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Topic: Obama's Trickle Down Stimulus is Failing
Atlantis75's photo
Sat 07/18/09 02:05 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Sat 07/18/09 02:05 PM

Obama's Trickle Down Stimulus is Failing

by Chaz Valenza Page 1 of 1 page(s)

Less than six months in office and President Obama is already simmering in public opinion hot water, down 7% in Rasmussen Reports'--"is the country on the right track" poll released July 16, 2009 among Democrats!

The natives are beating the drums. Some angry dancing has commenced. The detritus thrown out the windows of passing Caddies, Lexi and Daimlers, on their way to pick up yet another unearned megabucks bonus, is being pitched into the fire.

If the Republicans and conservatives thought rank and file progressives were going to go easy on President Obama, stand back. Lives are at stake. Oh, and you guys with your laissez-faire free market (which isn't fair or free) opposition to any change or help for those not in the top 10% of wage earners are just plain history. Take a hike.

Earlier this year, the President delivered the same old kneejerk trickle down, through the proper political money laundering channels action: Washington to the Federal Reserve, Washington to the States, Washington to Federal Projects, Washington to Wall Street, Washington to Big Greed, with the exception of the "Obama $50 Bill" which comes in the form of a check from your state unemployment dole master every two weeks. Unemployment increases were to stop at 9%.

Trickle down still doesn't work.

The June figures from the government put unemployment at 9.5%. Shadow Government Statistics and it's economist John Williams, who takes the time to adjust a number of government-issued indicators to more accurately measure the real situation, puts the June unemployment rate a 20.6%.

Spin wisdom from the establishment left: the top-down stimulus package has not had enough time to work. Only a small fraction of the money has been spent. True, but it doesn't matter. No matter who you believe, unemployment is way high and there can be no economic recovery at these depths of unemployment.

This morning, the Associated Press using data from RealtyTrac Inc reported the following:

* A 15% increase in the number of U.S. households on the verge of foreclosure
* Foreclosure filings rose 33% in June compared with June 2008
* Foreclosures jumped 5% from May to June 2009
* And, 1.5 millions homes were foreclosed in the last six month

Trickle-down fix: The $50 billion program of subsidies offered to Big Mortgage in an attempt to stem the foreclosure tsunami didn't work.

The President needs to take quick actions now to stop foreclosures and evictions, and create jobs.

First, he will need to declare and enforce a total moratorium on primary residence foreclosures and rent evictions to be lifted when the situation permits.

And, he will need to create a bottom up, government guaranteed loan program for residential energy conservation and renewable energy production.

Loan money directly to any home or commercial residential property owner to weatherize or install renewable energy systems. These bottom up projects will pay for themselves in the long-term.

These two simple actions will provide a humane housing stopgap, create only local, domestic jobs quickly, and be a long-term investment in our energy independence.

Bottom up, Mr. President, bottom up. Quick!

no photo
Sat 07/18/09 02:15 PM
Barrack Hussein Obama IS failing!

I tried to tell everyone that he,
what can I say....except: "I told ya so"! laugh drinks

InvictusV's photo
Sat 07/18/09 05:21 PM
He's failing, but the obamaites will continue to pretend he isn't. Just wait, you'll see them here shortly..

malexand's photo
Sat 07/18/09 05:49 PM
Since you think Obama is failing, what do you think McCain would have done? Any better? I don't think so.

I didn't like either one of them, but I still think Obama was the lesser of two evils.

willing2's photo
Sat 07/18/09 06:06 PM
That's why I voted Ron Paul.
MSM refused to acknowledge or allow him time.
He would have gone by the Constitution and Rule of Law.
He would have opened up some jobs by deporting the Illegal and securing our borders.
That's just not in the agenda BHO and the money behind him.

Atlantis75's photo
Sat 07/18/09 08:26 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Sat 07/18/09 08:27 PM

Since you think Obama is failing, what do you think McCain would have done? Any better? I don't think so.

I didn't like either one of them, but I still think Obama was the lesser of two evils.

How did McCain survive to be the primary choice as a GOP candidate?

I'll tell you how...GOP plan went wrong. After a few months, it happened to be the worst candidates with the worst ideas ever to run for presidency.

Same on the democratic side by the way. It was a media directed circus, while everyone was tearing each other hairs' out over stupid and not so important issues, everyone ignored all the warning signs of the falling economy and made fun of those who kept saying that economic problems are coming. It was written on the walls if you will...but the majority was more concerned about whether or not Obama wears a flag pin or did Hillary had to dodge bullets in Bosnia.
Eventually it hit during the fall/winter of 2008 and caught both parties with the pants down, while the independent thinkers/voters were just shaking their head looking at this whole circus regarding Obama vs Clinton, later Obama vs. McCain.

