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Topic: Religion Endangers Humanity And Its Future
Dragoness's photo
Tue 02/02/10 07:29 PM
If religion were not so "unverifiable" and based on faith so much then people would not get so zealous about the "beating" of the belief into their children which in turn would not create the illogical evil religious zealots. So religion has to take some of the responsibility. Or the parent who teach it need to take all the blame for brainwashing their children into a world of illogical fantasy land that doesn't mesh well with the reality of life.

msharmony's photo
Tue 02/02/10 11:25 PM

If religion were not so "unverifiable" and based on faith so much then people would not get so zealous about the "beating" of the belief into their children which in turn would not create the illogical evil religious zealots. So religion has to take some of the responsibility. Or the parent who teach it need to take all the blame for brainwashing their children into a world of illogical fantasy land that doesn't mesh well with the reality of life.

Parents and a society that dont teach children self respect and respect of others probably hold the LARGEST part of the responsibility(religious or not). I was taught to put myself first(actually, to not let anyone between me and God,,which basically means that after God, I have to take care of me first) and treat others like I would want to be treated or want anyone I love treated.

I was brought up Baptist and church was a staple in my youth, as well as lessons at home about BALANCE(actions and consequences).

MiddleEarthling's photo
Fri 02/05/10 05:20 PM

If religion were not so "unverifiable" and based on faith so much then people would not get so zealous about the "beating" of the belief into their children which in turn would not create the illogical evil religious zealots. So religion has to take some of the responsibility. Or the parent who teach it need to take all the blame for brainwashing their children into a world of illogical fantasy land that doesn't mesh well with the reality of life.

Exactly...and what religion they are brainwashed into is a matter of where they are born and raised. The same christian zealots here would be muslim zealots if they were born in the Middle East. That fact escapes the simple minded tho~...

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 02/05/10 07:56 PM

If religion were not so "unverifiable" and based on faith so much then people would not get so zealous about the "beating" of the belief into their children which in turn would not create the illogical evil religious zealots. So religion has to take some of the responsibility. Or the parent who teach it need to take all the blame for brainwashing their children into a world of illogical fantasy land that doesn't mesh well with the reality of life.

people don't have faith in God because they do not want to believe someone/something is greater then them has control of there life. Most people think they are in control of there life and are adult so they should have nothing to answere to higher up then them. It's an ego form. I just pray that they will open there eyes and see the only truth before it's to late for them.

Eljay's photo
Sat 02/06/10 12:03 AM

This is not Christ like, and I am sorry these are the types of experiences you have had. In trying to follow the example of Christ, I do not feel superior to anyone, I feel we all sin and that is mostly what I get the most flack about. I never say that I am better than anyone because I dont believe I am. I do aknowledge wrong from right though, regardless of if I am the transgressor or someone else,, and I get flack for that as well.

Actually it is Christ like because it is the practice of Christians.

Christianity cannot teach equality because it teaches divisiveness ie "my religion is the one true and right religion", it teaches superiority ie "some humans will go to hell because of what they believe but it won't be me the great Christian", it teaches hypocrisy ie "I am not held responsible for my sins because I go to church on Sunday and get forgiven"

Until religions embrace all other religions and non religious as equal and deserving of heaven including all sexual orientations they will be discriminatory and not healthy for humans to follow.

This is flawed logic in my opinion.

First,Christ like means like Christ, of whom there was only one,, not like any and every one who claims to be christian.

I dont believe anyones RELIGION(religious title or affiliation) makes them any better or worse than anyone else. It is how we live our lives that will be judged by God , not what title we give ourself.

I also dont believe I know who will go to heaven or who will not, I was taught that only God knows or will decide. I do know the paths that Christ set out for us to follow and I choose that path hoping to reach the destination I seek.

I also have never not felt responsible for sin, forgiveness doesnt absolve one of responsibility and I was never taught this either.

