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Topic: Religion Endangers Humanity And Its Future
no photo
Tue 01/19/10 07:03 PM


but who is to say God told people to do these atrocities and that they weren't just wanting to hurt people and blaming religion?

I was brought up in the church and it was always my choice to go or stay or whatever I felt. I brought my son up the same way...to decide for himself what is best for him. So the argument of brainwashing or whatever doesn't hold water either since not all people that believe in a religion commit these things.

I, personally, don't like extremists because they don't tend to want to respect other's beliefs. And that goes for all beliefs (including Atheists)

you and I could probably have a great discussion about what we each believe, but if one of us crossing into the "I'm right and you are wrong" "My belief is better than your belief"....kinda silly isn't it?

for the most part. most people will say god told me to do it. and for the ones that doesnt say that. then thats the act of their own free will. it goes 50/50. not all religious people are like that. but that is just one way religion can be bad for someone.

you are right. no one is right, theorically. for people to just blindly say I am right because the book says so. or when you ask them where does god come from, its wrong to say that he was already there. or what ever reason they give you. the truth is no one really knows. No one knows because for the most part, religion it taught. and I dont know, and no one posses any mental ability for that part that I dont posses my self. so the smart, humble thing to say is I dont know. be doubtful. it opens doors to finding the answer. that door of oppertunity is never open when you just claim you know because people will take your word for it, and without evidence no one really knows.

no photo
Tue 01/19/10 07:04 PM

blaming religion for atrocities committed is the same as blaming the Y chromosome for it. Stalin committed atrocities...what was his excuse?

Stalin like Hitler both entered into the seminary

Stalin was Atheist when he did these things. There are people that enter the seminary that don't commit atrocities too.

I wouldn't blame Atheism for Stalin's behavior because there are many Atheists that wouldn't dream of doing things to hurt people

you asked for an excuse why Stalin would committed such atrocities, Stalin started off being religious and did nothing less than God commanded other's in the bible to do ....to becomes a God you must first get rid of your parents and then get rid of your religion and that is what Stalin did that is why it doesn't matter if someone claimed that he was an Atheist

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 01/19/10 07:05 PM
I will never say that their aren't fanatics out there....I would be lying if I said there weren't. But blaming religion isn't any better than me blaming testosterone.

I don't think it's either. I think there are mental problems and some people use the religion to hide behind. IMO that is a coward because they won't own up to their bad actions.

no photo
Tue 01/19/10 07:09 PM

I will never say that their aren't fanatics out there....I would be lying if I said there weren't. But blaming religion isn't any better than me blaming testosterone.

I don't think it's either. I think there are mental problems and some people use the religion to hide behind. IMO that is a coward because they won't own up to their bad actions.

not really blaming, but if you research some people that actually murdered people. they say that god told them to do it. it even has it in the bible, murder in the name of the lord, how can you justify that? how do you know that they arent for real?

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 01/19/10 07:13 PM

I will never say that their aren't fanatics out there....I would be lying if I said there weren't. But blaming religion isn't any better than me blaming testosterone.

I don't think it's either. I think there are mental problems and some people use the religion to hide behind. IMO that is a coward because they won't own up to their bad actions.

not really blaming, but if you research some people that actually murdered people. they say that god told them to do it. it even has it in the bible, murder in the name of the lord, how can you justify that? how do you know that they arent for real?

well from my beliefs...God didn't tell them that. If I killed someone and said Big Bird told me too..I wouldn't do it nor would it make it true.

people can say anything IMO. If I heard a Christian saying that...my first thoughts would be they are lying and being a coward or they have mental problems.

From my study of different religions...most have the basic theme...the Golden Rule or whatever that religion calls it.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Tue 01/19/10 07:15 PM
Edited by MiddleEarthling on Tue 01/19/10 07:17 PM
1 Million Muslims dead because of this man who was helped to be installed by god people. Thanks. Palin next? Yeah right, point is that with "values" voters we seem to repeating the same sordid history of chaos...Stalin, Hitler, and now the Neocons used religion but you can't just blame them as much as you should also blame the sheep who fall in line and obey.

Bush Talks about Crusade on Sep 16-2001


no photo
Tue 01/19/10 07:19 PM

I will never say that their aren't fanatics out there....I would be lying if I said there weren't. But blaming religion isn't any better than me blaming testosterone.

