Topic: Hot Topic: Women competing with Men. Caution: Enter at your
azrae1l's photo
Sun 12/09/07 11:51 AM
it seems to me that you come across more men and women both trying to raise them selves up and belittle the other. hence the career minded women who watch sports center competing with men not being soft and feminine, and then the retaliatory god forbid a woman depends on a man for security, i've got bigger balls then most men yadda yadda yadda.

if you ask me your both arguing the same argument against each other. why not just let the people be who they are, some like to care for others, some like to be taken care of. personally i like to take care of women but that doesn't mean i want her in the kitchen in front of a stove droppin a baby on the floor every 10 feet. the whole point of equality was to BE EQUAL not look at it like everybody is equal just some are more equal then others.

speaking about history no it does not say men trade women in on younger better looking models. it actually says the opposite. as you go back in time men tended to stay with one women their entire lives more frequently. just becuase thats how you see things doesn't mean it's a fact. i get so sick of man and woman bashing, it's all pathetic. all your doing is giving the opposite sex a bad impression of everybody else.

all men are not the "marry a woman, keep her in the kitchen, pop out a few kids and when she's 35 i'll just get a new 20 year old " sexiest asses.

all women are not the man hating " i'm powerfull, bigger balls then most men, would like to be a man just to prove i have all the power and teach all the men a lesson" lesbian wanna be lumberjacks.

but it sure as hell seems that way with all that crap that gets tossed around huh?

rockman888's photo
Sun 12/09/07 11:52 AM
:tongue: maybe because there is no girls left in the world...sad when was the last time you have seen a real passionate soft talking female????...1970?something...

lizardking19's photo
Sun 12/09/07 11:53 AM
in a society where both genders r equal it always strikes me as odd how women (not all but alot ive met) feel an urge to "prove themselves" to men who really dont give a damn what job theyve had, females life goals have changed drastically over the last half century+ but mens goals have not, we still just want to get into a womans pants and thats it. Looks might matter but careers and social standings r something WE DONT CARE ABOUT WHEN IT COMES TO WOMEN WERE NOT RELATED 2, women do not need to prove themselves to anyone, they can open their own doors, buy their own drinks, and do whatever jobs they want, noone cares but themgrumble

texasrose9's photo
Sun 12/09/07 11:56 AM
I don't NEED to compete with a man. I can take care of myself. I don't desire to take on masculine traits, and thoroughly enjoy being a woman. I seldom watch sports. I don't change tires.
Just because a woman is successful, does not mean she is not feminine. And just because she is older, doesn't mean her looks went down the toilet. BTW...any man who is intimidated by me is not the right guy for me anyway.

azrae1l's photo
Sun 12/09/07 11:58 AM
well thats kinda right to a point, i wouldn't say i don't care about any woman i'm not related to, but the fact is, i don't really care how successful she is, what kind of job she has, or how big and bad she is. if i like her i like her she could be a fry cook at mcdonalds or the ceo of a fortune 500 company doesn't matter to me one bit.

mnhiker's photo
Sun 12/09/07 12:00 PM

I'm sure there
are lots of real
passionate soft
talking female
on the 900 numbers.

Have your credit card ready.

Operators are standing by. laugh laugh laugh

azrae1l's photo
Sun 12/09/07 12:01 PM
speaking of, any man who is intimidated by any women for any reason and vice versa has a deeper issue to address then that. perhaps your insecure with yourself you feel the need to place value of a person's worth and success to try and raise yourself up? maybe you feel less of a man for a woman making more money? who knows, who cares. you should probably look to yourself first though.

italian_half's photo
Sun 12/09/07 12:03 PM

It seems that you come across more "career women" these days. Women who are in their thirties and forties, with looks fading fast, that still don't quite understand what men want.

For some reason, with all the intelligence and value this group gives to themselves, this miss a fundamental truth. Men are not attracted to women who try to compete with them.

Men, for the most part, excepting for contentious objectors, peace-niks, and fans of John Mayer, tend to like women to be feminine, soft, sensitive, etc - qualities that men typically do not (except as above) possess.

Why can't these women, take off the suit, stop watching Sports Center, and just be a girl?

You are entitled to your view, but please only speak for yourself, and do NOT equate you to men in general. Are you threatened by successful women?

In this case, I will only speak for manly men...

