Because your Profile is Blank (tho Most won't bother to read it anyway). Because you Look Pissed Off or Upset. You do not look like a Doctor. Those who will contact you will be mostly Fakes tho there maybe (Huge Maybe) some real ladies might contact you. And To upset those in the Forums, Most ladies (and guys) here that are real just tend to hangout in the Forums. I DID NOT SAY ALL!
Be Patient (No Pun Intended) I have been here almost two years and only found 3 Real Ladies on the actual Dating Site Part (not including Staff) And they were Vary Willing to prove they were. The Others, Again, hangout in the Forums. So Write something about Who you are looking for, Something about yourself. If you would like to know how they and You can prove they and You are Real, PM Me. I can't write it here. Either one is Impossible for Fakes to do or even fake for that matter. Oh, And Smile.. Stop looking like you are Pissed or Upset. |
Because Good Men (Mankind) refuse to do anything about it and think they are powerless to do so. When and If they do, they get Punished by those who would see Evil Flourish but see it as Righteousness in their eyes. The Masses are Blind to the truth, even truth right in front of their eyes, they do not see.
For those who do see, they are made to feel Ashamed and Wronged. To be thought of as the Weak and Confused. They are Called Conspirators and to be Mocked. As I am often been called and done to. Their Proof is Buried, Burned, Destroyed and called Conspiracies and Mocked (YouTube/Google/Main Stream Media). People are being taught that Evil is Good and Good is Evil. Everything reversed. As Above, So Below... But Reversed. Churches and Christianity, the Praising of God being Torn Down and Banned. Churches of Satan, Statues of Satan, Satanists being Raised up and Praised. Man and Woman as Separates being Mixed as One. Male becomes Female, Females become Males (Anyone in the Gov, Mainstream Media, Nasa, anyone in the position of Power and Authority or in the Entertainment World.... Not all but a HUGE Majority). All Praise and Worship Satan and do their Satanic Gesturing and Symbolisms. One just has to open their eyes to the truth. Yet most refuse to. This is just part of why there is Evil in this world. People have a Choice to wake up to the Father or Stay Blinded by Satan. The Evidence is Out there if you are willing to look but it is being taken down and Buried as fast as they can. You don't have to agree with me. That is your decision/Choice. |
Any single man here?
Well, Your Photo came back as Inconclusive on a reverse image search, so that's a plus. Now if you want a guy who is willing to prove he is real, I am that guy. I will not BS you and I tend to speak my mind. But it's up to you and since you have not responded to anyone here, Makes me wonder also. Best of luck here.
Seeing whats up
It would help if you didn't look like almost 2 different people. One photo has Brown eyes and the other Blue. First one using a filter and Both doing Fish Lips and your Profile is Blank. But doubt you will see this as you have not been here in 4 days or so.
Morgan Freeman Said it Best. "Simple, STOP Talking about it!". Coming from a Black Guy who knows it's all BS. I Don't hate anyone Unless they Wrong me in some way. Black, White, Asian, Indian, Latin No Matter what race you are. I treat or at least TRY to treat everyone the way I want to be treated. But if you wrong me... All Beats are off. Every Race has it's S**tbags and even of the same race hate them.
But again, it's Simple, Stop Talking about it. |
Yes, I know I have a Double Chin. I also said "Way To Close Closeups"... those photos that are nothing but their head/face, the camera aimed up a bit or they are/were laying down and their Chins (sometimes tripled) are the first thing people see. My Photo is Not a close up. HUGE Difference. Pun Intended.
