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Topic: How do feel biden winning US Pres. of the United States
Jane's photo
Sun 11/08/20 04:58 AM
How do feel biden winning US Pres. of the United States?

Sno0's photo
Sun 11/08/20 05:10 AM
idk i actually have not paid much attention to Biden .. i know nothing about him

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sun 11/08/20 07:05 AM
I'm not American, but unfortunately what happens there can and often does affect the rest of us too. So it's not just for America.

In any case, I just heard Trump is still whinging about fraud. I don't really get it. if that'd be true then why whine on Twitter about it as opposed to taking action. Pathetic to try and play the people. Take it like a man whether there was fraud or not.
I feel he should have just gracefully taken his loss. And maybe focus on his marriage as I suppose there's no reason now for Melania to stay with him. If not mistaken couples make a deal to not divorce while the man is running for president. She's free now.

mysticalview21's photo
Sun 11/08/20 07:25 AM
I never new this ... in the larger voting polls ... there is a demarcate lawyer and a republican lawyer ... so as to help with whom ever ...feels like it was voting fraud ... there was a large margin for Biden ... and believe he reached the electoral votes ...

I know one thing ...I heard this morn ... Biden has to make
sure the supreme court ... does not get rid of Obama care ...
affordability care act ... or so many may loose the health care and for preexisting issue... such as cancer ... and women being able to get xrays for
their health ... = some and with this pandemic... hopefully that comes under preexisting and they will not take that away either ... our country has been under to much turmoil with all the lies that have been out there... we need to come together now and help the USA an the people in it...
not dividing us up as colors ...

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sun 11/08/20 09:19 AM
Huh? I thought one of the first things Trump did was trash Obama care??

Personally I wasn't sure what to think of either Trump or Biden, I haven't kept up with the news. BUt I read that Trump wanted to make abortion illegal and that likely Biden would win as he'd get women's votes because of this abortion thing.

Taking away the option to choose... I was immediately pro-Biden.
It's too important for women. Easy for a man to make it illegal. He never has to deal with it. Very narrow-minded.

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 11/08/20 10:33 AM
The president isn't a king. He has to work with the house and senate.
Not much will change other than the attitude coming from the white house.

Rock's photo
Sun 11/08/20 10:50 AM
My country just elected a moron.

bobtail76's photo
Sun 11/08/20 11:14 AM
and pedo

Solo_man's photo
Sun 11/08/20 11:18 AM
Edited by Solo_man on Sun 11/08/20 11:55 AM
"moron" is an understatement. Other than him being a hypocrite of the worst kind, a proud misandrist -as long as he's not a misogynist, righ?- he is unable to finish a sentence, maybe because of his mental decline and yeah, let's not forget all the weird stuff like sniffing women's hair and the UNWELCOMED touching of women and little girls... but hey' he's pro-women, so no sexual harassment accusations will be filed. Can you say HYPOCRISY ?

I'm not a Trump supporter by any means but come on, Biden ??

400 million people and that's all they could come up with ?

Congrats America. The decline will only be faster now.

Business Guy's photo
Sun 11/08/20 11:41 AM
Democrats = CCC Commies, Crooks and Cheats

SWM's photo
Sun 11/08/20 11:51 AM
And Counties and States being already Done with Counting and for Him even while the Ballots where still being collected. He is Senile, Corrupt as a Mofo, has a Demonic Witch for a VP that will take over once he is in the Hospital, All hell will break loose when he tries takes away our right to Defend ourselves, Force Vaccinations, People who voted for him are even more brain dead/washed than a Brain Dead Sheep, the fact he has been in politics for how many decades and has done Nothing for the people but has done for his Corrupted Buddies and on and on and on and on to the point even the Corrupt Mainstream Media was questioning his Sanity/Mental State...

Welcome to your new Socialist Country formally known as the United States of America.

I am putting All Trust into God because they will and are already trying to take Him/God away and replace Him/God with Satan.

Solo_man's photo
Sun 11/08/20 12:01 PM
Hey, he came up with "vawa", while at the same time refusing to acknowledge that men can be and ARE victims of domestic violence (almost half of the DV victims) even though he himself was a victim of DV at the hands of his own sister (by his own admission). He is mentally f**ked.

bobtail76's photo
Sun 11/08/20 12:05 PM

And Counties and States being already Done with Counting and for Him even while the Ballots where still being collected. He is Senile, Corrupt as a Mofo, has a Demonic Witch for a VP that will take over once he is in the Hospital, All hell will break loose when he tries takes away our right to Defend ourselves, Force Vaccinations, People who voted for him are even more brain dead/washed than a Brain Dead Sheep, the fact he has been in politics for how many decades and has done Nothing for the people but has done for his Corrupted Buddies and on and on and on and on to the point even the Corrupt Mainstream Media was questioning his Sanity/Mental State...