I don't think it's either. I think there are mental problems and some people use the religion to hide behind. IMO that is a coward because they won't own up to their bad actions.

not really blaming, but if you research some people that actually murdered people. they say that god told them to do it. it even has it in the bible, murder in the name of the lord, how can you justify that? how do you know that they arent for real?

well from my beliefs...God didn't tell them that. If I killed someone and said Big Bird told me too..I wouldn't do it nor would it make it true.

people can say anything IMO. If I heard a Christian saying that...my first thoughts would be they are lying and being a coward or they have mental problems.

From my study of different religions...most have the basic theme...the Golden Rule or whatever that religion calls it.

it wouldnt be wise to say that. you must realize, people hear voices in their head. yea its really them talking to themselves, it has a lot with the right side of their brain. the left side is logic, the right side is the more irational side. when they hear voices it blocks the thought from the left side that tells them that its really them talking. so you cant really say they are fully aware of where the voices are coming from. I studied this. and with the help of religion, they are lead to believe the voice of god is talking to them. but that isnt the case at all.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 01/19/10 07:22 PM

it wouldnt be wise to say that. you must realize, people hear voices in their head. yea its really them talking to themselves, it has a lot with the right side of their brain. the left side is logic, the right side is the more irational side. when they hear voices it blocks the thought from the left side that tells them that its really them talking. so you cant really say they are fully aware of where the voices are coming from. I studied this. and with the help of religion, they are lead to believe the voice of god is talking to them. but that isnt the case at all.

personally (and I can only speak for myself) it really depends on what is being said. I can't think of a religion that advocates these things but the extremists take it that way.

I fully respect your point of view and can only give you my take on how things are.

I enjoy learning about others beliefs, but that won't change my beliefs.

Generalizing all of one group because of a few extremists isn't right IMO and I wouldn't do that to other beliefs.

I won't condemn an entire group because of one psycho

no photo
Tue 01/19/10 07:23 PM

1 Million Muslims dead because of this man who was helped to be installed by god people. Thanks. Palin next? Yeah right, point is that with "values" voters we seem to repeating the same sordid history of chaos...Stalin, Hitler, and now the Neocons used religion but you can't just blame them as much as you should also blame the sheep who fall in line and obey.

Bush Talks about Crusade on Sep 16-2001


i very much agree. the people who know the truth uses the myth as a mobilizing manipulating stratagy for controling the masses. its not good, and people need to snap out of it. but you can talk all you want, doesnt mean that they will listen because they wont. just like you can walk a mule to a water hole but you cant make it drink.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 01/19/10 07:24 PM
Frank2bad, I am impressed.

Such intelligence in one so young. No insult intended.

When I see this type of intelligence in the younger generations it gives me great relief and hope for our world.

Keep it up, you may have already surpassed those who are stuck in the old not so healthy ways.flowerforyou

As for the OP, I too am one who has seen the damage that religion has done in people's self responsibility. Seeing the reality of their world is almost impossible with religion. Seeing the wrongness of the religion is almost impossible if they believe the religion because it is set up so that no blame falls back where it belongs.

Using god as the reason to do the evils of ones own mind is still no excuse. Like those who say that people's suffering is "deserved" at any level because of god. Sick Sick Sick.

no photo
Tue 01/19/10 07:26 PM

it wouldnt be wise to say that. you must realize, people hear voices in their head. yea its really them talking to themselves, it has a lot with the right side of their brain. the left side is logic, the right side is the more irational side. when they hear voices it blocks the thought from the left side that tells them that its really them talking. so you cant really say they are fully aware of where the voices are coming from. I studied this. and with the help of religion, they are lead to believe the voice of god is talking to them. but that isnt the case at all.

personally (and I can only speak for myself) it really depends on what is being said. I can't think of a religion that advocates these things but the extremists take it that way.

I fully respect your point of view and can only give you my take on how things are.

I enjoy learning about others beliefs, but that won't change my beliefs.

Generalizing all of one group because of a few extremists isn't right IMO and I wouldn't do that to other beliefs.

I won't condemn an entire group because of one psycho

nearly all religious people hear voices in their head. its not just one. and I am just saying. people believe what they hear esp when its comming from a unknown voice in the back of their head. and it doesnt always has to be an extremist. I can see an extremist being a pastor or a bishop, that is up in age, they may take things to extreme, but for the people that listen to them, they hear things in their heads also.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 01/19/10 07:30 PM

personally (and I can only speak for myself) it really depends on what is being said. I can't think of a religion that advocates these
nearly all religious people hear voices in their head. its not just one. and I am just saying. people believe what they hear esp when its comming from a unknown voice in the back of their head. and it doesnt always has to be an extremist. I can see an extremist being a pastor or a bishop, that is up in age, they may take things to extreme, but for the people that listen to them, they hear things in their heads also.

as long as it doesn't effect me or my loved ones or breaks the law...then let them.

