Of Course having the WORSE freaking 8 years ever is no indication that Bush is the WORSE President EVER.
My 9 yr old daughter could easily pulled the ATTACK card... because it is harder to think things throughly and have a Plan and other options. You know the Republican Party used to be know for intelligence and Common Sense... now it is only represented by Religious Freaks, Idiots and Morons. The more Religion gets into Politics especially the Republican Party... the more stupid the Party gets. You got Bush and you guys were going for Palin. THe lady thinks "What do you Read for information?" is a TRICK question. I hate Bush and the NeoCons. But for this Country to get BETTER, we need to be Better and thus leave Bush alone and FOCUS on the Economy than the Politics... together. |
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Sat 10/04/08 12:53 PM
So, my friend and I have had this ongoing argument that I hope you fine males can finally conclude for us. Ladies, please chime in with your opinions and experiences as well. When a woman is smart -- aka can carry a conversation about things beyond TV and shoes -- has a career, is educated, etc, are you more or less apt to be attracted to her? My opinion is you should be more attracted to her. Obviously she can support herself and isn't looking for a free ride or a sugar daddy. Also, she's interesting and unique, and guys, you can get a dumb mannequin anywhere. And a woman who is smart thinks of some VERY interesting things to do in bed. ![]() My friend's opinion is that it's intimidating to men -- that we women should dumb ourselves down in order not to scare them away. IMHO, if we have to do that we're dating men who aren't worthy of us in the first place. So... what's your opinion? Cannot stand an unEducated girl. I have always reasoned it out that a girl with brains can carry a long term relationship because there is always something to talk about and for her to interject a reasonable opinion, the other view point that I missed... after her looks are gone. UnCultured women intimidate me... I was dating this girl and she was driving. Some teenagers cut her off. She raced up to them and started to cuss them out. I got away from her as fast as I can. |
It would take real leadership and a real cause to stop it. I believe the Real justification can be: We love our neighbors in the South, but we are hurting their country's Civil Development when we are taking care of their poor. Mexico is not a Poor country. It is capable of developing a lively economy and market. By taking on their labor we are stunting their growth as a nation. Come to think of it... I think with all the money that the Illegal gets from us thru social programs, We are actually getting a great deal with the cheaper underground labor force. Somebody has to crunch the numbers. I believe we are greatly benefiting from this arrangement. |
If she likes you, she likes you. Than she is just waiting for you to ask. You have to show confidence and be the man and ask to go out for a cup of coffee. So you can get to know her better. What else does she have going for her besides her good looks? You are only at the stage of skin deep. She could be bi-polar, into witchcraft, psycho. hehe You can also stack the cards for you before you ask her out. Tease her.. like a big brother would do to his younger sister. Most Importantly, Take SEX out of your mind. It is that SEX frame of mind that woman can smell and blow you out of the water. Once you get a brush or some kind of physical touching, you know she likes you... and you can build up to the next level. i absolutely disagree! never go in not thinking about sex! sex is your bio-motivational-speaker, if you really think she is hot and you want her then a lil "no" will not stop you. in fact women, when in this situations, say no to dates just to see if you will give up so easy. we all want to be wanted Its funny, cuz some of this stuff Hang-low is saying sounds just like it came from this book called "how to succeed with women" I read it like three times (probably shouldn't have admitted that on here though lol) That's great... How Has "succeed with women" worked out for you and Hang_low? |
I need some answers
It is an addiction, because it is taking him out of TIME/LIFE.
Seriously, like a drug type addiction. When he is not playing it and he is talking about the game... watch his body... his hand will shake and his adrenaline will kick in. He will even dream about it and think about it when he is not playing. This is just my theory. Like a Runner's high.. a rush of natural brain producing endorphs is causing his high and he wants more. Like drugs, he will require more and more stimulus to get the same effect. I BET he has turned down Sex for the game. The only way to quit, is if he recognize it is a problem in his life and he has to choose to completely delete it off his computer and go cold turkey. There is no other way... time limiting don't work. Treat it like an illness, like any other addiction. I was hooked on American's Army. AA for short. An I had an AA meeting every night for 5 to 6 hours. I got angry when someone interrupted me. First person shooter game... it was like Chess with split seconds timing. There is a High yu get everytime you succeed in that meaningless world. Get him a Wii, that way the physical body will get tired after 1 or 2 hours of playing. Anyone seen the Wii Fit Hula Hoop Girl... ALL guys should get one of those for their girlfriend. After seeing the video on youtube you will know why it is still SOLD OUT at the stores. |
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Thu 10/02/08 10:41 PM
What did he lie about?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how serious was the lie? How many people did it affect? Did it just hurt your feelings? Everybody lies. In one form or another. How much did you spend shopping? How much was that blouse? The dollars are always rounded down and without Tax. ie $25 item with Tax is $28... therefore, "it is only $20. and It was 75% off. I saved you $75" |
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Thu 10/02/08 10:31 PM
If she likes you, she likes you.
