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Topic: Sticks and Stones
Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 04/18/11 07:43 AM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Mon 04/18/11 07:44 AM

so looking on a woman with lust in your heart is not adultry.

Why would it not be?

New covenant/new testament - Matthew 5:28
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

I have to side with Cowboy on this one....

Adam and Eve did not have the knowledge of Lust before they took from the fruit

but God commanded them to be fruitful and multiply which mean they were supposed to have sex without the inclusion of Lust since they did not have that knowledge

it may be Hard (no pun intended) to have sex without Lust...but when God command you to do something...you gotta do what you gotta do

sex without lust may not have been that much of a problem for Eve...but with Adam it's a different story...and places a new spin on why Adam may have taken from the fruit....

Adultry is it with a unmarried woman or with an married one.. same goes ifthe man is married.. I wrote about this when Rape was being brought up.. Blessings..Miles

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 04/18/11 08:44 AM

"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles? So, every sound tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears evil fruit. A sound tree cannot bear evil fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will know them by their fruits. "Not every one who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father Who is in heaven [see Christian Living]. On that day many will say to Me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your Name [to understand the two ways that God's Name is taken in vain, see The Third Commandment], and cast out demons in Your Name, and do many mighty works in Your Name?' [see I Did It My Way...] And then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you evildoers.'" (Matthew 7:15-23 RSV)


This is why I will not respond.

Posting this for Cowboy...

so you can not defend who you say is the Messiah so you attack.. I have seen this before. Yahshua shut every one up who tried to come against his words.

I am nobody but a believer that will defend Yahshua. You can not defend yourself or what you believe.

a message board and you are scared why?

because the TRUTH is not in you. Period. True? Miles

You are not a believer - not even close - If you were a believer you would be agreeing with me.

If anything you are an anti-believer. Not a nonbeliever but someone that claims to be a believer only to get a Christian to drop their guard and fall into your trap. The first few posts you have in this thread I thought you were a Christian... That is why I posted that passage.

I am sure you consider yourself quite clever and you love the idea of running in circles to confuse the people you are debating with.

But like I said, there is absolutely no point in debating you when you have said a few times now that there is nothing I can say to you that will get you to change your mind. You disbelieve in Christ and yet claim to be a believer. Then you paraphrase the Bible and act as if you are more knowledgeable. Please...

Just as an example, you used the second half of the passage I posted to try to imply Cowboy was a fool and even a blasphemer.

By posting only a portion of it you took away its true meaning. You in essence said Cowboy was a false prophet.

So, good luck in destroying other Christians. I will pray for you.

God Bless.

You do not want the TRUTH of what the BIBLE says.. You want your truth and your flock.

Just like Satan does.

Cowboy is decieved.. the scriptures say become like a Babe.. REBORN.. when you are reborn you start all over with learning.. The milk of the word.

You say non sence because I do not change what I say..

read my posts from the beginning.. ask people who are on hear if I waver in the Scriptures or if chr-stians do.

I do not waver because I will not follow traditionj.. All I need is the Scriptures. and Cowboy wavers so much he is not helping anybody.

You all love condemning people.. Did Yahshua get on to the ones who werwe suppose to believe or the ones that did not believe or who were the outcast.. Me and My House will Follow Yahweh..Blessings..Miles

I do not waver because I will not follow traditionj.. All I need is the Scriptures. and Cowboy wavers so much he is not helping anybody.

I waver none. If it seems as I do, I would suggest rereading what I said, cause if it seems I am wavering that would mean you misread something my friend.

Cowboy.. you say this is a commandment and jc is the law and has the right to judge then say the law is done away.

thats not right.

without knowing what the law says how can you say its done away? Whats done away?

a pick and choose religion.

Tell me what I pick and choose? Blessings..Miles

The laws given to us by God are only for a time being, they only are there till all prophecies are fulfilled. All the prophecies in the old laws were fulfilled, thus we were given a new covenant since that one was complete. It's not picking and choosing anything. God tells us ahead of time the laws only hold power till all prophecies are fulfilled. So the new laws we have been given will hold power till all the prophecies of the new covenant are fulfilled.

