Community > Posts By > wraithme66

wraithme66's photo
Sun 04/11/10 04:29 PM
Ummm? What's the point of a credit card? I'm 28 and to this day refuse to own a credit card(Never had one) I've been cash all my life.

wraithme66's photo
Sun 04/11/10 04:27 PM
Mmmmmmmm..... I really want pancakes with real... pure... 100% Maple syrup.

wraithme66's photo
Sun 04/11/10 04:22 PM

laugh Those are awesome! Random hugs, and naked bridge jumping, and scarring church girls!

I drank half a bottle of syrup this weekend bigsmile

Oh yeah... I drank a whole bottle of tobasco sauce for $20

wraithme66's photo
Sun 04/11/10 04:18 PM
I made naked snow angels in front of the girls bunk at a church retreat.

wraithme66's photo
Sun 04/11/10 11:27 AM
I have to go with all of you on this one... It means all of it. I met a girl on here once... Where we started dating. And out of the blue one day, she didn't want to persue a relationship anymore. Her idea was that she just wanted to CHILL? That crap makes me sick to my stomach! I asked her what that meant? She didn't have an answer. In my book... To just chill with people is to have fu@% buddies. Or being able to see, and have sex with however many people you like. I don't stand for it, because I'm not that way. So whenever I see hangin out, or chillin... I run the other way.

wraithme66's photo
Sun 04/11/10 11:16 AM
Women nudge me all the time on here... Although, when I message them back, they never respond? I think they are truly shy?

wraithme66's photo
Fri 04/09/10 12:27 PM
Edited by wraithme66 on Fri 04/09/10 12:28 PM

Honestly I think many of those that put themselves within the nice guy/girl category fail to mention other issues they may have.

And yes it never fails that at times when someone is with this nice guy/girl they end up finding them boring and see someone else that catches their attention and they seem to go with the excitement. Even if it don't last the one with the one that was boring will not last either.

Problem with too many is lack of communication.......whoa

Life is meant to have fun not sit back and waste away.... there is always something that two can go do and keep the communication flowing...

Perfect example... Have you ever seen the story of the dot, and the line?

wraithme66's photo
Fri 04/09/10 12:16 PM
I should have been born in the 50's...

wraithme66's photo
Wed 04/07/10 09:18 PM

wraithme66's photo
Wed 04/07/10 09:12 PM

wraithme66's photo
Wed 04/07/10 09:01 PM
They have every pic I ever put on the internet... My current credit score... Where I work, as well as everywhere I ever worked... Everyone in my family... My cellular number. The only thing they messed up, was my current address. It's about three address old.

wraithme66's photo
Wed 04/07/10 08:56 PM

wraithme66's photo
Wed 04/07/10 08:49 PM

hummm, I guess if ya have a listed number you'll be there. I'm not listed...Surprised by so many with my name.

I have a non-listed number with a non-mainstream cellular company, and they have it.

wraithme66's photo
Wed 04/07/10 08:47 PM

Yeah... Thanks man!

wraithme66's photo
Wed 04/07/10 08:46 PM
I think it triggers Myspace, and Facebook users... All my friends, as well as myself are on there. A friend of mine subscribed just to see... It's got everything you could imagine about people on there. All you really need is the full legal name to find yourself.

wraithme66's photo
Wed 04/07/10 08:35 PM
FYI EVERYONE- There's a site called and it's an online phone book that has a picture of your house, credit score, profession, age, how many people live in the house. Remove yourself by the Privacy button on the bottom right. (passing along, scary stuff!) I personally checked it out and it is really there!!

wraithme66's photo
Wed 04/07/10 04:13 PM
Saint Peter was manning the Pearly Gates when 40 politicians from Detroit showed up. Never having seen anyone from Detroit at Heaven's door, Saint Peter said he would have to check with God.

After hearing the news, God instructed him to admit the 10 most virtuous people from the group.

A few minutes later, a breathless Saint Peter returned to God and said, "They're gone!"

What? All of the Detroiters are gone?" asked God.

"No!" replied Saint Peter. "The Pearly Gates!

wraithme66's photo
Wed 04/07/10 03:36 PM
Careful... I know most of the women on here... Being that you're a firefighter... You're probably going to be raped.

wraithme66's photo
Sun 04/04/10 10:46 PM

male cougar

a male who is between his 30's and 40's who gets much younger women. a male cougar is also called a rhino.

i guess im a rhino careful of my pitchfork

I've heard it as the term SATOR

Are you thinking Satyr? The horny goat-men?! LOL!

No... Similar... But the "O" is intentional. It differentiates that we are human, and not goats. Nice application to greek mythology though...

wraithme66's photo
Sun 04/04/10 10:31 PM

male cougar

a male who is between his 30's and 40's who gets much younger women. a male cougar is also called a rhino.

i guess im a rhino careful of my pitchfork

I've heard it as the term SATOR

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