Topic: Hot Topic: Women competing with Men. Caution: Enter at your | |
I still haven't figured out what these "manly qualities" that women shouldn't have are either. I don't have any interest in sports, does that make me less of a man? ![]() Kid. Of course not. The point is that men, in general, do not find a woman attractive if she watches Sports Center every night, knows the entire Dallas Cowboy roster back and forth, knows the entire NBA playbook, etc. There's nothing wrong with enjoying an occasional game together, but men just don't find it attractive for a woman to be non-feminine 24/7. If that's the case, we may a well be dating Ellen Degeneress. |
Kid. Of course not. The point is that men, in general, do not find a woman attractive if she watches Sports Center every night, knows the entire Dallas Cowboy roster back and forth, knows the entire NBA playbook, etc. There's nothing wrong with enjoying an occasional game together, but men just don't find it attractive for a woman to be non-feminine 24/7. If that's the case, we may a well be dating Ellen Degeneress
If that's what she has an interest in then why not? I know a few women that race sprint cars and they're damn good at it too. I have a lot of respect for anyone that would strap themselves into a 1200 lb, 800 hp projectile. ![]() You're going to have to come up with a better example on "manly" than just sports. I see sports in general as entertainment and if that's what you like, then why not. |
I can change a tire, check all the fluids in my car I know how to use a drill, many kinds of power tools I have worked construction and many dirty jobs that make me look like a homeless person. I did not learn to do all this because I wanted to compete with men. when I started driving my brother told me that if you drive you should be able to do simple maintenance on your own car. I also took a job at a dirty paint factory years ago because it paid all the bills and I had three kids to raise their dad was in prison. I was able to move up in that company because I worked hard and was proud to be able to take care of my family on my own because I had to do it. and I was tired of working two lousy jobs to make the same as one decent job with benifits I also love dress cloths, skirts, lingerie, silky underthings and perfumes of all kinds fluffy pillows, and soft comforters. lotions and creams and all those things girls or woman like as well but the days of a woman only allowed to work until a man takes care of them is long gone it takes two people in this world to achieve some of the extras in life and sometimes it take two to make them get by, and there is nothing wrong with a woman working right along side her partner to get ahead in life. it has nothing to do with competition anyone who thinks that thats why so many women work today has a lot to learn, and is probably going to miss out on a lot of things in life for their future too. oh well I hope you find that simple gal your looking for good luck ![]() Deana, I think you got most of it, but might have missed some of the point... Men will definately admire and respect how hard you work, and will love to see your feminine side. The only thing we don't find attractive - and I think you were getting to this - is if you come home a try to compete with us at home, by telling us how much more successful you are, or how much more money you make, etc. Men like to feel in charge at home, like we are the provider, even if we're not. It's something we are hard wired to feel, biologically. The point is, if more career minded women understood this, they could try not compete with us and home, and have a more sucessful relationship. Men, of course, need to respect, take care of, and treat the woman they are with right, and understand that women also have needs that men may not feel comfortable supporting, like buying flowers or remembering birthday's etc. We can't expect women to understand our need to not compete at home, without understanding their needs. |
Edited by
Sun 12/09/07 07:45 PM
Kid. Of course not. The point is that men, in general, do not find a woman attractive if she watches Sports Center every night, knows the entire Dallas Cowboy roster back and forth, knows the entire NBA playbook, etc. There's nothing wrong with enjoying an occasional game together, but men just don't find it attractive for a woman to be non-feminine 24/7. If that's the case, we may a well be dating Ellen Degeneress If that's what she has an interest in then why not? I know a few women that race sprint cars and they're damn good at it too. I have a lot of respect for anyone that would strap themselves into a 1200 lb, 800 hp projectile. ![]() You're going to have to come up with a better example on "manly" than just sports. I see sports in general as entertainment and if that's what you like, then why not. But... would you want to date one of those 1200lb projectile ladies?? Come on... I'm talking about here is a woman that is a walking playbook. Usually wears a baseball cap, jeans, etc. There's nothing feminine about this type of girl, and maybe you might want to have sex with her, but that's it. A girl more into sports than you are is not someone you want around the house. Imagine the time she invites all of her guy pals over to watch the superbowl, while you <insert hobby here>. All that high fiveing and sports talk.... I can't see you hanging with that |
