Topic: Psychic's
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Wed 07/08/09 11:03 AM
Through out my life I've always had this way of connecting with certain thoughts or emotion's, I've managed to bring out the inside of people out into the light creating a kind of bond that they rarely ever even realize.

I've been told time and again, questioned as to how it is they could be so easily open with me, how I can know them so well in less than an hour and often I've heard people tell me I'm just psychic or something.

Well, it's true but I'm not as self-centered as you might believe.

The fact of the matter is Psychic's just don't exist. In reality the whole idea that someone can read you and fix you is completely false, it's a total scam that people die into and when it works they mistake their own inner strength to mean that this "psychic" or "magician" was somehow real.

Look, I'm not saying Magic doesn't exist, in fact it's quite the opposite, It's not so exclusive. Every single person on this planet has the potential for psychic abilities, every person has the ability to create and utilize magic but people confuse it, they don't understand it and assume it's just some way to change someone or something.

It's not breeding and it doesn't cost you money, YOU have the power and the strength to change your life, YOU have the power to turn things around in your life, that Magic is YOURS and no one else. Psychic's are a placebo, nothing more, when people believe that something will happen it usually does.

Now, as for myself, I can't explain how I can read people suffice to say I draw it from a sound, an image in my mind and a feeling I get from speaking with that person. I sense these thing's perhaps out of some higher sense of self-awareness but it doesn't make it magic, it just means I'm more in-tune.

Psychic and Magical intuition is NOT THAT SPECIAL. Stop spending your money and your lives on false faith and have faith in YOURSELF. Love yourself, love who you are and change your life through your own power and will.

It is the same with God. God doesn't want you to use religion to change yourself, God wants you to be good for the sake of being good.

Be true to yourself, love yourself and I promise you'll be alright.

no photo
Wed 07/08/09 11:08 AM
Interesting message. I can relate.

EquusDancer's photo
Wed 07/08/09 11:29 AM
I think we give psychics and magic a special area, in order to control and awe people. I do think that much of what was and is considered magic is science that wasn't known back then, and science that hasn't been learned yet.

As far as psychisism (not a word, but you catch my meaning) goes, I think it's fancied up for us because we're people, but it's still the basic level of intuition and instinct as animals have. After all, aren't animals psychic when it comes to knowing there is an earthquake coming or other natural disaster? It's not their fault that we don't understand what they're saying, while they're screaming bloody murder to get away, or like that tsunami several years ago, booking it for higher ground. I know I've done better relationship-wise if I paid attention to my dogs, horse, or even the PBPigs and what they were doing when I met a person, instead of being a twit and ignoring them.

I do agree that because we may more consciously know it, that we can change things. I don't really buy into tarot cards for that reason, because I know I can give off a false reading and have done so intentionally.

The fact of the matter is that some people are really good at "reading" other people, and can intentionally or not, help them open up. One hopes for good, instead of manipulating the person.

Though, I do have to say, when I was a kid down near Austin, we had boarded 2 of the dogs when we ran to a dog show. Got home and the Whippet had escaped. Searched high and low and finally called in a pet psychic and she gave us the exact location where Yancy was at, and found him immediately.

no photo
Wed 07/08/09 11:57 AM
Yet Intuition and opening oneself up to the "world" isn't being Psychic. As you said it's a form of intuition, a connection with the earth that is inherit in ALL of us.

Her being able to find your dog was more playing on that "tuning in to the world" than magical or psychic ability.

I simply say that this is something any and all can have, it is by no definition exclusive and if anything it is only so because some simply allow themselves to be open to the world and the universe from which we are born and inherit into.

If you take a step back and really breathe, if you allow yourself to give into the earth from which you were born it tunes into you and gives you answers you wouldn't find otherwise.

Tarot cards work in the sense of self-reflection and interpretation, that's part of their rules, each person reads them differently based on their own understanding and sense of self.

