Topic: What's wrong with me?
no photo
Fri 10/06/06 06:26 PM
Ok, sometimes its easier to accpet advice from people who don't know you
so here it is: I'm single. But I'm definitely a dime. There's not really
much about me a man wouldn't be looking for, but it's not the case vice
versa. I tend to stop liking a guy after a while. The longest
relationship-- my first relaitonship-- was 4 years, but since we broke
up the longest I can stand to be with someone is 4 months, MAYBE!
Something about them starts to annoy me, or I'm already getting bored
looking elsewhere. Am I just destined to be single? I don't wanna break
any more hearts, but I can't help my heart won't fall... right?

AlpineRocks's photo
Fri 10/06/06 06:41 PM
It sounds to me like you are holding on to something from your past and
when you see it in your new relationship you brake it off before you get
hurt or it causes you problems I maybe wrong but I would try to get to
the root of what your afraid of.

Sportychic's photo
Fri 10/06/06 06:44 PM
ok sweetie your young and your just shopping around so to speak I had
the same problem there is nothing wrong with you the guy that you may
find look for something good in him dont just think b/c your heart hasnt
fallin for anyone that it will continue its just temporary so whomever
you do decide to date im sure it'll turn out ok.
good luck

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 10/06/06 06:47 PM
You might have to look at your own family situation that you grew up in.
How was it? Was there divorce? How about your parent stayed married but
were miserable with each other. You may be projecting the subconscious
act of throwing away your relationships because you don't want to end up
miserable too.

I know that's the case for me. My parents stayed married eventhough they
hated each other. I don't want to end up like that, so for me, being a
lone is better then being miserable.

no photo
Fri 10/06/06 06:50 PM
You have plenty of time to find the right one for you, society has this
thing about making us think we need to hurry and rush to find the right
one. Take your time, and 4 months is enough time to see if there is a
spark and to get to know the person.Only you know what it is your
looking for and the qualities you are looking fo, if the guys don't meet
those qualities then its better to cut them loose instead of leading
them with false hope. Good luck with your search and do take your time

AlpineRocks's photo
Fri 10/06/06 06:58 PM
I didnt realize how young you are there is plenty of time but the sooner
you start to build a life with someone the farther a head you will be in
life I just would'nt rush into having kids I waited till I was 34 to
have my kid

Jimi366's photo
Fri 10/06/06 07:09 PM
I think that the breakup of the long term relationship
really hurt you and you are having fear of commitment
issues now. The truth is that to love is to risk
being hurt. There are no guarantees in love. What's
happening is you're afraid you'll get hurt if you
get too close to someone so when you feel like you're
getting close you do what I would call a preemptive strike.
You break up with them before they have a chance to
break up with you. Until you get over this you will
be single.

hayhay5's photo
Fri 10/06/06 07:37 PM
If there is something wrong with you, then there is something wrong with
me too. I tend to dismiss guys easily. Usually I find traits my ex's
have, and I think that causes me to associate them with bad
relationships. Maybe we both read too deep into something that doesn't

AlpineRocks's photo
Fri 10/06/06 07:47 PM
Theres nothing wrong with you, you just need someone a little older
like me to change your out look on things.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Fri 10/06/06 08:09 PM
If you ask me, you're looking for an excuse to break it sounds
like you were badly hurt-(I been wrong before tho)-in your 1st
relationship. I think you may either be looking for the same qualities
that made you fall in love with your 1st, and if they don't turn out to
be there maybe you figure oops..this won't work...or yer just plain
looking for anything that's not your ideal of "perfection" to give you a
reason to push them away.. I had the same experience with a lady a few
years ago. I could never go an entire week without her finding any
excuse to get mad at me so she could push me away. The difference tho,
was she'd usually get a hold of me within a couple of days and apologize
and we'd be back together..I knew she had been VERY badly treated in her
2 previous marriages, so her actions did make some was fear.
She really was, and still is a very nice warm hearted lady, she's just
expecting the unattainable and it ain't gonna happen, cuz if you keep
seeking it, NO ONE is ever going to be able to measure up. Being picky
is one thing...nit-picking is another thing entirely. If it's something
that bugs you, you need to ask yourself, "How does this affect me
really?"..If it's one of those annoying habits that just make more work
for you, well then you have a decision to make. If it's just something
like a quirk they have, you know, one of those things that bugs you just
because it bugs you, you may have some issues completely unrelated to
what ever it is that he does that bugs you. Just don't throw away
someone that treats you like the lady you should be treated like, just
because he chews his fingernails, or doesn't like his food touching each
other, or whatever. But then again, when you can overlook or ignore, for
the long term, those little things that bug you, you'll know it's love ignore everything I said up 'til now lol

no photo
Sat 10/07/06 01:35 PM
Ok, I've been taking in the advice. Thanks everyone. As far as my
parents' situation yes they divorced. When I was 7, so I was very young
when my idea of long-term love was shot. To this day I tell myself I
want to be happy, but I don't see myself getting married. Weddings in
themselves even bore me. But I think I could get past that issue if I
find the right one... or is it that I do find the right one and run?

AlpineRocks's photo
Sat 10/07/06 01:50 PM
Sounds like your on the right track I believe a long term relationship
would do you good if you find the right person someone who is stable and
a good provider but unless your marriage minded your not going to find

Ontario's photo
Sat 10/07/06 06:07 PM
Look, Monique... stop bullshiting, you ain,t no dime, at least as far as
I can see.
You drive men away, and then you ask whats wrong with me... I,ll tell
you, either you are gay are crazy...or both.
Take some time to have some fun, make yourself availiable to a guy, or
even ask one out.
Guzzle, some wild turkey and a couple of Buds, but do not get drunk.
Go a few rounds with the guy in the sack, and then spend a week
considering your sexual orientation.
If you cannot decide then you possibly are gay.
Most women that cannot maintain a health relationship with a man usually
are, or crazy.


TheShadow's photo
Sat 10/07/06 06:28 PM
Sorry guys, no one here can tell her what Is or Isn't wrong with here.
It's something she has to figure out herself. And the funny thing about
it, she knows it already. she just not seeing it. Most of us are afraid
to look at ourselves for who we really are so we put are shit on someone
else. It's learning how to deal with our on shit and face up to it.
Until then, things will never change.

Ghostrecon's photo
Sat 10/07/06 07:39 PM
I've heard of the philosophy of:

You don't find the right person, you become the right person. Meaning if
you project fear, hatred, uncertainty. Then that's what you'll attract.
If on the other hand you project love, kindness, and empathy. Then
that's what you'll get in return.

It sounds like simple logic, but it's a lot harder then you think. You
just have to practice it and don't expect the results to come when you
want them to, but accept the results that come.

Good luck hun.


AlpineRocks's photo
Sat 10/07/06 07:41 PM
I think you need to be your self because someday the truth is going to
come out, and I dont want a relationship built on a lie.

no photo
Sun 10/08/06 10:21 PM
Thanks to everyone for their replies. Really appreciate it... accept for
Ontario. Dude, you need to keep ur ignorant replies 2 urself. U hav NO
idea what ur talkin about, and its obvious by what ur profile says...
"I'm looking for my sunshine"? Are u serious?!! LAME!!! How bout u luk
for a GYM 1st and then the sun'll b able 2 shine on ur behind! Cuz from
what I c-- and obviously I'm not desperate, I joined this 4 fun not for
love-- YOU need 2 b as nice as u can. YOU're the one wit a pic posted,
PLAYA! Please!