Community > Posts By > cabot

cabot's photo
Fri 07/24/09 06:55 PM

Feels awesome..... but empty, I only have my clothes and a loveseat hide a bed... LOL BUT I'm OK!

Enjoy your freedom. I was happy with an Air Mattress and McDonald's. You have to go through hard times to appreciate the good times....jmo

cabot's photo
Fri 07/24/09 06:53 PM

I got an email recently from a guy who said, paraphrasing here, that men put up with the problems women cause because we help them out in their lives...boy was that a turn on. Also used the words 'marriage', 'need your relationship to care for me' and finally that the age difference should be his concern since I am older than he.

If they don't live a gazillion miles away, they are mostly weird, looking for that "one thing" or way, way to young.

I love getting email from people I am getting to know through the forums, the rest, not so much.

So you don't do windows?...just kidding.biggrin

cabot's photo
Fri 07/24/09 06:35 PM

Seriously, the Code of police officers is nothing like what it used to be. Too much at stake now. Careers, jobs, family's etc. Besides Police are soooo underpaid it is scary. silly goose.biggrin

Thank goodness for that! By 'code' you do mean the tendency for police to cover for each other, right? I think cellphone cameras and the internet have helped clean things up, too. But I also think it varies with the region.

Agreed, technology keeps the police honest. Both internal and external. And in some poor rural areas the police may get away with things that a Chicago, New York City cop may not. The microscope is on them most of the time. But small town cops have a lot more latitude. Whether in North Dakota or the Bayou.

cabot's photo
Fri 07/24/09 06:08 PM
Ok, My nipples are 9 inches apart! Excited they close to 7 Inches (Implants), but my dogs nipples are like 4 inches apart. where does it end?frustrated laugh

cabot's photo
Fri 07/24/09 05:53 PM
Edited by cabot on Fri 07/24/09 05:56 PM

She is my favorite Mike..but it is your Birthday. so I share her here. Maybe that is why I am single..biggrin

I hope your aches go away.

cabot's photo
Fri 07/24/09 05:40 PM
No, she had her period....ok, I'll try again. Am I ruining this tread...? frustrated

Sorry if I am. But that girl could crap on my cake any day. not just my birthday.biggrin

cabot's photo
Fri 07/24/09 05:34 PM

Better? I thought so.

cabot's photo
Fri 07/24/09 05:12 PM

Seeing an ID does not prove anything. It must be checked out. The Professor did not cooperate at any stage of the process, in fact, verbally assaulting the officers...there are lines you don't cross. I'm sure the police told him to calm down plenty of times before finally citing him. Now the Professor wants an apology. Paaleeze..he should thank the police for doing a good job..jmo Or was the fact that he is a good friend of the President, motivate his actions?

I think it's more about him being a prestigious college professor at a prestigious college. He's not used to being treated like that.

Sounds like Ted Kennedy back in the Chappaquiddick days to me.biggrin

cabot's photo
Fri 07/24/09 05:09 PM
Edited by cabot on Fri 07/24/09 05:09 PM
Hey, it's Mike's Birthday. Just trying to "Pump Up" the crowd. Ok I'll find something more pleasing to the eye. "I'll be Back" pun intended.biggrin

cabot's photo
Fri 07/24/09 05:04 PM

Just because something is in a police report does not aways mean it is the truth...
bigsmile bingobigsmile

I totally agree...but none of the other officers disputed the report. And please don't say it's their code.

Lets see the other officers they have to file one also.jmo

Well of course the officers reports will all match....
silly goose :smile:

Did you just Goose me?! Seriously, the Code of police officers is nothing like what it used to be. Too much at stake now. Careers, jobs, family's etc. Besides Police are soooo underpaid it is scary. silly goose.biggrin

cabot's photo
Fri 07/24/09 05:01 PM

Hey Mike,

I know a Doctor that can give you a few shots of this and that, and BAM, as Billy Mays says, you can get rid of those aches and pains and pick up chicks...literally.

Sorry, peeps. I know this is gross but I am so evil tonight. It's a vision you can't get out of you head...isn't it?

cabot's photo
Fri 07/24/09 04:54 PM

Just because something is in a police report does not aways mean it is the truth...
bigsmile bingobigsmile

I totally agree...but none of the other officers disputed the report. And please don't say it's their code.

Lets see the other officers they have to file one also.jmo

cabot's photo
Fri 07/24/09 04:52 PM
Mine are nine inches!!

Oops, now I'm excited and they are only 7 inches apart...damn implants.biggrin

cabot's photo
Fri 07/24/09 04:42 PM
Agreed. But the police officer was a sergeant and knew belligerent when he seen it...jmo

Sure blacks have been have have have people with sports cars. I was a police officer, and believe me, you are under the microscope 24-7. In this case I see it as a simple case of the Professor going off on a policeman responding to a possible burglary. If the Professor was sure of his innocence he normally should have cooperated fully.jmo

cabot's photo
Fri 07/24/09 04:36 PM

Happy Birthday Mike...don't worry, I brought a fire extinguisher. biggrin

cabot's photo
Fri 07/24/09 04:24 PM

:smile: Dude basically got arrested just for breaking into his own house:smile:

No he got arrested for being a belligerent person. Haven't most of us been arrested or know someone that is a good person get arrested for a misdemeanor?

My point is, who was responsible? To me, the Professor could have handled things way differently and it would all be a non issue. The Sgt, has had plenty of support. The Professor, only Obama. Trump card.

cabot's photo
Fri 07/24/09 04:18 PM
You can Tuna Piano but you can't Tuna Fish...sorry off topic. Just a flashback.

I can pick my nose but not my zits on my back.

Sorry That was gross. I don't have zits on my back, I just can't think of a serious answer. I can't pick my future. Much less a woman. I always pick the bad apples.

cabot's photo
Fri 07/24/09 04:14 PM

i'd be sending the plate back before it even hit the table...without a taste.


Seriously? You must be a vegetarian. I respect that. But you did show up in a meaty issue if that is the case...jmo:smile:

cabot's photo
Fri 07/24/09 04:13 PM

I have watched many many police officers exercise the most extreme degree of patience and respect while detaining verbally abusive and needlessly confrontational people (especially drunks, often with other drugs in the mix). Suspects will spit, punch, kick, flail - often in their own separate drug-induced reality as to what is actually happening.

I have a lot of respect for all the police out there who are capable of doing this - you are better people than I.

But I find it very disturbing that so many people seem to think that its OKAY for police to use charges, false or otherwise, against people who don't meet their personal standard of 'respectful conduct towards a police officer'. Its just wrong.

It is a fine line. Here is my take on your point. The Professor obviously was not on drug to the police. or intoxicated..He was plain and simply, uncooperative and was arrested for Disorderly Conduct. He should have been. He was disorderly vs cooperative. His friendship with the President was a motivating factor..verified by the Presidents comments.jmo

cabot's photo
Fri 07/24/09 03:57 PM
Good question. Sometimes the steak, sometimes the shrimp. Depends on what my taste buds are craving at the time. I get Shrimp less than steak most of the time, so tonight...I would take the shrimp.

I gotta go get some shrimp, be right back.

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