Community > Posts By > Unique2468

Unique2468's photo
Mon 07/21/08 02:30 PM

ugh. i hate when work stresses me out. i get all headachey.

i hear that

Unique2468's photo
Mon 07/21/08 02:21 PM
Hi all, hows everyone?

Unique2468's photo
Sun 07/20/08 06:02 PM
People seem so obessed with 'love' that they usually can't see it. Kinda like staring at a mirror with your nose touching. No you can't control it, yes it will happen, no you won't know until its to late and no you'll never understand it.

Unique2468's photo
Sun 07/20/08 11:24 AM

First of all let me just start by saying that there are many ways that you men scare women as well.....

Women do the same things. This is defently something that both genders do not like.

1. Being indecisive- on and off again behavior. You want us, you don't want us.....

Sometimes we just want to do our own thing. Usually it's when we are seeing your bad side, and seeing the grass on the other side at the same time. This is usually us struggling on what to accept. (it means we are thinking long term). As for everything else, We probly don't care, and thats why we can't decide on a place to eat, or where to go for vacation.

2. Saying that you want a good woman, then when a good woman comes along... you run off or you go for the b****h that treats you like a dog.

Usually, the 'good woman' is a self proclaimed title. Nagging is often worse then not laughing at stupid jokes. In other cases, it's because most guy's want to have sex with the b**ch, and probly think they can change her b**chy ways.

The other type of fake 'good woman' is the desperate kind, who will change her life to fit yours. We will take b*tch over that, because b*tch has her own mind. Most men that find 'good women' try to keep them.

3. Never calling when you say you will. Women love to know that they are being thought of. If you say you will call us back, then please do.

I agree with this one. One problem is the 'just because' call. You call to much, your seen as clingy.

4. Assuming that every woman is the same. Just because your ex wife was a pain or cheated doesn't mean that all women are or will.

I'll agree that not every women is exactly the same. There are alot of similarity's between women and other woman, just as there are between men. Players exist because they learned how to exploit these things to get what they want. Come on, comedians have been making fun of these similaritys for centuries.

5. Flirting with others in our presence. Need I say more?

As disrespectful as this is, some guys are just charming. There is a fine line here. It's directly porpotional to your girlfriends jelously. Crossing that line is directly porportional to how hypocrytical the girl is, and how much the guy respects his girlfriend.

6. Trash talking your ex. Just don't do it. LOL You don't want women to picture you talking about them that way, which is what happens.

True, however when we talk about things we liked about them or things we missed, you get jelous. Instead, understand men language, we are saying 'we hope your not like this' and 'we are glad your not like this'. Think of this as us opening up to you and telling you please don't treat me like her. If it goes on, just say you won't treat us like our ex, and most guys will shut up.

7. Not respecting a woman's time with her friends. If you don't want us to cut into guys night out time then don't do it to us.

The majority of women cut into 'guy time' with the 'just because' call. We also know that the majority of women will talk about their boyfriends when together. If you have a single and unhappy girlfriend, we will have bad things said about us. Infact, most guys know that atleast one of your friends hates us, and atleast one other friend has thought about sleeping with us.

8. Trash talking other men. Keep the jealously to a minimum.

There are two types. Jelously, and justice. Jelously is saying they suck when we do the same thing. Justice is saying they suck because there doing something we would never do. You can tell it's justice when the guy actually becomes notably pissed off.

9. Fishing for compliments. If we say that you are sexy then accept it and move on, don't ask us to explain it in depth to you ten times within a few minutes.

The majority of women i know don't complament men. Infact, it's almost expected that we complament women every time we go out. we need it just as much as you do. We are just as insecure, we just are taught to hide it better. We fish when we haven't heard it alot, or we don't believe it.

10. Don't be clingy and possessive. I guess you can refer to #7 on this one also.

I disagree on this one. Some girls like a certin level of possessiveness. They like it when a guy calls a girl 'his girl', or when they get pissed off at another guy for flirting with his girlfriend. Others don't seem to care. Though i will agree, there is a fine line.

Unique2468's photo
Sun 07/20/08 10:39 AM

Alright, so I responded in another thread where people were discrediting "game," saying they would rather "get to the point." I think this would fit better as a separate thread:

I know it's been ages since I've posted anything on JSH...ahem sorry... I mean MINGLE2, but allow me to tell all you guys a little something about CHEMISTRY.

If you're saying that you want to skip the game and just be "straight up and say it from the beginning," you are essentially prioritizing compatibility. You just want to get to the point and see if the two of you are going to work out together, right? Sure, that may sound great, but you're sacrificing something important along the way.

