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Sun 12/13/20 10:13 AM
I use a few emojis alright. But I am much more creative with my words. And I block and delete those, calling me "handsome", or ask where I live ![]() ![]() Them- Hello Handsome. emoji emoji emoji... Me- Ah, hello back. Can you prove you are real? Them- For a Too Old, Fat and Ugly Guy, you sure are asking for to much. Me- What happened to me being Handsome Them- F'off Few Days latter, "Same Person"- Hello Handsome. Emoji Emoji Emoji... |
No. And Anyone sending me messages right off doing that, I pretty much ignore, Unless they want my phone/text number. Then I have fun with them. It means they are either Not Serious or a Fake account.
Because when they do, they always want something or are trying to send someone to a sex site. So, If a Man sends you any message full of Emoji's, Ignore them, unless you are bored. |
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Sat 12/12/20 08:33 PM
No I think the Problem is, you are "39" Wear Diapers and **** yourself. Then want someone to Change your Shi**y Diaper... I have No Problem with you being "Trans" or Dressing up as one but the Changing your Shi**y Diaper.. Oh Hell NO!
Because it's the In thing to do. Then you can join others and start Riots and Burn and Destroy those who don't agree with you. Because the Programming runs Deep and the Weak believed everything they were programmed to.
looking for a friend
Good Luck. You will need it.
Edited by
Mon 12/07/20 09:03 AM
It don't matter. I have seen fake accounts up for Weeks (some even for Months). They Abandon them until some poor Shmuck contacts them and then they get back on after being notified. It also don't help when people do not report them or staff can take up to several Hours or even days before deactivating them.
If you want to make sure they are real... Ask for a Personal Photo of them doing something you know they can't ( Nothing Naughty! ) or Send a Personal Video of them saying lines you tell them to. They Can't. I have been sent Videos but they don't say anything in them Or they TRY to Fake the Photos I ask for. Real Ladies here ( not the ones here just for the Forums) know there are Fakes and Understand the request(or Should) and will more than likely do it (If not Naughty) But YOU have to be willing to do the same. |
But they already have 2 more Fake ones Planned that will be even Worse.
Now that we are close ...
There are already planning going door to door and force you to take the test, if you don't, they put you in quarantine. My Sister in Mississippi and My Cousin Minnesota Refused to get tested and were put in quarantine last week.
Governor of Oregon wants and is promoting people to Spy on their neighbors and report anything they see that is Anti Cov19 related. And she claims it would be just like calling the police about your Neighbors for being too Noisy. They will force you to get it and to have Documentation you did before you are allowed to Travel, Go to School, Get a Job, Keep your Job, Go to the Store and so on... Some states already said they are not allowing more that 6 people form 2 sides of the family to celebrate Thanksgiving. Yet people are more than Willing to Bow Down and give up their Freedoms... I Bow Only to God. Then what is the point of being on a Dating Site, if we are not allowed to meet anyone that we make a connection with, that isn't a Bot or Scamming POS!? |
Now that we are close ...
Don't want the vaccination? Don't get it, and help reduce the overcrowding in the shallow end of the gene pool. Same could be said for getting it. Help Control the Population and get it. But when they try to Force it.. And they Will, I would rather go to the Guillotine. |
Now that we are close ...
No I will NOT Take it. It is Poison. People that have, have Died, Felt Dead inside and other Adverse Side Affects.
Ever notice how Autism started to Rise the more Vaccines where pumped into Children? The More that were Vaccinated, the more Autism Cases started to rise. Along with other Side Affects. They are lying about everything Else yet you are going to believe a Man who Builds Computers and Always has a Dupers Grin when he talks about the Vaccine and the side affects it has? That in (African) Countries Bill Gates has Vaccinated Children, the Children are Now Sterile and Mothers who get Vaccinated have More and More Birth Defects or Stillborn Children... Oh You want Proof... well YouTube and Google are removing those Videos and Links... Deactivating the People Accounts that report about it. So those people have to go to other sites. You go right ahead and get in line for the Vaccine... Ever Notice, If you never had the Flu but you go and got the Flu Shot, You Get the F'n Flu??? Flu's are Natural and the bodies way to get rid of Toxins. So why Vaccinate against it? |
Strike a pose .....
