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Topic: Does God love sinners?
feralcatlady's photo
Fri 10/03/08 09:35 AM

I think God loves all of us! He just hates the evil acts!

actually if you've studiesd the bible you would realize that God can hate individuals.

Does God hate anyone?

Does God hate anyone? The answer is yes.

Psalm 5:5, "The boastful shall not stand before Thine eyes; Thou dost hate all who do iniquity,"

Psalm 11:5, "The Lord tests the righteous and the wicked, and the one who loves violence His soul hates."

Lev. 20:23, "Moreover, you shall not follow the customs of the nation which I shall drive out before you, for they did all these things, and therefore I have abhorred them."

Prov. 6:16-19, "There are six things which the Lord hates, yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: 17 Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 A heart that devises wicked plans, feet that run rapidly to evil,

19 A false witness who utters lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers."

Hosea 9:15, "All their evil is at Gilgal; indeed, I came to hate them there! Because of the wickedness of their deeds I will drive them out of My house! I will love them no more; All their princes are rebels."

Are these verses hard to read? Do they make you feel uncomfortable? They should. God hates sin. But, He does not punish sin. He punishes the sinner. Sin cannot be tied up and thrown into a fire. It cannot be put in a box or glued to a stick. It is rebellion. It is rebellion in the heart. It is breaking God's Law. Sin occurs inside the heart and mind of people. Therefore, God must punish the sinner. Why? Because He is both Holy and Just and the person who sins offends God. God's Holy and Just character will not allow Him to ignore this offense. Why?....

God's Law is Perfect

When God said, "Let there be light," it happened. When He commanded that the oceans be, they came into existence. God's word is powerful. What He says is never futile, empty, or without power.

The Law is a reflection of God's character. It is pure and perfect. It is powerful. The Ten Commandments reflect God's holiness and justice. These commandments are not without punishments. A law without consequences is only an empty slogan.

To sin is to break God's Law and offend His character. To sin means to challenge His character and authority. It means you go against His word. But God is not a liar. His word is true. He has said He will punish the lawbreaker.

But, praise be to God, that while we were yet sinners, Jesus died for us (Rom. 5:6). There is no way we can appease God. That is why God became one of us (John 1:1,14; Heb. 2:17), to take our place and become sin on our behalf (2 Cor. 5:21). Therefore, people have two options:


Trust Jesus, God in flesh, as your savior and put your faith in the sacrifice that He made on the cross and in nothing you do.

Reject the cross and let the penalty of the Law fall upon you.

Either God pays, or you do -- forever. Which will it be?

"For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins," (Heb. 10:26). If there is no sacrifice available for you, then God's wrath abides upon you because He hates sin and your sin is not removed (John 3:36). Trust Jesus alone or the wrath of God will abide upon you forever.

The sobering fact is that God is so holy and righteous that He hates the sinner (Psalm 5:5; Lev. 20:23; Prov. 6:16-19; Hos. 9:15). But it is also true that He is love (1 John 4:8). It is better to accept the love of God found in Jesus than to reject it and suffer His wrath.

These scriptures have been translated through the filter of human understanding.

I really get tired of the "translation excuse" and the "written by man" excuse.....The translational changes do not and I repeat "DO NOT" change the Bible's meaning in any way shape of form.....

Who is ANYONE or ANY FAITH to profess that their interpretation is the only absolutely correct interpretation?


Didn't say that.....again putting words in my mouth. I said no matter what translation you are looking at it does not take away the context of the what the Bible is saying......so where did I say only my interpretation is correct......

no photo
Fri 10/03/08 09:38 AM
Hi, allwaving

If you don't love yourself ,why seeking God's love.

Sin is an insult-If you do it , don't do it too big b/c you don't know how deep you go in.

God loves good , good.

