Community > Posts By > Unique2468

Unique2468's photo
Wed 07/16/08 07:42 PM

I have such a headache. frustrated

According to the New England Medical Journal you need sex.

I just got a headache too...

Unique2468's photo
Wed 07/16/08 07:41 PM

Sorry that happened, no one deserves that to say the least. flowerforyou flowerforyou

It could be worse though, least you found this out about the guy now as opposed to later in the relationship.

I totally diserve that for the awkward remarks i made to the teacher in sex ed class!

Unique2468's photo
Wed 07/16/08 07:37 PM

I know I'm sorry ohwell . I'm weird at this whole scene though. I've never dated anyone I wasn't friends with for awhile (as in 8+ years) first so I wasn't sure if there etiquettes to follow.

Well, you could always try to get to know people first and see what happens to. You don't have to email someone with the intention of going out with them. Though its more fun that way!

Unique2468's photo
Wed 07/16/08 07:35 PM
I say we kill him!

Unique2468's photo
Wed 07/16/08 07:33 PM

I'd say keep calling him. Call him 5 times a day. No make it 8 times a day. Just call, call, call. Then let us know what happens cuz I love these threads.

then kill him!

Unique2468's photo
Wed 07/16/08 07:33 PM

Someone, please help...
I am married to a great guy. He is my best friend, but I am not sexually attracted to him. We have been married for 9 years and we have a son who is 4. I love him and don't want to end our marriage.
We have a mutual friend, however, that I have somehow become attracted to. I think about him all the time. I don't know how he feels, but I have this unbelievable urge to let him know I am attracted to him. I don't know if this is the right thing to do. I need a guy to let me know how to handle this and if they would want to know if it were them... I'm not sure whether I would ever act on these feelings... Its hard to tell, since I have no idea how this 3rd person feels. Please help with some opinions from men please. Thanks! I am not a horrible person, so please don't think that I am. I have never experienced anything like this and don't know which way to go.

i'd sit down with your husband and tell him. Usually when sexual attraction goes away, it's because of other problems. You made a promise to him, this is one of the thick and thin times. Who knows, maybie you can figure out a way to work around this together.

If you want to play the tape through, what will probly happen is you'll cheat on your husband, feel guilty, tell him, ruin the marrage, then when he's gone realize he really was mr right and you where in a slump, and the guy you where attracted to, isn't so hot now that you slept with him.

Unique2468's photo
Wed 07/16/08 07:27 PM

kill himdevil

i hate you!

Unique2468's photo
Wed 07/16/08 07:27 PM
Kill him!

Btw your screen name rocks!

I would just not answer. Go a week or two without talking or communicating in any way, and it usually solves things either way.

Unique2468's photo
Wed 07/16/08 07:25 PM
Kill him!

Unique2468's photo
Wed 07/16/08 07:19 PM

would you tell him the reason?

yea. And don't say 'i dont want to hurt you'. Because lets face it, your probly going to hurt him. It doesn't make you evil, but atleast give him the option to hate you. It makes things easier on him.

Unique2468's photo
Wed 07/16/08 07:13 PM
Hi all


Unique2468's photo
Wed 07/16/08 07:12 PM

ok but taking your last comment, why assume the decision had anything to do with you? granted, unless it was expressed. What and why would you change a thing about yourself? So long as you are true to yourself and to them, why look to change a thing?

Thanks EvyT for responding flowerforyou

When you break up, it's because someone isn't happy. Closure is finding out why. Then it's finding out if it is something you see as a problem, if the relastionship may be salvagable, and if you want to change those aspects about yourself. Since a relastionship involves 2 people, then it goes without saying that you had a part in it. Of course, what your ex may want you to change may be completely unreasonable to you, like they want to use coke, or it may be something you don't like about yourself, looks or you get angry alot or something. Changing something that you don't like about yourself is being true to yourself. That being said, closure usually starts off to find out if it's really over, and to answer the WTF factor, since most people don't let people know there going to break up with them in advance.

Unique2468's photo
Tue 07/15/08 06:05 PM
Hi! Welcome to justmingle

Unique2468's photo
Tue 07/15/08 06:05 PM
Well, i'm off to have sex with myself, then cheat on myself with another me, then tell myself i dont love myself anymore and ...awww **** it, i'm going to the store to get some food for dinner!

Unique2468's photo
Tue 07/15/08 06:01 PM


Hi storm!

Evening Unique~ How has your day been?

Purple! Full of work and now relaxing, and i found out i got paid 2 days ago and didnt notice. So now i'm smileing

Unique2468's photo
Tue 07/15/08 06:00 PM

FYI - After the second meeting things fizzled out. Last phone call we had, he talked about being strapped for cash because of his ex-wife screwing him over with a car payment that she hadn't been paying on. I don't know but I got the feeling it was a cop out. He did email me the other day but it was one of those forwarded emails. Maybe better luck next time!!

maybie he's just embarased about his situation. Might want to ask him outright, and know for sure before writing things off.

Unique2468's photo
Tue 07/15/08 05:54 PM


Hi storm!

Unique2468's photo
Tue 07/15/08 05:53 PM

Hey cute girl. Ok who will stand up and take that one? You know who you are.


Unique2468's photo
Tue 07/15/08 05:53 PM

I don't either.

I hate generalizations

Yea, i believe men do it as well, but i haven't dated any.

Why do you hate generalizations? Do you actually think i'm talking about you?

Unique2468's photo
Tue 07/15/08 05:47 PM
Generally in my expierence it means that one or both sides doesn't want to work at the relastionship anymore. Basicly, they don't want to be with you right now. When you come back from the break, the problems you had before are still there. So if you wern't able to work on them before, then i doubt it will work.

Think about it, if your exhausted from a fight, and need a breather, how long does it take till you start thinking that finishing the fight isn't worth it? There are a few people that can, but those people usually see it through to the end before they take a 'break' in the first place.