Community > Posts By > wraithme66

wraithme66's photo
Fri 12/28/12 01:42 PM
I've never been married, and maybe posts like this is the reason I don't understand the point of marriage anymore? It seems like it's no longer sacred to quite a few people. I often ask... Why do a lot of them get married in the first place? Especially if it ends with lawyers, and spending of tons of money?

wraithme66's photo
Mon 12/03/12 06:56 AM
For me... It's a lot like high school.

wraithme66's photo
Mon 11/19/12 05:37 AM

wraithme66's photo
Wed 11/14/12 09:30 AM
Years ago... When this site was still called "Just Say Hi"... I had met and dated a few. It seems no one takes this site seriously for dating any more. I've made a lot of friends in the forums, but stopped trying to find anyone to date on here.

wraithme66's photo
Sun 10/21/12 10:03 AM
I know this game... Just like some women, some men like to feel like they're still desirable. I've never done this myself... But I have buddies that have done this. There are three reasons men will do this. One... They're no longer happy with the woman they're with and they're looking for someone else to "Trade-off" on. Another... They just want sex. Something different from what they're apparently used to and bored with, so they find someone to cheat with. The third... Are the most of the insecure. They lead a girl on via dating sites, pretending they're single. They're looking to get emotionally from this online relationship they seem to be lacking in their actual relationship. When they either get what they wanted, or they feel guilty about it all... so they come clean and tell the internet girl about their actual relationship... Hoping they'll be hurt/pissed and leave. There is one other possibility. I have used this one. If the girl they're talking to becomes emotionally enamored soo severely that subtle gestures and hints that they're an obsessive maniac, They'll just say they have a girlfriend to get them to leave them alone. I have on more than one occasion told someone I had a girlfriend. That's only when it gets to drastic measures and they don't know how to accept "NO". To some women... Having a girlfriend is the only thing that will stop them after being told repeatedly "NO".

wraithme66's photo
Tue 03/20/12 09:16 PM
Just stopping by to say hi everyone... Replies are always always awesome. "Just Say Hi"!

wraithme66's photo
Fri 12/30/11 01:35 PM

I meet people all the time... Here, on other sites, and all around in public. I probably meet a half dozen new people daily. I meet them in grocery stores, malls, clubs, libraries, museums... I'm all over the place... Lol! I used to meet a ton of people on here years ago, haven't met any here in the last year though.

Do you actually stop people in the grocery store to talk to them? I've often heard a grocery store is a good place to meet someone, but it just doesn't seem practical to me. The last thing I'm doing when I go grocery shopping is looking for new men. laugh

Actually... I've never had to. I guess I've always just appeared very approachable. People approach me and initiate conversation all the time. Too bad I never decided to be a salesman huh? Lol!

wraithme66's photo
Fri 12/30/11 01:20 PM
I have learned over the years that drama seems to get the most views and posts on here. My intentions aren't in the dramatic sense. Hahaha!

wraithme66's photo
Fri 12/30/11 01:17 PM
I meet people all the time... Here, on other sites, and all around in public. I probably meet a half dozen new people daily. I meet them in grocery stores, malls, clubs, libraries, museums... I'm all over the place... Lol! I used to meet a ton of people on here years ago, haven't met any here in the last year though.

wraithme66's photo
Fri 12/30/11 01:11 PM

I remember you from before. You come on here, whine about the forums, then disappear again. :tongue:

Lol! I never whine... I do remember people being waaay more respectful than you. I bet that attitude gets you real far in life. I mainly come on here when I'm bored. I have a full and prosperous life. And I definitely don't need to bash others on here to feel better about myself.

Relax, man. I just pointed out what I remembered about you. That's all. Sorry if that offended you.

Nah... I'm not offended. It's a little odd how people like to jump each other on here now a days. I looked back at a lot of my other posts just now, and you've always been one of the first to pipe in and slam my posts. I never noticed it before today. It actually looks like you're hunting and stalking my posts for some reason? I personally don't have any kind of determination to sabotage others in life. I like to be helpful which is why I post on here in the first place. I was asking a simple question.

wraithme66's photo
Fri 12/30/11 12:45 PM

When he complains does anyone else cue up Lenny Kravitz singing

"American woman, stay away from meeeeeeeeeee!!
American woman, baby, let me beeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

or is that only in my head?????

Hahaha! Wow! No wonder you all are single. For starters... Look up the definition of complaint. You're only making yourself look like an arse.

wraithme66's photo
Fri 12/30/11 12:43 PM

straight american women are a myth... sorry to disappoint you... indifferent


wraithme66's photo
Fri 12/30/11 12:40 PM

I remember you from before. You come on here, whine about the forums, then disappear again. :tongue:

Lol! I never whine... I do remember people being waaay more respectful than you. I bet that attitude gets you real far in life. I mainly come on here when I'm bored. I have a full and prosperous life. And I definitely don't need to bash others on here to feel better about myself.

wraithme66's photo
Fri 12/30/11 12:25 PM
Edited by wraithme66 on Fri 12/30/11 12:25 PM

It's been a really long time since I've been on here. Just curious? How many people are on here that are straight and American? It seems a whole lot has changed since I used to frequent this site. I'm not ethnocentric, nor am I prejudice towards gays. I'm straight and American, and am having a nearly impossible time finding that on here any more.

You can't find any straight Americans on here? Take a look in the forums. Many are what you're looking for.

Lol! A lot of it was mean light-hearted... But the forums are what I'm talking about. Maybe I should have specified Straight American Women...
Hahaha! I see there's tons of guys.

wraithme66's photo
Fri 12/30/11 12:20 PM
It's been a really long time since I've been on here. Just curious? How many people are on here that are straight and American? It seems a whole lot has changed since I used to frequent this site. I'm not ethnocentric, nor am I prejudice towards gays. I'm straight and American, and am having a nearly impossible time finding that on here any more.

wraithme66's photo
Sun 09/25/11 01:50 AM
The reason I debunk it... Is if it were real... The energy produced from the impulse, or EMF/EMP would have de-magnetized and or destroyed any and all digital data/footage in any recording devise. There would have been no saved recording after any such event. I can only say that because I've worked in weapons, and energy-state physics half my life. Hell of a cool sci-fi video nonetheless. The first thing that threw it all off... Is if there is such an occurrence to make cronic nosebleeds like that, usually means the pressure and magnetism were severe enough to draw the iron in blood out of the pores, which no video recording devise could survive through anyway. He was half right on all of the theory... Just no way to actually capture it on video. Plus, the CGI was not fully rendered in enough frame-detail to be realistic. It had that "cartoon" look.

wraithme66's photo
Tue 07/12/11 09:03 PM
Hi... And welcome to mingle.:wink:

wraithme66's photo
Thu 07/07/11 10:27 PM
I just added a little to and updated my profile... Tell me what you think? Lol!

wraithme66's photo
Sun 06/05/11 06:11 PM
I was just thinking about how many times I've had my heart broken... How many of you have had your heart broken repeatedly? And do you ever wonder if you'll hit a breaking point? I used to think I would eventually get numb/used to having it happen... But It never hurts any less.

wraithme66's photo
Sun 05/22/11 12:59 AM
I can't sleep! Again...

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