Hopefully, eventually people will wake up from their coma and start to realize, that both parties failed them and Obama's direction hasn't changed much, beside small tinkering here and there and to tell you the truth, the only credit I can give to him is trying to repair overseas alliances and getting on the diplomacy. Is this really the priority right now what the Middle East thinks or what Russia thinks of USA, while bridges falling apart within USA and people are being pushed to the street by banks foreclosing on them?

To tell you the truth..every morning I wake up and see the same thing going on that was going on 7-8 months ago and I feel like Bush is still the president, only difference is that he changed his cabinet and switched to the democrats' side.

Rapunzel's photo
Sun 07/19/09 07:35 AM
Edited by Rapunzel on Sun 07/19/09 07:42 AM
noway It's very sad , but I don't believe any of the politicians these days noway

devil their track records are far too unscrupulous devil

ill so i don't want my hands dirty by voting the liars into office ill

ill and suffer the repercussions like what is happening with the Ahnold in California ill

:heart: One of my very very Dear Veteran Buddies said to me , :heart:

sad " How could you not vote ???sad

drinker I fought for your Right & Freedom to Vote """... drinker

flowers And i said to him , Yes Sir...Thank you flowers

smokin you certainly did fight for my rights & Freedom smokin

drinker and you also fought for my right < not to vote > drinker

noway when i feel that No One is appropriate or worthy enough of the Office noway

drinker and he said , "Yes Ma'am flowers I fought for that right of yours too "drinker

no photo
Sun 07/19/09 08:00 AM

Since you think Obama is failing, what do you think McCain would have done? Any better? I don't think so.

I didn't like either one of them, but I still think Obama was the lesser of two evils.

How did McCain survive to be the primary choice as a GOP candidate?

I'll tell you how...GOP plan went wrong. After a few months, it happened to be the worst candidates with the worst ideas ever to run for presidency.

Same on the democratic side by the way. It was a media directed circus, while everyone was tearing each other hairs' out over stupid and not so important issues, everyone ignored all the warning signs of the falling economy and made fun of those who kept saying that economic problems are coming. It was written on the walls if you will...but the majority was more concerned about whether or not Obama wears a flag pin or did Hillary had to dodge bullets in Bosnia.
Eventually it hit during the fall/winter of 2008 and caught both parties with the pants down, while the independent thinkers/voters were just shaking their head looking at this whole circus regarding Obama vs Clinton, later Obama vs. McCain.

Hopefully, eventually people will wake up from their coma and start to realize, that both parties failed them and Obama's direction hasn't changed much, beside small tinkering here and there and to tell you the truth, the only credit I can give to him is trying to repair overseas alliances and getting on the diplomacy. Is this really the priority right now what the Middle East thinks or what Russia thinks of USA, while bridges falling apart within USA and people are being pushed to the street by banks foreclosing on them?

To tell you the truth..every morning I wake up and see the same thing going on that was going on 7-8 months ago and I feel like Bush is still the president, only difference is that he changed his cabinet and switched to the democrats' side.
Well saiddrinker drinker drinker

willing2's photo
Sun 07/19/09 08:51 AM
Edited by willing2 on Sun 07/19/09 08:53 AM

Since you think Obama is failing, what do you think McCain would have done? Any better? I don't think so.

I didn't like either one of them, but I still think Obama was the lesser of two evils.

How did McCain survive to be the primary choice as a GOP candidate?

I'll tell you how...GOP plan went wrong. After a few months, it happened to be the worst candidates with the worst ideas ever to run for presidency.

Same on the democratic side by the way. It was a media directed circus, while everyone was tearing each other hairs' out over stupid and not so important issues, everyone ignored all the warning signs of the falling economy and made fun of those who kept saying that economic problems are coming. It was written on the walls if you will...but the majority was more concerned about whether or not Obama wears a flag pin or did Hillary had to dodge bullets in Bosnia.
Eventually it hit during the fall/winter of 2008 and caught both parties with the pants down, while the independent thinkers/voters were just shaking their head looking at this whole circus regarding Obama vs Clinton, later Obama vs. McCain.

Hopefully, eventually people will wake up from their coma and start to realize, that both parties failed them and Obama's direction hasn't changed much, beside small tinkering here and there and to tell you the truth, the only credit I can give to him is trying to repair overseas alliances and getting on the diplomacy. Is this really the priority right now what the Middle East thinks or what Russia thinks of USA, while bridges falling apart within USA and people are being pushed to the street by banks foreclosing on them?

