![]() Reminder to keep PERSONAL insults off of the discussion board and keep to the topic at hand. Thank you, Katie Site Mod ok... |
The Road the Republican Christian Right leads us... is to a Religious Gov't with Christian Rules, exactly like the Freedomless Islamic Gov't full of Moses Laws.
These laws imposed on people doesn't get anyone those subjectgated by the laws and those imposing the laws, any closer to God. There is no Free Will at all. |
I think its worth commenting... ... about how many (self-proclaimed) "Christians" on this board are addicted to argumentative behavior, and at every slight political reason, chime in as if they speak with the mouth of God. Thus inviting people to bad mouth them... and then wondering why they don't find "Christian Rights" here... ummm... sort of like Gay people wanting "Gay Rights." (???) What is it in their mental make-up that causes them to invite this bashing of their faith? (or belief system) What is it in the mental make-up that causes people to bash that same faith? (or belief system) It amazes me to find people arguing so bitterly about such a wide variety of stuff. I really think it isn't "in the name of God" these types argue on and on endlessly, but it is in the very bitterness of their soul that they have allowed the world to enter in and convert them to be such argumentative types. There are a million more productive things to do with one's life the to extinguish life's precious time here on this web site heaped nearly irretrievably in some kind of completely vain argument. I think I can observe this for all people.... ... arguing feeds the flesh. And for a faith that is taught to deny the flesh, this might be worth consideration. Then maybe one would not be wondering why (ahem) <quote-unquote> "Christians" are being bad mouthed in every corner of this web site. Vanity, vanity, all is vanity. There is no new thing under the sun. IS IT RIGHT TO BAD MOUTH A CHRISTIAN FOR THE CHRISTIAN'S OPINION? THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE SAYING.....AGAIN CHRISTIANS ARE VERY ENTITLED TO THEIR OPINIONS AND DO NOT HAVE TO CONFORM TO NON CHRISTIANS....... LINDYY ![]() IT IS NOT CHRISTIAN OPINION!!! It is a Republican Politic "Christian" Opinion. It is Blaspheme. It is cussing... far worse than F#$k, m0$HERF#$ker, s$!t... etc. You see how Man warped God's words... Cussing is not talking like a Sailor... it is using God and saying God said this. You are misrepresenting Christ and turning away people that can possibility turn to Christ in the future (in God's time). Heck, now when they hear Christ, their impression is You.. the disRespectful of others, and Judgemental Church Lady. Christ ate with sinners and the unCleaned. At this point, No one wants to eat with you. |
Christianity.....ALWAYS getting attacked. That is the WAY GOD wills it. You will always be an Alien to this World. The problem right now is the World trying to embrace it, but as they do they will CHANGE it and Warp it. It is a Personal Relationship with God... NOT LAW others into Christianity. There is a difference... one is conditioning of the Heart... the other is in appearance only for show and shallow, a ritual. Whenever there is Power and Money involved, MAN will corrupt it... the Christian Right movement has been corrupted and it is EVIL. It has turned away kind hearted, bleeding Hearts away from GOD. THAT IS SUCH A FALSEHOOD...... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() What is False about it? You think the Christian Right is all about God. You don't think the sin nature of man can corrupt christianity... what are you disagreeing with? Read "Crazy for God: How I Grew Up as One of the Elect, Helped Found the Religious Right, and Lived to Take All (or Almost All) of It Back" by Frank Schaeffer Man has used Christianity before, KKK, Crusade, etc... what makes you think you are any better that you can't be fooled by the manipulation of man. |
Everybody Sins, even the TV evangelists and Pastors... You have Free Will to do Sins. The Bible is just warning you not to do it... that is all. The path of Sin leads to Pain. Sin = Pain. Which is ok... because if there is enough Pain... a change will occur... or you will seek God for his Grace and Salvation. |
