the toilet we all can share!
![]() Here's some toilet paper...;) |
Please educate me ladies
Edited by
Wed 07/22/09 06:04 PM
![]() We are all a little different. But women are from Venus, Men are from Mars. this is the question that started from the beginning. Men were hunters, Women were gatherers. same thing now. Trying to relate the hunting and gathering in current times... ![]() Shoppers and Providers. Reality to me. I did not mean to degrade anyone. Just my personal experience and opinion. Geeze I was just not getting the comparison.. Now I do.. Since it's "your" experience all I can do is say "sorry" unless you liked it... "Liked it?" Oh yeah, I LOVED it...that is why I am here now.. ![]() |
Please educate me ladies
![]() We are all a little different. But women are from Venus, Men are from Mars. this is the question that started from the beginning. Men were hunters, Women were gatherers. same thing now. Trying to relate the hunting and gathering in current times... ![]() Shoppers and Providers. Reality to me. I did not mean to degrade anyone. Just my personal experience and opinion. Geeze |
Please educate me ladies
Edited by
Wed 07/22/09 05:36 PM
![]() We are all a little different. But women are from Venus, Men are from Mars. this is the question that started from the beginning. Men were hunters, Women were gatherers. same thing now. |
![]() |
Gay Penguins Split
I find the whole 'choice' discussion strange. It seems like its usually all about anti-gay people trying to say gays should just 'choose' to be straight, and be done with it; and gay people saying 'we can't, we were born this way'. Amiright? So if these straight people think gays should choose to be straight... ...can we choose to be non-sexual? Or choose to never fall in love? Choose to never experience sexual attraction or sexual desire? Or, if we can't help our desire, choose to not act on it? Can a straight choose to be gay? Choice? You bet. Everyone has a choice on their lifestyle. My question is, are we born a certain way...i.e. product of our genes or environment. |
Edited by
Wed 07/22/09 05:48 AM
![]() I am from Wisconsin, and that weiner mobile has crashed more than once. |
Just Asking
I predict there will come a time where owning a cell phone does require either a license or insurance or both.
I agree. Cell phones and driving do not mix. What's the next ad...drinking and driving cost lives. Texting and driving costs lives. coming soon people.jmo |
Just Asking
Maybe you should have posted somewhere else on the forum? Why? Is this not general information Joker? |
Just Asking
My original point was the latest government study says cell phones are more likely to cause accidents by 4 times the normal rate. Insurance companies will take advantage of me. If you have a cell phone, they (the insurance companies) will find out about it and charge you. The Insurance companies write the laws and the politicians sign them people. Just about everyone has a cell phone.. Most insurance companies go by age at the determining factor for your rates, unless you get tickets and in accidents more than here and there... Age for insurance rates is long gone. Much more comes into your rate. Divorced, type of car, theft of cars, work history..and on and on. palleeze |
Nothing's Changed
must cops don't have a clue what intellect is. must are basic dumb people. if not for their gun. they would be someones girl. Maybe in Russia...but American Police are much better...Geeze. I was one and know plenty of good cops that will take a bullet for me or you. |
Just Asking
My original point was the latest government study says cell phones are more likely to cause accidents by 4 times the normal rate.
Insurance companies will take advantage of me. If you have a cell phone, they (the insurance companies) will find out about it and charge you. The Insurance companies write the laws and the politicians sign them people. |
Just Asking
My original point was the latest government study says cell phones are more likely to cause accidents by 4 times the normal rate.
Insurance companies will take advantage of me. If you have a cell phone, they (the insurance companies) will find out about it and charge you. The Insurance companies write the laws and the politicians sign them people. |
Just Asking
Hands alone Phones. I don't think its a matter of two hands or one. I think it has to do with attention to the road.
If your mind is in the phone, it is not on the road. ..jmo |
Just Asking
When working with a Safety Dept on a project I found lots of studies that showed EATING in the car was the cause of even more accidents than cell phones. Just an observation worth considering. Everything is a distraction. Having kids in the back of the car is distracting. How many times have you seen drivers trying to control arguing children while driving? Ban children from cars i say! they are seat belted in. Yes they are a distraction...but not like using one arm to hold the cell phone to your ear, while you are arguing with your spouse, boss, friend...etc I have seen people go right through red lights while talking on the stupid cell phone. I like my answering machine at home. I'll get to it when I get to it. Too much traffic to talk now...bye, bye. |
Just Asking
Credit score has no reflection on driving and I seriously object to it being used to determine your car insurance rates. I won't answer my phone when I'm driving. But then I've driven a stick most my driving life and with one hand on the wheel and one hand on the stick, there is no hand left over for the phone. I get really cranky when I see people on the phone while driving. I beg to differ...Car insurance companies have tied into the credit companies. If you have a poor credit are probably a poor driver, or will default on your car loan. Therefore your insurance rate goes up. It is proven. Your credit score affects your insurance, ability to get a job, get a loan etc...Are you not surprised? |
Just Asking
a pet influences you insurance rate What insurance ?????????? Homeowners insurance...if you report you have a pit bull. your rates will go up..seriously. Or a Doberman, Rotweiller etc.... |
Just Asking
I heard on the news today (AM Talk radio) that cell phones increase your risk of an accident by 4 times. I got rid of my cell phone last year and love it.
So if cell phones are that bad for drivers, should they be treated like drunk driving? I think so. Texting cost lives on the rail accident a few months ago. The engineer was texting and crashed the train. My point is, your credit score affects your insurance rate, a pet influences you insurance rate, should not a cell phone account affect your insurance rate? Technology meets reality? |
WAY ![]() The subject is Bill ORiely an a hole The answer is yes ![]() Bill is a talking head...remember Max Headroom? Funny then, but now O'Reilly, King, Glenn, CNN, CNNBC..they are all full of chit. I got rid of my TV a year ago and have never been happier. AM talk radio or just plain life. No cell phone, no TV is good. The information age sucks. Tooo much info for me. |
Nothing's Changed
yeah my dad was a cop.... I know how they roll. ![]() Cops today are soooo underpaid and unappreciated. Most people ***** about them but could not live without them. Remember the "Don't taze me Bro" guy? |