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Sat 10/31/20 10:45 AM
All as their First or Only Photo
Men (clearly not gay) in the Female Search/Whose on line, Filter oh so many Filters you no longer look human -Any Filters, People Wearing Masks, People with No Photos, None Human Photos.. Photos of Signs/Quotes/Flowers/Cartoons/Paintings/Drawings,Anything not human or is not the actual person, More than 1 person in the photo so you don't know which one it is. People Clearly Lying about their age Hangout address in the photo Blurry Photos Way To Close Closeups showing off their Double/Triple Chins People who looked Pissed or Frowning Photos that are too Dark/Bright Cut/Copy/Paste Info/Stories. Blank Profiles. Filling out the Wrong Race. Saying "Age don't matter" then Complain when a older person contacts them. Not willing or Can't show proof they are actually the person in the photo. Hangout or Contact address as their name or header. People who only have 2-4 photos but post them several times each. People who get pissed when you call them out for using porn star/movie star/ Fashion Models photos as their own Or ask what you are talking about. Females with NO Eyebrows or Fake as F' Ones. Sticking out your tongue- Making fish lips- Making Stupid Faces. Old School Photos, Party Photos, Drinking/Eating Photos, Smoking Photos, Didn't bother to Comb your F'n Hair Photos, Look like a High Dollar Ho or even a Cheap one, You look like you just got done doing Crack/Meth, Smeared Makeup, Looks like you were in a fight. You don't have or want Children but have you Main/Only photo posing with one. Hide your face in anyway. Bathroom Photos. I am sure I am forgetting some. So this is just a start. Anyone and All who do this or any of these, I figure are a Scammer right off. Have not been proven wrong yet. But "I'll tell you later" |
Age Gap
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Sat 10/31/20 09:01 AM
Why can't I find a female here that agrees with "Age don't Matter"? I am 46. No Matter what age 18-45 I get told I am too Old. Females My own age say it because they want the Young Tight Bodied Studs that will end up cheating on them.
The younger don't want someone that remind them of their father or creepy uncle. It must be I have only actually meet 3 that are/were Real People here (not in the forums or that are staff). Even the ones that say it in their profile that age is not a issue. As soon as I contact them, I get ignored, Sent a Link, Get told to F' off or some other BS. I must be Too Adorably Cute for them. Even out here in the RW, the younger see me as too old, the older the same. The Only ones that seem to be interested are Crack/Meth Head looking things or Ladies older than 60. Sorry, but I do not like Crack/Meth Heads and Can't start a Family with anyone after they hit Mentalpause. Same went when I was in my Teens. Females my own age thought I was Too Old. Didn't help I passed for mid to late 20's at age 13. So I had to show my DL to the ladies. I had others interested but would have gotten into trouble and I don't play that game. Or it was the Older ladies past age 40.... I just can't seem to hit that sweet spot of 18-40. Seeing as at 40, you could still have children After that, it's gets real Iffy. In my 20's the same. In my 30's didn't even try. 40's, getting Desperate but Not Too Desperate. When I hit 50, It's over. 4 MORE YEARS! 4 MORE YEARS! 4 MORE YEARS!..... |
Searching a cougar
Hey to all (Automated voice) You are .......... 38,635 in the queue ![]() Nope. "One" by Three Dog Night: One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do Two can be as bad as one It's the loneliest number since the number one No is the saddest experience you'll ever know Yes, it's the saddest experience you'll ever know 'Cause one is the loneliest number that you'll ever do One is the loneliest number, whoa-oh, worse than two It's just no good anymore since you went away Now I spend my time just making rhymes of yesterday One is the loneliest number One is the loneliest number One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do One is the loneliest One is the loneliest One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do It's just no good anymore since you went away One is the loneliest (number) One is the loneliest (number) One is⦠|
I like the group called, Commas.
real women
no real women respond to me You want no real women to respond? ![]() Well, there are Plenty of those here. That's for sure. |
What are relationships?
They are Ships with Different Tariffs Depending on What Port they are sailing to.
I don't have Asperger's. I have Assholeism. I am Brutally Honest to a Fault and speak my mind for good or bad (it works against me not for the other). So If a Overweight female asks if a Dress she is wearing makes her look fat, I will say, "NO, it's not the dress but I still love you" Or whatever comes to mind. I have Warned Females of this before they Started Dating me. So they Know not to ask those questions they don't want the truth for.
I am so Brutally Honest, often My Replies get Deleted for it. I don't sugar coat Sh**. I don't Kiss A** either. Now don't get me wrong. I will give Praise and Adoring Admiration when/where it's warrants and I love to joke around and do have a sense of humor but when it come to Honesty, It's Brutal. |
does complexion matters
do you really consider the colour of a person or his or her ethnicity before replying dear text or before even liking them back, or accepting to have a date with them... my question he is does complexion really maters. Of course it does to some persons...but so does height and weight and tattoos...etc...(big list) the point is - everyone has preferences...for some reason you have focused on complexion...but i bet there are reasons you would never date such and such a woman because of your own preferences... Probably going to get deleted but... I would stop dating someone if when I saw her naked for the first time, her Aureolas where Too Big = worse, took up half or more of her Breasts. Petty I know. I don't care if she don't have any but Too Big, No Thank you. A Nice Pepperoni Size for me please. |
does complexion matters
My profile says "No Blacks" I Do find SOME Black Ladies Attractive and even Fewer Beautiful. Just Not Attracted to them in a Physical and even Sexual Sense. I have also found some females here that others would consider Hideous to be at least Attractive enough. I just don't reply and delete their PM's to me because they didn't even take time to read my profile.