I don't like discussing my personal beliefs because they are my beliefs and not really up for debate. Just as your beliefs are yours.

I don't see why it has to be a war between beliefs. as long as it doesn't effect me, let it be. When it does effect me or my loved ones, then I have a right to do what I need to do (within the law of course)

no photo
Tue 01/19/10 07:33 PM

Frank2bad, I am impressed.

Such intelligence in one so young. No insult intended.

When I see this type of intelligence in the younger generations it gives me great relief and hope for our world.

Keep it up, you may have already surpassed those who are stuck in the old not so healthy ways.flowerforyou

As for the OP, I too am one who has seen the damage that religion has done in people's self responsibility. Seeing the reality of their world is almost impossible with religion. Seeing the wrongness of the religion is almost impossible if they believe the religion because it is set up so that no blame falls back where it belongs.

Using god as the reason to do the evils of ones own mind is still no excuse. Like those who say that people's suffering is "deserved" at any level because of god. Sick Sick Sick.

thank you. I appreciate it a lot. I really hope this world does change. it needs to. and money nor religion nor politicians make this world better. its technology that makes it better and soon as enough people realize that, we will start to live better. I do hope to make a difference. but its going to take time. the Idea structure for religion isnt bad, but it does more harm than good simply because the people in power is taking advantage of it. ugh its all so sickning.

no photo
Tue 01/19/10 07:37 PM

personally (and I can only speak for myself) it really depends on what is being said. I can't think of a religion that advocates these
nearly all religious people hear voices in their head. its not just one. and I am just saying. people believe what they hear esp when its comming from a unknown voice in the back of their head. and it doesnt always has to be an extremist. I can see an extremist being a pastor or a bishop, that is up in age, they may take things to extreme, but for the people that listen to them, they hear things in their heads also.

as long as it doesn't effect me or my loved ones or breaks the law...then let them.

I don't like discussing my personal beliefs because they are my beliefs and not really up for debate. Just as your beliefs are yours.

I don't see why it has to be a war between beliefs. as long as it doesn't effect me, let it be. When it does effect me or my loved ones, then I have a right to do what I need to do (within the law of course)

that statment alone is the problem with society. as long as it doesnt effect you, you are willing to allow it. but its not all about you or your family. its about the human race as a whole. we all have to live together. nothing is different between you or me, or barack obama, or my neighbors cousin or your anyone. we all come from the same place and end up in the same place. as long as people see themselves separate from others we will never get anywhere. and thats what religions do, its what culture does, it keeps people divided. thats why you have wars, thats why you have hatrate. thats why, do you see now.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 01/19/10 07:41 PM

personally (and I can only speak for myself) it really depends on what is being said. I can't think of a religion that advocates these
nearly all religious people hear voices in their head. its not just one. and I am just saying. people believe what they hear esp when its comming from a unknown voice in the back of their head. and it doesnt always has to be an extremist. I can see an extremist being a pastor or a bishop, that is up in age, they may take things to extreme, but for the people that listen to them, they hear things in their heads also.

as long as it doesn't effect me or my loved ones or breaks the law...then let them.

I don't like discussing my personal beliefs because they are my beliefs and not really up for debate. Just as your beliefs are yours.

I don't see why it has to be a war between beliefs. as long as it doesn't effect me, let it be. When it does effect me or my loved ones, then I have a right to do what I need to do (within the law of course)

that statment alone is the problem with society. as long as it doesnt effect you, you are willing to allow it. but its not all about you or your family. its about the human race as a whole. we all have to live together. nothing is different between you or me, or barack obama, or my neighbors cousin or your anyone. we all come from the same place and end up in the same place. as long as people see themselves separate from others we will never get anywhere. and thats what religions do, its what culture does, it keeps people divided. thats why you have wars, thats why you have hatrate. thats why, do you see now.

no...it's is because I believe in the right for other's to have freedom of religion.

Never said it was about me and my family but I can't make others think or believe the way I want them to. I can only take responsibility for myself and I'm protective of people.

You are completely misreading what I have said. I don't believe in shoving my beliefs down other peoples throats and I can't control others.

that does NOT mean I don't care about others!!!!!!

centered's photo
Tue 01/19/10 07:47 PM

Religion Endangers Humanity And Its Future

So. what's "religion" in your opinion?