Don't or stop insulting(sinn..)if you want walk with Good-otherwise you will be walking with devil


SharpShooter10's photo
Fri 10/03/08 09:39 AM
Proverbs 3:4-7

4: So shalt thou find favour and good understanding In the sight of God and man.Let not mercy and truth forsake thee.

5: Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding.

6: In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths.

7 Be not wise in thy own eyes . Revere the Lord, and depart from evil.

drinker waving

feralcatlady's photo
Fri 10/03/08 09:42 AM

Proverbs 3:4-7

4: So shalt thou find favour and good understanding In the sight of God and man.Let not mercy and truth forsake thee.

5: Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding.

6: In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths.

7 Be not wise in thy own eyes . Revere the Lord, and depart from evil.

drinker waving

Thank you....and so true.

Krimsa's photo
Fri 10/03/08 09:42 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Fri 10/03/08 09:44 AM

Hi, allwaving

If you don't love yourself ,why seeking God's love.

Sin is an insult-If you do it , don't do it too big b/c you don't know how deep you go in.

God loves good , good.

Don't or stop insulting(sinn..)if you want walk with Good-otherwise you will be walking with devil


Im not sure I follow that at all. What if you dont buy into the concept of "sin" and even if I did, what if we cant come to any sort of agreement between the two of us as to what would constitute sin?

SharpShooter10's photo
Fri 10/03/08 09:59 AM

Hi, allwaving

If you don't love yourself ,why seeking God's love.

Sin is an insult-If you do it , don't do it too big b/c you don't know how deep you go in.

God loves good , good.

Don't or stop insulting(sinn..)if you want walk with Good-otherwise you will be walking with devil


Im not sure I follow that at all. What if you dont buy into the concept of "sin" and even if I did, what if we cant come to any sort of agreement between the two of us as to what would constitute sin?
for someone who doesn't believe in sin or the bible and God it would be equivalent to something evil, vile, bad, not good, for me, along the lines of:

I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt have not other gods before Me.

Thou shalt not make unto thiee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy.

Honour thy father and thy mother.

Thou shalt not commit Murder

Thou shalt not commit adultery.

Thou shalt not Steal

Thou shalt not bear false witness.

Thou shalt not covet.

These work pretty good for me, even non believers should find most of these pretty good guidlines for a pleasant world.

SharpShooter10's photo
Fri 10/03/08 10:02 AM
sorry krimsa, meant to post that and hit quote i guess

Pink_lady's photo
Fri 10/03/08 10:06 AM
I tend to sway towards Spiritualism myself...

The 7 Principles of Spiritualism:



Each of us has his or her idea of God. To some, He is an austere personality instilling fear in his believers and meting out wrathful judgement to wrong doers, seated on a throne in heaven. To others he is a benign Father, caring for his vast family of every colour and creed and personified in everything that is beautiful around us. The latter is the broad Spiritualist viewpoint as envisaging the one supreme power.

We regard Him as the author of a divine plan, the natural law through which the universe which He created is governed and based on love, not fear.

He is the controlling force of all and �the Greatest Central Source of all life and love� as Andrew Jackson Davis, another of our pioneers so forcefully proclaimed. When we transgress these laws we are betraying a trust for which we shall have to pay, either here, on in the life hereafter. Our relationship with God is therefore determined by our obedience to these laws.



If we accept the Fatherhood of God then it naturally follows that we are his children, brothers and sisters in one family of all race and colour. This confers upon us a dual responsibility � to our Father and to each other, which we can sum up in one word � SERVICE. The inequalities of modern society, the rich and the poor, the weak and the strong, the wise and the ignorant, provide an incentive for love and service. In our daily lives we meet those who need material help, to whom a kind word or small act may work wonders.

If we would extend this call to service beyond the confines of our family, our town, our country, out into the wide world, pain and suffering, tumult and wars would cease and we would bring into being �that peace which passes all understanding�.

