Topic: What kind of a job do you have? | |
I helped out at a hospital as a volunteer. Love it.
What do all of you do for a living? |
I helped out at a hospital as a volunteer. Love it. What do all of you do for a living? im a stripper |
Bookkeeper, Mom and Student... and only one pays an income
I'm a sex spy
Steering wheel holder
I helped out at a hospital as a volunteer. Love it. What do all of you do for a living? Social Services .Autism & Down Syndrome area . |
I helped out at a hospital as a volunteer. Love it. What do all of you do for a living? im a stripper Good job bad 401K |
I helped out at a hospital as a volunteer. Love it. What do all of you do for a living? I don't work..but I would have loved to work with children..disabled children like myself. |
Who get's weekends off?
tattoo artist :)
Do any of your jobs require you wear a picture I. D. badge?
I do, because I am in a hospital setting. |
full time student............and collecting alimony.......
Consultant....most weekends off.
Project management type stuff for a telecommunications company. And if I'm in the office, I have to wear a badge.
its on my profile.... im a psychic reader
displaced GrapHic ArtisT
Do any of your jobs require you wear a picture I. D. badge? I do, because I am in a hospital setting. I have to ware a badge with my picture on it. I work for a school district |
I work as a third grade teacher. I also have to wear a badge.