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Topic: Sticks and Stones
Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 04/15/11 10:14 AM
one hint. He turned over the Money Changers Tables ate the BEGINNING of his ministry and a few days as the LAMB OF YAHWEH went into as the LAW prescribed where? Shalom..Miles

1 Peter 1:17-20

17 And if you call on the Father, who without partiality judges according to each one's work, conduct yourselves throughout the time of your stay here in fear; 18 knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, 19 but with the precious blood of the Messiah, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot. 20 He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world,


Ex 12:3
3 Speak to all the congregation of Israel, saying: 'On the tenth of this month every man shall take for himself a lamb, according to the house of his father, a lamb for a household.

no photo
Fri 04/15/11 10:22 AM

No it is not. The leadership of the Temple decided this was ok and appropriate. Obviously the true owner of the building disagreed with their assessment. Therefore, the analogy is correct. Neither God nor Jesus invited them into Their House.

how would the leadership of the temple know that Jesus the teacher of turning the other cheek was going to have a conniption fit and start tossing people things out the temple

money changing in what ever form was how the temple raised money...even giving tithes would be money changing...clearly God wasn't giving them any money to run the place....didn't Jesus give tithes or pay temple taxes..so wouldn't that be money changing? ...this is another example of how Jesus was being a hyprocrite and playing to the crowd

Tithing has nothing to do with money changers.

money changer - one whose business is to exchange the money of one country for that of another country

And if this was from the tithing money, this could have and should have been done outside the church. Not running a business inside the church. That is the reason Jesus did that. Because it was running a BUSINESS inside of God's house. A church isn't a "business". The tithes are to go towards the church for helping others and possibly church upkeep, not into the pockets of any people.

Cowboy...no matter how you try to spin it...tithes is money...and the only purpose of money is to do business

Jesus involement with the church and his tithes and temple taxes are what help bring in money to finance the going ons in the Temple....he was in fact a money changer ...but yet condemn others for doing the same ...

What you don't realize is the reality of the situation. Jesus did not own that church. I doubt if he was the assigned deacon or preacher in charge of it either. This is still the real world. People who go around claiming to be the son of God just are not taken seriously, even if it were true.

But you are entitled to your opinion.

lol I don't think you realize the reality of the situation, Jesus didn't have to be the deacon or preacher. It was his house. The church is the house of God, the house of the lord.

The church is the people, not a building.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 04/15/11 10:24 AM

one hint. He turned over the Money Changers Tables ate the BEGINNING of his ministry and a few days as the LAMB OF YAHWEH went into as the LAW prescribed where? Shalom..Miles

1 Peter 1:17-20

17 And if you call on the Father, who without partiality judges according to each one's work, conduct yourselves throughout the time of your stay here in fear; 18 knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, 19 but with the precious blood of the Messiah, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot. 20 He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world,


Ex 12:3
3 Speak to all the congregation of Israel, saying: 'On the tenth of this month every man shall take for himself a lamb, according to the house of his father, a lamb for a household.

4 what happened as he entered Jerusalem on the 10th day of him being " ForOrdained"

ForOrdained to then and NOW

Gen 1:1 - Matt 24:1

"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing! 38 See! Your house is left to you desolate; 39 for I say to you, you shall see Me no more till you say, 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of YAHWEH !'"


Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 04/15/11 10:37 AM

one hint. He turned over the Money Changers Tables ate the BEGINNING of his ministry and a few days as the LAMB OF YAHWEH went into as the LAW prescribed where? Shalom..Miles

1 Peter 1:17-20

17 And if you call on the Father, who without partiality judges according to each one's work, conduct yourselves throughout the time of your stay here in fear; 18 knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, 19 but with the precious blood of the Messiah, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot. 20 He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world,


Ex 12:3
3 Speak to all the congregation of Israel, saying: 'On the tenth of this month every man shall take for himself a lamb, according to the house of his father, a lamb for a household.