It goes further than that. The real meaning of our existence is not only our obligation to our fellow men. Man being himself a spirit here on earth, is immortal and the brotherhood of man is extended into the spirit spheres. Spiritualism therefore gives a new and higher meaning to our mutual interdependence and to Brotherhood.


COMMUNION OF SPIRITS AND THE MINISTRY OF ANGELS (This is the key Principle to our Religion)

This is the key around which our whole philosophy turns. Orthodoxy denies the reality of communion with departed spirits, whereas for the past one hundred and twenty years we have proved conclusively that man not only survives physical death but is able, through mediums, to commune with those left behind. Not only that, they spend quite a lot of their time giving us help and guidance in various ways with our earthly problems.

There are certain persons among us who are called mediums who are so highly sensitive to �spirit vibrations� that they are able to establish contact with those who have passed over and wish to communicate with us. Each one of us has a spirit guide or helper � a �guardian angel� if you like, who uses the medium as an instrument through whom he can talk.

We are thus able to learn how our loved ones are faring in their new environment and in their new way of life. This proof of survival is of great help to those who are bereaved.



There is a corollary of the previous principle and serves to accentuate how much our Spiritualist philosophy is so diametrically opposed to the materialist conception of life.

All the great religions of the world subscribe to some form of life after death in some nebulous heavenly existence, but because they have failed to prove it to the satisfaction of modern realists, they have lost their hold on the people.

Spiritualism on the other hand does prove this fact in no uncertain manner and in so doing has profoundly revolutionised our lives in that our behaviour is not encompassed within the narrow limits of our earthly lives, but extends into eternity. Our mode of living here will determine our spiritual status in the life to come.



This is the major doctrinal difference between Spiritualism and orthodox religions. The basis of the Christian religion rests on the belief that Jesus died on a cross to save us from our sins. This we most strongly repudiate. Jesus was put to death by crucifixion for political reasons. This was the then normal method of execution for most offences � including robbery. The Jewish priests were afraid He would usurp their power through his teaching and healing and the Romans that he might raise a rebellion against them � �He stireth up the people�

Spiritualism asserts that no one can save us from our wrong doing but ourselves. Man, through his conscience knows the difference between right and wrong and is given free will to choose which road he will take. No one, be he religious or an atheist can escape the consequences of his own mistakes. God does not sit in judgement over us, we have to be our own judges.

What the church calls sin, we regard as the violation of the divine natural laws made by God, which Paul interpreted when he wrote �Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.� Man alone has to atone for his sins and not shirk his responsibilities.



This follows on what has been said above. The orthodox church would have us believe that on this awful �day of judgement� God will sit on his throne and cast each one of us into heaven or hell. Heaven and hell are states of mind of our own creation and not celestial localities. Our code of life on this earth will determine our spiritual status in the world of spirit.

It is equally wrong to think that because one attends church regularly, or performs evangelical or �other good works� one will automatically be given pride of place in the hereafter. It will be our everyday deeds and motive for them that will count and how well we have carried out the precept �Do unto others�� Neither is it true that after our passing we will become a saint. Death does not make us spiritually aware.



The idea of eternal progress may seem hard for us to understand in this world where everything has an ending, but in the world to come, where there are neither clocks nor calendars, time is immaterial. Spiritualism points to the certainty of eternal progress, but the rate of our own particular advancement will depend upon ones desire to do so, remembering that we shall have free will as we have here.

We shall by no means be idle in the spirit world, in fact, we shall be extremely busy pursuing those paths which will lead us toward perfection � and we shall have eternity in which to do it.

The transition from our earthly world to our new existence in the higher life does not alter our present make-up or character. We shall be just the same as we were before the passing, retaining our free will to fashion our new life with the sure knowledge that we shall be given the opportunity to make spiritual progress with no limit to time or the heights we can reach. Once again, we come face to face with our personal responsibility even on the other side.

splendidlife's photo
Fri 10/03/08 10:07 AM

I think God loves all of us! He just hates the evil acts!

actually if you've studiesd the bible you would realize that God can hate individuals.