Cowboy.. does scripture interpret scripture? I say scripture is what says what is done away and what is not. all i want to see is what scriptures give you the right to say the law is done away or what law is done away.. Is that 2 much to ask? Blessings..Miles

Matthew 5:17
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

Definition of Fulfill - Bring to completion or reality; achieve or realize (something desired, promised, or predicted).


if I fullfill my duties at work today does that mean tommorrow i have no duties?

so looking on a woman with lust in your heart is not adultry..

i thought you say you need to read all the scriptures around them.. so when Yahweh says he is the same yesterday today and tommorrow.. that is not what he meant.

will the law be in force like the Feast of Tabernacles in Zech 14: 14? where is the fairness to all creation? Blessings..Miles

Yes if you fulfill your duties at work today, you have no more work for today. When tomorrow comes, if you fulfill all your work tomorrow, you'll have no more work tomorrow.


Tomorrow's prophecy, you go to work, do your work, come home.

Once tomorrow passes, you will have fulfilled that prophecy. Completed it. Finished it. It will hold no more power.

*disclaimer* This prophecy isn't true to the extent of being an actual prophecy, was merely said as an example"

so looking on a woman with lust in your heart is not adultry.

Why would it not be?

New covenant/new testament - Matthew 5:28
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

so he was not explaining what the commandments said in the 1st place.. cowboy.. you all pick and choose. fullfilling a commandment and completing a commandment is not do away with the commandment.. i fed my kid today so i can throw him away now?

ou say 10 commandments then say well 1 day in 7 yet hebrews says differently.. Peter at least 10 years after the Messiahs death. said he had not eaten anything unclean in his life when he seen the vision and would not accept it on face value.. then the 3 show up and he sees men are not clean. he was keeping the law.. Paulk even Sacraficed in acts 21.. why to show he kept the law.. it even says those words. why do you want to go along with the LAWLESS one that says he will change times and laws no matter what. what are we being warned about when it speaks of fleeing the LAWLESS one.. mans Laws or Yahweh's? Blessings..Miles

so he was not explaining what the commandments said in the 1st place.. cowboy.. you all pick and choose. fullfilling a commandment and completing a commandment is not do away with the commandment.. i fed my kid today so i can throw him away now?

No fulfilling a commandment and or completing a commandment does not do away with them. Fulfilling the prophecies of a covenant do though. God's covenant's he makes with us state they hold power TILL ALL PROPHECIES are fulfilled. Thus, Jesus fulfilled the prophecies of the old covenant/old testament and so Jesus gave us a new covenant, the new testament.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 04/18/11 08:47 AM

so looking on a woman with lust in your heart is not adultry.

Why would it not be?

New covenant/new testament - Matthew 5:28
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

I have to side with Cowboy on this one....

Adam and Eve did not have the knowledge of Lust before they took from the fruit

but God commanded them to be fruitful and multiply which mean they were supposed to have sex without the inclusion of Lust since they did not have that knowledge

it may be Hard (no pun intended) to have sex without Lust...but when God command you to do something...you gotta do what you gotta do

sex without lust may not have been that much of a problem for Eve...but with Adam it's a different story...and places a new spin on why Adam may have taken from the fruit....

Adultry is it with a unmarried woman or with an married one.. same goes ifthe man is married.. I wrote about this when Rape was being brought up.. Blessings..Miles

Adultery goes as followed:

A married man with an unmarried woman
A married women with an unmarried man
A married man with another spouse besides his wife
A married woman with another spouse besides her husband

no photo
Mon 04/18/11 09:20 AM

so looking on a woman with lust in your heart is not adultry.

Why would it not be?

New covenant/new testament - Matthew 5:28
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

I have to side with Cowboy on this one....

Adam and Eve did not have the knowledge of Lust before they took from the fruit

but God commanded them to be fruitful and multiply which mean they were supposed to have sex without the inclusion of Lust since they did not have that knowledge

it may be Hard (no pun intended) to have sex without Lust...but when God command you to do something...you gotta do what you gotta do

sex without lust may not have been that much of a problem for Eve...but with Adam it's a different story...and places a new spin on why Adam may have taken from the fruit....