I guess I just hate to see people become so helpless that they turn to scam artists to 'fix' them without realizing that even when it DOES work it's not because that person WAS a witch or whatever it was because THEY had the courage to change, they gave up the false sense of failure and allowed positive influence in their life.

earthytaurus76's photo
Wed 07/08/09 12:09 PM
Ive always had dreams of whats to be. Most of my life I have had dreams of what was to happen to myself, and my child, which HAD happened in full color, and detail, down to what others would say to me, after the dreams in real life.

Only few times have I dreamed of whats to be to another person, very rare.

I saw that my ex brother in law would be murdered, and how, and I told him. I think maybe it came to me to prepare him for this inevitable death. 2 years later it happened. We took pictures together after I told him about this dream.

It became torturesome when I would wait for a dream to know about a situation, and what I should do.

I believe it is a gift from God, a knowing. I wouldnt ever credit myself for this.

I was so tortured by it I asked for God to stop giving me this gift, it became too much for me.

I believe that it was to let me know I was in the right place at the right time, or just to help me along in life. But I had found I had not needed it any longer or as much anymore, as it was something i used as a crutch, and I wasnt livig life as I should because of relying apon it.

I rarely if ever have these dreams now, instead of every night, and I am grateful. I just believe it was a blessing for a lost, insecure, and unsure child, but I am very grateful for having it when I so needed it.

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 07/08/09 12:15 PM

Ive always had dreams of whats to be. Most of my life I have had dreams of what was to happen to myself, and my child, which HAD happened in full color, and detail, down to what others would say to me, after the dreams in real life.

Only few times have I dreamed of whats to be to another person, very rare.

I saw that my ex brother in law would be murdered, and how, and I told him. I think maybe it came to me to prepare him for this inevitable death. 2 years later it happened. We took pictures together after I told him about this dream.

It became torturesome when I would wait for a dream to know about a situation, and what I should do.

I believe it is a gift from God, a knowing. I wouldnt ever credit myself for this.

I was so tortured by it I asked for God to stop giving me this gift, it became too much for me.

I believe that it was to let me know I was in the right place at the right time, or just to help me along in life. But I had found I had not needed it any longer or as much anymore, as it was something i used as a crutch, and I wasnt livig life as I should because of relying apon it.

I rarely if ever have these dreams now, instead of every night, and I am grateful. I just believe it was a blessing for a lost, insecure, and unsure child, but I am very grateful for having it when I so needed it.

flowerforyou Wow, that is a very moving storyflowerforyou

earthytaurus76's photo
Wed 07/08/09 12:19 PM
:heart: Thanks.

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 07/08/09 12:22 PM

:heart: Thanks.

bigsmile You're welcomebigsmile

EquusDancer's photo
Wed 07/08/09 12:44 PM

Ive always had dreams of whats to be. Most of my life I have had dreams of what was to happen to myself, and my child, which HAD happened in full color, and detail, down to what others would say to me, after the dreams in real life.

Only few times have I dreamed of whats to be to another person, very rare.

I saw that my ex brother in law would be murdered, and how, and I told him. I think maybe it came to me to prepare him for this inevitable death. 2 years later it happened. We took pictures together after I told him about this dream.

It became torturesome when I would wait for a dream to know about a situation, and what I should do.

I believe it is a gift from God, a knowing. I wouldnt ever credit myself for this.

I was so tortured by it I asked for God to stop giving me this gift, it became too much for me.

I believe that it was to let me know I was in the right place at the right time, or just to help me along in life. But I had found I had not needed it any longer or as much anymore, as it was something i used as a crutch, and I wasnt livig life as I should because of relying apon it.

I rarely if ever have these dreams now, instead of every night, and I am grateful. I just believe it was a blessing for a lost, insecure, and unsure child, but I am very grateful for having it when I so needed it.

Nods, I do have dreams that are real, and all are related to me, not to anyone else. Some are specific, and some are representative. There's always something in the dreams that lets me know it's not just a dream, but something I need to pay attention to. It's gotten better over the years, as I tend to write everything down and then transfer it to either a dreambook that is just dreams or specific need to know stuff.