4 what happened as he entered Jerusalem on the 10th day of him being " ForOrdained"

ForOrdained to then and NOW

Gen 1:1 - Matt 24:1

"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing! 38 See! Your house is left to you desolate; 39 for I say to you, you shall see Me no more till you say, 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of YAHWEH !'"


Think of these things as with the Sabbath and most everything else you enter in to Isis House and Proclaim Easter as seen in every mans eyes what to do.

Mic 2:6-7

"Do not prattle," you say to those who prophesy.
So they shall not prophesy to you;
They shall not return insult for insult .
7 You who are named the house of Jacob:
"Is the Spirit of Yahweh restricted?
Are these His doings?
Do not My words do good
To him who walks uprightly?

Heb 10:29-31
29 Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of Yahweh underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace ? 30 For we know Him who said, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay," says Yahweh. And again, "Yahweh will judge His people." 31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living Elohim.
Think about how do you deserve Blessings..Miles

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 04/15/11 10:53 AM

Money is irrelevant to GOD himself. God can have anything and do anything without the need of any money.

Cowboy...that fact that the church takes tithes proves your statement to be false

No, God doesn't use that money lol. That money is used to better worship God. Worship our father not having to sit in a cold room, having pews to sit on, having bibles to read, ect.

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 04/15/11 10:57 AM

No it is not. The leadership of the Temple decided this was ok and appropriate. Obviously the true owner of the building disagreed with their assessment. Therefore, the analogy is correct. Neither God nor Jesus invited them into Their House.

how would the leadership of the temple know that Jesus the teacher of turning the other cheek was going to have a conniption fit and start tossing people things out the temple

money changing in what ever form was how the temple raised money...even giving tithes would be money changing...clearly God wasn't giving them any money to run the place....didn't Jesus give tithes or pay temple taxes..so wouldn't that be money changing? ...this is another example of how Jesus was being a hyprocrite and playing to the crowd

Tithing has nothing to do with money changers.

money changer - one whose business is to exchange the money of one country for that of another country

And if this was from the tithing money, this could have and should have been done outside the church. Not running a business inside the church. That is the reason Jesus did that. Because it was running a BUSINESS inside of God's house. A church isn't a "business". The tithes are to go towards the church for helping others and possibly church upkeep, not into the pockets of any people.

Cowboy...no matter how you try to spin it...tithes is money...and the only purpose of money is to do business

Jesus involement with the church and his tithes and temple taxes are what help bring in money to finance the going ons in the Temple....he was in fact a money changer ...but yet condemn others for doing the same ...

What you don't realize is the reality of the situation. Jesus did not own that church. I doubt if he was the assigned deacon or preacher in charge of it either. This is still the real world. People who go around claiming to be the son of God just are not taken seriously, even if it were true.

But you are entitled to your opinion.

lol I don't think you realize the reality of the situation, Jesus didn't have to be the deacon or preacher. It was his house. The church is the house of God, the house of the lord.

The church is the people, not a building.

Abstractly speaking yes. The USA isn't the land boundaries, it's the people inside of it.

The church building is a place to congregate to worship God. It makes it more convenient for the people whom wish to worship. Makes it easier to again congregate to worship God. It is God's house. But yes, the church building itself is not worth anymore then the wood and nails it's made of. It's what is done inside of the building that is what is valuable. But without the wood and nails, there wouldn't be a community place to congregate together for God.

no photo
Fri 04/15/11 11:08 AM

Money is irrelevant to GOD himself. God can have anything and do anything without the need of any money.

Cowboy...that fact that the church takes tithes proves your statement to be false

No, God doesn't use that money lol. That money is used to better worship God. Worship our father not having to sit in a cold room, having pews to sit on, having bibles to read, ect.

Cowboy...yes...I can guess the money can also be use to help some of the priest molest children in a warm room,

or the money can also be use to help the church cover up the fact that some priest do molest children....

but then again the money can also be use as a settlement to the children and parents of those that were abused by those they used the money doing the will of God ...

