Topic: My Favorite Dessert...Maybe?
Gator76's photo
Mon 10/19/09 10:12 AM
Sometimes the juxtaposition of flavors makes for the most interesting dishes. I've been making this dessert for nearly 20 years...and it is a crowd pleaser!

start with a couple scoops of your favorite vanilla ice cream...whatever that might be. Blue Bell, Breyer's, Haagen-Daz...though I love real Italian's not 50% air so it's density and intensity of flavor is great!

Slice fresh strawberries (four or five) over the ice cream. Use a pepper grinder and on coarse grind setting, grind several turns of fresh pepper over the ice cream and strawberries.

Then, lace the dish with the best aged balsamic vinegar...a good 12 year (usually 6% acidity and will cost about $20-$30 for 6 to 8 oz) Even better, splurge and get an older one...the best are from Modena in Italy and can be found anywhere from 12 to 100 years old. The latter is intense and comes with an eyedropper...for about $125-$137 an oz! However, you don't need the rarest, but you CAN'T use the cheap stuff for $3-$4 for a big bottle you find on the grocer's shelf. Please don't substitute it will not turn out right!!! So much for preaching quality!

Anyway, the flavors of thios dessert are so good...and most people say, wow, that sounds weird...TRY IT! I've never seen anyone not like it so much they didn't want to lick the dish!


lilith401's photo
Mon 10/19/09 10:29 AM

I'm glad your have such trusting friends!drinker

earthytaurus76's photo
Mon 10/19/09 10:30 AM
Changing the world..

One gelato at a time.

LewisW123's photo
Mon 10/19/09 11:28 AM

Anyway, the flavors of thios dessert are so good...and most people say, wow, that sounds weird...TRY IT!

For you poor folk, like me, may I suggest my peanut-butter and onion sandwiches?

Gator76's photo
Mon 10/19/09 12:37 PM


I'm glad your have such trusting friends!drinker

Me. too!happy

Gossipmpm's photo
Mon 10/19/09 01:40 PM
I'd love a gelato right about now!!

skanktricil's photo
Mon 10/19/09 04:39 PM
there's no need to mess up the flavor of some natural vanilla bean blue bell ice cream... it's already PERFECT! adding anything would just mess it up. u can't improve upon perfection. unless the design of this dessert is to dress up balsamic vinegar-macerated peppered strawberries. because that's the only reason i can think of to put that mess with vanilla ice cream, in the hopes the vanilla will improve the flavor of the vinegar pepper berries.

Gator76's photo
Mon 10/19/09 05:13 PM

there's no need to mess up the flavor of some natural vanilla bean blue bell ice cream... it's already PERFECT! adding anything would just mess it up. u can't improve upon perfection. unless the design of this dessert is to dress up balsamic vinegar-macerated peppered strawberries. because that's the only reason i can think of to put that mess with vanilla ice cream, in the hopes the vanilla will improve the flavor of the vinegar pepper berries.


Vive la difference!
We're all entitled to our matter how wrong they might be!
rofl rofl rofl

skanktricil's photo
Mon 10/19/09 06:17 PM


Vive la difference!
We're all entitled to our matter how wrong they might be!
rofl rofl rofl

a chacun sont gout

and ur correct, ur welcome to be as wrong as u like. sm:)e

Gator76's photo
Mon 10/19/09 06:30 PM
Chacun à son goût...I couldn't agree more!