Topic: Hot Topic: Women competing with Men. Caution: Enter at your
italian_half's photo
Sun 12/09/07 12:54 PM

Why do you feel you have to compete with a woman? If you are a couple, isn't our career suppose to make our lives better for both of us? My ex use to think of our life as a game...who could make the most money? Did it really matter? I thought it was, lets try to save and get ahead in life.
I think if a man worries about having to compete with his woman, then he isn't happy with himself. So I suggest you look deep inside and see what is missing in you!! Why do women have to give up their careers to make you feel more sufficient? How do you know that one day something might not happen to where we might have to be the sole supporter?? Don't knock our careers..they might come in handy one day!!

Maam, I think you missed the point. Sorry.

The point was not for women to give up their careers, wander back into the kitchen, and become baby making machines.

The point is for successful women to try not to compete with a man, in their relationship (i.e. to try not to show up a man's success, or rub it in his face that she makes more money than him). This is unattractive to men. Also, secondly, if a woman takes on masculine traits, men will find this unattractive as well.

thunderbear1967's photo
Sun 12/09/07 12:55 PM
this is crazy if a woman is better at something then me thats great. you sound a bit controlling to me, but hey thats me, I have seen some hot 40 and 50 year old women. And no im not gay before you try that one. Grow up bro you never know who you are missing out on.

azrae1l's photo
Sun 12/09/07 12:55 PM
ok i'll give you that one, bragging is very unattractive and shows a low self esteem but that works both ways. nobody woman or man wants a partner who comes home and brags about how much more then made at work.

bragging in itself is unattractive, doesn't matter what sex they are. just say that instead of stating it's unattractive in women and manly men feel that way. that is just so totally untrue, almost on the verge of childish.

Bry395's photo
Sun 12/09/07 12:57 PM
this is crazy if a woman is better at something then me thats great. you sound a bit controlling to me, but hey thats me, I have seen some hot 40 and 50 year old women. And no im not gay before you try that one. Grow up bro you never know who you are missing out on.

Wise words, thank you

italian_half's photo
Sun 12/09/07 12:58 PM

My point was, you are speaking for YOURSELF only. Yes, there may be men who agree with you, but there are many who won't. It is YOUR opinion and it is an opinion. And in case you are not aware, there is a great difference between opinion and fact.

I respectully disagree with you, sir. The vast majority of men are manly men. Maybe they don't wear their animal hydes on their backs anymore, but deep down inside they want a women to not try to compete with them, and not be into manly stuff (e.g. Sport Center).

Unless, of course, they are not into women, or in the John Mayer consortium.

thunderbear1967's photo
Sun 12/09/07 12:58 PM
no worries just speak my mind

unsure's photo
Sun 12/09/07 01:00 PM

Why do you feel you have to compete with a woman? If you are a couple, isn't our career suppose to make our lives better for both of us? My ex use to think of our life as a game...who could make the most money? Did it really matter? I thought it was, lets try to save and get ahead in life.
I think if a man worries about having to compete with his woman, then he isn't happy with himself. So I suggest you look deep inside and see what is missing in you!! Why do women have to give up their careers to make you feel more sufficient? How do you know that one day something might not happen to where we might have to be the sole supporter?? Don't knock our careers..they might come in handy one day!!

Maam, I think you missed the point. Sorry.

The point was not for women to give up their careers, wander back into the kitchen, and become baby making machines.

The point is for successful women to try not to compete with a man, in their relationship (i.e. to try not to show up a man's success, or rub it in his face that she makes more money than him). This is unattractive to men. Also, secondly, if a woman takes on masculine traits, men will find this unattractive as well.