Good thing God approves of giving money

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 04/15/11 11:25 AM

Money is irrelevant to GOD himself. God can have anything and do anything without the need of any money.

Cowboy...that fact that the church takes tithes proves your statement to be false

No, God doesn't use that money lol. That money is used to better worship God. Worship our father not having to sit in a cold room, having pews to sit on, having bibles to read, ect.

Cowboy...yes...I can guess the money can also be use to help some of the priest molest children in a warm room,

or the money can also be use to help the church cover up the fact that some priest do molest children....

but then again the money can also be use as a settlement to the children and parents of those that were abused by those they used the money doing the will of God ...

Good thing God approves of giving money

Those actions have absolutely nothing to do with God. Those things done were completely and absolutely against what God has told us. That is just merely mortal men's actions. Nothing reflecting God or the teachings there of. So have a great day my friend, much love to you and yours.

no photo
Fri 04/15/11 11:37 AM
Edited by funches on Fri 04/15/11 11:38 AM

Money is irrelevant to GOD himself. God can have anything and do anything without the need of any money.

Cowboy...that fact that the church takes tithes proves your statement to be false

No, God doesn't use that money lol. That money is used to better worship God. Worship our father not having to sit in a cold room, having pews to sit on, having bibles to read, ect.

Cowboy...yes...I can guess the money can also be use to help some of the priest molest children in a warm room,

or the money can also be use to help the church cover up the fact that some priest do molest children....

but then again the money can also be use as a settlement to the children and parents of those that were abused by those they used the money doing the will of God ...

Good thing God approves of giving money

Those actions have absolutely nothing to do with God. Those things done were completely and absolutely against what God has told us. That is just merely mortal men's actions. Nothing reflecting God or the teachings there of. So have a great day my friend, much love to you and yours.

Cowboy...it was you that were making such a big deal about the church being the house of God and those in the church using the money to help do the will of God...so if some of the priests were molesting children inside the church which the tithes were helping to finance then wouldn't it have everything to do with God and tithes money....

also couldn't the priest use the bible to show that what they were doing was approved by God... because didn't God do the same with Mary when he showed his Love for her by filling his daughter with the Holy Sprit and impregnanting her ....so can't it be said that both God and the priests used their positions (no pun intended) to do unto others as being The Will Of God

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 04/15/11 11:46 AM

Money is irrelevant to GOD himself. God can have anything and do anything without the need of any money.

Cowboy...that fact that the church takes tithes proves your statement to be false

No, God doesn't use that money lol. That money is used to better worship God. Worship our father not having to sit in a cold room, having pews to sit on, having bibles to read, ect.

Cowboy...yes...I can guess the money can also be use to help some of the priest molest children in a warm room,

or the money can also be use to help the church cover up the fact that some priest do molest children....

but then again the money can also be use as a settlement to the children and parents of those that were abused by those they used the money doing the will of God ...

Good thing God approves of giving money

Those actions have absolutely nothing to do with God. Those things done were completely and absolutely against what God has told us. That is just merely mortal men's actions. Nothing reflecting God or the teachings there of. So have a great day my friend, much love to you and yours.

Cowboy...it was you that were making such a big deal about the church being the house of God and those in the church using the money to help do the will of God...so if some of the priests were molesting children inside the church which the tithes were helping to finance then wouldn't it have everything to do with God and tithes money....

also couldn't the priest use the bible to show that what they were doing was approved by God... because didn't God do the same with Mary when he showed his Love for her by filling his daughter with the Holy Sprit and impregnanting her ....so can't it be said that both God and the priests used their positions (no pun intended) to do unto others as being The Will Of God

No, there is only to be a sexual relationship between a married man and woman. That is the only grounds for a sexual relationship. And God didn't have sex with marry lol.

