Topic: The disease of Addiction. | |
Hi all how is everyone doing today? Its a great day to be alive and clean and sober. Will write more later on tonight.
addiction i say congradulations to all who have overcome the battle.i have seen many lifes cut short and although i never had that problem i can say that nomatter what drug of choice it is it is not easy it is a disease and people think that you just stop well it is in no way that easy.i smoked for 20 years and the withdraw just from cigarettes was i can only imagine what it must be like to overcome something much day at a time and get a sponsor if you are ever having a bad day call your sponsor.good luck and best wishes continue to win the war.
addiction i say congradulations to all who have overcome the battle.i have seen many lifes cut short and although i never had that problem i can say that nomatter what drug of choice it is it is not easy it is a disease and people think that you just stop well it is in no way that easy.i smoked for 20 years and the withdraw just from cigarettes was i can only imagine what it must be like to overcome something much day at a time and get a sponsor if you are ever having a bad day call your sponsor.good luck and best wishes continue to win the war. Thank-you candy for your kind words. And congrats in quitting smoking that really is a hard on to overcome and my hat off to you. Well have to go to my meeting soon so take care and please come back |
My sponsor, also, said "Longevity is a beautiful thing.
The hours turn into days, the days turn into weeks, the weeks turm into months, the months turn into years. We read the book, talk to one another, take the steps, and we grow in our spirituality, but all we really have is today." That is how it began for me. I had to take it one day a time, because my mind could not wrap itself around the idea that I could not have a drink forever. Here I am 20 years later, "One Day At A Time". Anonymous Not |
My sponsor, also, said "Longevity is a beautiful thing. The hours turn into days, the days turn into weeks, the weeks turm into months, the months turn into years. We read the book, talk to one another, take the steps, and we grow in our spirituality, but all we really have is today." That is how it began for me. I had to take it one day a time, because my mind could not wrap itself around the idea that I could not have a drink forever. Here I am 20 years later, "One Day At A Time". Anonymous Not You are so right all we got is today. Some people just put a few more 24 hours together ,but it really starts with a decision. Thank -you so much for shareing and giveing me hope to last another 24 hours ![]() |
Step. Three.
Made a decision to turn our will, and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him. This is I need a power greater than myself to basically live my life. Because left up to my own devices I am a back alley dope fiend and a low bottom drunk. ![]() |
Step. Three. Made a decision to turn our will, and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him. This is I need a power greater than myself to basically live my life. Because left up to my own devices I am a back alley dope fiend and a low bottom drunk. ![]() My late husband was the first person I ever heard call his higher power a door knob? He quit doing that however after some time. No...I had nothing to do with that. It was however where I got a better understanding of God for me. We used to tell guests to use whatever they felt worked for them in place of God, if that was what they needed. Kat |
Step. Three. Made a decision to turn our will, and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him. This is I need a power greater than myself to basically live my life. Because left up to my own devices I am a back alley dope fiend and a low bottom drunk. ![]() My late husband was the first person I ever heard call his higher power a door knob? He quit doing that however after some time. No...I had nothing to do with that. It was however where I got a better understanding of God for me. We used to tell guests to use whatever they felt worked for them in place of God, if that was what they needed. Kat Yes there was this guy here who put the number 2 bus as his higher power because it had the power to pass right my the Barry Hotel where he did not. ( Hey whatever works) lol ![]() |
Hi Jonlaw, thanks for the help last week. Have had a better week this week. Not a perfect week, but "better". I wish I could not let life's circumstances guide my actions. I feel like I have no control, for I only want what it seems like I can't have, and that drives me to drink sometimes. Then I hate myself for letting myself drink too much, and I wake up feeling like s@#t.
I need to just move on!!!!! Accept the way things have gone, that I don't have control over them, but I do have choices that I CAN MAKE FOR MY OWN LIFE, so make good ones!!!!! |
Just being to make any kind of decision for me is a definate improvement. What is neat is when I am at meeting and I hear somebody say something that just makes something click for me helps. One thing the program did for me like I just heard a fellow member say about a half hour ago is most of the people when they came in didn't have it all together. We are going over a book that hasn't passed or been endorsed for the new edition. It is mostly stories that if they are accepted by the W.T.A. will go into the next edition. One of the members was asking me if I knew what a 'joy popper' was since I am one of the oldtimers. I was told in treatment that not making a decision was a decision. A God of my understanding has come gradual. The best way I can look at that is isn't me. I was told that my God speaks through people so that helps me not to automatically discount something I have heard in meetings. I like the section that is entitled, "More Will Be Revealed". I am finding that thought to have meaning in my life. It makes sense because the more meetings I go to the more I can deal with life on its own terms. The problem comes when I want life to deal on my terms. I have to accept life on its on terms for that is reality for me.
Good morning everyone hope everyone is having a great day. I will be on and off all day so will make some posts a little later. Been having a bit of a rough time these last few days but they great thing about it I know longer have to pick up. Anyway talk with you all later.
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Went to the NA meeting but no one showed up. Fortunately, the AA meeting had folks there. I am grateful that my higher power is portable. It really helps to be able to be strong enough to take my higher power with me no matter where I go.
Went to 4 mueetins within a 24 hour period.
Man did it kick me in the ass!!! With Ma's combat boot at that. wongo more mueetins |
Went to 4 mueetins within a 24 hour period. Man did it kick me in the ass!!! With Ma's combat boot at that. wongo more mueetins Did I hear someone calling my name? Bearsman, what is going on with you that you suddenly needed four meetings within 24 hrs.? |
you got mail
I am an alcoholic, with clinical depression. Long A55 story.
Wongo more meetins |
I am currently working on the tenth step. I found this online:
The Tenth Step Prayer: I pray I may continue: To grow in understanding and effectiveness; to take daily spot check inventories of my self; to correct mistakes when I make them; to take responsibility for my actions; to be ever aware of my negative and self-defeating attitudes and behaviors; to keep my willfulness in check; to always remember I need Your help; to keep love and tolerance of others as my code; and to continue in daily prayer how I can best serve You, My Higher Power. |
Hi Trout,
I read this in the big book: We have entered the world of the Spirit. Our next function is to grow in understanding and effectiveness. This is not an overnight matter. It should continue for our lifetime. Continue to watch for selfishness, dishonesty, resentment, and fear. When these crop up, we ask God at once to remove them. We discuss them with someone immediately and make amends quickly if we have harmed anyone. Then we resolutely turn our thoughts to someone we can help. Love and tolerance of others is our code. A friend O' Bill's ![]() |
Hi Trout, I read this in the big book: We have entered the world of the Spirit. Our next function is to grow in understanding and effectiveness. This is not an overnight matter. It should continue for our lifetime. Continue to watch for selfishness, dishonesty, resentment, and fear. When these crop up, we ask God at once to remove them. We discuss them with someone immediately and make amends quickly if we have harmed anyone. Then we resolutely turn our thoughts to someone we can help. Love and tolerance of others is our code. A friend O' Bill's ![]() So true because if we let those things creep in again we get sick all over and became in danger of active relapse. I really appreciate your posts I have been busy lately not really knowing if it is to the best or not but in least I try I will never no. I know one thing though whatever the outcome I won,t have to pick up. Thanks again for your input |
Just one talking to another.
I helps in staying on the road to happy destiny. Bill's friend. |