ME Knowing Full Well I am not the best looking Guy or even the Most Fit Guy here. I DO Take into consideration any female that uses those F'n Filters that make them look like Cartoons, Alien, Freaks, Plastic Dolls, and F's up their eyes. WHY they think that would be attractive and way any ( Real ) Man would be attracted to that, No F'n Clue! I take it as they themselves are Also Fake and they are trying to Show/Prove it. Also If it's their Main or Only photo those accounts should be deactivated. BUT..... Since I said this, My reply will probably disappear. Because it's discriminating and telling Mingles how to run their site, when it's just a Personal Opinion. Happens to me all the time. Can't spell my real name without the letters TMI After All :) (TMI meaning.. too much information) |
Why 2 different females in your profile? One being a Japanese Model that is being used all over this site.
Nope. I am a guy who don't like her. Looked like a Scrawny Underfed Teen Boy Body with Breast Implants. Several Hollywood and Music Stars have those same bodies. Then as they get Older, they really start looking Butch, Specially in the faces.
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Mon 10/19/20 11:26 AM
Reminds me of Children and Pretending Cooties was a thing.. Those Same Children (all grown up now) are still Playing and think Cooties/Cov19 is real.
Scary S''T! Tracking. it's all about the Tracking. |
But how many actually Died from it and not something else? I have friends ( hard to believe) that had Family members who were in a Car Crash and the Hospital labeled COD Cov19. Had other people report their family and friends die from Cov19 but had other Medical Problems before they ever went to the hospital.
I Had Double Pneumonia Last Year. If I were to have had it again this year, (Still suffer symptoms of it) They would Label it Cov19 to get that Government Money for each case they report. Minnesota Gets $320,000-360,000 Per Case. Florida gets $140,000-240,000 Thousand per Case. A lot of Old People Dying Lack of Care and Not Actual Cov19 Because the people who are suppose to take care of them are Staying Home and Wearing their Masks in Fear of something that is No Worse the a Flu. Military had to be called in to take care of the Old People. Why didn't they do this during the Swine Flu, The Bird Flu, or any of the stuff that happened late 90's early 2000's? They Were Deadlier. The 2011 Movie "Contagion" Was Warning us and a Script to what happening now.. What Caused the Virus in it... A BAT who Bit a Pig. "That's Crazy Conspiracy Talk".. Yet Any Video on YouTube Telling the Truth about Cov19 are being Taken down. Any Video telling you the ONLY Way to Catch it is be Injected with it. That is why People are Dying after getting the "Vaccine" and the Government has to Modify it Yet again. More people Die in Car Crashes, Falling in the Tube, Doing Stupid ****, anything other than Cov19 But Since there is NO Money to be had in reporting those, they get Labeled Cov19 to get the Money. Only People Dying from Cov19 are the people who are Paranoid about it, The People who have to rely on others to take care of them (elderly) Or those with already Weakened Immune Systems that even a Common cold would kill them. The "Virus" can NOT Live outside the body for more than a Few Minutes. The "Virus" is Soo Small, it will Pass through Any Mask that is Not Used by the Medical Institutes. The "Virus" Can Not be Transmitted by Touch, Coughing, Sneezing on someone. "It" has to Get into the Blood (Vaccines). Why do you thing so many people who never got sick before, get Sick with the Flu after getting the Flu Vaccine. People are Getting Sick and Dying with the Early Releases of the Cov19 Vaccine. But these Videos by Independent Doctors, Labs, Medical Institutes are being taken down on YouTube. But people...Sheep will believe what Mainstream Media tells them no matter what. These people are too far Gone. These people thing anyone against Gov, Mainstream Media or all Conspiracy Freaks. They Don't believe the Government/Mainstream Media has been Trying and sometimes Succeeding in Programming us for Decades and there is Plenty of Evidence out there if they are willing to look but they Won't. The Evidence gets Buried and YouTube is doing their part. Believe what you want. There is Evidence all around you and THEY Even Tell You and Show You themselves. It's all being reviled. |