Chemistry is essentially spawned from sexual tension. All women with experience in dating and sex are reading that statement right now and nodding their heads in agreement. Most men, however, will be utterly confused. "Isn't tension a bad thing? Isn't resolution always the end goal?" they will ask.

Would you really want to watch a movie that has JUST a happy ending without all the mess in the middle? Be my guest to pay ten bucks to go watch that movie, but I ain't joining ya.

Playing the game isn't a waste of time. It's an opportunity to build sexual tension, create chemistry, and really get to know the other person through a fun and challenging experience. There WILL be conflict, but that's where the necessary tension comes from. In fact, I oftentimes FAKE conflict with women (and they KNOW it's fake but they play along) to create a flirty vibe between me and her.

The tension makes the release all that much better. It's like building up an orgasm within a woman - you keep bringing her to the brink of orgasm but you tell her to relax her body so that she's unable to... after you do this several times, you tell her to cum and the result is an explosion of pleasure multiplied several times over. The push/pull dynamic between the tension and the release that follows is essentially what the game is, and that is what makes interactions between the sexes fun and fulfilling.

Calling the game "BS" is just nonsense.

Chemistry is nothing more on how well your are able to work together, sexually, spiritualy, facing life, arguments, decisions, understanding, listening, looking out for eachother, knowing when to stand your ground and when to give in, how to make yourself and them happy.

This is something you learn. It requires 2 party's who are willing to make the commitment to do it, not just to try. I'll agree that part of that is flirting, because most people want to feel wanted. But your a fool to believe thats the only way to create sexual tension. Human nature, down to the instinctual level will create it.

IMHO the whole reason love exists, manmade or not, is so that people can make the choice to be the best they can be so they can work together with the other person. I mean after all, when you break up, isn't it ultimately because you dont want to try anymore? It's always when one side stops trying, though i'm pretty sure it's both not figuring out how to work together fast enough. Some people just learn faster together then others.

In reguards to your faking stuff, the laws of nature trancend stupid games, because your right, there is always someone out there that will play along. Thats part of working together. Thing is, despite all of this, you better both be having fun and be happy doing it, or else no matter how long you stay together, you'll never figure out how to understand them and how to really work together.

Atleast thats my oppinion, i could be wrong.

Unique2468's photo
Fri 07/18/08 02:06 PM

Hello everyone! How's your day been?

OMG!!!!! (((((woody))))))))))) how have you been sweets?
Busier than a one legged man in a butt kicking contest!

Hahaha, thats an awesome analogy!

Well i'm off for a bit. Be back later.

Unique2468's photo
Fri 07/18/08 12:01 PM
Actually, when i lived in redlands, in cali, there was this one guy who stoped in the middle of an intersection, got something out of his trunk, then the light turned red, then he got back into the car and made a left turn. Almost as bad as people from lake forest.

Unique2468's photo
Fri 07/18/08 11:37 AM

Hola amigos!

Que pasa????

Hi Katie!

Unique2468's photo
Fri 07/18/08 11:36 AM

Hello feralcatlady. Was the role call done yet.
I have my mail settings blocked to users looking for intimate encounters. Will I have to change this setting?
Ok so I am at your mercy.
What is my mission?

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to kill all users against the match making thread! Or to chill out, post a bit, put your feet up and hang out, and eventually Feral will set you up with someone, or she will have them email you to get to know you.

Unique2468's photo
Fri 07/18/08 11:17 AM
Out of all these people that say 'no', there tends to be alot of people that say they fell in love over the internet, and when they met things where great. Those are in the sucess story's.

You meet someone basicly to find out if they where lieing or hiding stuff. how much of love is really physical? If love is understanding, and a higher tolerance, then that can be gained online. People that usually 'fall in love' and meet the person, had one of three things happen.

1. The person lied
2. The person with held important things
3. you failed to listen to them honestly.

Don't get me wrong, i think its important to meet the person. I still think that falling in love over the computer is possable, there are just a few more obsticles in the way. After all, any of the reasons that where offered can happen even if you never talked online and meet face to face.

Unique2468's photo
Fri 07/18/08 11:05 AM
Ehh, kissing is about timing. Every type of kissing has a time when it will feel right. Some men and women just can't get passed kissing one way.

Unique2468's photo
Fri 07/18/08 10:53 AM
Edited by Unique2468 on Fri 07/18/08 10:54 AM

I was recruiting just now......OMG there are so so so so many hot guys in calif...I think all the ladies need to just move

Good point Deb....and keep recruiting the women....we need more women....just please don't talk on your cells when driving...

Dude, that was soooo sexist. Women talking on cell phones has nothing to do with them be worse drivers then men!