Adultry is it with a unmarried woman or with an married one.. same goes ifthe man is married.. I wrote about this when Rape was being brought up.. Blessings..Miles

Adultry may be about Lust but Lust is not about Adultry ....Lust is about one's carnal desires of the Flesh for the Flesh which is supposedly sin,

but then again it all falls down to God's command to be fruitful and multiply....what was meant by it...was this command just of words as in an order or was it an endowment as in a gift of something....but it does bring up some interesting points for debate

if "be fruitlful and multiply" was an endowment then would it not also include the knowledge of sex as a way to have children but does the knowledge of sex necessarily means you have or need the knowledge of lust to have children .....

msharmony's photo
Mon 04/18/11 09:28 AM

so looking on a woman with lust in your heart is not adultry.

Why would it not be?

New covenant/new testament - Matthew 5:28
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

I have to side with Cowboy on this one....

Adam and Eve did not have the knowledge of Lust before they took from the fruit

but God commanded them to be fruitful and multiply which mean they were supposed to have sex without the inclusion of Lust since they did not have that knowledge

it may be Hard (no pun intended) to have sex without Lust...but when God command you to do something...you gotta do what you gotta do

sex without lust may not have been that much of a problem for Eve...but with Adam it's a different story...and places a new spin on why Adam may have taken from the fruit....

Adultry is it with a unmarried woman or with an married one.. same goes ifthe man is married.. I wrote about this when Rape was being brought up.. Blessings..Miles

Adultry may be about Lust but Lust is not about Adultry ....Lust is about one's carnal desires of the Flesh for the Flesh which is supposedly sin,

but then again it all falls down to God's command to be fruitful and multiply....what was meant by it...was this command just of words as in an order or was it an endowment as in a gift of something....but it does bring up some interesting points for debate

if "be fruitlful and multiply" was an endowment then would it not also include the knowledge of sex as a way to have children but does the knowledge of sex necessarily means you have or need the knowledge of lust to have children .....

sex and lust can be as seperate as sex and love

we know millions have sex without loving, why is it so hard to imagine that there can be sex without lust?

the difference between lust and love/attraction, is the difference between social drinking and alcoholism

one is not disruptive to our lives, not a priority of our life, the other is

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 04/18/11 10:03 AM

so looking on a woman with lust in your heart is not adultry.

Why would it not be?

New covenant/new testament - Matthew 5:28
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

I have to side with Cowboy on this one....

Adam and Eve did not have the knowledge of Lust before they took from the fruit

but God commanded them to be fruitful and multiply which mean they were supposed to have sex without the inclusion of Lust since they did not have that knowledge

it may be Hard (no pun intended) to have sex without Lust...but when God command you to do something...you gotta do what you gotta do

sex without lust may not have been that much of a problem for Eve...but with Adam it's a different story...and places a new spin on why Adam may have taken from the fruit....

Adultry is it with a unmarried woman or with an married one.. same goes ifthe man is married.. I wrote about this when Rape was being brought up.. Blessings..Miles

Adultery goes as followed:

A married man with an unmarried woman
A married women with an unmarried man
A married man with another spouse besides his wife
A married woman with another spouse besides her husband

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 04/18/11 10:06 AM

so looking on a woman with lust in your heart is not adultry.

Why would it not be?

New covenant/new testament - Matthew 5:28
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

I have to side with Cowboy on this one....

Adam and Eve did not have the knowledge of Lust before they took from the fruit

but God commanded them to be fruitful and multiply which mean they were supposed to have sex without the inclusion of Lust since they did not have that knowledge

it may be Hard (no pun intended) to have sex without Lust...but when God command you to do something...you gotta do what you gotta do

sex without lust may not have been that much of a problem for Eve...but with Adam it's a different story...and places a new spin on why Adam may have taken from the fruit....

Adultry is it with a unmarried woman or with an married one.. same goes ifthe man is married.. I wrote about this when Rape was being brought up.. Blessings..Miles

Adultery goes as followed:

A married man with an unmarried woman
A married women with an unmarried man
A married man with another spouse besides his wife
A married woman with another spouse besides her husband

Thats fine and Dandy

with those definitions what did he mean when he said if you lust on a woman? law or no law..Blessings..Miles

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 04/18/11 10:12 AM

so looking on a woman with lust in your heart is not adultry.

Why would it not be?

New covenant/new testament - Matthew 5:28
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

I have to side with Cowboy on this one....