Yes, men are generally more muscular (i.e. your very weak sports and military argument), however, muscles do not equal intellect and drive (and if you really want to base an argument on this, I can counter that physiologically, women have been scientifically proven to have more stamina than men and are able to withstand greater physical stress). Women are more than capable and have---when not conditioned by society---just as much ambition to succeed as do men. Your entire argument is fundamentally flawed in that you assume that it is a woman's only goal in life to make some neandertal man happy. It's strange to agree with a point, by re-stating it, and then call it weak. Appearently, you agree that men are more physically strong than women. OK... but you missed the point. Everything else you said is off topic. However, you've once again missed the point. This post is not about men vs. women, who's stronger, whos' weaker, etc. This post has a narrow focus, which I will repeat again for everyone who still hasn't heard it: 1.) Men do not find career minded women, who bring their competetion with men, home with them, and attempt to complete at home, attractive. 2.) Men do not find women who are excessively into manly things attractive. Please try adding something to conversation that is on topic, instead a personal men vs. women rant. You are the one who initially brought up muscular differences. Furthermore, I did stick to "topic" as I argued that women have more to do in life than to be attractive to men. You seem to have a basic reading comprehensive problem as every argument a woman makes against your thesis is met with an admonition. Personally, I am done here. There are a few things I don't like to waste my time on, one of them is arguing with morons. I hope you find a nice Barbie or Real Doll that doesn't challenge your obviously shaky sense of self. |
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I love how you think everyone else is missing the point....when possibly it is you that is missing the point.
![]() I also love how you suddenly believe you speak for ALL men. ![]() |
But... would you want to date one of those 1200lb projectile ladies?? Come on...
There is one that I'd consider dating. She's pretty damn intelligent too. ![]() I would still like to see a better example than sports of these manly traits. ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() "Oh wherah are ma smellin salts, Rhett darhlin'" ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() "Oh wherah are ma smellin salts, Rhett darhlin'" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Yes, men are generally more muscular (i.e. your very weak sports and military argument), however, muscles do not equal intellect and drive (and if you really want to base an argument on this, I can counter that physiologically, women have been scientifically proven to have more stamina than men and are able to withstand greater physical stress). Women are more than capable and have---when not conditioned by society---just as much ambition to succeed as do men. Your entire argument is fundamentally flawed in that you assume that it is a woman's only goal in life to make some neandertal man happy. It's strange to agree with a point, by re-stating it, and then call it weak. Appearently, you agree that men are more physically strong than women. OK... but you missed the point. Everything else you said is off topic. However, you've once again missed the point. This post is not about men vs. women, who's stronger, whos' weaker, etc. This post has a narrow focus, which I will repeat again for everyone who still hasn't heard it: 1.) Men do not find career minded women, who bring their competetion with men, home with them, and attempt to complete at home, attractive. 2.) Men do not find women who are excessively into manly things attractive. Please try adding something to conversation that is on topic, instead a personal men vs. women rant. You are the one who initially brought up muscular differences. Furthermore, I did stick to "topic" as I argued that women have more to do in life than to be attractive to men. You seem to have a basic reading comprehensive problem as every argument a woman makes against your thesis is met with an admonition. Personally, I am done here. There are a few things I don't like to waste my time on, one of them is arguing with morons. I hope you find a nice Barbie or Real Doll that doesn't challenge your obviously shaky sense of self. The point was completely missed here, as it was you who brought up muscles. My comment was about gender traits and the differences between men and women physically. However, it was not a value judgement. Had the post been read in more thouroughly and taken in context, it would be appearant that this was not a value judgement - just an observation and a response to a comment that men and women were equal. You were also off topic in thinking that these posts have anything to do with women spending time trying to be attractive to men. The point here was that it is unattractive for a woman to be manly. Based on the above, it seems that if there is a reading comprension issue here, it must be on your part. In all cases, you ignored the basic premise of this discussion and turned it to your personal topic of choice: men vs. women. Sorry to hear you feel it's such a battle. One thing that you are consistent in, however, and unfortunatly, is abuse. It's readily appearant that without anything sustantive to say, your only retort is to be abusive to either the topic or the writer. Best to you, Maam |
![]() ![]() Nothing about this discussion suggests that women should not pursue careers. The only related arguement is that career minded women, who competes fiercely against men in the office, should not try to compete with a man at home. |
I love how you think everyone else is missing the point....when possibly it is you that is missing the point. ![]() I also love how you suddenly believe you speak for ALL men. ![]() It's unfortuate that most people weigh in without understanding the point of the discussion, or the premise of the arguement. Most men and women, if you read all of this post, agree with the premise. There will always be disagreements in any discussion. |
"Women who have lives outside of me, and are competent, and capable, must not compete with me" ...*insert quivering lip here* I don't liiiiiike it......... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Everyone has their own preferences and standards. We are all on this site for our own reasons whether it's looking for friends, dating, or marriage.
