Topic: I Waited For You
Jimi366's photo
Fri 10/06/06 09:16 PM
Midnight strikes
and I hear your screams.
There stuck inside my head.
I lay down and hope for sweet dreams.
I find you instead.
Your face puts a chill on my soul.
I start sweating and wondering
if I'm gonna lose control.
You were once part of my life
but checked out way before you died.
How the fuck could you do such a thing.
At your funeral I cried.
I said I forgave you
as your lifeless body
laid in front of me.
Dad I meant it.
I can't say I don't
have regrets.
I wish you were a bigger
part of my life.
You had your reasons,
but I can't figure them out.
I gotta harden my heart to survive.
You left me behind
to deal with the pain.
You told people you were
proud of me but I don't
think you even knew my
telephone number.
Say what you want it
doesn't change the facts.
You were afraid to get too close.
I only know you in memory
now. You didn't even leave
behind your picture.
I remember every single moment.
I remember looking for you
at the front door of
Grandma's house wondering
when you would take me home.
That day would never come.
You scarred my heart
forever. Abandonement
tends to do that to a soul.
I waited for you.
Now you're gone.
The wait is no more.

brownhips888's photo
Fri 10/06/06 09:39 PM
i just to say who ever wrote this poem,call i wait it for you is very
deep,but also true and i just wanted to say thank you for reminding
everyone about family,love ones, your husband,your wife,and who ever
close to some one this is very powerful and knowledge to anyone who
reading it, just want to say a very good job you have written, GOD BLESS

Jimi366's photo
Fri 10/06/06 10:07 PM
Thank you.

Sportychic's photo
Fri 10/06/06 10:36 PM
great peom jimi sad but it was very good