I embrace religious beliefs, I dont embrace all actions and words anymore than a non religious person does. I dont think it would be healthy to have an everything is fine to do attitude(regardless of religious or non religious affiliation).

I do think there are paths to heaven and paths which dont lead to heaven, just as some paths will get me from Las Vegas to Los Angeles and others wont. If I am trying to get to Los Angeles, I just follow those paths,, it doesnt mean I feel better than those trying to get to Arizona, or those trying to get to Los Angeles by way of Indianapolis.

I just feel we all choose different paths and they dont all end up at the same destination.

You did not dispute any of what I stated on my post...lol

There is no way around the divisiveness, superiority and hypocrisy of the religion.

I am glad that you feel as though you are doing yourself a favor by believing it.

Humans are not better off because of religion. It hasn't done anything to help the human condition at all.

I am not here just for dispute. I am also here to share. I, as a christian, read many blatantly false things in these posts about what I supposedly was taught to believe. I just try to clarify what is the truth from what is broad generalization. Humans are no worse off because of religion. Humans would commit all the atrocities they commit without religion, they would just find some other scapegoat to blame it on besides personal responsibility. Funny, since christians are being labeled in this thread as those who dont take personal responsibility but the same people are claiming that they do horrible things not because of who they are personally but because they are christian....cant have it both ways

I take full responsibility for my actions, I use Gods laws as a guide just as others use mans laws. When I do things wrong, it is not the fault of laws existing,, it is just my personal bad choice.

I'll admit I do see christians, on the whole, as being inherently evil. Though this is not a predjudice w/o cause, I assure you. I've known far too many professed "good" christains who had no problems commiting blantantly evil acts. And history is repleat with such examples. And that pretty much goes for just about anyone with a belief system that has a godthing or things at it's head.
However, I do make the effort to take into account any individuals actions or words.

I have to disagree with you on the "fault of the laws existing" thing. There have been many many bad laws in human history that good people should've and indeed have, railed against. If I had been born in the mid 1800's or before, I would've been proud to break laws to free slaves. And I would've been quite happy to kill slave owners to do it too. I would've defended indians, women, or whatever group of intelligent lifeforms were being oppressed or enslaved. The laws be damned. God's or man's.
Which brings me to another point, christianity has been an excuse for slavery and the oppression of women. For almost it's entire history. Doesn't that bother you?

Actually - what is historically accurate is that were it not for two devoted Christians - there would still be slavery in England and in America. Christianity is not responsible for the creation or furtherance of slavery - but for the irratication of it.

whatever you say eljay...lol

Well - you've got Wilberforce (or however you spell it) in England - and Lincoln in the USA.

Or perhaps you've never heard of these two men.

Lincoln was not an abolitionist. He himself said he was more interested in "ending the war" than "ending slavery". In fact, Lincoln wanted the blacks sent back to Africa (Liberia is one result of this). The emancipation proclamation was a purely political move to make the agriculture business in the South dependent on Northern subsidization.

Domestically, he threw reporters who disagreed with him in jail, ignored habeus corpus-pretty much everything that you would expect from a tyrant.

So - I guess you're thinkin' "Good thing they assassinated him".
I find it so interesting that you state these claims like you were there to verify them. Amaizing how you've stayed alive this long. How'd you do it?

so - unless you witnessed these facts personally - how about a reference.

Eljay's photo
Sat 02/06/10 12:09 AM

The main problem I have with the OP is that it goes on and on about all the bad things "religion" is responsible for, but when it comes to the good things, suddenly it's not "religion" that's responsible anymore, it's "people".

To illustrate, I'd like to change just three words and restate the first sentence in the last paragraph of the OP.

"While religion can be said to accomplish bad things such as (fill in the blank), it is not religion itself that accomplishes these things. It is the individuals that make up that religion, and make choices themselves, that truly accomplishes bad things."