I do not feel then need to have to defend my career, love for sports, my independence, or anything else. I am 100% girly-girl but will never become a door mat for anyone. I want a man who is secure enough in himself to let me be me and who will also be himself. Someone who will be strong for me when I am not able to be strong, and who will let me be strong for him when he isn't able to be strong. Any relationship requires both parties giving 100% of themselves. Woman wasn't created from Adam's foot to be lower than him,or from his head to be elevated above him, but rather from his rib to be close to his heart always. |
But... would you want to date one of those 1200lb projectile ladies?? Come on... There is one that I'd consider dating. She's pretty damn intelligent too. ![]() I would still like to see a better example than sports of these manly traits. ![]() I updated my previous post to include more details. Initally, I had proposed that wearing a suit is somewhat manly. Other manly traits could be: having all male friends, playing poker with the guys, swearing like a sailor, etc. |
![]() ![]() ![]() "Oh wherah are ma smellin salts, Rhett darhlin'" ![]() ![]() ![]() Probably only those with a constructive point to make... :) |
There's nothing wrong with a woman working hard, and it certainly makes you a strong person for doing so. No one would deny you the respect you deserve for working hard.
thank you! The point of the arguement is that if you had a job where you were in competetion with men all day, company politics, the stock exchange, anything... a man is not going to find it attractive if you come home and compete with him. (i.e. tell him how much better your job is than his, compare your work to his, talk about how much more money you are making than him) Men don't find that attractive.
How else are we to move up in the world, get promotions, and better ourselves? Men, also, in general, don't find a girl that is into sports more than most men, attractive. There's nothing wrong with watching the occasional big games together. However, sometimes women get into sports, to obtain entry into the world of men, and really know too much about sports to be feminine. It's unattractive, in excess.
I love football, am still learning the game, but i love to get into the games! I think it makes me funner to be around! |
I love how you think everyone else is missing the point....when possibly it is you that is missing the point. ![]() I also love how you suddenly believe you speak for ALL men. ![]() It's unfortuate that most people weigh in without understanding the point of the discussion, or the premise of the arguement. Most men and women, if you read all of this post, agree with the premise. There will always be disagreements in any discussion. Actually sir, I have read all of the posts, and I would say that most people do not agree with you. Yes, there will be disagreements in any discussion, and I am one of the many who disagrees. ![]() |
It seems that you come across more "career women" these days. Women who are in their thirties and forties, with looks fading fast, that still don't quite understand what men want. For some reason, with all the intelligence and value this group gives to themselves, this miss a fundamental truth. Men are not attracted to women who try to compete with them. Men, for the most part, excepting for contentious objectors, peace-niks, and fans of John Mayer, tend to like women to be feminine, soft, sensitive, etc - qualities that men typically do not (except as above) possess. Why can't these women, take off the suit, stop watching Sports Center, and just be a girl? Okay, I think I need to take this point by point, and I'll try to keep my very female) emotions in check. Re: 'career women'...Most men these days can't earn enough money to pay all expenses involved in maintaining a home & family. It takes 2 salaries to do this. Now, is this because men are failures as 'men'? Following your logic, this must be the case. But, if women are working to contribute to the functioning of the family (as most are), then why shouldn't they get the best position & salary that they can? 'Careers' typically pay better than PT work at McDonald's. Re: 'fading looks' fat, bald & wrinkled men aren't too easy on the eyes either. Age is something that happens to us all with any luck. Unless you're planning on 'trading' for younger models every so many years, any woman that is daft enough to partner with you will 'fade' in time (as you will). Re: 'your fundamental truth of what men are attracted to' I suggest you check out the posts of many of the men on this site for starts. Thankfully, I don't know any man that fits your ridiculous generalization. But, then again, what can I know? I'm a 'career woman' who's way past the age for 'faded looks'. I hate war & like John Mayer. Wait a minute, now I know why I can't get a date! Thanks for the enlightenment. |