I think your whole point is crazy!! You are afraid that a woman will do better then a man. You are afraid that she might like what?? Does it mean that we become men if we watch football? Please!!! Are you just afraid that a woman might actually know a little bit more then you will?? It sounds like to me that you are not to sure about yourself!!
I think you need to grow some!! Get some confidence, I always hated when a man didn't have confidence in themselves..that is so unattracive!!!
Plus, just because we hit the age of 40~~that doesn't mean we stop dressing up and looking good. In fact, theres times that we look mighty fine. Maybe you need to venture out more!!!:wink:

azrae1l's photo
Sun 12/09/07 01:01 PM
if a woman takes on manly traits i'd say she's probably gonna be playing for the other team anyway, but thats not true either. but not all men think the same things are attractive. personally i can't stand short hair on a woman. that doesn't mean she's trying to compete or taking on manly traits or is any less attractive to other men. not my taste but thats just it, we all think different things are attractive and can't generalize what MEN see as attractive in women just cuz we're men. i'm sure lots of men would rile in a woman who could play basketball just as well as them and hell maybe thats a great date for them, more power to them. let it be what it is.

italian_half's photo
Sun 12/09/07 01:04 PM

It seems that you come across more "career women" these days. Women who are in their thirties and forties, with looks fading fast, that still don't quite understand what men want.

For some reason, with all the intelligence and value this group gives to themselves, this miss a fundamental truth. Men are not attracted to women who try to compete with them.

Men, for the most part, excepting for contentious objectors, peace-niks, and fans of John Mayer, tend to like women to be feminine, soft, sensitive, etc - qualities that men typically do not (except as above) possess.

Why can't these women, take off the suit, stop watching Sports Center, and just be a girl?

Wow, this thread is sure to help you find a date noway

You seem to be VERY imtimidated by independent women who have a brain and are not afraid to say what's on their mind.

You say men are not attracted to "career women" I have found that to be just the opposite. I wear business suits to work, make a good living, and I happen to love watching football with my sisters and my mother. I am also very feminine and love being a woman. I can spend the day fishing and then come home and get dressed to go to the ballet.

As for our "Looks fading looks" I'll be 48 next month, I feel younger and I am damn happy and secure within myself. By the way...why is it you don't have a picture posted?

Let's not get personal, dear. My profile explains why my pic is not posted.

This thread has nothing to do with being intimidted by successful (i.e. career) women.

The point is that many "career women" tend to try to compete with a man in their relationship (i.e. talking of how they don't need a man, or about how much money they make, etc), and take on manly traits that men find unattractive.

By not trying to compete with a man, and not being so manly, a "career woman" increases the likelihood of finding a man, with which she can have a sucessful relationship.

no photo
Sun 12/09/07 01:04 PM
not good for anyone to be at an economic disadvantage. that is base and aside from that

what's the problem with roles? i've never met anyone in my lifetime who was chained to a stove like a monkey

why question what is good in man and woman, or their respective inherent attributes. there's always gonna be the freaks and rebels. it's great for showbiz and the common delusion.

i'm secure enough to say that i like being a woman, separate from man. i don't equal man + woman. i don't want to be responsible for everything and i don't want to be a superhero except for maybe in bed and yeah even red hot kitchenbigsmile those are valuable services. look at the price for hire.

have expectations of men. i think it's good for their self-esteem and morale. when women stop giving men that credit, they contribute to a society of scrubs and slouches. i have to laughlaugh

unsure's photo
Sun 12/09/07 01:05 PM
You have to understand theres different reasons why women wear their hair short. Not all of us wear short hair because we want to~~some of us had to have it cut. I know you were just making a statement...but I hate when men say, I don't like women who wear their hair short. Some women are going through cancer issues and they don't have a choice!!! huh

azrae1l's photo
Sun 12/09/07 01:06 PM
ok this whole thing has just gotten stupid. i'll just sum it up with lots of people suck, men suck, women suck, we all suck. who cares.

women i appologize for this entire thread, except those of you who had to go bash men cuz this guy bashed women. to you i say, you suck. i'm gonna go sit on the couch, watch tv, wait for the kid to wake up and suck at being a dad.

azrae1l's photo
Sun 12/09/07 01:08 PM
Edited by azrae1l on Sun 12/09/07 01:09 PM
ok i wasn't meaning it's bad, women can have short hair all they want. not my cup of tea, lots of my friends think it's really hot. personally i like real long hair but i've dated women with shorter hair, it's not that big of an issue. just saying how tastes in attractive traits changes doesn't say anything about thier personality. i'm sure short haired women are great.

Bry395's photo
Sun 12/09/07 01:08 PM

That's one of the other problems that men and women face. A man can make 70% of the income in a marriage, but after a divorce, walk away with 50%.