And about the tithes. The tithes are SUPPOSE to be used to support the church and help those in need. Does not mean it happens all the time. But nevertheless that is the purpose of the tithes. If the tithes are not used in this manner, it is not God's fault. Would be the priests/preachers/deacons/ect fault. You can not blame someone for someone else's actions.

no photo
Fri 04/15/11 12:00 PM

Money is irrelevant to GOD himself. God can have anything and do anything without the need of any money.

Cowboy...that fact that the church takes tithes proves your statement to be false

No, God doesn't use that money lol. That money is used to better worship God. Worship our father not having to sit in a cold room, having pews to sit on, having bibles to read, ect.

Cowboy...yes...I can guess the money can also be use to help some of the priest molest children in a warm room,

or the money can also be use to help the church cover up the fact that some priest do molest children....

but then again the money can also be use as a settlement to the children and parents of those that were abused by those they used the money doing the will of God ...

Good thing God approves of giving money

Those actions have absolutely nothing to do with God. Those things done were completely and absolutely against what God has told us. That is just merely mortal men's actions. Nothing reflecting God or the teachings there of. So have a great day my friend, much love to you and yours.

Cowboy...it was you that were making such a big deal about the church being the house of God and those in the church using the money to help do the will of God...so if some of the priests were molesting children inside the church which the tithes were helping to finance then wouldn't it have everything to do with God and tithes money....

also couldn't the priest use the bible to show that what they were doing was approved by God... because didn't God do the same with Mary when he showed his Love for her by filling his daughter with the Holy Sprit and impregnanting her ....so can't it be said that both God and the priests used their positions (no pun intended) to do unto others as being The Will Of God

No, there is only to be a sexual relationship between a married man and woman. That is the only grounds for a sexual relationship. And God didn't have sex with marry lol.

And about the tithes. The tithes are SUPPOSE to be used to support the church and help those in need. Does not mean it happens all the time. But nevertheless that is the purpose of the tithes. If the tithes are not used in this manner, it is not God's fault. Would be the priests/preachers/deacons/ect fault. You can not blame someone for someone else's actions.

Cowboy.....getting someone pregnant using a turkey baster or filling someone with the holy spirit constitute as sex or in God's and the priests case at the least constitute as molestation

Filling someone with the holy spirit is God's way of having sex...Mary got pregnant by someone...if you claim that it's God that got her pregnant then stop trying to make him seem like a dead beat dad

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 04/15/11 12:05 PM

Money is irrelevant to GOD himself. God can have anything and do anything without the need of any money.

Cowboy...that fact that the church takes tithes proves your statement to be false

No, God doesn't use that money lol. That money is used to better worship God. Worship our father not having to sit in a cold room, having pews to sit on, having bibles to read, ect.

Cowboy...yes...I can guess the money can also be use to help some of the priest molest children in a warm room,

or the money can also be use to help the church cover up the fact that some priest do molest children....

but then again the money can also be use as a settlement to the children and parents of those that were abused by those they used the money doing the will of God ...

Good thing God approves of giving money

Those actions have absolutely nothing to do with God. Those things done were completely and absolutely against what God has told us. That is just merely mortal men's actions. Nothing reflecting God or the teachings there of. So have a great day my friend, much love to you and yours.

Cowboy...it was you that were making such a big deal about the church being the house of God and those in the church using the money to help do the will of God...so if some of the priests were molesting children inside the church which the tithes were helping to finance then wouldn't it have everything to do with God and tithes money....

also couldn't the priest use the bible to show that what they were doing was approved by God... because didn't God do the same with Mary when he showed his Love for her by filling his daughter with the Holy Sprit and impregnanting her ....so can't it be said that both God and the priests used their positions (no pun intended) to do unto others as being The Will Of God

No, there is only to be a sexual relationship between a married man and woman. That is the only grounds for a sexual relationship. And God didn't have sex with marry lol.

And about the tithes. The tithes are SUPPOSE to be used to support the church and help those in need. Does not mean it happens all the time. But nevertheless that is the purpose of the tithes. If the tithes are not used in this manner, it is not God's fault. Would be the priests/preachers/deacons/ect fault. You can not blame someone for someone else's actions.