If God created Man...and Man created sin...would not God have then created Sin? After all he created the means as to which sin cam to be. I know exactly what you are saying. Before I became a Christian, I asked the most sinful Christian guy I know... my father-in-law. My question was: If God created Garden of Eden, He created man and He created the Tree of Knowledge and slap it down in the Middle of the Garden and told Adam, "Don't touch this or eat from this". Come on.. if you are to live for eternity and you random touch everything, eventually you will bump it, touch it, and eat it. And God is timeless, so he knows the future... Why even set man up and place the Tree right in the middle or anywhere in the Garden. We were doomed to fail. The answer I got was: God didn't make you touch it... he allowed you to touch it... Man was given the gift of FREE WILL to choose to do it or not. You have the Choice to Sin or NOT. The Choice to hit someone back or not, after He hits you. No other creatures or Animals have that Free Will or choice. Just like the Christian laws and/or Ten Commandments... You will FAIL in following God's laws... no Man and no Christian can follow all of God's laws... we all lack. The purpose of the laws are not there for you to 100% follow (it is impossible)... its purpose is to show you that you lack God and you need God's Grace and Salvation. |
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Wed 12/10/08 08:17 AM
... arguing feeds the flesh. And for a faith that is taught to deny the flesh, this might be worth consideration. Then maybe one would not be wondering why (ahem) <quote-unquote> "Christians" are being bad mouthed in every corner of this web site. Vanity, vanity, all is vanity. There is no new thing under the sun. Wow... very Good Points. |
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Wed 12/10/08 08:14 AM
i want to find the people behind all this you cant blame one man for all you know some one could be threating the guy into doing what they want or forcing him to act a certian way and hes out if he dosent do as they say. Large corporations, Oil business, banks.. They all love wars, because war is the best business ever.. Yes Wars are profitable and so are Natural Disasters. Read.. "The Secret History of American Empire" by John Perkins. It is much more than the President of U.S. It is Corporate Colonialization of the World... It is tied up with IMF and World Bank. We didn't start it. We became the next master of it. We use our IMAGE of a Democratic Free Society Gov't but we don't support Other countries to be like us. We want/TAKE their resources and basically Rob their People of their Country's natural wealth. Now, if we don't do it... other Countries Will Rob them... Like Germany, France, Britain, etc. remember the big arguments over CONTRACTS before the Iraq invasion. Saddam was one of our man. We love Dictators like him. Total control and we get our share of the resources minus their people. How did Saddam avoid assassination.... He was trained by us to assassinate the Last Iraq President, he knew the Game. Oil is worth more than Gold. Gold is wealth but it just sits there. Oil is POWER, Power that drives our WAR machines and Economy. It is also the backing for our DOLLARS. Back when Nixon took the Dollar off the Gold backing... He also negotiated OIL to be traded in Dollars ONLY. I am not going to say it is wrong or right about what we do to other countries, but this is how the game is played and how you get to be the WORLD Superpower. The problem is we are losing our Power and influence as the World is catching up to us and learning how to play the game and the stupid stuff we did in Iraq. China is competing with IMF and World Bank (these are U.S. dominated colonialize efforts, nothing helpful, "World" or "INternational" about it). IF you disagree with the term Colonialization, think about this How can we occupying 2% of the world population, consume 24% of the world resources? Yes there are children dying because of this game we played. Once again, I will say we didn't invent it, we are just better at it than the older european countries. uhhh... just Read the book. "The Secret History of the American Empire." by John Perkins |
Christianity.....ALWAYS getting attacked. Because Christians LACK RESPECT and TOLERANCE of others. They think they are GOD's Gift to the World. I am here to B!t3* slap the sense back into them and knock them off their high horse. Did you know that Divorce rate is high, but it is higher among Christians than non-christians. My point is Christianity is a lot MORE than what is presented by the Republican Party and what they do has NO substance and it is a fake. Someone should take their Jesus endorsement away from them. They have no right to use God like that. |
Christianity.....ALWAYS getting attacked. That is the WAY GOD wills it. You will always be an Alien to this World. The problem right now is the World trying to embrace it, but as they do they will CHANGE it and Warp it. It is a Personal Relationship with God... NOT LAW others into Christianity. There is a difference... one is conditioning of the Heart... the other is in appearance only for show and shallow, a ritual. Whenever there is Power and Money involved, MAN will corrupt it... the Christian Right movement has been corrupted and it is EVIL. It has turned away kind hearted, bleeding Hearts away from GOD. |
Lynann.... blah blah blah... too long to read..