Women can make 70% of in the income (though in lower percentages of married couples), but a man will be less likely to try to get the "his share" of the joint property.

Hog Wash! When I left my ex, I gave him everything including the house!

One thing about us women as we age it seems like more and more younger men want to take us out.

italian_half's photo
Sun 12/09/07 01:11 PM

manly men? it's hard wired? dude where the hell are you getting this stuff? nothing says a man genetically has to win, thats called AN INFERIORITY COMPLEX. if you can't stand a women doing anything better then you, you better give up on life and just roll over and die. happens every day, no matter how good you are somebody is always better and it's a 50/50 shot that it could be a woman so get used to the idea.

The results of almost all athletic competitions suggest that men almost always win.... Perhaps being beaten by a women, in a physical contest doesn't bother some men. And perhaps, her coming home every night talking about how she is more successful than you at work wouldn't bother some men...

There's no inferiority complex here. It's just how men are wired. We don't want a women, who we are involved with sexually, to try to "one up" us.

Some men may not be wired in a manly way, sorry to hear that. For them, I have two tickets to John Mayer.

so you think that men who can accept a women who makes more money, ski better, swim better, or whatever are gay???? is that seriously it? first off john mayer is a complete idiot, and speaking of, you idolize this guy or something? i'm seriously starting to think it's not the competition with women you don't like but women in general. your awfully focused on this manly thing, and how much more men should be then women physically. ever had gay dreams? you go to the gym and look around at all the men a lot? maybe a little bi-curious? there is a huge issue here i know it, but i highly doubt it's where you say it is.

That's awfully personal, sir.

However, the point is not about men accepting a woman who is better at something than a man. Most manly men can appreciate a woman's success or talent.

The point is a woman that tries to compete with a man, in their relationship (i.e. talking about how successful she is, or how much money she makes), or exhibits manly traits, is not attractive to men.

thunderbear1967's photo
Sun 12/09/07 01:12 PM
personally I dont believe in taking from my partner or spouse if we split up, I want them to have the things that made them comfortable and happy, I dont care for someone becuse of money I care from my heart. I allways bounce back and for me personally I allways seem to land on my feet so why worry about who gets what if it does not work out, I cowboy up take what I need to start over and my bikes and tools and re-build.

italian_half's photo
Sun 12/09/07 01:18 PM

ok i'll give you that one, bragging is very unattractive and shows a low self esteem but that works both ways. nobody woman or man wants a partner who comes home and brags about how much more then made at work.

bragging in itself is unattractive, doesn't matter what sex they are. just say that instead of stating it's unattractive in women and manly men feel that way. that is just so totally untrue, almost on the verge of childish.

I respectfully disagree with you here, sir. Women, in general, are somewhat attracted to a man's success. However, the opposite is true of a man. Men do not want to be in a relationship with a woman that comes home and talks about how much money she makes or how much more succesful she is that him.

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Sun 12/09/07 01:19 PM
laugh laugh laugh
Looks fading fast?:tongue:
Competing with men.laugh
On career romp?glasses

Maybe the reason women need careers is so thay can live!
We are still girls- even though we work.
As for looks- who died and made you the "Great looks judge"?
Where have you been??? In the dark ages- warp???ohwell

If we need looks to get a man- that would not be the man I
would want- to base his opionon on solely looks. Where you implying we are looking too crappy the older we get to get a

Now going to see how old you are on your profile....huh

LLH5's photo
Sun 12/09/07 01:21 PM

Maam, I think you missed the point. Sorry.

The point was not for women to give up their careers, wander back into the kitchen, and become baby making machines.

The point is for successful women to try not to compete with a man, in their relationship (i.e. to try not to show up a man's success, or rub it in his face that she makes more money than him). This is unattractive to men. Also, secondly, if a woman takes on masculine traits, men will find this unattractive as well.

Ladies...When we get home from a long day at work. He wants us to wait on him...Leave the office behind, the important decisions you made over the course of the day, and serve him up some food...and never let him forget he's bossman....explode

no photo
Sun 12/09/07 01:23 PM
these are hostile and insecure and confused times i suggest. we hate ourselves. it's not ok to discuss gender or differenceslaugh or hint they exist