Adam and Eve did not have the knowledge of Lust before they took from the fruit

but God commanded them to be fruitful and multiply which mean they were supposed to have sex without the inclusion of Lust since they did not have that knowledge

it may be Hard (no pun intended) to have sex without Lust...but when God command you to do something...you gotta do what you gotta do

sex without lust may not have been that much of a problem for Eve...but with Adam it's a different story...and places a new spin on why Adam may have taken from the fruit....

Adultry is it with a unmarried woman or with an married one.. same goes ifthe man is married.. I wrote about this when Rape was being brought up.. Blessings..Miles

Adultery goes as followed:

A married man with an unmarried woman
A married women with an unmarried man
A married man with another spouse besides his wife
A married woman with another spouse besides her husband

Thats fine and Dandy

with those definitions what did he mean when he said if you lust on a woman? law or no law..Blessings..Miles

He means exactly as he said it. If you lust after a woman you've committed adultery in your heart. This would include but not limited to:

1. Porn
2. Meeting up with a woman/man at the bar/other places, and bringing him/her home in hopes of a "further" relationship
3. Seeing a woman/man in a general area, and thinking of sexual actions with this person.

And more of similar situations.

no photo
Mon 04/18/11 10:25 AM
Edited by funches on Mon 04/18/11 10:25 AM

sex and lust can be as seperate as sex and love

we know millions have sex without loving, why is it so hard to imagine that there can be sex without lust?

the difference between lust and love/attraction, is the difference between social drinking and alcoholism

one is not disruptive to our lives, not a priority of our life, the other is

MsHarmony...be fruitful and multiply is not about love or attracton but about creating children ...to accomplish this without lust the seed of a Man must be placed into the womb of a woman without lust...

it's possible to do this by having sex but not probable, the male would more than likely need lust in order to spread their seed into the woman...

would this not mean that when God gave the command to be fruitful and multiply he at that point in time endowed Adam and Eve with the knowledge of lust, if so wouldn't God and not Satan be the one that is responsible for their sin ...

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 04/18/11 10:30 AM

so looking on a woman with lust in your heart is not adultry.

Why would it not be?

New covenant/new testament - Matthew 5:28
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

I have to side with Cowboy on this one....

Adam and Eve did not have the knowledge of Lust before they took from the fruit

but God commanded them to be fruitful and multiply which mean they were supposed to have sex without the inclusion of Lust since they did not have that knowledge

it may be Hard (no pun intended) to have sex without Lust...but when God command you to do something...you gotta do what you gotta do

sex without lust may not have been that much of a problem for Eve...but with Adam it's a different story...and places a new spin on why Adam may have taken from the fruit....

Adultry is it with a unmarried woman or with an married one.. same goes ifthe man is married.. I wrote about this when Rape was being brought up.. Blessings..Miles

Adultery goes as followed:

A married man with an unmarried woman
A married women with an unmarried man
A married man with another spouse besides his wife
A married woman with another spouse besides her husband

Thats fine and Dandy

with those definitions what did he mean when he said if you lust on a woman? law or no law..Blessings..Miles

He means exactly as he said it. If you lust after a woman you've committed adultery in your heart. This would include but not limited to:

1. Porn
2. Meeting up with a woman/man at the bar/other places, and bringing him/her home in hopes of a "further" relationship
3. Seeing a woman/man in a general area, and thinking of sexual actions with this person.

And more of similar situations.

Nope I don't think Fornication is the same.

Fornication is between a promice of Togetherness and lust is ok.. they are going to be your mate.

Thiers a big difference.. many have lust for thier futher mate before they are married.. Is that adultry.. You say it is ..unmarried..

Scripture says thats normal we can not help that but its to the one we love.
Love has to be thier for any marraige beginning to end.