Why is that only "people" are responsible for the good things and only "religion" is responsible for the bad things? Why are "people" not responsible for the bad things as well as the good things? After all, any action taken by "a religion", is an action taken by a person

I have to agree. One cannot blame "religion" for anything because that is way too vague. You have to find out where the buck stops. You have to find the people responsible and the people partly responsible for the vague entity you are calling "religion."

Religion is not responsible, people are responsible. People are responsible for their beliefs, and their actions. If you try to destroy 'religion' you will be destroying people, because people are who make up 'religion.'

If you want to change the face of religion the place to start is with the individual. Start with the people.

You 2 must be fans of the NRA. That's exactly the same argument they made, "Guns don't kill people. People kill people". Religions aren't bad. People are bad.
While there is some truth in those statements, you fail to acknowledge the influence those things have on some people. Actually, quite a lot of people.

And the two idiots who walked into Columbine were staunch Darwinists - but I don't see you wanting to knock down any school houses and burn them biology books.

Television and film has more influence on people than religion - why aren't you screaming about Hollywood?

"There's man all over for you, blaming on his boots the faults of his feet"

msharmony's photo
Sat 02/06/10 07:34 AM
You 2 must be fans of the NRA. That's exactly the same argument they made, "Guns don't kill people. People kill people". Religions aren't bad. People are bad.
While there is some truth in those statements, you fail to acknowledge the influence those things have on some people. Actually, quite a lot of people.

The difference is the singular PURPOSE for a gun is to kill. The purpose of the bible can be easily debated depending upon whom you ask. I believe it is to spread the gospel of Jesus and enlighten us to the mistakes of our history so we dont repeat them.

redonkulous's photo
Sat 02/06/10 09:51 AM

blaming religion for atrocities committed is the same as blaming the Y chromosome for it. Stalin committed atrocities...what was his excuse?

he was crazy.

Those that can make you believe absurbities can make you comit attrocities. most religions are make to manipulate.

ok...so he is excused but the reasons for others can ONLY be because of religion????? It's ok for Stalin but not others?

The Y chromosome argument is just as valid as blaming religion, especially since not all who are religious do these things either.

Can you tell me that Atheists can't be extremists too?????

Maybe it's not the person's beliefs that make them do it, but instead they hide behind it as an excuse
The Bible says witches should be burned . . . so if someone burns a person, calls them a witch and is Christian, then YES religion played an integral part in the situation, and without religion the situation would have NOT occurred.

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 02/06/10 10:20 AM

blaming religion for atrocities committed is the same as blaming the Y chromosome for it. Stalin committed atrocities...what was his excuse?

he was crazy.

Those that can make you believe absurbities can make you comit attrocities. most religions are make to manipulate.

ok...so he is excused but the reasons for others can ONLY be because of religion????? It's ok for Stalin but not others?

The Y chromosome argument is just as valid as blaming religion, especially since not all who are religious do these things either.

Can you tell me that Atheists can't be extremists too?????

Maybe it's not the person's beliefs that make them do it, but instead they hide behind it as an excuse
The Bible says witches should be burned . . . so if someone burns a person, calls them a witch and is Christian, then YES religion played an integral part in the situation, and without religion the situation would have NOT occurred.

this is out of the old testiment where this is found. And there was "witches" people doing things beyond comprehension. You couldn't just claim so and so is a witch, there had to be some form of example to show that this person was a witch. And witches also held satanic rituals and gatherings.

redonkulous's photo
Sat 02/06/10 10:25 AM

blaming religion for atrocities committed is the same as blaming the Y chromosome for it. Stalin committed atrocities...what was his excuse?

he was crazy.

Those that can make you believe absurbities can make you comit attrocities. most religions are make to manipulate.

ok...so he is excused but the reasons for others can ONLY be because of religion????? It's ok for Stalin but not others?

The Y chromosome argument is just as valid as blaming religion, especially since not all who are religious do these things either.

Can you tell me that Atheists can't be extremists too?????

