The disease of Addiction.
Hi Again This thread appears to be dying so does anyone care to come up with any other subjects they want to talk about???
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The disease of Addiction.
Hi Everyone:
I have been kinda overdoeing it with all work and no play so am going to change my program a little. I have been sober but at times I get lonely because well at first no friends to go and hang with because am keeping away from my old crowd to protect my sobriety. I joined the Y.M.C.A. (ok no village people ![]() ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
Please try and remember that selfishness is what we need to get rid of.
Alot of people refer to a 12 step program as a selfish program , I strongly disagree rather I refer to it as a self first program we need to clean up ourselves in order to help others. Helping others is what the meat and potatoes are in recovery. ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
Thanks Torybelle ![]() I did recently visit a prison AA/NA meeting and that was awesome! Hopefully, God willing, I will have the opportunity to do that more often. God Bless!! Anyone who has a friend such as you Winx is fortunate. How are you doing nice to see you ...nice post. I accompany a friend to his NA meetings. He must be fortunate. There are no war stories. I see them working on different things like a step or the topic from the daily reading. I see encouraging stories. It would be nice if all groups were more like that. Awww, thanks Jon. Life is okay. My friend is 140 plus days clean and sober now. It's been more difficult than I had expected - for me. Other than that, life is good. It sounds like you are doing good. ![]() Hi winx, glad to hear your friend is doing well 140 day that's awesome. hang in there. It gets better. one day at a time. ![]() Thank you, livelife. ![]() He's 149 days clean and sober now. I am hoping it gets better. He claims that when he finishes his steps, it will be better. Time will tell. We must remember all that we got is a daily reprieve contigent on our spiritual condition. We are never fully recovered this is a daily program and a lifelong program. After we do the steps then we begin to help the other person and freely give what was so freely given to us. ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
Thanks Torybelle ![]() I did recently visit a prison AA/NA meeting and that was awesome! Hopefully, God willing, I will have the opportunity to do that more often. God Bless!! Anyone who has a friend such as you Winx is fortunate. How are you doing nice to see you ...nice post. I accompany a friend to his NA meetings. He must be fortunate. There are no war stories. I see them working on different things like a step or the topic from the daily reading. I see encouraging stories. It would be nice if all groups were more like that. |
The disease of Addiction.
Thanks Torybelle ![]() I did recently visit a prison AA/NA meeting and that was awesome! Hopefully, God willing, I will have the opportunity to do that more often. God Bless!! My experience in recovery has been I might not hear what I want to hear,but I will hear what I need to hear. In AA we share our expeience strengths and hopes with eachother, now sometimes newcommers have not been around along time so all they got is "war stories" and its up to me to get out of myself and be tolerant of others. Maybe God is trying to teach me tolerance for that given day. Its when I see that same newcommers eyes open up that I truly see recovery at work. The AA big book says we must get rid of our selfishness " we must or it will kill us". I feel I can learn from anyone even war stories because they remind me of where I come from and where I don,t want to go back to. Anyway you all have a great day and a soberone and will talk real soon. ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
Hi I am back and happy to be here again. I just bought a car and am enjoying life and feel happy. I will write more tomorrow as I am tired and going to have a shower.
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The disease of Addiction.
Hi everyone I am at work but will be staying at my sisters for about a week and a half please kep this thred active for us ok.
The disease of Addiction.
Hi Everyone.
I say congrats to everyone here because its you who keep this thread going and it keeps me going at times. Yes addiction is a whirl wind of destruction of anything it touches including the ones we love so dearly. I have had the privledge of writing and talking with a great number of you and I am so proud of you all. It takes courage to look at ones self and want to change. Winx I want to thak you so much for being here for us and attending meetings I am almost stuck for words. To all the ones I have not met yet keep comming back and I am sure we will. Torybelle where have you been and did flat stanley arrive yet. Anyway have a great day everyone and will talk soon. "Keep Your Faith and your Faith will keep You" ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
Hello, Im Marv, an addict. Going on 4 years clean, 2 of em because of incarceration, so sort of against my will at the time. During my incarceration I became a born again christian and was very active in AA, NA, and a state substance abuse program. This past Monday night I had the priviledge of going back to prison, this time voluntarily and as a citizen, not a number! It was very inspirational n brought back lots of memories. I was the guest speaker at their NA/AA meeting and so many of the guys really want to clean their act up, but its a sad reality of how low the success rate is. Its a tough demon to battle and if you try to do it on your own very few will make it. My question is have any of you done any service work such as going in to your county jail or a state facility? Hello Marv nice to meet you brother yes have the big house in common as a place where our disease took us, but thats not who we are today and God is allowing us both the privledge of helping others. I am so glad you are here and hope you stay and I can learn more from you . ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
In this we have something in common... Without God in my life I would have walked a road that led to certain distruction and emmintne end. I found drugs and alcohol at a young age and watched my parents do these things as I grew up so I understand where you are all coming from. In my time with these things I saw many things and did many unspeakable things as well. I have asked forgiveness and it has been given and I now have a wonderful gift from it all... I am able to share the things that I went through with others and share the positive things that have come from finding God and this lets me help others. I praise Him daily for giving me another chance and making me stronger through all He saw me through. I live through Him and He works through me... Thanks for sharing sister I think all of us that have this disease have done things in which we would not normanly do. Thank God so being so forgiving and allowing us to help others. |
The disease of Addiction.
