hottpinkilicious's photo
Tue 03/04/08 04:17 PM
I find it funny that someone who is looking for an intimate encounter is so concerned with whether people are real or being's not like you plan to have a relationship with one.....

hottpinkilicious's photo
Tue 03/04/08 03:51 PM
RUN! if anything ever did develop with you, he'd do the same thing to you that he is doing to her. How would you feel if you were in her shoes?

hottpinkilicious's photo
Tue 03/04/08 10:24 AM

when I am going to break it off I take the person to Applebees .. I don't care if I ever go back there again it is public so no scene and you can get in and out virtually unscathed .. that is just me ..

I did that whole public safety thing once. Still ended up with a lap full of water and a slap to the face. Some people i tell you.

To me, that is really funny! Not that she did that to you, but what was she thinking? that you would reconsider and say, "oh, skip, I decided I really like you and want to stay together"?????? Why don't people realize you cannot make someone like you?

hottpinkilicious's photo
Tue 03/04/08 09:08 AM
Nope. Cheating is like wiffle strike and you're out!

hottpinkilicious's photo
Tue 03/04/08 09:04 AM
You look gret with your new "do"!!flowerforyou
I'm sure your hair will make someone's pain easier to bear.drinker

hottpinkilicious's photo
Tue 03/04/08 08:18 AM

Was the date going fine until the bill came? If your even so much as hinted at her paying or made a big production of y0u paying, she might have thought you were a cheap skate and got turned off. Why do you assume she was misleading you? Maybe she was into you until the subject of the bill came......

I actually didn't make a production of it at all. I very discretely picked up the cheque, slipped my credit card into the slot, and put it back on the tray.

I was going by the words yuo used in your original post.

"As a matter of course, I always offer to pay for dinner on the first date. That just seems like the gentlemanly thing to do. If my date offers to split the cheque, I reassure her that she doesn't need to. I think I might quit doing that, though, or even requesting to split the cheque. "

If you "offered", and "reassured" her that you were picking up the tab, why then would you complain later? If a man asked me on a date, then "requested" splitting the cheque, I'd think he was a jacka$$

hottpinkilicious's photo
Tue 03/04/08 06:12 AM
Was the date going fine until the bill came? If your even so much as hinted at her paying or made a big production of y0u paying, she might have thought you were a cheap skate and got turned off. Why do you assume she was misleading you? Maybe she was into you until the subject of the bill came......

hottpinkilicious's photo
Tue 03/04/08 06:06 AM

it really kind of depends on how old the kids are and how well she is raising them.

i mean, on paper, it all seems like peaches and cream, like the best case scenario being you could even be this psuedo family and a surrogate parent.

the reality is you could get stuck having to deal with this bratty kid in order to see your gf.

imagine getting hot and heavy with your girl and getting right up to the injection when you hear a knock at the door. it little Tommy and not only did he poop his pants, but he's scared and wants to sleep in mommy's bed now. mood killers from hell.

OR maybe the kid has a problem with you getting mom's attention and takes any oppurtunity to kill your moods on purpose.

OR maybe that whole psuedo family/surrogate dad thing can get pushed on you and you find yourself buying kid clothes and driving this woman's kid to school at 8 in the morning everyday.

this kind of thing isnt always the case, but its a definite possibility.

the kid is not going away and takes precedence every time. keep that in mind. sound like you have a lot of experience being a selfish little child. grow up!

hottpinkilicious's photo
Tue 03/04/08 06:00 AM

just been reading my weekly mag, and came across the story of the childrens home in Jersey called Haut de la Garenne, it come under a alleged child abuse scandal recently, when 150 ex residents claimed abuse...they have recently found childrens remains, a torture chamber, shackles and there are walled up rooms in the cellers that they think might contain more remains, whats bugging me is how no one knew what was going on, its a small island the abuse went on for more than 50 years, how can any one have missed this horror ..makes me sick to think what those poors kids went threw...sorry had to vent

Was it run by catholic nuns or priests?

hottpinkilicious's photo
Mon 03/03/08 12:15 PM

I just cut off 10 inches of my hair, to the middle of my back!!!! I'm in the Army and it had to go, sick of getting smoked for it touching the collar of my uniform. I donated it to Locks Of love which I'm happy that I was able to...I went from looking like Amy Lee from Evanescence to Victoria 'Posh Spice' Beckham...... I feel so unsexy and I cried like a baby...God I feel naked!!! I know it's just hair but it was my security blanket....

hottpinkilicious's photo
Mon 03/03/08 02:12 AM

that I am the most worthless ****ing ***** and he hopes I burn in hell, nice choice of words huh???

If you have a boyfriend Why are you on here? Did he find out you are on a DATING SITE and those words just came out of his mouth????????

Oh yeah...she's "asking for it" ....
man, you just put up your own big red flag to every womsn who reads this.

hottpinkilicious's photo
Sun 03/02/08 06:49 PM
Cut your losses....just be happy he is out of your life and get on with it. The only one who will win is the lawyers

hottpinkilicious's photo
Sun 03/02/08 06:42 PM

Hmmm, sounds like you had a date at a trailer park.laugh

Hope it wasnlt the trailer park that I live in.noway grumble

hottpinkilicious's photo
Sun 03/02/08 05:03 PM

I wish more people were "greedy" for love.

Then there might be more giving than taking.

I'll say love.

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou What a wonderful thought!!!!

hottpinkilicious's photo
Sun 03/02/08 04:59 PM

It's interesting that if someone could "feel" and experience the pain they've caused others, that would be true justice.

If thats the case I hope A lot of ppl who gave me so much pain are visited by Karma for the rest of there lives!

"Vengenence is mine", saith the Lord. Believe THAT!!

hottpinkilicious's photo
Sun 03/02/08 03:54 PM

i have my nose pierced:tongue:

me too.
My 17 year old is addicted to least she's not out hurting anyone! she can always take them out if she changes her mind.

hottpinkilicious's photo
Sun 03/02/08 03:52 PM
psychotic cmes to mind!laugh

hottpinkilicious's photo
Sun 03/02/08 03:35 PM

I think the thing that would make me special to swomeone is that I appreciate things. I don't have much, but I am thankful for having a roof over my head and for my daughter. I try not to take anything for granted and to show my appreciation when someone is kind to me.
I WISH i could sing like countrybumpkin! trust me, you will appreciate me NOT singing!

Just sing with your heart! Thats all I do.

Funny story...when my daughter was about a year old, I was rocking her and singing to her and she looked up at me(as only a sweet small baby can do) and asked, "Will you SHUT UP?" also, my cats howl when I sing!

hottpinkilicious's photo
Sun 03/02/08 03:29 PM

thats weird i posted and its disappeared??

i said wow you can all think of something, and i cant. ohwell ohwell

how about that you are beautiful, thoughtful, smart, caring, and independent???? and...your posts are MAGIC! they disappear!

hottpinkilicious's photo
Sun 03/02/08 03:27 PM
I think the thing that would make me special to swomeone is that I appreciate things. I don't have much, but I am thankful for having a roof over my head and for my daughter. I try not to take anything for granted and to show my appreciation when someone is kind to me.
I WISH i could sing like countrybumpkin! trust me, you will appreciate me NOT singing!