Maybe it's not the person's beliefs that make them do it, but instead they hide behind it as an excuse
The Bible says witches should be burned . . . so if someone burns a person, calls them a witch and is Christian, then YES religion played an integral part in the situation, and without religion the situation would have NOT occurred.

this is out of the old testiment where this is found. And there was "witches" people doing things beyond comprehension. You couldn't just claim so and so is a witch, there had to be some form of example to show that this person was a witch. And witches also held satanic rituals and gatherings.
excuses excuses. The justification is there, you cant just point to the OT and say its invalid thats just a rationalization which the religious are good at, its the bread and butter of irrationality.

msharmony's photo
Sat 02/06/10 10:43 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 02/06/10 10:44 AM

blaming religion for atrocities committed is the same as blaming the Y chromosome for it. Stalin committed atrocities...what was his excuse?

he was crazy.

Those that can make you believe absurbities can make you comit attrocities. most religions are make to manipulate.

ok...so he is excused but the reasons for others can ONLY be because of religion????? It's ok for Stalin but not others?

The Y chromosome argument is just as valid as blaming religion, especially since not all who are religious do these things either.

Can you tell me that Atheists can't be extremists too?????

Maybe it's not the person's beliefs that make them do it, but instead they hide behind it as an excuse
The Bible says witches should be burned . . . so if someone burns a person, calls them a witch and is Christian, then YES religion played an integral part in the situation, and without religion the situation would have NOT occurred.

This argument can be used for any history book, because someone reads that it has been done , they can form the conclusion that it SHOULD be done. Jesus did not teach to burn anyone. This would not be reasonable cause to eliminate knowledge and history books though.

Eljay's photo
Sat 02/06/10 02:36 PM

blaming religion for atrocities committed is the same as blaming the Y chromosome for it. Stalin committed atrocities...what was his excuse?

he was crazy.

Those that can make you believe absurbities can make you comit attrocities. most religions are make to manipulate.

ok...so he is excused but the reasons for others can ONLY be because of religion????? It's ok for Stalin but not others?

The Y chromosome argument is just as valid as blaming religion, especially since not all who are religious do these things either.

Can you tell me that Atheists can't be extremists too?????

Maybe it's not the person's beliefs that make them do it, but instead they hide behind it as an excuse
The Bible says witches should be burned . . . so if someone burns a person, calls them a witch and is Christian, then YES religion played an integral part in the situation, and without religion the situation would have NOT occurred.

Where does it say "witches should be burned" in the bible?

Could you provide the verse on that one?

ILtim86's photo
Sun 02/07/10 06:54 AM
Religon may have a cause of many horrible things in history. Yes people take things to extremes but the bible makes referance to slavery, women without rights, genocide... people are imperfect and its people that wrote the bible. If there is a god I would not follow an idle that sends his children to a place he created for eternal damnation when he himself commited mass murders. Just my opnion I have complete respect for anyone who lives a good life with or without religon.

ILtim86's photo
Sun 02/07/10 07:02 AM
you cant blame tv or movies for these things just sick people who already have violent tendencies. I've been a fan of horror and very heavy "dangerous" music since I was 14. Even then it was just music and all of my friends the same way. Just because sick people are atracted to it doesnt put it at fault.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sun 02/07/10 08:26 AM
Edited by MiddleEarthling on Sun 02/07/10 08:28 AM

blaming religion for atrocities committed is the same as blaming the Y chromosome for it. Stalin committed atrocities...what was his excuse?

he was crazy.

Those that can make you believe absurbities can make you comit attrocities. most religions are make to manipulate.

ok...so he is excused but the reasons for others can ONLY be because of religion????? It's ok for Stalin but not others?

The Y chromosome argument is just as valid as blaming religion, especially since not all who are religious do these things either.

Can you tell me that Atheists can't be extremists too?????