Sorry chief

There's nothing threatening about a successful women. I admire anyone who is successful, a good politician, or makes a lot of money, regardless, of race, creed, or gender. The point is: most men, even John Mayer fans, will agree that deep down we want a women - no matter how successful - to be the women in the relationship. Even if she's 100 times more successful that us, we don't want to compete with her.

As a man, we biologically (blame it on Darwin), don't want to be beaten by a girl. It's hard wired. So, if a women is very successful, she can find success in dating by not being so manly, and by not trying to show her worth to us. There are certainly many chauvinists, who don't respect women regardless of what they do, but, in general, successful women can find greater success in a relationship by being more of girl than the guy their dating.

buffry's photo
Sun 12/09/07 12:03 PM
I dont think that a woman working and watching sports center equates competing with a man...some women enjoy having their own life. I happen to love to watch baseball and basketball, go to work, because I have a child to support, yet definately have a feminine side. Love to cook and clean and take care of my family as well. Either way, people have choices and all that, dont condemn women for having a place in this world outside of in the kitchen, lol. Not everyone wants that for themselves. Some women, such as I would love to stay home and be little suzie homemaker for somebody. Some would prefer to have their own life, outside of the home.

mnhiker's photo
Sun 12/09/07 12:04 PM

Every women
should know
how to change
a tire.

What if you
were 100 miles
from a gas station
and your tire went

Here's something that will help:

no photo
Sun 12/09/07 12:06 PM
Hard-wired, wtf? The OP is too ridiculous to even bother responding more fully to. Yes, I fully intended that to be as insulting as you are.

italian_half's photo
Sun 12/09/07 12:06 PM

I don't NEED to compete with a man. I can take care of myself. I don't desire to take on masculine traits, and thoroughly enjoy being a woman. I seldom watch sports. I don't change tires.
Just because a woman is successful, does not mean she is not feminine. And just because she is older, doesn't mean her looks went down the toilet. BTW...any man who is intimidated by me is not the right guy for me anyway.

Maam, you rock!

azrae1l's photo
Sun 12/09/07 12:07 PM
manly men? it's hard wired? dude where the hell are you getting this stuff? nothing says a man genetically has to win, thats called AN INFERIORITY COMPLEX. if you can't stand a women doing anything better then you, you better give up on life and just roll over and die. happens every day, no matter how good you are somebody is always better and it's a 50/50 shot that it could be a woman so get used to the idea.

munch151's photo
Sun 12/09/07 12:09 PM

It seems that you come across more "career women" these days. Women who are in their thirties and forties, with looks fading fast, that still don't quite understand what men want.

For some reason, with all the intelligence and value this group gives to themselves, this miss a fundamental truth. Men are not attracted to women who try to compete with them.

Men, for the most part, excepting for contentious objectors, peace-niks, and fans of John Mayer, tend to like women to be feminine, soft, sensitive, etc - qualities that men typically do not (except as above) possess.

Why can't these women, take off the suit, stop watching Sports Center, and just be a girl?

You are entitled to your view, but please only speak for yourself, and do NOT equate you to men in general. Are you threatened by successful women?

In this case, I will only speak for manly men...

Sorry chief

There's nothing threatening about a successful women. I admire anyone who is successful, a good politician, or makes a lot of money, regardless, of race, creed, or gender. The point is: most men, even John Mayer fans, will agree that deep down we want a women - no matter how successful - to be the women in the relationship. Even if she's 100 times more successful that us, we don't want to compete with her.

As a man, we biologically (blame it on Darwin), don't want to be beaten by a girl. It's hard wired. So, if a women is very successful, she can find success in dating by not being so manly, and by not trying to show her worth to us. There are certainly many chauvinists, who don't respect women regardless of what they do, but, in general, successful women can find greater success in a relationship by being more of girl than the guy their dating.