Welcome to your new Socialist Country formally known as the United States of America.

I am putting All Trust into God because they will and are already trying to take Him/God away and replace Him/God with Satan.

It's not really their fault. They are low information voters - their media fed them garbage and GOP did nothing about it. It is what it is. The saving grace is that the media are not the ones to call elections and it's not legal yet. There's a slim chance that Trump's legal challenges will hold up, but I have my doubts.

The other good thing is that the republicans flipped some dem seats in the house and the senate. There was definite fishiness going on - hope they can find the hard evidence....Lord knows there was plenty circumstantial.

iceman21457's photo
Sun 11/08/20 12:44 PM
Edited by iceman21457 on Sun 11/08/20 12:48 PM
Well i have to go with the fraudulent voters that should bury the democrats. All the ballots being watermarked and actually tracked as to who mailed them and from where, along with ballots being found of trumps that were trashed, I personally spoke with a person that worked in the ballot counts and when i asked what was going on, the lone answer was Democrats cheated. And i really refuse to think that there is that many morons that voted for him. If you had even been to either of the rallies for both people its a no brainer who was most popular. There is alot of stuff still going to come out. I live in Cal and i never even heard of Harris, and now when sleepy joe dont finish his term she takes over?? Cmon please tell me that there isnt that many idiot americans that voted for this. Not to mention Bidens crooked family! people need to quit watching network news and being brainwashed into the fake news, try listening to another countries news briefly because they have no reason to lie about whats going on.

ivegotthegirth's photo
Sun 11/08/20 12:56 PM
Amendment 25 time!



Dakmanau's photo
Sun 11/08/20 01:06 PM
So, how much time does Biden have before the machine or God discards him in preference to Harris ? 1st female President. Well, can't be that bad, we all have mothers don't we?

no photo
Sun 11/08/20 02:22 PM
Biden has yet to be certified.

He still has to deal with the Senate should he be certified in.

Unfortunately, Kamala probably will be the Real elect.

The 2 heads aren't better than 1.

roseshadows's photo
Sun 11/08/20 07:38 PM
If you check with NewsMax or Americas Voice news you will find that Biden is not the president elect but the projected winner. NewsMax has refused to call Biden the winner until all the legalities are settled. There is plenty of hard evidence. The votes are not all counted and the supreme court has said that Pennsylvania violated the transparency act for elections. It has not been said what they intend to do about it yet. Also, there was a
so called 'glitch' discovered in the software in Michigan that changed the voted for in person voting from Trump to Biden by 6,000 votes. Michigan is investigating that now to see how many of their counties were using this same software. It has been discovered the same software was used in Georgia and other states. Arizona is still counting votes. This is actually provable but the mainstream media is blacking it out. There are many other things and this race is not over by a long shot. Monday morning there will begin to be legal proceedings to see what happens going forward. Besides the two news media I named above there are other places that will back up what I'm saying. If when all is said and done Biden wins fairly I'll be one of the first to say congrats but until this is over Trump is very much in the running.
I believe the mainstream media and Biden were hoping by calling the race early they could stop the litigations and the recount of the votes. If Trump were to concede all that would go away. That is why Trump, who is still president until January 20th, is not conceding just yet. He feels he owes it to his base who have stuck by him all this time. He's not one to run from a fight.

no photo
Mon 11/09/20 04:14 PM
GSA Chief
General Services Administration, Emily Murphy
enables transition to white house.

She says, she needs verification of Certification
for Biden Before he moves his Team into white house.

no photo
Mon 11/09/20 04:44 PM
I think it’s great that he won and like how undignified is Trump. He didn’t dispute the media announcing his election when the Associated Press called it 4 years ago. The contrast between Biden setting up a Covid task force and Trump deciding to hold rallies whilst denying him transition funds says it all really.
Why go and shout about the voting fraud evidence (or lack of) at a rally? Stick it on a bit of paper and file your motion in court please

He’s testament to the fact you can fool some of the people all of the time. Which is a bit sad for America really

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