A trippy "dream" happened in the summer of 05. I'd woken up looked over at the clock, it was 6AM. Rolled back over and fell back to sleep. Dreamed that I was standing on the side porch at my folks place, and saw dad out walking over to feed the horse. I dreamed that I waved at him and hollered that I'd be home soon. He waved back and said that was fine. Then I woke up.

About 9AM I gave mom a call to see how her docs appt was and she said something about dad swearing he'd seen me on the side porch. I about flipped out when I heard it. He described to a T what I'd seen, only from his point of view.

In September, I did end up moving home after the BF threatened to behead the parakeets.

no photo
Wed 07/08/09 02:17 PM
after the BF threatened to behead the parakeets.
What a Prick!

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 07/08/09 04:39 PM

Tarot cards work in the sense of self-reflection and interpretation, that's part of their rules, each person reads them differently based on their own understanding and sense of self.

This is the way I feel about Tarot too. I love it! But basically as a tool for introspection and self-reflection. It's not 'in the cards', it's in the reader!

Of course, it's in the cards too, simply in the sense that the cards were designed with the human saga in mind.

In fact, the other thing I like about Tarot is the fact that there are so many different decks and different views on the aspect of the journey of the fool (or the journey of the self).

I actually own 6 decks all of which I find useful for various aspects of introspection. And it's not just the decks, but the books that come with them that describe the author's perspective on things.

I only wish I would have been taught to use Tarot from a very early age (non dogmatically). In fact, I think all children should in introducted to Tarot from the point of view of introspection, and encourged to create their own deck. To paint their own images of the various facets of life as they feel they are important to them.

Everyone should have their own personalized Tarot deck. :wink:

Now I hope I don't sound like I'm obscessed with Tarot. It's something I use often, but it's certainly not the focal point of my life. I don't use Tarot to make decisions for me. I use Tarot to give me ideas and insights into things so that I can make better decisions. The decisions are always mine in the end.

I also don't view tarot as fortelling the future, but rather as giving glimpses of what the future could be like if certain pathways are chosen. That information is not mystical, it's actually quite available to anyone even without Tarot, but I think that Tarot does a good job of helping to illuminate the way.

Wow. That was a ramble. bigsmile

EquusDancer's photo
Thu 07/09/09 08:32 AM
A family friend up in Michigan is an occupational therapist and uses the tarot cards to help her patients talking. She does it purely as a way to get them to open up, and it's rather interesting. She'll very specifically tell them that it's a non-religious exercise, and the death card doesn't mean a literal death, and then go from there, if they're interested.

I have a couple of tarot decks, and use them as a meditational focal point rather then for readings. I use the medicine cards or another animal deck for more specific readings, or to clear my head.

EquusDancer's photo
Thu 07/09/09 08:32 AM

after the BF threatened to behead the parakeets.
What a Prick!

You're so nice and polite. That's not what I was calling him!

no photo
Thu 07/09/09 09:08 AM
OMG waaaay to long to read!

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 07/09/09 01:02 PM

A family friend up in Michigan is an occupational therapist and uses the tarot cards to help her patients talking. She does it purely as a way to get them to open up, and it's rather interesting. She'll very specifically tell them that it's a non-religious exercise, and the death card doesn't mean a literal death, and then go from there, if they're interested.

I have a couple of tarot decks, and use them as a meditational focal point rather then for readings. I use the medicine cards or another animal deck for more specific readings, or to clear my head.

Yes, I saw a few videos where psychologists use Tarot just as you describe. They really are great for introspection. Or even just to get ideas from.

I also use them when I get writer's block. If I get the cards out and start playing with them and laying out spreads I get all sorts of ideas.