Does God hate anyone?

Does God hate anyone? The answer is yes.

Psalm 5:5, "The boastful shall not stand before Thine eyes; Thou dost hate all who do iniquity,"

Psalm 11:5, "The Lord tests the righteous and the wicked, and the one who loves violence His soul hates."

Lev. 20:23, "Moreover, you shall not follow the customs of the nation which I shall drive out before you, for they did all these things, and therefore I have abhorred them."

Prov. 6:16-19, "There are six things which the Lord hates, yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: 17 Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 A heart that devises wicked plans, feet that run rapidly to evil,

19 A false witness who utters lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers."

Hosea 9:15, "All their evil is at Gilgal; indeed, I came to hate them there! Because of the wickedness of their deeds I will drive them out of My house! I will love them no more; All their princes are rebels."

Are these verses hard to read? Do they make you feel uncomfortable? They should. God hates sin. But, He does not punish sin. He punishes the sinner. Sin cannot be tied up and thrown into a fire. It cannot be put in a box or glued to a stick. It is rebellion. It is rebellion in the heart. It is breaking God's Law. Sin occurs inside the heart and mind of people. Therefore, God must punish the sinner. Why? Because He is both Holy and Just and the person who sins offends God. God's Holy and Just character will not allow Him to ignore this offense. Why?....

God's Law is Perfect

When God said, "Let there be light," it happened. When He commanded that the oceans be, they came into existence. God's word is powerful. What He says is never futile, empty, or without power.

The Law is a reflection of God's character. It is pure and perfect. It is powerful. The Ten Commandments reflect God's holiness and justice. These commandments are not without punishments. A law without consequences is only an empty slogan.

To sin is to break God's Law and offend His character. To sin means to challenge His character and authority. It means you go against His word. But God is not a liar. His word is true. He has said He will punish the lawbreaker.

But, praise be to God, that while we were yet sinners, Jesus died for us (Rom. 5:6). There is no way we can appease God. That is why God became one of us (John 1:1,14; Heb. 2:17), to take our place and become sin on our behalf (2 Cor. 5:21). Therefore, people have two options:


Trust Jesus, God in flesh, as your savior and put your faith in the sacrifice that He made on the cross and in nothing you do.

Reject the cross and let the penalty of the Law fall upon you.

Either God pays, or you do -- forever. Which will it be?

"For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins," (Heb. 10:26). If there is no sacrifice available for you, then God's wrath abides upon you because He hates sin and your sin is not removed (John 3:36). Trust Jesus alone or the wrath of God will abide upon you forever.

The sobering fact is that God is so holy and righteous that He hates the sinner (Psalm 5:5; Lev. 20:23; Prov. 6:16-19; Hos. 9:15). But it is also true that He is love (1 John 4:8). It is better to accept the love of God found in Jesus than to reject it and suffer His wrath.

These scriptures have been translated through the filter of human understanding.

I really get tired of the "translation excuse" and the "written by man" excuse.....The translational changes do not and I repeat "DO NOT" change the Bible's meaning in any way shape of form.....

Who is ANYONE or ANY FAITH to profess that their interpretation is the only absolutely correct interpretation?


Didn't say that.....again putting words in my mouth. I said no matter what translation you are looking at it does not take away the context of the what the Bible is saying......so where did I say only my interpretation is correct......

With what you've just said, are you or are you not saying that YOU "know" the Bible's correct context ?

Krimsa's photo
Fri 10/03/08 10:21 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Fri 10/03/08 10:30 AM

Hi, allwaving

If you don't love yourself ,why seeking God's love.

Sin is an insult-If you do it , don't do it too big b/c you don't know how deep you go in.

God loves good , good.