Maybe it's not the person's beliefs that make them do it, but instead they hide behind it as an excuse
The Bible says witches should be burned . . . so if someone burns a person, calls them a witch and is Christian, then YES religion played an integral part in the situation, and without religion the situation would have NOT occurred.

Where does it say "witches should be burned" in the bible?

Could you provide the verse on that one?

Matthew 13:49-50
"So it will be at the close of the age. The angels will come out and separate the evil from the righteous, and throw them into the furnace of fire; there men will weep and gnash their teeth."

[22:18, KJV] "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live."

Burn baby burn?

msharmony's photo
Sun 02/07/10 10:11 AM
Its troubling and difficult to understand without study and I am still learning myself. I can most closely compare the witchery in Exodus with incest in Genesis. There were things that applied to specific situations that occured during specific times in biblical history. Moses , in Exodus, was serving the purpose of go between for God and the Israelites who were Gods chosen people and held to an extraordinary standard. Perhaps, to be chosen by God and then seek other supernatural sources beside him was as atrocious an act spiritually as murder is mortally and death penalty at that time was a common practice,,, or perhaps it was understood that a witch was suffering so much spiritually that euthenasia was appropriate.

I would not have wanted to be an Israelite during those times but thank goodness Jesus fulfilled those laws so that I, a non israelite, can still be saved through him.

Eljay's photo
Wed 02/10/10 03:14 PM

you cant blame tv or movies for these things just sick people who already have violent tendencies. I've been a fan of horror and very heavy "dangerous" music since I was 14. Even then it was just music and all of my friends the same way. Just because sick people are atracted to it doesnt put it at fault.

Huh? After you wrote this - did you bother to read it? So it's religion that does harm - but not people. BUT - It's not the movies that do harm, it's People.

Ever hear of the term double standard - or self contradictory?

This post and the one before it define the terms.

Eljay's photo
Wed 02/10/10 03:18 PM

blaming religion for atrocities committed is the same as blaming the Y chromosome for it. Stalin committed atrocities...what was his excuse?

he was crazy.

Those that can make you believe absurbities can make you comit attrocities. most religions are make to manipulate.

ok...so he is excused but the reasons for others can ONLY be because of religion????? It's ok for Stalin but not others?

The Y chromosome argument is just as valid as blaming religion, especially since not all who are religious do these things either.

Can you tell me that Atheists can't be extremists too?????

Maybe it's not the person's beliefs that make them do it, but instead they hide behind it as an excuse
The Bible says witches should be burned . . . so if someone burns a person, calls them a witch and is Christian, then YES religion played an integral part in the situation, and without religion the situation would have NOT occurred.

Where does it say "witches should be burned" in the bible?

Could you provide the verse on that one?

Matthew 13:49-50
"So it will be at the close of the age. The angels will come out and separate the evil from the righteous, and throw them into the furnace of fire; there men will weep and gnash their teeth."

[22:18, KJV] "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live."

Burn baby burn?

And you call this an example. What happened to all those words between Matthew 13:51 and Matthew 22:17?

Did you actually graduate from high school? If you did - you need to go back and sue the H.S. you went to for fraud, because they didn't teach you a damn thing.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Wed 02/10/10 04:45 PM

blaming religion for atrocities committed is the same as blaming the Y chromosome for it. Stalin committed atrocities...what was his excuse?

he was crazy.

Those that can make you believe absurbities can make you comit attrocities. most religions are make to manipulate.

ok...so he is excused but the reasons for others can ONLY be because of religion????? It's ok for Stalin but not others?

The Y chromosome argument is just as valid as blaming religion, especially since not all who are religious do these things either.

Can you tell me that Atheists can't be extremists too?????

Maybe it's not the person's beliefs that make them do it, but instead they hide behind it as an excuse
The Bible says witches should be burned . . . so if someone burns a person, calls them a witch and is Christian, then YES religion played an integral part in the situation, and without religion the situation would have NOT occurred.

Where does it say "witches should be burned" in the bible?

Could you provide the verse on that one?