I got him in the mail today I put it airmail but they said 7 to 10 days wow must be a hot air balloon.
Take care and let me know when you get it . ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
Have a great day everyone I get the wholeweekend off yipee.
Also have a clean and sober weekend and reachout and help someone. ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
I have been so busy at work and now have to share this computer so have not been on as much as I would have liked. I am so happy for the people here that are trying to make a better life for themselves and for the ones who are giving us support through their own wisdom.
Well I am off to work gee I wish they just gave to money away lol no I don,t really it feels good to contribute. Well I will talk later and remember everyone "Easy Does IT" ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
Thought I would drop in and say hi before work hope everyone had a nice weekend. Will talk more tonight goodbe and have a great Sunday.
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The disease of Addiction.
Hi: I would like to talk about addiction be it alcoholic ao drugs. I myself grew up in a aloholic home and by the age of 2 I was hospitalized because of a skipping rope beating from my mother who was a alcoholic,she died by the age of 58. I stuck the first needle in my arm at age 15 and became alcoholic by the age of 19. I continued to do drugs and alcohol off and on til about a little over 2 months ago and this time I really want to continue with my sobriety. The book says "that probably no human power could have relieved my alcoholism but God could and would if He were sought. This is why for me there is a God because I have seen many miracles along the way. I ended up getting my social work degree and have worked in detox and before that I volunteered there cleaning rooms and socializing with other drunks. So I would like to hear from anyone who wishes to post something with your views on this subject. Thanks ![]() I think you did it man..not god. Good job! Sorry my friend I will have to disagree with you there. I will be in real trouble if I start taking the credit for God,s grace . We alcoholics or addicts cannot afford this its called EGO edgeing God out. ![]() ![]() Amen to that Jon. How are ya hun. ![]() Hey I have been good started a new job and still clean and sober and life is getting better how have you been its nice to see you again ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
ty for listening jon. i feel silly posting about that, but i do feel myself slipping back into it. I almost died 3 years ago from anorexia and bulemia at the same time. I'm 5'7 and got down to under 100 lbs I admire those that are overcoming their addictions in here and wish everyone the best Please do not feel silly posting about your disease rose as we are all here to listen and try and offer suggestions to help I admire your courage for telling us about it. Please seek help wherever you can because you need to be well and healthy because others need to hear your story in order for them to have a chance at life also. ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
I have a sex addixtion. No really. Then I guess I will ask what are you willing to do in order to recover from this addiction? ![]() ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
Hi: I would like to talk about addiction be it alcoholic ao drugs. I myself grew up in a aloholic home and by the age of 2 I was hospitalized because of a skipping rope beating from my mother who was a alcoholic,she died by the age of 58. I stuck the first needle in my arm at age 15 and became alcoholic by the age of 19. I continued to do drugs and alcohol off and on til about a little over 2 months ago and this time I really want to continue with my sobriety. The book says "that probably no human power could have relieved my alcoholism but God could and would if He were sought. This is why for me there is a God because I have seen many miracles along the way. I ended up getting my social work degree and have worked in detox and before that I volunteered there cleaning rooms and socializing with other drunks. So I would like to hear from anyone who wishes to post something with your views on this subject. Thanks ![]() I think you did it man..not god. Good job! Sorry my friend I will have to disagree with you there. I will be in real trouble if I start taking the credit for God,s grace . We alcoholics or addicts cannot afford this its called EGO edgeing God out. ![]() ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
there are many addictions that most people don't think about. eating disorders are addictions as well You are so right my friend and I would say that a eating disorder is more trickier because a person has got to eat thefore cannot abstain completly where a alcoholic or a addict just has to avoid the first one. Please continue to post and I for one hope you get the help that you or someone you know needs. Take special care because you are special. ![]() I assure you it is just as hard to over come as drug or alcohol addiction. I've never had an addiction to those 2 but I can feel for the people in this forum. Anyone that wins over an addiction is a hero winning a big battle ![]() I agree with you whole heartedly because I know if I went and tried to have 2 or 3 beers I would be off and running again, but people with eating disorders have to eat to live therefore they cannot stay away completly , It would be like trying to make a social drinker out of me. My hat goes off to anyone that has overcome this destructive addiction. |