Cowboy.....getting someone pregnant using a turkey baster or filling someone with the holy spirit constitute as sex or in God's and the priests case at the least constitute as molestation

Filling someone with the holy spirit is God's way of having sex...Mary got pregnant by someone...if you claim that it's God that got her pregnant then stop trying to make him seem like a dead beat dad

How so? Mary was willing to carry Jesus. Mary and God never had sex, so not molestation, nor rape since she was willing to carry Jesus. And how does being filled with the holy spirit constitute have sex? Look sex up, sex is a physical action done between two parties. A male sticking his penis into a woman's vagina, kinda figured you knew what sex was. But anywho, God never had "sex" with Mary so again no molestation. And again, she was willing to carry the child of God, so no rape.

no photo
Fri 04/15/11 12:19 PM

How so? Mary was willing to carry Jesus. Mary and God never had sex, so not molestation, nor rape since she was willing to carry Jesus. And how does being filled with the holy spirit constitute have sex? Look sex up, sex is a physical action done between two parties. A male sticking his penis into a woman's vagina, kinda figured you knew what sex was. But anywho, God never had "sex" with Mary so again no molestation. And again, she was willing to carry the child of God, so no rape.

Cowboy...was it God that got Mary pregnant? ...yes or no?

no photo
Fri 04/15/11 12:21 PM

God never had "sex" with Mary

didn't we go through this with President Clinton?

no photo
Fri 04/15/11 12:27 PM

How so? Mary was willing to carry Jesus. Mary and God never had sex, so not molestation, nor rape since she was willing to carry Jesus. And how does being filled with the holy spirit constitute have sex? Look sex up, sex is a physical action done between two parties. A male sticking his penis into a woman's vagina, kinda figured you knew what sex was. But anywho, God never had "sex" with Mary so again no molestation. And again, she was willing to carry the child of God, so no rape.

Cowboy...was it God that got Mary pregnant? ...yes or no?

I've heard many people claim that they have been filled with the holy spirit and they didn't turn up pregnant.

Back in those days before this, pagans would have festivals where they would take drugs and drink and they would let the gods possess them under the moon and they would allow the gods to have sexual intercourse with their bodies. Some of the women would turn up pregnant and they would not remember how they got in that condition at all. --- now there is one possibility.

Another possibility: Today there are women who claim to have been abducted by aliens and had sex with them and they turned up pregnant too. Some of them did not remember this experience until they were hypnotized.

There are other possibilities. Mary could have been raped and she simply lied about it or she was drunk or traumatized and did not remember it.

But one thing is for sure, being filled with the "holy spirit" sounds like a lie. If that kind of magic was possible there would not really be any need to use a woman. Jesus could have just magically popped into existence fully formed.

no photo
Fri 04/15/11 12:30 PM
Edited by funches on Fri 04/15/11 12:47 PM

I've heard many people claim that they have been filled with the holy spirit and they didn't turn up pregnant.

perhaps they weren't fertile or were guys ...or were already deflowered and not a virgin

or God was shooting blanks ...or were wearing a condom

but according to the belief God filled Mary with the holy spirit and impregnanted her

isn't it possible that the holy spirit is God's tallywhacker?

mylifetoday's photo
Fri 04/15/11 01:20 PM


Most likely he didn't damage the property of the money changers either. Tossing their property out the door does not necessarily = damage. And knowing the type of property they would have had - highly doubt anything was damaged other than a few egos...

so "mylifetoday"... tossing someone property on the ground is not damage to those that follow Jesus ....ok...let's use your computer to test that theory.....I will toss if out the front door unto the ground ...it perhaps may break and never work again but according to you that doesn't mean that it's damage

you guys are so scary

Once again,

Stop putting words in my mouth.