Anyway The Christian Right is Wrong and is no way a Christian movement. Its agenda originally was Christian in nature, but it is corrupted by man for POWER, MONEY and VOTES. It took the TRUTH, the message of God and warping it into its need to endorse their Agenda... along with FEAR. Just like how the Crusade was formed, the KKK to gain christian membership, etc. Check out this book... "Crazy for God: How I Grew Up as One of the Elect, Helped Found the Religious Right, and Lived to Take All (or Almost All) of It Back by Frank Schaeffer |
Obviously for Christians there is a difference between freedom and freedom. Sorry about the Confusion.. I was trying to point out the difference between Man's Law for a functioning Society of different people vs.. God's Law for Christians, in which no man can ever follow completely. |
Do you justify how the American military POW's were tortured in that same war? How about how our POW's were tortured in Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan? Do you approve of that? DO YOU APPROVE OF HOW OUR TROOPS WERE BEHEADED, BODIES RAVAGED AND DISMEMBERED, BEHEADED IN IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN? Why not support our troops instead of belittling them? This has been on the news, some people just want to dismiss it or say they deserved it....my neighbor's son who was killed in April in Iraq, told of what took place in Iraq....so I have first hand knowledge... Such pathetic pity that our troops are treated with such disrepect..... Lindyy ![]() Here is analogy. It isn't martyrdom, if you kill yourself and others for God... Martyrs were being killed by others for their beliefs. So, You come into my country and start dictating how MY COUNTRY should still be a FRENCH Colony so the French can continue to ROB my country's RESOURCEs without the benefits of my people and then running counter against a FREEE Election didn't agree with your AMERICAN AGENDA and then KILLED millions of my people, my brothers, my sisters, my neighbors, my parents, etc... what GOD given right are you allow to do this to another man??? So, why do you think you were in Vietnam for??? The Troops... support the Troops... yeah.. I support the TRoops by holding the Gov't responsible and accountable for their decisions. Being a Cheerleader on the sideline and hanging a magnet yellow ribbon is not supporting the Troops. The Troops cannot ask our gov't the question "WHY"... they are focused and brainwashed in the effort and getting their job done no matter what. They are an instrument and caught in the middle. It is the PEOPLE... We the People must step up and if want to wave a flag, great have at it... but the best and most important thing is to hold the Gov't ACCOUNTABLE for ALL things. Don't get Propagandized by words like Communism, Loyalty, Honor, Jesus, and Terrorist. These words along with FEAR are used to keep us from thinking and questioning "WHY". |
Biblical based arguments have come up as well. The Bible speaks quite clearly in it's prohibitions against some behaviors think about murder or adultery. These activities get more than one mention. On the issue of homosexuality the Bible is somewhat vague. VAGUE? I posted MANY SCRIPTURE TO SUPPORT THE POSITION GOD HAS ON HOMOSEXUALITY......IT SO BLATANTLY CLEAR..................GOD HATES IT..............TO THE POINT WHERE HE DESTROYED SODOM AND GOMORRAH...........HOW MUCH CLEARER CAN THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY BE? Lindyy That is Great... God can hate Gay... So, don't be Gay. But as for Society... we have a Gov't that is run by man in man's affair called Politics. And Politics is not nice at all... it is not constant and always changing with the environment and times. It is not Perfect like God's laws. We shouldn't use the Bible to limit others Freedom or to ROB them of their Free Will and Choice. Satan does that as a Legalist. We cannot Law Christianity into People. Man's Affair (no pun intended.. hehe) is Man's Affair. I was told I am to READ the Bible to myself and apply it to myself and I am NOT to point to someone else and say... "see what it say in the Bible and you are a Sinner and going to Hellllll". It is IMPOSSIBLE to subjectgate (sp?) every single Bible laws into society of MAN. It is just not Possible. If it does we would be just like a Muslim state and a reflection of lack of our most Prized "Freedom". Just because we allow Gay marriage, it doesn't mean a bunch of people becomes GAY. If the World allows it, so be it. YOu are still to be an Alien to this Planet. |