Tell me, why would a woman, or anyone for that matter, want to become involved in a relationship that she is required to change herself for? If you don't like these particular kinds of women that you are describing then stay away from them. Maybe these women don't want more success in dating men that can't handle the way they really are.

no photo
Sun 12/09/07 12:11 PM
I think alot of women have CHANGED through the years BECAUSE,
MEN, who are in power at many companies have VIEWED employee's based on their thoughts, and habits and life styles,BUT
20 years ago, most of the top white color jobs were held by MALES.
WOMEN seeing the boss being IMPRESSED with THEIR desire to watch and KNOW SPORTS, gave THEM an EDGE in their position at work.
So WOMEN have change to ACT, and BE, more in the LIFE-STYLES of males, to BE,,,,in their boss's minds,,,JUST AS INTELIGENT, and GOOD as their MALE EMPLOYEE'S.
WE NOW have MANY WOMEN CEO'S, 20 years ago, we had but a few.

WE ARE AND ALWAYS HAVE BEEN EQUAL, but its NOT been SEEN by corporate, until the last 20 years and really the last 10 years.

Women were held REPRESSED by us men for to damm long.
So they have had many hurdles and LEARNED to ADJUST to the THOUGHTS that employers have.:wink: Just my THOUGHTS!!:heart:

rdglady's photo
Sun 12/09/07 12:14 PM
I'm just wondering if women in their "50's" could be part of this topic. I love a strong decisive man that can make decisions that I admire. And I love being a soft, supportive partner who is a part of the decision making process in a relationship. I have a high powered position that requires me to make major decesion all day long, it is nice to have a partner that can take over the stesses of live.

no photo
Sun 12/09/07 12:16 PM
iF MEN werent such idiots then maybe we didnt have to get jobs and take full responsibilty for our about that OP????

italian_half's photo
Sun 12/09/07 12:17 PM

manly men? it's hard wired? dude where the hell are you getting this stuff? nothing says a man genetically has to win, thats called AN INFERIORITY COMPLEX. if you can't stand a women doing anything better then you, you better give up on life and just roll over and die. happens every day, no matter how good you are somebody is always better and it's a 50/50 shot that it could be a woman so get used to the idea.

The results of almost all athletic competitions suggest that men almost always win.... Perhaps being beaten by a women, in a physical contest doesn't bother some men. And perhaps, her coming home every night talking about how she is more successful than you at work wouldn't bother some men...

There's no inferiority complex here. It's just how men are wired. We don't want a women, who we are involved with sexually, to try to "one up" us.

Some men may not be wired in a manly way, sorry to hear that. For them, I have two tickets to John Mayer.

no photo
Sun 12/09/07 12:20 PM
Methinks someone here is having a problem with his own masculinity laugh laugh

italian_half's photo
Sun 12/09/07 12:22 PM

It seems that you come across more "career women" these days. Women who are in their thirties and forties, with looks fading fast, that still don't quite understand what men want.

For some reason, with all the intelligence and value this group gives to themselves, this miss a fundamental truth. Men are not attracted to women who try to compete with them.

Men, for the most part, excepting for contentious objectors, peace-niks, and fans of John Mayer, tend to like women to be feminine, soft, sensitive, etc - qualities that men typically do not (except as above) possess.

Why can't these women, take off the suit, stop watching Sports Center, and just be a girl?

You are entitled to your view, but please only speak for yourself, and do NOT equate you to men in general. Are you threatened by successful women?

In this case, I will only speak for manly men...

Sorry chief

There's nothing threatening about a successful women. I admire anyone who is successful, a good politician, or makes a lot of money, regardless, of race, creed, or gender. The point is: most men, even John Mayer fans, will agree that deep down we want a women - no matter how successful - to be the women in the relationship. Even if she's 100 times more successful that us, we don't want to compete with her.

As a man, we biologically (blame it on Darwin), don't want to be beaten by a girl. It's hard wired. So, if a women is very successful, she can find success in dating by not being so manly, and by not trying to show her worth to us. There are certainly many chauvinists, who don't respect women regardless of what they do, but, in general, successful women can find greater success in a relationship by being more of girl than the guy their dating.

Tell me, why would a woman, or anyone for that matter, want to become involved in a relationship that she is required to change herself for? If you don't like these particular kinds of women that you are describing then stay away from them. Maybe these women don't want more success in dating men that can't handle the way they really are.

Sir, you have a good point. I do stay away from women that:

1.) Want to give me knucks
2.) Want to bounce chests after a particually good pass of the football
3.) Want to show me how successfull they are and compare their success to mine
4.) Play basketball
5.) Brag about how much they don't need a man.

My thought here is that a women, who could brag about her position, or try to compete with a man, should not do so in a relationship. It's not attractive to men.