I clearly stated the type of material they had probably would not be damaged. Take my books and a couple of sturdy tables and toss them out. That is a whole lot better analogy than tossing my computer out the door.

And I don't remember anywhere in the Bible where it states He physically threw anything.

"Jesus entered the temple area and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves."

Turning over tables is hardly damage in anyone's book, well except maybe for yours. And that is very far from throwing anything out any door. Please note it does not mention the doves. It talks about the benches and benches ONLY of those selling doves.

Also note He didn't touch anything that was Temple property or took a swing at anyone. Driving out can easily be done by talking sternly to them and given how He behaved throughout His life, much more likely. I have said a few times before that they knew they really shouldn't be there but it was an accepted custom at the time.

mylifetoday's photo
Fri 04/15/11 01:27 PM

No it is not. The leadership of the Temple decided this was ok and appropriate. Obviously the true owner of the building disagreed with their assessment. Therefore, the analogy is correct. Neither God nor Jesus invited them into Their House.

how would the leadership of the temple know that Jesus the teacher of turning the other cheek was going to have a conniption fit and start tossing people things out the temple

money changing in what ever form was how the temple raised money...even giving tithes would be money changing...clearly God wasn't giving them any money to run the place....didn't Jesus give tithes or pay temple taxes..so wouldn't that be money changing? ...this is another example of how Jesus was being a hyprocrite and playing to the crowd

Once again - Do you read anything I write???

The leadership of the church should have known it was not ok. Why they chose to allow it is beyond me.

Again - no conniption fit - will you please stop saying that, get tired of having to define conniption for you and how it does not apply to what Jesus did.

I already told you what money changing was. It was Jews purchasing a simulated form of money to burn as a sacrifice. Not sure why that was an acceptable form of sacrifice but that is what they did. I even said back then that it has nothing to do with tithing.

Please read what I said and stop asking and declaring things I have already addressed and corrected.

mylifetoday's photo
Fri 04/15/11 01:29 PM

And before you ask - Yes, Jesus regularly chastised the people entrusted to watch over His Father's House.

the temple did not belong to Jesus so he didn't have the right to entrust it to anyone....he was only a teacher there not the owner or a share holder...

rofl rofl rofl rofl

Are you listening to anything????

mylifetoday's photo
Fri 04/15/11 01:42 PM

I know, you are now going to question why He didn't go after the Pharisees and leave the money changers alone. A couple reasons. He wasn't going to wait for a debate to be settled before fixing something that was disrespectful to God. He would need to trust the pharisees would actually agree and carry out His desire to have them removed. Remember the pharisees were constantly questioning whether or not Jesus was following the law appropriately. They are the ones that eventually had him crucified.

the Pharisees did not crucifiy Jesus, Rome crucified him....since being found innocent of a crime would not get one crucified, therefore Jesus were accused of breaking a law or laws that made him a criminal under Roman Jurisdiction and he were found guilty ...and that is what got him crucified

The Pharisees DID crucify Him.

They turned Him over to be crucified. Pilot said, "I find no fault in this Man." yeah, that is an obvious violation of the law.

Pilot decided to use a custom where he would release one prisoner. He took out Barabbas and asked if they wanted Barabbas or Jesus released. Obviously Barabbas was chosen. Pilot then asked what they wanted done with Jesus. They YELLED CRUCIFY HIM!!!

Clearly this was a terrible criminal that Rome had a real problem with and chose to execute Him regardless of what the Jews thought. If the crowd wasn't there demanding His Crucifixion He would have been released. Pilot even said He committed no crime. The Jews said, "He claimed to be our King, we have no King but Caesar." They also said, "He calls Himself the Son of God. By OUR law He must be put to death." Pilot told them to take Him and Crucify Him themselves. They said, "We cannot, it is the start of our Passover. By our law we cannot do anything to Him right now."

Finally Pilot handed Him over to be crucified. He literally washed his hands to show he had no guilt in the Crucifixion.

if you still think Rome killed Him:


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