Dude...Dude...Dude....i didn't say women were worse drivers than men...get a life...don't assume....

the joke totally went over your head sir :p

thanks, i am not a 'dude' & i didn't get your joke...but that can be a problem with writing on message i will take what you said as a joke & leave it at that....have a good day...:wink:

I'm terrably sorry. i feel really embarassed right now. I thought because of your context and picture you where a guy. The short hair through me off. Please accept my appology.

apology accepted, insult ignored...

he's just joking around. :smile:

Emily knows me well!

Unique2468's photo
Fri 07/18/08 10:49 AM

How women scare men. Oh yes ladies, you scare us before you get to know us.

Here is a small list of the things you do that scare us.

1. Tell us you're looking to get married.
2. Tell us you like to go to expensive places.
3. Tell us you have kids at home but you're really not looking for their next daddy...NOT.
4. Tell us that you're looking for an honest faithful man. (note: this tells us you have trust issues)
5. Tell us that we need to be "financially secure" before you know us. This tells us one of two things. Either you are a gold digger or you are insecure about your own finances.
6. Tell us that you want us to be "friends first". What does this mean? It tells us some things maybe we don't want to know.
7. Tell us a lot about your pets and what they mean to you. Who is more important here - us or the pets? We are confused.
8. Tell us you are too inept to upload your photo in your profile.
9. Tell us you have only one "good" photo of you that you like, and that's the one in your profile.
10. Tell us that all the things that you want in a man that tells us you have a huge attitude about men and whatever we do will never be good enough.

Ladies, I hope you will take all of this in the humor in which it's offered.

Gentlemen, this is a very incomplete list. What things scare you about women when you read their profiles?

1 doesn't scare me
2 doesn't scare me
3 only scares me if it turns into long term and they want to force the relastionship with the child either way
4 doesn't scare me
5 i don't bother with, because i hate gold diggers
6 doesn't scare me, it just means i can date other people
7 doesn't scare me, i love animals
8 contradicts 4. If they don't want me to see them, then i wont see them.
9 contradicts 4 as well. If you dont want me to see who you really are, then it's not worth my time
10 not scared of it as long as the girl is flexable and knows that no one is perfect.

What scares me are girls that talk about their ex's and/or people they are sleeping with. I appreciate the honesty, but if your that into them, why are you talking to me?

Unique2468's photo
Fri 07/18/08 10:35 AM

I was recruiting just now......OMG there are so so so so many hot guys in calif...I think all the ladies need to just move

Good point Deb....and keep recruiting the women....we need more women....just please don't talk on your cells when driving...

Dude, that was soooo sexist. Women talking on cell phones has nothing to do with them be worse drivers then men!

Dude...Dude...Dude....i didn't say women were worse drivers than men...get a life...don't assume....

the joke totally went over your head sir :p

thanks, i am not a 'dude' & i didn't get your joke...but that can be a problem with writing on message i will take what you said as a joke & leave it at that....have a good day...:wink:

I'm terrably sorry. i feel really embarassed right now. I thought because of your context and picture you where a guy. The short hair through me off. Please accept my appology.

Unique2468's photo
Fri 07/18/08 10:19 AM
Are we doing this? I know we talked about it before, and if we are i think we should take names down and have someone who will email people when we decide on the said event. Mainly because i rarely check the ill forums cause they are are slow :p

Unique2468's photo
Fri 07/18/08 10:16 AM

Hmm he's gone...

who's gone?

Unique2468's photo
Fri 07/18/08 10:14 AM

I was recruiting just now......OMG there are so so so so many hot guys in calif...I think all the ladies need to just move

Good point Deb....and keep recruiting the women....we need more women....just please don't talk on your cells when driving...

Dude, that was soooo sexist. Women talking on cell phones has nothing to do with them be worse drivers then men!

Dude...Dude...Dude....i didn't say women were worse drivers than men...get a life...don't assume....

the joke totally went over your head sir :p

Unique2468's photo
Fri 07/18/08 10:13 AM

bragg aobut yourself the more rich you seem the more ladies that will respond.

And the more gold diggers you'll have to fend off, and the higher chances you'll end up with the wrong person.

Bye the way, the profile is fine. I wouldn't abbreivate though.

Unique2468's photo
Fri 07/18/08 10:03 AM

I was recruiting just now......OMG there are so so so so many hot guys in calif...I think all the ladies need to just move

Good point Deb....and keep recruiting the women....we need more women....just please don't talk on your cells when driving...

Dude, that was soooo sexist. Women talking on cell phones has nothing to do with them be worse drivers then men!

Unique2468's photo
Fri 07/18/08 09:44 AM
Thats just part of california. If the move to a differnt state they become unhotter. Trust me, just being a guy living in cali makes you hotter. It's the air or something.