Love for lusts is ok.. at least thats IMO staus quo Shalom...Miles

msharmony's photo
Mon 04/18/11 10:43 AM

sex and lust can be as seperate as sex and love

we know millions have sex without loving, why is it so hard to imagine that there can be sex without lust?

the difference between lust and love/attraction, is the difference between social drinking and alcoholism

one is not disruptive to our lives, not a priority of our life, the other is

MsHarmony...be fruitful and multiply is not about love or attracton but about creating children ...to accomplish this without lust the seed of a Man must be placed into the womb of a woman without lust...

it's possible to do this by having sex but not probable, the male would more than likely need lust in order to spread their seed into the woman...

would this not mean that when God gave the command to be fruitful and multiply he at that point in time endowed Adam and Eve with the knowledge of lust, if so wouldn't God and not Satan be the one that is responsible for their sin ...

depends upon the male in question I suppose,

I know the anatomy is different, but I am of the belief that men can feel and not feel whatever women can and are capable of having sex that is based in attraction and love and not lust(which in my opinion is an uncontrollable degree of attraction which becomes all encompassing)

no photo
Mon 04/18/11 11:57 AM
Edited by funches on Mon 04/18/11 12:35 PM

sex and lust can be as seperate as sex and love

we know millions have sex without loving, why is it so hard to imagine that there can be sex without lust?

the difference between lust and love/attraction, is the difference between social drinking and alcoholism

one is not disruptive to our lives, not a priority of our life, the other is

MsHarmony...be fruitful and multiply is not about love or attracton but about creating children ...to accomplish this without lust the seed of a Man must be placed into the womb of a woman without lust...

it's possible to do this by having sex but not probable, the male would more than likely need lust in order to spread their seed into the woman...

would this not mean that when God gave the command to be fruitful and multiply he at that point in time endowed Adam and Eve with the knowledge of lust, if so wouldn't God and not Satan be the one that is responsible for their sin ...

depends upon the male in question I suppose,

I know the anatomy is different, but I am of the belief that men can feel and not feel whatever women can and are capable of having sex that is based in attraction and love and not lust(which in my opinion is an uncontrollable degree of attraction which becomes all encompassing)

MsHarmony... attraction for the flesh of another equates to Lust

according to God's Command you are only supposed to have sex in order to multiply and have children not because you are attracted to your partner's flesh ....if so you would be producing Children from carnal Lust...

so now the question becomes did Adam and Eve have attraction for each other's flesh before the fall...if so then it would be an indication that it was God that was responsible for them acquiring the knowledge of Lust and not Satan

no photo
Mon 04/18/11 12:30 PM
in the story of leah and racheal. one was sought after and the other was not. yet jacob had children with them both and all the children were blessed to become the twelve tribes of israel

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 04/18/11 01:09 PM

so looking on a woman with lust in your heart is not adultry.

Why would it not be?

New covenant/new testament - Matthew 5:28
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

I have to side with Cowboy on this one....

Adam and Eve did not have the knowledge of Lust before they took from the fruit

but God commanded them to be fruitful and multiply which mean they were supposed to have sex without the inclusion of Lust since they did not have that knowledge

it may be Hard (no pun intended) to have sex without Lust...but when God command you to do something...you gotta do what you gotta do

sex without lust may not have been that much of a problem for Eve...but with Adam it's a different story...and places a new spin on why Adam may have taken from the fruit....

Adultry is it with a unmarried woman or with an married one.. same goes ifthe man is married.. I wrote about this when Rape was being brought up.. Blessings..Miles

Adultery goes as followed:

A married man with an unmarried woman
A married women with an unmarried man
A married man with another spouse besides his wife
A married woman with another spouse besides her husband

Thats fine and Dandy

with those definitions what did he mean when he said if you lust on a woman? law or no law..Blessings..Miles

He means exactly as he said it. If you lust after a woman you've committed adultery in your heart. This would include but not limited to:

1. Porn
2. Meeting up with a woman/man at the bar/other places, and bringing him/her home in hopes of a "further" relationship
3. Seeing a woman/man in a general area, and thinking of sexual actions with this person.

And more of similar situations.

Nope I don't think Fornication is the same.

Fornication is between a promice of Togetherness and lust is ok.. they are going to be your mate.

Thiers a big difference.. many have lust for thier futher mate before they are married.. Is that adultry.. You say it is ..unmarried..

Scripture says thats normal we can not help that but its to the one we love.
Love has to be thier for any marraige beginning to end.