Don't or stop insulting(sinn..)if you want walk with Good-otherwise you will be walking with devil


Im not sure I follow that at all. What if you dont buy into the concept of "sin" and even if I did, what if we cant come to any sort of agreement between the two of us as to what would constitute sin?
for someone who doesn't believe in sin or the bible and God it would be equivalent to something evil, vile, bad, not good, for me, along the lines of:

am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt have not other gods before Me.

Thou shalt not make unto thiee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy.

Honour thy father and thy mother.

Thou shalt not commit Murder

Thou shalt not commit adultery.

Thou shalt not Steal

Thou shalt not bear false witness.

Thou shalt not covet.

These work pretty good for me, even non believers should find most of these pretty good guidlines for a pleasant world.

Well lets go down that list shall we?

"I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt have not other gods before Me."

This one only leads me to believe that what we are dealing with here is in fact a very jealous, possessive, aggressive and intimidating being. Sounds like my ex if you want to know the truth.

"Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy."

I dont observe the sabbath now as it is so this one is irrelevant to me.

"Honour thy father and thy mother."

So basically respect your parents. Clearly not all those who bring children into this world deserve respect. Some are abusive and ill fit to be parents in the first place. If they are capable of earning the respect and love of their children than they are fit to be good care takers. This would require that you not rely on scripture but your own ability to differentiate between positive and destructive role models in your life.

"Thou shalt not commit Murder"

You aren't seriously attempting to imply that Christianity or the Middle Eastern derived religions in general have ever had a serious problem with murder over the centuries? In fact, the more devout they are, the more they see murder as being negotiable.

"Thou shalt not commit adultery."

Once again, common sense would dictate that if one decides to enter into the union of marriage, they are making a commitment to their husband or wife. However, I do not agree with the OT assertion that the punishment for adultery should be stoning to death. If we were still using this form of "justice" today, half of the US population would be dead and we would be out of stones.

"Thou shalt not Steal or bear false witness."

Im conglomerating these two together because they are essentially condemning the same behavior. Lieing and deception. If you need to rely on a book of fables in order to be able to ascertain the potential harm that these behaviors can cause, then that is a little disturbing. I myself, rely on my own moral compass.

"Thou shalt not covet."

That one is just plain stupid.

arkdanimal's photo
Fri 10/03/08 10:23 AM
Scripture's of the Bible originally were letters to people or groups of people, poems, songs, and wise sayings/proverbs. The men or woemen who wrote them had no idea that what they were writing at the time would later be translated and made into the "Bible". There is a message in the history book we refer to as the "Bible". I believe what I believe because of my life experiance's. All people are free to believe whatever they want. One of the things I believe is that if we make bad or wrong choices there will be consequences, in this life or in the hereafter. I personally believe in the hereafter only because I've had the experiance of being there!

splendidlife's photo
Fri 10/03/08 10:40 AM

Scripture's of the Bible originally were letters to people or groups of people, poems, songs, and wise sayings/proverbs. The men or woemen who wrote them had no idea that what they were writing at the time would later be translated and made into the "Bible". There is a message in the history book we refer to as the "Bible". I believe what I believe because of my life experiance's. All people are free to believe whatever they want. One of the things I believe is that if we make bad or wrong choices there will be consequences, in this life or in the hereafter. I personally believe in the hereafter only because I've had the experiance of being there!

Agreed about the Bible...

If we make "bad" or "wrong" choices (and recognize them), do we not learn and become smarter each time? Our fear of making bad or wrong choices can stifle our learning and freeze us into all having to be "good" or we'll fry.

tribo's photo
Fri 10/03/08 10:42 AM
Krimsa said:

"Thou shalt not commit adultery."

Once again, common sense would dictate that if one decides to enter into the union of marriage, they are making a commitment to their husband or wife. However, I do not agree with the OT assertion that the punishment for adultery should be stoning to death. If we were still using this form of "justice" today, half of the US population would be dead and

"""we would be out of stones."""


