hottpinkilicious's photo
Sun 03/16/08 10:10 AM
kind of here....1/2 under the covers...too dreary to get up today.

hottpinkilicious's photo
Sun 03/16/08 10:08 AM
happy happy Happy Birthday!!!happy happy

hottpinkilicious's photo
Fri 03/14/08 02:15 PM
:cry: So sorry. You and your friend will be in my prayers. God Bless.:cry:

hottpinkilicious's photo
Fri 03/14/08 01:55 PM
Have a great time!!!flowerforyou

hottpinkilicious's photo
Fri 03/14/08 01:08 PM
flowerforyou I am sorry. I misunderstood what you were saying before. I agree with you. I just get so sick of parents around here blaming everyone other than themselves for what their kids do! We had a 16 year old stab another kid the other day over a $1 Mc Donald's burger. and the parents had no idea there was anything wrong with their son even though he was on antipsychotic meds and had done this before.....makes me want to smack the parents!

hottpinkilicious's photo
Fri 03/14/08 12:49 PM
As long as that child is under 18, the parents are responsible for what the kid does.
And to answer the question of Indian Princess...If I thought something was going on at a freind's hosue I would NOT let my child be there. Rather safe thatn sorry. Same about the TV and cable. If you can't be there seeing what the kid is doing, then he should not have a TV or cable.
I feel(this is my OPINION) that if your kids respect you and you have instilled a bit of fear in them, they are not going to cross you for fear of the consequences. Kids need to know there are consequences for their actions.

hottpinkilicious's photo
Fri 03/14/08 02:36 AM

Freud might also think that the Oedipus complex uses guilt to prevent continuation of incestuously oriented relationships.

And failure to get past this trigger point and into the symbolic order is considered to be a classic cause of the lasting neurosis which afflicts this man.

Peccy! Speak English! LOL!

hottpinkilicious's photo
Fri 03/14/08 02:32 AM
I think I'd want my family to be able to get on with their lives, so I would say pull the plug.

hottpinkilicious's photo
Fri 03/14/08 02:30 AM

I'll thake the million..... and screw him for lying to me!
literally?devil devil devil

devil Hell NO! Bubba can take care of him in the cell they share!devil

hottpinkilicious's photo
Fri 03/14/08 02:17 AM
I'll thake the million..... and screw him for lying to me!

hottpinkilicious's photo
Fri 03/14/08 02:15 AM

i'm not saying to that to that extreme. :heart: i'm just talking about queenes intial reply that the shows should be responsible. Parents know how their kids act better than anyone else. So those parents who let their children watch said movies/shows knowing they're going to try to recreate/reinact it, is the fault of the parent, not the show.

I said that Wonder and the reason being is.. If you have tv's in all bedrooms and the family rooms, sometimes you don't know what they're watching. You can check and they change the channel.. I've heard it many times... I found out my 10 yr old was recording the bunny ranch and no one was aware of it... He knew how to work the tivo, I didn't know how to lock or even think I needed to.. soooooooooooooooooo it's not always black and white...

I disagree! It is the parents who allow the TV in the kids' rooms! It is the parents who are paying th cable bill! It is the parents responsibility to KNOW how to block programs they don't want their children to see!
Saying your kids do things behind your back is the same as saying you are NOT doing your job as a parent! Ignorance and laziness are not excuses to let your kids do whatever they want.

hottpinkilicious's photo
Fri 03/14/08 02:11 AM

the same people you blame when little billy fails school and can't get a job (the teacher?)

the same people you blame when little billy starts selling weed and crack to make money (the people who took prayer out of school?)

the same people you blame when little billy goes on a shooting rampage (the gun manufacturer?)

the same people you blame when little billy gets a girl pregnant at 16 (the movies? porn?)

the same people you blame when little billy blames YOU for his problems (ooooh... thats a tough one...)

all i hear is 'you can't control your kids' from parents these days. well i tell ya what. i grew up not very long ago, and you better damn well believe my parents had a handle on my brother and i. same goes for all my friends i grew up with and the vast majority of my family. not everyone turned out perfect, but we all damn well knew better than to try stupid stunts we saw on tv.

very few people want to take responsibility anymore, so quite frankly, if a few thousand people are incapacitated tryin to be the next johnny knoxville, i'll chalk that up to darwinism.


hottpinkilicious's photo
Fri 03/14/08 02:04 AM

a serious accident which has left you in a vegetative state. Do you say screw it and have them pull the plug, or do you think there is always hope and want to stay alive?

If I was in a persistent vegetative state, I wouldn't SAY anything!! LOL!devil

hottpinkilicious's photo
Thu 03/13/08 08:51 PM

Someone's got sand in their snatch.

that was really a nasty comment...and totally uncalled for.

hottpinkilicious's photo
Thu 03/13/08 08:48 PM
Am I the only one who gets annoyed to open posts only to find a link to some Youtube video? If I wanted to see videos on Youtube, I'd be on their site instead of here.
Thanks for letting me vent!

hottpinkilicious's photo
Thu 03/13/08 08:44 PM
Philadelphia....aka Killadelphia. highest murder rate in the country!

hottpinkilicious's photo
Thu 03/13/08 06:53 PM
you can always call the kid a nickname.....

hottpinkilicious's photo
Thu 03/13/08 06:51 PM
14 and counting.
8 cats, 2 birds, 2 gerbils, 1 rat, 1 guinea pig---all castoffs and part of my family now!

hottpinkilicious's photo
Thu 03/13/08 06:48 PM
Have more kids!

hottpinkilicious's photo
Thu 03/13/08 06:48 PM
If that happpens again, you can bring the cake here for us!laugh

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