Another moronic article that is so partisan as to be almost laughable. Congress voted over and over to continue to fund this "illegal" war. Had they cut off funding, had they stood up to the "criminal" the war would have been over a long time ago. Clinton did not ask Congress to declare anything before going in to Somalia and Kennedy and Johnson both went into Vietnam (which killed FAR more Americans) without a declaration of war. This type of article is almost funny now. The war is not but people who are so blinded by partisanship that they cannot see the sins of their own party are nothing more than hacks--and for that, they should be deeply ashamed to have wasted the ink that it takes to create such garbage. -Drew I find certain words being used in speeches are the key to know when you are about to be fed a bunch of Bulls poopy... Words like Patriot, Loyalty, Honor, Bible, God, Jesus, and Freedom... and the emotion FEAR. These words are used to blind you with years of build up emotionally charged feelings, along with FEAR... to throw out REASONING and Questioning thoughts. When you don't ask questions... you are not thinking, just Following. Two books I recommend, "Conservative without a Conscience", a Conservative wrote this.. John Dean. "Stealing Jesus", Jesus is used and branded like a Celebrity Michael Jackson to endorse the NeoCons movement. As Christians we must remove Religion from Politics. As Americans we must choose the BEST Leaders, not a saint like Pastor. |
I am not a Christian myself, but their description of the anti-Christ describes Obama. He is supported by anti-Christian Godless Zionists politicians that lean towards dictatorship type government. (This in short, is Israel and the ideal of a "New World Order" agenda. (I'm not sure if even he himself is aware of what he is getting into.) But once he does realize the gravity of his predicament, he will have to go along with the program or he will be in big trouble. I feel sorry for him if this is the case. Well, I am a Christian and I can tell you that every President has been labeled the Anti-Christ. Heck, I called Bush the anti-christ. If you believe, The New World Order Agenda is real and than you would also know, it is beyond the Powers of our President... he is just a pawn. It is too complicated for me to explain and I don't even understand it all. But the basic is, their goal is to preOccupy us with trivia things and issues... to keep us from thinking about God. They are the controllers of both sides of the issues (ie. Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice, Pro-Eco vs Corporations, etc.) |
All you Bush Worshippers face REALITY and get your head out of the sand... Bush is the WORST President EVER and is an idiot and Palin is another one of your idiot leaders. Get some brains and find someone smarter to represent your party.
We sold them the capability for WMD's.....We held the invoices... Chemical weapons of mass destruction.... Ali Hassan al-Majid and two other senior Iraqi officials were sentenced to hanging for genocide and war crimes for the two-year campaign against Iraqi Kurds, code named "Anfal" — Arabic for "spoils of war" — in which an estimated 180,000 Kurds were killed. Not at all. The US did not provide any WMDs to Iraq and neither did they provide the technology. It is supposed that France or Russia may have provided this technology but even this is contentious as there is no solid paper trail to provide such evidence. The fact is that the chemical weapons used by Iraq are fairly easily made. Iraq did possess the know how and the facilities to make these weapons without US, France, Russian or Chinese help. The fact that they purchased piping from Germany which was used in the manufacture of chemical weapons does not make the German Government or the German company complicit in the Iraqi production of WMDs. And no, The US government does not have any such invoices from Iraq as claimed by the poster. You must be dimwitted and naive to think the U.S. didn't provide WMD and support to Saddam. Read "The Secret History of the American Empire" by John Perkins. Saddam was trained by us to get rid of the last elected Iraqi President. Why do you think we couldn't assassinate Saddam, he knew our methods and thus employed countermeasures against us. How many Saddam doubles were out there. After the first Gulf war, we didn't want to kill Saddam. We like Saddam even after the first Gulf War. He is the type of strong-arm dictator we like to support and hand us the Oil. We knew the Britol-Meyer plant is capable of making mustard gas and chemical weapons and that he would use his enemies with no hestiations... like Iran. It is an Economic Warfare and Colonialization without occupation... Bush, the idiot didn't follow the Game Plan. Oil is simply the most important resource worth more than Gold. It doesn't just sit there like Gold. It is Power and Power that fuel our War machines. It is also the backing of our Dollar. Back when foreign Countries demanded Gold from their American Dollar securities, Nixon took the Gold standards off and negotiated Oil to be only traded in Dollars. Don't be naive or dimwitted, we play a world game that uses out Democracy "Image" as leverage to support Dictators that would rape their country "under contract" for the benefit of US. It is the Corporations with the guise of the International Montery Fund (IMF) and World Bank. |
How disgusting...your display of hatred just because you don't like her politics. That's hate, wanting ill will toward someone. Hate Begets Hate... And she has been dishing out a lot of Hate. |
Edited by
Mon 12/01/08 01:13 PM
initiating an illegal war in Iraq ????????????????????????????????? congress voted to go to war......not illegal... So, why were we invading Iraq??? It is Illegal to falsify evidence to get into a WAR. |