Why is it Most (not all) Females look like they have Neck problems or Broken Necks or Weak Necks? Tilting them? Or they have them Planted to their Chest while laying in Bed.... yes I know I have a double chin but I don't plaster it against my Chest and make it look triple in some cases.
What am I to take those kinds of Photos for, the meaning of? |
Hi I’m new here
Well you must be in the group that is blind. As I clearly Said. "Won't BS You like most here... I did not say all.. and want to make that clear for the Blind here." You Must have missed the part where I said, "I did not say all." the Word "Most" does not include All. If I wanted to include All Here, I would have Said, Won't BS you like Everyone here." But I didn't. This is why Most people get upset when they read my stuff, they don't actually read it. The Rest do and Understand what I say. Also "Most" includes all the Fake accounts. That's all they do, is BS you in hopes people are stupid enough to fall for it. |
What Profile? The One that was Deactivated? Just going by the Photo for this post, It looks like a Stock Photo for use in a Advert.
My Profile
What profile? Or are you not going to stick around long enough to actually fill it out properly? Seems to be a trend here. If you are not willing to even put in the effort to fill it out, what are you doing here?
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Okay, I will... I think you are Lying about your Ethnicity as being Asian. You look like you have a Holier than thou Attitude with your Lack of Smile and Filtered Looking Face, to make your Skin look like plastic.
You Post a WhatsApp Number that makes it look like all the other Scams that post theirs. You say you are a Vary Funny and Charming Person, Yet you are Holding a Gun in One Photo. Kinda looks like you got a Stick up your bu**. "Ladies Shoe Designer" Really???? Okay... yeah, that's believable... Not! Try Getting Rid of the Gun (considering your religion is Muslim), SMILE, Stop using Filters (looks like you are). Get Rid of the WhatsApp that makes you look like a Scammer. These are just a Few and I am sure the others will give more and Mine will get deleted because of the Muslim with a Gun Comment and the Stuff about looking like a Scammer with the WhatsApp BS... You doing pretty Much Everything Wrong..... |
US second amendment
The 2nd Amendment gives Us, the Citizens, the Right to Own All the Same Guns/Weapons as the Government does. People forget that part. Whatever they want to use against Us.. We have the Right to Own and Use Against Them!
I would but you would have to prove you are a real person first and not just some guy from Nigeria using this ladies photo as their own. I give 2 options to do so.
Also, like what John Said, You must find your own way here and not need to rely on anyone (me) even after you get here. I do not offer free rides. I would want you as a Companion and possible mother of my children (adoption or otherwise) . But that's all irrelevant right now and have no clue what your intentions really are. Also depends of if you consider age a barrier. Even those who say it don't do not practice what they preach. But How long will you stick around on the site? Most don't stick around long for various reasons. How long do you plan to stick around After you get here and Your Green Card/Citizenship? With all this Cov19 BS Going around, makes thing harder for People outside the country to come in now and probably be forced to get Vaccinated. So, How Serious are you? Are you serious enough to PM me and ask how you can prove you are a real person? That's If you could find someone like me who Won't BS You like most here... I did not say all.. and want to make that clear for the Blind here. I am direct and Speak my Mind, for good or bad. What you see is what you get. |
And Counties and States being already Done with Counting and for Him even while the Ballots where still being collected. He is Senile, Corrupt as a Mofo, has a Demonic Witch for a VP that will take over once he is in the Hospital, All hell will break loose when he tries takes away our right to Defend ourselves, Force Vaccinations, People who voted for him are even more brain dead/washed than a Brain Dead Sheep, the fact he has been in politics for how many decades and has done Nothing for the people but has done for his Corrupted Buddies and on and on and on and on to the point even the Corrupt Mainstream Media was questioning his Sanity/Mental State...
Welcome to your new Socialist Country formally known as the United States of America. I am putting All Trust into God because they will and are already trying to take Him/God away and replace Him/God with Satan. |
I wonder
Yes you will. There are thousands of Profiles just like yours. Empty! It would be just like looking into a Mirror for you. Completely Empty with just a gray Cardboard Cutout Reflecting Back.