doesn't have to be new. I've shopped more than
one lady into the ground who tried to keep up LOL

millsdd's photo
Sun 10/29/06 03:00 PM
ShagnaC, I'm in North Central Colorado and there aren't many people here
either. Care to start driving and I'll meet ya somewhere halfway ? LOL

millsdd's photo
Sun 10/29/06 10:57 AM
Dunno anything about any whiskey Mike, I'm a tequilla man myself
(Corazon Blanco!!)
I drink 3-4 pots of coffee a day, so much that it actually came up in my
interview when I came out here to Co to work. My boss promised me I'd
get all the coffee I can handle and since I moved to the inside counter
position last week he brought a coffee maker in and put it near my
station so I wouldn't have to run up front every 15 minutes! I have a
thermal "mug" that holds 8 ten oz cups but have to locate it since it's
been in hiding since the move :(

millsdd's photo
Sun 10/29/06 08:41 AM
I've been up an hour so this has to be cup 4? might be # 5

millsdd's photo
Sun 10/29/06 08:38 AM
I often take "the kids" to the bar where I shoot on the pool and darts
teams with me. I've yet to have anyone screaming and only the one
bartender is still afraid to get close. Once I hold them and even
fearful people see he's friendly I've had phobics end up touching and
then asking to hold one of them.

millsdd's photo
Sat 10/28/06 11:46 PM
I hope you've learned something.If you're leavin M good bye
As my Granny used to say.........
"Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!"