To tell you the truth..every morning I wake up and see the same thing going on that was going on 7-8 months ago and I feel like Bush is still the president, only difference is that he changed his cabinet and switched to the democrats' side.
Well saiddrinker drinker drinker

Creat job.
Guess that is why the Liberal Extremists still hold Bush responsable for what BHO should be owninig. They are of the same mold and the same money is backing the current admin.

Power to the people, of and for the People.

If you are a Liberal who wants all of us to give away the farm, give yours up first. Take it out of your own pocket and help someone pay their rent, add a homeless person to your insurance, or supliment their income out of your own pocket.

I'll keep my Freedom, Guns and money. You Liberals and BHO can keep your change.

Vote Constitutionalist.

Winx's photo
Sun 07/19/09 09:04 AM

Barrack Hussein Obama IS failing!

I tried to tell everyone that he,
what can I say....except: "I told ya so"! laugh drinks

This makes you happy? If our President fails, our country fails.

willing2's photo
Sun 07/19/09 09:08 AM

Barrack Hussein Obama IS failing!

I tried to tell everyone that he,
what can I say....except: "I told ya so"! laugh drinks

This makes you happy? If our President fails, our country fails.

It just means he quits getting everything he wants and is put on hold until the next election time comes around. He is trying to bankrupt us and make his backers richer.

Winx's photo
Sun 07/19/09 09:48 AM

Barrack Hussein Obama IS failing!

I tried to tell everyone that he,
what can I say....except: "I told ya so"! laugh drinks

This makes you happy? If our President fails, our country fails.

It just means he quits getting everything he wants and is put on hold until the next election time comes around. He is trying to bankrupt us and make his backers richer.

I disagree. It's called a recession and it started before he became President.

Rapunzel's photo
Sun 07/19/09 09:58 AM
flowerforyou well, i hope that the positive attitudes can really override flowerforyou

sad the raw & heartless cutthroat reality of things , sad

drinker but i know it is going to take Much more than optimism drinker

AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 07/19/09 10:56 AM

Barrack Hussein Obama IS failing!

I tried to tell everyone that he,
what can I say....except: "I told ya so"! laugh drinks

This makes you happy? If our President fails, our country fails.

Our president...

His policies.

Which one is failing.

What he needs to do is step away from idealistic nonsense and start actually running the country...

Our country will not fail because of one man.

Dragoness's photo
Sun 07/19/09 11:01 AM

Obama's Trickle Down Stimulus is Failing

by Chaz Valenza Page 1 of 1 page(s)

Less than six months in office and President Obama is already simmering in public opinion hot water, down 7% in Rasmussen Reports'--"is the country on the right track" poll released July 16, 2009 among Democrats!

The natives are beating the drums. Some angry dancing has commenced. The detritus thrown out the windows of passing Caddies, Lexi and Daimlers, on their way to pick up yet another unearned megabucks bonus, is being pitched into the fire.

If the Republicans and conservatives thought rank and file progressives were going to go easy on President Obama, stand back. Lives are at stake. Oh, and you guys with your laissez-faire free market (which isn't fair or free) opposition to any change or help for those not in the top 10% of wage earners are just plain history. Take a hike.

Earlier this year, the President delivered the same old kneejerk trickle down, through the proper political money laundering channels action: Washington to the Federal Reserve, Washington to the States, Washington to Federal Projects, Washington to Wall Street, Washington to Big Greed, with the exception of the "Obama $50 Bill" which comes in the form of a check from your state unemployment dole master every two weeks. Unemployment increases were to stop at 9%.

Trickle down still doesn't work.

The June figures from the government put unemployment at 9.5%. Shadow Government Statistics and it's economist John Williams, who takes the time to adjust a number of government-issued indicators to more accurately measure the real situation, puts the June unemployment rate a 20.6%.

Spin wisdom from the establishment left: the top-down stimulus package has not had enough time to work. Only a small fraction of the money has been spent. True, but it doesn't matter. No matter who you believe, unemployment is way high and there can be no economic recovery at these depths of unemployment.

This morning, the Associated Press using data from RealtyTrac Inc reported the following:

* A 15% increase in the number of U.S. households on the verge of foreclosure
* Foreclosure filings rose 33% in June compared with June 2008
* Foreclosures jumped 5% from May to June 2009
* And, 1.5 millions homes were foreclosed in the last six month

Trickle-down fix: The $50 billion program of subsidies offered to Big Mortgage in an attempt to stem the foreclosure tsunami didn't work.

The President needs to take quick actions now to stop foreclosures and evictions, and create jobs.