Also, if a person is writing fiction and they can't think of what they want their character to do next they can get out the Tarot and pretend they are taking a reading for that character and get all sorts of great ideas. :wink:

The cards are great!

no photo
Thu 07/09/09 01:04 PM
It's not God or anyone else though giving you those dreams, it's your own special inherited understanding of the universe. Though it's something you can detract yourself from it isn't something you ever really lose.

It's OK to have these dreams, I've had bad premonitions come true as well though I've never needed to dream about them and there were many occassions where I even felt like suicide was the only way to make it stop yet it wasn't something I could really run away from, it's human nature to have these thoughts, everyone has them, it's just how open you ARE to interpretation and understanding.

SVImager's photo
Fri 07/17/09 10:30 AM

Through out my life I've always had this way of connecting with certain thoughts or emotion's, I've managed to bring out the inside of people out into the light creating a kind of bond that they rarely ever even realize.

I've been told time and again, questioned as to how it is they could be so easily open with me, how I can know them so well in less than an hour and often I've heard people tell me I'm just psychic or something.

Well, it's true but I'm not as self-centered as you might believe.

The fact of the matter is Psychic's just don't exist. In reality the whole idea that someone can read you and fix you is completely false, it's a total scam that people die into and when it works they mistake their own inner strength to mean that this "psychic" or "magician" was somehow real.

Look, I'm not saying Magic doesn't exist, in fact it's quite the opposite, It's not so exclusive. Every single person on this planet has the potential for psychic abilities, every person has the ability to create and utilize magic but people confuse it, they don't understand it and assume it's just some way to change someone or something.

It's not breeding and it doesn't cost you money, YOU have the power and the strength to change your life, YOU have the power to turn things around in your life, that Magic is YOURS and no one else. Psychic's are a placebo, nothing more, when people believe that something will happen it usually does.

Now, as for myself, I can't explain how I can read people suffice to say I draw it from a sound, an image in my mind and a feeling I get from speaking with that person. I sense these thing's perhaps out of some higher sense of self-awareness but it doesn't make it magic, it just means I'm more in-tune.

Psychic and Magical intuition is NOT THAT SPECIAL. Stop spending your money and your lives on false faith and have faith in YOURSELF. Love yourself, love who you are and change your life through your own power and will.

It is the same with God. God doesn't want you to use religion to change yourself, God wants you to be good for the sake of being good.

Be true to yourself, love yourself and I promise you'll be alright.

Hey it is in the Bible that different people are blessed with different abilities. So I believe there are Psyhics out there.

However, from my experiences with Psychics and my Brother and Other Christians here is my belief:

A Psychic (a very good friend of my Brother) said... it is in everyone to be a Psychic, but once you open the door you can never shut it. And it is a terrible curse that takes you out of Life.

A Born Again Christian told me... when you open that door to the Spiritual World like sacrifices and rituals and idols, you open the door to Bad Spirits. She claims to have been posesses by demons and Only Jesus was able to save her... not the Priest or Bishops... but Jesus.

BTW, I also think I am Psychic, but after the Psychic's warning... I will not go there. IF it comes it comes... always pray for wisdom what to do about it.

I got more stories but I don't have time to post it.

no photo
Fri 07/17/09 12:05 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Fri 07/17/09 12:06 PM
If people could produce results, it would be testable.

If its testable they can win a million dollars.

I am doubtful the phenomena people associated with psychics is paranormal at all . . .

no photo
Fri 07/17/09 03:13 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 07/17/09 04:11 PM

If people could produce results, it would be testable.

If its testable they can win a million dollars.

I am doubtful the phenomena people associated with psychics is paranormal at all . . .

No one has ever gotten past the preliminary test and here is probably why:

Within the Challenge, this means that at the time your application is submitted and approved, your claim will be considered paranormal for the duration. If, after testing, it is decided that your ability is either scientifically explainable or will be someday, you needn’t worry. If the JREF has agreed to test you, then your claim is paranormal.

The clause that is the clincher is: OR WILL BE SOMEDAY.

