Age is just a Number. You cant help who you may have a connection with. AOC= Age of Consent That is a Loaded Answer that I have Talked about before. It can be True and also False at the same time. it all depends on how you were raised, where and what Culture you were raised, what Country you were Raised and in the US, which State you were raised.... In the US, AOC Ranges from 13-21, Average is 16 If no more than 5 yrs separate the ages and the person must be Older than 16yr old AND Can not be a Authority Figure. Also If Parents of someone Younger than 16 gives Consent.. But Depending on Which State, the State will Step in and may not be able to Charge for Statutory Rape but will charge them with Criminal Sexual Assault.. Before 2000 or so, NY AOC was 10Yrs Old... Then Throw in, if you are in a State that AOC is 18 and you go to Mississippi where it is 13, You will Be Arrested Under YOUR States Law! Different Countries go as young as 9, Younger if you know they right people... And If you are a Citizen of a Country where the AOC is 18, You Will Be arrested Under Your Countries Laws... Age is Just a Number... Yet Society treats those who Practice this with Rage and Disgust and as Predators and Criminals... Not Caring about the Story or Country or Facts behind the Relationship.... They are Treated as Guilty before and even After Proven Innocent. So By the Logic of People who say "Age is just a number and can't help who you fall in love with or have Connection with" a Person in their 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's and Connects with a person Under the AOC or even With a Person that is just Over the AOC should be Allowed to do so.... I throw in to that mix, as Long as the Older Person did NOT Manipulate the younger person in anyway and not just using them for their own personal use/toy/object.. Each Must have Genuine Feelings for the other person... Again, this is a Loaded Statement and can be taken in Many ways. But there are people in their 40's who have Loving Relationships with people Way Younger than they and even with ones at or just over the AOC of were they Live.... I know some will disagree with this and think I am talking from experience in the matter and think what they will of me... Wrong! I just had to Study it for a Class Project back in the day.. And it still holds true to this day... I could get into it deeper but it would P''' some people off to hear Facts and not what they are told on/in the News... |
Who’s real
Didn't say You had to, I just asked if you could... I Pretty Much Ask Everyone That Contacts me if they can... And in just under a year, only 1 Person has...
Who’s real
Sorry, Not into Dudes so I won't Prove it even tho I am Real... Can't speak for others... Can YOU Prove you are real?
Hello, I am BawBaw WaWa and this is 2020!
I foresee this topic getting deleted.. NOT Everyone is Fake here. Just Most... It's because it's Free for the most part...
Barbara Walters
They Need to have Barbara Walters to do the Ball Drop on New Years....
"Hello, I am Barbra Wawa And this is 2020!" |
New here
I'll tell you later...
Great things about Computers, You can Download Ad Blockers that even the Site won't detect and tell you to turn Off so you can use the site... Every now and then one sneaks in but then I go to the Ad Blocker and add it to the list...
gents, please smile.
Swearing ---no Insults -------an abundance pent anger--obviously maturity -----readers decision.... Her complaint is about the Swearing and Crass language... Of Which there is None... Only Insulting to those who actually Post pictures doing this stuff but more of a Fact than anything.. Pent up anger...Not! Maturity... Same could be said about the OP.. I skip Over ladies who post pictures like this... And they have a right to Skip over me.. But when you see Page after Page after Page of women posting these kinds of Pictures, there is No Anger, just Frustrating! |
By the Looks of your Post, You have No Clue Yourself...
gents, please smile.
Okay, you saw it, But AM I Wrong???? To be honest, I cringe when I read your posts. So much swearing, crass language that I kind of recoil. If you toned it down, I would probably reply. I am being honest, don't be a snowflake and try to understand what I am telling you. Where was I Swearing? |
Honestly it is not the cap that bothers most it is that they have then on with all their pics.. Hey I want to see what they look like without a cap on like do they have hair~~~~ Says a Woman wearing a Cap! Do YOU have Hair??? |
gents, please smile.
Okay, you saw it, But AM I Wrong????
Depends on how they wear it.. There are Sayings,,, Backwards are either Welders or C**k Su*kers... To the Side, Bi or can't decide, to the front like Normal, Normal,.. Flat Billed a d*uche·b*g...
I only wear one Normal because all the jobs I had I needed to keep the sun out of my eyes and I feel Naked without one.. |
gents, please smile.
Same could be said about the women here. The Cartoon App'ed Faces, Man Face, Permanent Holding in a Fart Face (looks like they are in Pain), Only their Foreheads, So Much Makeup they look like Plastic Duck Faced Dolls, Clown Eyebrows that make them look Surprised all the time... No Eyebrows, Dress like a Man, Size of a Elephant but wearing Shear Tight Spandex, Women who look like they just got Punched in the Eyes, ones who look like they just got done with a 2 day Drug Bing and so many more...
Worst offenders are the ones posting pictures with their Children which is against the Rules but more importantly, Against the Law! Then THEY Wonder Why they get Passed over and no one wanting to connect with them. I Know I am not Perfect or the best looking, but at least my picture don't make me look like a Cartoon Freak Holding in a Fart with 2 black eyes and Surprised about it.. And if this upsets you, you have no one to blame but yourselves... because if you were Truly Looking for a Relationship, No Man wants a woman who looks like that and you are not eve Trying to look presentable. But this will probably get deleted... So I doubt anyone will see it. |
Posting for men
Only if I have to be... I am a So Called Client/Member Here after All...
Posting for men
yeup... Glue... I Visit a Site Called "Crazys***" and they have some Pretty F'd up stuff there and they LOVE to Fake out their Guests with what looks like a Normal Female, but then........ BAM! It's not for the Faint of Heart or SJW/Snowflakes... Anything Goes there.... NSFW in Anyway!
Posting for men
Are you sure they are female m8? These days, the old Crocodile Dundee test is the only way to know for sure. That don't hold true anymore... They can Tuck, Tape and Glue their Junk up inside and out of the way..... |
why I cannot see message
Edited by
Sun 12/22/19 12:34 AM
It says you have an unread message but you don't see it there? That is a great description, it should make the solution very clear. Not sure how I'm missing it... Just did it to me again. I Logged out, Cleared History/Cache, Signed back in, and it's still there but no new Messages are showing up again... Refreshed Page several times, nothing. Opened and closed all the messages I do have and nothing new was written in any of them... Don't know/Remember how I fixed it last time it happened.. Never Mind, Found it.. Some how a bunch of Old Messages reappeared and it was hidden in them... Had to delete over 50 messages that were already Deleted... |
girl for a meetup
They are interested in Online Dating, Just Not In Real Life Dating...