More importantly, rather than regurgitate some
biased article, what's your opinion if it?

Dragoness's photo
Tue 01/19/10 07:47 PM

Frank2bad, I am impressed.

Such intelligence in one so young. No insult intended.

When I see this type of intelligence in the younger generations it gives me great relief and hope for our world.

Keep it up, you may have already surpassed those who are stuck in the old not so healthy ways.flowerforyou

As for the OP, I too am one who has seen the damage that religion has done in people's self responsibility. Seeing the reality of their world is almost impossible with religion. Seeing the wrongness of the religion is almost impossible if they believe the religion because it is set up so that no blame falls back where it belongs.

Using god as the reason to do the evils of ones own mind is still no excuse. Like those who say that people's suffering is "deserved" at any level because of god. Sick Sick Sick.

thank you. I appreciate it a lot. I really hope this world does change. it needs to. and money nor religion nor politicians make this world better. its technology that makes it better and soon as enough people realize that, we will start to live better. I do hope to make a difference. but its going to take time. the Idea structure for religion isnt bad, but it does more harm than good simply because the people in power is taking advantage of it. ugh its all so sickning.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 01/19/10 07:49 PM
my question is this....who supports our President??? he is Christian. so does that mean he is a danger because of this?

no photo
Tue 01/19/10 07:49 PM

personally (and I can only speak for myself) it really depends on what is being said. I can't think of a religion that advocates these
nearly all religious people hear voices in their head. its not just one. and I am just saying. people believe what they hear esp when its comming from a unknown voice in the back of their head. and it doesnt always has to be an extremist. I can see an extremist being a pastor or a bishop, that is up in age, they may take things to extreme, but for the people that listen to them, they hear things in their heads also.

as long as it doesn't effect me or my loved ones or breaks the law...then let them.

I don't like discussing my personal beliefs because they are my beliefs and not really up for debate. Just as your beliefs are yours.

I don't see why it has to be a war between beliefs. as long as it doesn't effect me, let it be. When it does effect me or my loved ones, then I have a right to do what I need to do (within the law of course)

that statment alone is the problem with society. as long as it doesnt effect you, you are willing to allow it. but its not all about you or your family. its about the human race as a whole. we all have to live together. nothing is different between you or me, or barack obama, or my neighbors cousin or your anyone. we all come from the same place and end up in the same place. as long as people see themselves separate from others we will never get anywhere. and thats what religions do, its what culture does, it keeps people divided. thats why you have wars, thats why you have hatrate. thats why, do you see now.

no...it's is because I believe in the right for other's to have freedom of religion.

Never said it was about me and my family but I can't make others think or believe the way I want them to. I can only take responsibility for myself and I'm protective of people.

You are completely misreading what I have said. I don't believe in shoving my beliefs down other peoples throats and I can't control others.

that does NOT mean I don't care about others!!!!!!

as long as it doesn't effect me or my loved ones or breaks the law...then let them----- it does effect you because if it didnt then we wouldnt be having this conversation. so without the religion there, there wouldnt be a war of belief...

When it does effect me or my loved ones, then I have a right to do what I need to do ------ and what is that? cause harm? try to push back their belief with yours? thats showing indivisualium.

the fact of the matter is, everyone can not get along with religion present. its impossible. as long as its there, it will effect you, me and everyone else.

you say you dont know why, I am tryn to explain to you why lol its because of whats into being now.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 01/19/10 07:52 PM

as long as it doesn't effect me or my loved ones or breaks the law...then let them----- it does effect you because if it didnt then we wouldnt be having this conversation. so without the religion there, there wouldnt be a war of belief...

When it does effect me or my loved ones, then I have a right to do what I need to do ------ and what is that? cause harm? try to push back their belief with yours? thats showing indivisualium.

the fact of the matter is, everyone can not get along with religion present. its impossible. as long as its there, it will effect you, me and everyone else.

you say you dont know why, I am tryn to explain to you why lol its because of whats into being now.

ok...let me ask you this....should i try to stop people from believing different than me if it isn't hurting me??? What do you suggest I do besides give people the respect for having different beliefs? If I don't like them, then I can walk away....plain and simple.

you seem to be saying to me that I should try to change what people have the right under our constitution to believe.

Sorry but I won't do that.

what right do I have to tell someone they can't believe in something they chose to believe in????

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