Matthew 13:49-50
"So it will be at the close of the age. The angels will come out and separate the evil from the righteous, and throw them into the furnace of fire; there men will weep and gnash their teeth."

[22:18, KJV] "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live."

Burn baby burn?

And you call this an example. What happened to all those words between Matthew 13:51 and Matthew 22:17?

Did you actually graduate from high school? If you did - you need to go back and sue the H.S. you went to for fraud, because they didn't teach you a damn thing.

What a bizarre statement...

Looks like some only played dodgeball I see. Actually I went to a Catholic school for a year then back to public school where they don't teach fairytales as fact...even the Catholic school respected my decision to be an atheist...of course they were progressive...unlike many of these hardcore Christian schools who don't teach even the basic facts about evolution. Of course I learned about evolution in grade school...LOLOLOL.

Thomas3474's photo
Wed 02/10/10 05:57 PM

blaming religion for atrocities committed is the same as blaming the Y chromosome for it. Stalin committed atrocities...what was his excuse?

he was crazy.

Those that can make you believe absurbities can make you comit attrocities. most religions are make to manipulate.

ok...so he is excused but the reasons for others can ONLY be because of religion????? It's ok for Stalin but not others?

The Y chromosome argument is just as valid as blaming religion, especially since not all who are religious do these things either.

Can you tell me that Atheists can't be extremists too?????

Maybe it's not the person's beliefs that make them do it, but instead they hide behind it as an excuse
The Bible says witches should be burned . . . so if someone burns a person, calls them a witch and is Christian, then YES religion played an integral part in the situation, and without religion the situation would have NOT occurred.

Where does it say "witches should be burned" in the bible?

Could you provide the verse on that one?

Matthew 13:49-50
"So it will be at the close of the age. The angels will come out and separate the evil from the righteous, and throw them into the furnace of fire; there men will weep and gnash their teeth."

[22:18, KJV] "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live."

Burn baby burn?

So the first verse basically says the evil and the good will be seperated in the end times and the evil will be thrown in fire.I think anyone with a basic understanding of Christianity already knows about heaven and hell.I didn't read anywhere where it told the Chrisitians to burn withces or did it even mention witches.

The second verse is a very broad statement,complicated,and it is hard trying to explain it to a non believer.We would have to look into what the bible would define who or what a witch is.Most people look at witches in modern society as ugly women with pointed hats that ride on broomsticks.Obviously that type of description thousands of years ago was not accurate.I found the verse interesting as I don't remember reading it before and did some reasearch on the subject.

Before Jesus died for our sins the wages of sin was death.To say that God was not very forgiving for sinful and evil people is a understatement.Unlike today where anyone can do anything they want and they don't have to worry about God striking them down dead,it was a different time in the old testament.God often spoke and warned people and towns through Moses that they would perish if they disobeyed God.The old testament gives many accounts of God not only destroying certain people but also entire cities.Exodus talks in detail about what God said we should and should not do.I found these other verses with out hardly looking...

22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.
22:19 Whosoever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death.
22:20 He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed.

In the old testament if you ignored these laws of God there was a very real possiblity you would end up dead either by Gods hand or by the hands of the Jews who enforced them.Was this type of punishment by death justified?Yes it was.If God told the Jews not to let witches live back then and they killed one this would not be a sin in Gods eyes as this is what he commanded us to do.

When Jesus died on the cross he paid for the sins of everyone in this world including the unbelivers and the witches.Death by Gods destruction was no longer a factor since his son already payed for their sins with his blood.Because of this God does not enforce his old laws and their punishments by death.Does this mean that the old testament should be null and void?Not at all.What it does mean is that as modern day Christians we should avoid all evil,do as God and Jesus instructed us to do,and to leave life and death matters to God as he is the final judge.

Rom. 13:1-4
Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore he who resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves. For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same; for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath upon the one who practices evil. (NASB) Rom. 13:1-4

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