First, he will need to declare and enforce a total moratorium on primary residence foreclosures and rent evictions to be lifted when the situation permits.

And, he will need to create a bottom up, government guaranteed loan program for residential energy conservation and renewable energy production.

Loan money directly to any home or commercial residential property owner to weatherize or install renewable energy systems. These bottom up projects will pay for themselves in the long-term.

These two simple actions will provide a humane housing stopgap, create only local, domestic jobs quickly, and be a long-term investment in our energy independence.

Bottom up, Mr. President, bottom up. Quick!

Considering Obama did not have a trickle down philosophy nor actions this is a mute point.

Rapunzel's photo
Sun 07/19/09 11:06 AM

Barrack Hussein Obama IS failing!

I tried to tell everyone that he,
what can I say....except: "I told ya so"! laugh drinks

This makes you happy? If our President fails, our country fails.

Our president...

His policies.

Which one is failing.

What he needs to do is step away from idealistic nonsense and start actually running the country...

Our country will not fail because of one man.

noway noway noway "We Patriotic Americans will not let Our Country failnoway noway noway

drinker because of one man or even a group of cowardly men noway in a million trillion gazillion years " drinker

Rapunzel's photo
Sun 07/19/09 11:12 AM
huh If our Country's Leaders were such noble & honest Servants huh

frown of this Fair Country as some would try to proclaim frown

then why this ??? huh huh huh huh huh

sad tears sad tears sad tears sad tears sad tears sad

doesn't this say it all ??? sad :cry: tears sad

Dragoness's photo
Sun 07/19/09 11:15 AM
The only reason Obama would fail is due to being handed a big mess when he came into office. And in that case any president would have failed so it would not have matter who it was.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 07/19/09 11:18 AM

Barrack Hussein Obama IS failing!

I tried to tell everyone that he,
what can I say....except: "I told ya so"! laugh drinks

This makes you happy? If our President fails, our country fails.

It just means he quits getting everything he wants and is put on hold until the next election time comes around. He is trying to bankrupt us and make his backers richer.

I disagree. It's called a recession and it started before he became President.

What we have now is not a recession.

It is a freeforall of greed and corruption.

Redistributing of wealth... Not to those that need it but to those that ARE wealthy and want a bigger piece of the pie.

In the process the very supporters of the current administration will be left in the dust.

Even though it was their blood earned right to vote that put said administration in power.

Hows it feel to get screwed.

no photo
Sun 07/19/09 11:30 AM

Since you think Obama is failing, what do you think McCain would have done? Any better? I don't think so.

I didn't like either one of them, but I still think Obama was the lesser of two evils.

How did McCain survive to be the primary choice as a GOP candidate?

I'll tell you how...GOP plan went wrong. After a few months, it happened to be the worst candidates with the worst ideas ever to run for presidency.

Same on the democratic side by the way. It was a media directed circus, while everyone was tearing each other hairs' out over stupid and not so important issues, everyone ignored all the warning signs of the falling economy and made fun of those who kept saying that economic problems are coming. It was written on the walls if you will...but the majority was more concerned about whether or not Obama wears a flag pin or did Hillary had to dodge bullets in Bosnia.
Eventually it hit during the fall/winter of 2008 and caught both parties with the pants down, while the independent thinkers/voters were just shaking their head looking at this whole circus regarding Obama vs Clinton, later Obama vs. McCain.

Hopefully, eventually people will wake up from their coma and start to realize, that both parties failed them and Obama's direction hasn't changed much, beside small tinkering here and there and to tell you the truth, the only credit I can give to him is trying to repair overseas alliances and getting on the diplomacy. Is this really the priority right now what the Middle East thinks or what Russia thinks of USA, while bridges falling apart within USA and people are being pushed to the street by banks foreclosing on them?

To tell you the truth..every morning I wake up and see the same thing going on that was going on 7-8 months ago and I feel like Bush is still the president, only difference is that he changed his cabinet and switched to the democrats' side.
Well saiddrinker drinker drinker

Creat job.
Guess that is why the Liberal Extremists still hold Bush responsable for what BHO should be owninig. They are of the same mold and the same money is backing the current admin.

Power to the people, of and for the People.

If you are a Liberal who wants all of us to give away the farm, give yours up first. Take it out of your own pocket and help someone pay their rent, add a homeless person to your insurance, or supliment their income out of your own pocket.

I'll keep my Freedom, Guns and money. You Liberals and BHO can keep your change.

Vote Constitutionalist.
I have got views that come from the right or left..I will never be tied to a single party...You would call me liberal when others call me conservative.....I AM JUST ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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