Love for lusts is ok.. at least thats IMO staus quo Shalom...Miles

Nobody mentioned an action eg., fornication. The example about the bar, the lust happened while they were still at the bar, gaining desire for one another sexually and leading on to take it further at the house. The wanting to take the other home was where the lust is. The desire for the fornication. Lust is purely a desire, it's not an action in a movement form of action. It is an action of thought.

no photo
Mon 04/18/11 01:13 PM

in the story of leah and racheal. one was sought after and the other was not. yet jacob had children with them both and all the children were blessed to become the twelve tribes of israel

Jacob supposedly produced the six tribes from the sons he sired from Leah the one he was deceived into marrying and he later married Rachel the one he supposedly desired ...

but then again both Leah and Rachel were Jacob's first cousins ...perhaps he were using the exucse that he only had children with them and that it were no lust involved....

no matter how one tries to spin that story it still comes out like a Jerry Springer Episode

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 04/18/11 01:14 PM

sex and lust can be as seperate as sex and love

we know millions have sex without loving, why is it so hard to imagine that there can be sex without lust?

the difference between lust and love/attraction, is the difference between social drinking and alcoholism

one is not disruptive to our lives, not a priority of our life, the other is

MsHarmony...be fruitful and multiply is not about love or attracton but about creating children ...to accomplish this without lust the seed of a Man must be placed into the womb of a woman without lust...

it's possible to do this by having sex but not probable, the male would more than likely need lust in order to spread their seed into the woman...

would this not mean that when God gave the command to be fruitful and multiply he at that point in time endowed Adam and Eve with the knowledge of lust, if so wouldn't God and not Satan be the one that is responsible for their sin ...

depends upon the male in question I suppose,

I know the anatomy is different, but I am of the belief that men can feel and not feel whatever women can and are capable of having sex that is based in attraction and love and not lust(which in my opinion is an uncontrollable degree of attraction which becomes all encompassing)

MsHarmony... attraction for the flesh of another equates to Lust

according to God's Command you are only supposed to have sex in order to multiply and have children not because you are attracted to your partner's flesh ....if so you would be producing Children from carnal Lust...

so now the question becomes did Adam and Eve have attraction for each other's flesh before the fall...if so then it would be an indication that it was God that was responsible for them acquiring the knowledge of Lust and not Satan

Lust is what separates making love/reproduction and sex from one another. Making love is to share tremendous emotions with one another, more then what words can say. Sex is purely for the physical pleasure, no love emotions involved, not ment for reproduction/family building.

That is why there is such a huge "clingy" feeling a lot of people get with their first partner. It is a joining of two flesh. They connect on a deeper level then they are connected with other people.

no photo
Mon 04/18/11 01:29 PM

Lust is what separates making love/reproduction and sex from one another. Making love is to share tremendous emotions with one another, more then what words can say. Sex is purely for the physical pleasure, no love emotions involved, not ment for reproduction/family building.

That is why there is such a huge "clingy" feeling a lot of people get with their first partner. It is a joining of two flesh. They connect on a deeper level then they are connected with other people.

Cowboy...the term "making love" points to the pleasures of the flesh not spawning children ...

no photo
Mon 04/18/11 01:47 PM
Religions have no business trying to dictate people's activity in the bedroom. As long as you are not hurting anyone and there are consenting adults involved its none of the religious establishments business. rant rant No wonder so many people have sexual hangups.


no photo
Mon 04/18/11 02:06 PM

Religions have no business trying to dictate people's activity in the bedroom. As long as you are not hurting anyone and there are consenting adults involved its none of the religious establishments business. rant rant No wonder so many people have sexual hangups.


God does not want to watch his children engage in porn

Redykeulous's photo
Mon 04/18/11 02:09 PM
There seem to be quite a few people who are totally willing to ignore or deny that any kind of evolution has ever existed.

It has become quite acceptable for Christians to believe that the age of the Earth is billions of years old and that evolution has played a large role in reshaping the Earthly landscape of living creatures, including humans.

Therefore, those who argue that humans are exactly the same now as when they first appeared in a visably comparable form to humans of today, are arguing from a fundamentalist point of view. That point of view being that the Bible is complete, absolute, and infallable.

It boggles the mind that so many intelligent people would stoop so low as to argue from that perspective.

I just wanted to make that observation in the hopes that sanity may be restored to at least a few - while others are left with their fundamentalist views in tact and to themselves.

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