Than she is just waiting for you to ask. You have to show confidence and be the man and ask to go out for a cup of coffee. So you can get to know her better. What else does she have going for her besides her good looks? You are only at the stage of skin deep. She could be bi-polar, into witchcraft, psycho. hehe You can also stack the cards for you before you ask her out. Tease her.. like a big brother would do to his younger sister. Most Importantly, Take SEX out of your mind. It is that SEX frame of mind that woman can smell and blow you out of the water. Once you get a brush or some kind of physical touching, you know she likes you... and you can build up to the next level. |
When it rains....
When you don't have any... you project an aura of neediness and lack of.
When you have an abundance... you project a positive aura and confidence. "The Secret" book. |
No... because I don't need the additional drama or a pissed off guy thinking that is his property.
Or worse, because of your involvement... she feels confident and becomes a changed woman... and he notices the change that he had always wanted in her... and now they want to get back together... It is not worth the headache. Too many other qualify woman available without the string. |
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Thu 10/02/08 10:14 PM
Western Union...
This is the company that send money from the U.S to Mexico. It is like thousands of transaction a day. Last year, for the first time, they had a few (under 100) transaction that went from Mexico to the U.S. It was to help their relatives in America to pay rent. |
We can stop illegal Aliens in this country in one week.
It is the devil in the details that can cause our economic to fail if we got all the illegal Aliens out of this country. It is not the borders that we have to enforce. It is the corporation, Small business and people that hire cheap Illegal Labor... If we have real serious penalty for hiring Illegal Aliens like lose your business or lose your house... guess what they will stop hiring them. And Come'on we live in the information age and we can't have an internet system to check a photo with ID matching FBI database to the Cardholding ID. Our social security card is a piece of paper with our name and number. Why can't they add a photo on it? I think it is the consequence of flushing out cheap labor that is why we still have illegal Aliens. |
I use to be for opening borders.. be fair and nice to immigrants.
What got me to change is this fact... Mexico is a RICH Country. The Richest man in the world is Mexican. By allowing illegal Aliens into this country, we are preventing the Mexican Gov't from taking care of their own people. Other facts that is important that I don't know how to fit into this issue. Illegal Aliens are paying into our Welfare system, they don't get the benefits because it is in someone elses name. Social Security is ALWAYS collected on Salary. WE are riping the benefits of a cheap labor force. I don't know... This is a real complex issue and it takes a real leader to solve. I don't think Obama can do it... because it takes compromising their own party stand to make deals. I believe McCain can do it. Palin is an idiot and they should send her back to Alaska. |
"Liberal Media" is that your excuse for picking a stupid "as Bush" candidate.
There are Conservatives out there that are not BLINDED by the Christian AGENDA.. that knows this country should pick a Leader base on ability and not just their religious beliefs. |
Palin:The Hits Keep Coming!
I am Liberal.
I am Pro-Choice. I hate Bush. I am voting for McCain. Palin reminds me of Bush. Palin is as smart as Bush. Palin is going to be a dealbreaker. One Conservative host said she should leave. |
Just like my favorite song "Somebody" by Depeche Mode.
"I want somebody to share Share the rest of my life Share my innermost thoughts Know my intimate details Someone who'll stand by my side And give me support And in return She'll get my support She will listen to me When I want to speak About the world we live in And life in general Though my views may be wrong They may even be perverted She'll hear me out And won't easily be converted To my way of thinking In fact she'll often disagree But at the end of it all She will understand me I want somebody who cares For me passionately With every thought and With every breath Someone who'll help me see things In a different light All the things I detest I will almost like I don't want to be tied To anyone's strings I'm carefully trying to steer clear of Those things But when I'm asleep I want somebody Who will put their arms around me And kiss me tenderly Though things like this Make me sick In a case like this I'll get away with it" |
....I don't date republicans.... Uh Damm... that turns me on!!!! |
dam i messed up
Someone PM seahawk, He forgot this thread he started.
Damn, ou of nowhere :(
me and my girlfriend broke up awhile ago, still kills me inside, don't think it'll ever stop either, just out of the blue i said "I want you to be sure about us, i couldn't be with somebody who wasn't sure" and we broke up liek aan hour later because she said "she wasn't sure" it has been almost 2 months already, and I've never ever felt this bad about a girl :( That's OK...Women get easier ...I mean it gets easier as you get older.... Just remember that she is just as smelly, hairy and unsure of her self as you are and that she has the same smelly body functions that you do and that she bleeds five days a month. Close your eyes and think of what a dead fish smells like …take your time now….smell it yet??? Now think of her…they call that FREE ASSOCIATION. Now do this every time you think of her. And soon you will not want her anymore. See she aint so special after all is she??? HAHA!!! That's Funny as Hell. |
uhhhhhhhhhhhh you wish home boy!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() Is this dialing for fantasies again???? ![]() ![]() ![]() HAHA... I'm only having fun. Beside, I get it every night. |