It is my belief that ALL psychic or so-called paranormal powers will be explainable by science someday.

Therfore, as far as I am concerned, this challenge AND THE LACK OF A WINNER proves NOTHING.

Also this symbol shows you where this guy is coming from:

no photo
Fri 07/17/09 03:30 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 07/17/09 03:36 PM

Through out my life I've always had this way of connecting with certain thoughts or emotion's, I've managed to bring out the inside of people out into the light creating a kind of bond that they rarely ever even realize.

I've been told time and again, questioned as to how it is they could be so easily open with me, how I can know them so well in less than an hour and often I've heard people tell me I'm just psychic or something.

Well, it's true but I'm not as self-centered as you might believe.

The fact of the matter is Psychic's just don't exist. In reality the whole idea that someone can read you and fix you is completely false, it's a total scam that people die into and when it works they mistake their own inner strength to mean that this "psychic" or "magician" was somehow real.

Look, I'm not saying Magic doesn't exist, in fact it's quite the opposite, It's not so exclusive. Every single person on this planet has the potential for psychic abilities, every person has the ability to create and utilize magic but people confuse it, they don't understand it and assume it's just some way to change someone or something.

It's not breeding and it doesn't cost you money, YOU have the power and the strength to change your life, YOU have the power to turn things around in your life, that Magic is YOURS and no one else. Psychic's are a placebo, nothing more, when people believe that something will happen it usually does.

Now, as for myself, I can't explain how I can read people suffice to say I draw it from a sound, an image in my mind and a feeling I get from speaking with that person. I sense these thing's perhaps out of some higher sense of self-awareness but it doesn't make it magic, it just means I'm more in-tune.

Psychic and Magical intuition is NOT THAT SPECIAL. Stop spending your money and your lives on false faith and have faith in YOURSELF. Love yourself, love who you are and change your life through your own power and will.

It is the same with God. God doesn't want you to use religion to change yourself, God wants you to be good for the sake of being good.

Be true to yourself, love yourself and I promise you'll be alright.

Hey it is in the Bible that different people are blessed with different abilities. So I believe there are Psyhics out there.

However, from my experiences with Psychics and my Brother and Other Christians here is my belief:

A Psychic (a very good friend of my Brother) said... it is in everyone to be a Psychic, but once you open the door you can never shut it. And it is a terrible curse that takes you out of Life.

A Born Again Christian told me... when you open that door to the Spiritual World like sacrifices and rituals and idols, you open the door to Bad Spirits. She claims to have been posesses by demons and Only Jesus was able to save her... not the Priest or Bishops... but Jesus.

BTW, I also think I am Psychic, but after the Psychic's warning... I will not go there. IF it comes it comes... always pray for wisdom what to do about it.

I got more stories but I don't have time to post it.

There is nothing to fear but fear itself. Some Christians harbor too much fear about the unknown unconscious powers of the mind. Fear itself opens doors that may be difficult but not impossible to close.

Knowing things that seem to be beyond logical understanding is what people sometimes call "psychic." There is nothing dangerous about knowing something, although some people find knowing about an event in the future to be disturbing because it does not seem to be in the natural order of space and time.

My father, who has Alzheimer disease certainly is not psychic, but once we took him to a doctor's appointment and we were sitting there waiting to be seen and he insisted that the nurse had come in and told us that the Doctor could not see us today because of an emergency, Dad asked why we were still waiting.

We argued with him that this had not happened at all. He was insistent! So we continued to wait for a few minutes and then about ten minutes later, a nurse came in the room and said exactly what he had told us she said.

He knew because he had seen and experienced that event BEFORE IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED in our perceived space-time. For him, it was like a memory. (I imagine when it actually did happen he didn't even notice it. His short term memory was not working well anyway.)

A glitch in the matrix programming had just occurred and gone pretty much unnoticed... except by me.

That is MIND and the subconscious at work and sometimes it does not work in the way we think it does.