Do stones dissappear as they are used? laugh tongue2

arkdanimal's photo
Fri 10/03/08 10:43 AM
Edited by arkdanimal on Fri 10/03/08 10:44 AM

Scripture's of the Bible originally were letters to people or groups of people, poems, songs, and wise sayings/proverbs. The men or woemen who wrote them had no idea that what they were writing at the time would later be translated and made into the "Bible". There is a message in the history book we refer to as the "Bible". I believe what I believe because of my life experiance's. All people are free to believe whatever they want. One of the things I believe is that if we make bad or wrong choices there will be consequences, in this life or in the hereafter. I personally believe in the hereafter only because I've had the experiance of being there!

Agreed about the Bible...

If we make "bad" or "wrong" choices (and recognize them), do we not learn and become smarter each time? Our fear of making bad or wrong choices can stifle our learning and freeze us into all having to be "good" or we'll fry.
I personally have a hard time believing in the "fry" thing, I do believe that the sheep will be separeted from the goats (its a parable meaning the people who take care of there surroundings will no longer have to deal with the greedy)

splendidlife's photo
Fri 10/03/08 10:46 AM

Scripture's of the Bible originally were letters to people or groups of people, poems, songs, and wise sayings/proverbs. The men or woemen who wrote them had no idea that what they were writing at the time would later be translated and made into the "Bible". There is a message in the history book we refer to as the "Bible". I believe what I believe because of my life experiance's. All people are free to believe whatever they want. One of the things I believe is that if we make bad or wrong choices there will be consequences, in this life or in the hereafter. I personally believe in the hereafter only because I've had the experiance of being there!

Agreed about the Bible...

If we make "bad" or "wrong" choices (and recognize them), do we not learn and become smarter each time? Our fear of making bad or wrong choices can stifle our learning and freeze us into all having to be "good" or we'll fry.
I personally have a hard time believing in the "fry" thing, I do believe that the sheep will be separeted from the goats (its a parable meaning the people who take care of there surroundings will no longer have to deal with the greedy)

Deal with the greedy?

If the greedy are a part of humanity, do we not still have to "deal" with them?

Eljay's photo
Fri 10/03/08 10:48 AM

its sad that most people are drones who have these preconcieved notions that what are supposed fit into society . think for yourselves you zombies!

Oh great wise one - do, enlighten us with all the evidence that supports your world view that we might lift ourselves out of the realm of blind ingnorance. Since whatever it is that you believe must not be preconcieved and totally original - lest you lower yourselves to those of us who you have passed judgement on.

splendidlife's photo
Fri 10/03/08 10:49 AM

its sad that most people are drones who have these preconcieved notions that what are supposed fit into society . think for yourselves you zombies!

Oh great wise one - do, enlighten us with all the evidence that supports your world view that we might lift ourselves out of the realm of blind ingnorance. Since whatever it is that you believe must not be preconcieved and totally original - lest you lower yourselves to those of us who you have passed judgement on.

That's right...

Counter it with sarcasm.

That'll make your point.


arkdanimal's photo
Fri 10/03/08 10:51 AM
I give up! well,,,probably not.

splendidlife's photo
Fri 10/03/08 10:55 AM

I give up! well,,,probably not.

Yes, D...

I applaud your tenacity.

waving :banana: waving

Eljay's photo
Fri 10/03/08 11:07 AM

I think God loves all of us! He just hates the evil acts!

Yeh, even if a person is a pedophile, and suddenly at the age of 60, he finds himself dying....he may have ruined the lives of hundreds of children in his lifetime, YET...IF he repents, and asks for forgiveness on his deathbed, he will be forgiven.

So yes, god loves a sinner, according to wat ive read of ppls religious beliefs....but being a pedophile apparently is more acceptable to forgive, than a person who chooses not to follow any orthodox religion.

Go figure.
It's ashame we don't follow Gods Law, then all murderers and rapist would be executed promptly.

If we followed God's law there would be no murderers or rapists. Don't be so short sighted.

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