Topic: Does God love sinners?
Krimsa's photo
Sat 10/11/08 03:15 PM

there platform has been on fire for the last 8 years my lady, but to me the dem's are no better, what we need is another kennedy type personality but it might even be to late for that.

Yeah Democrats spend a lot of money. I will admit to that. Obama might be the ticket. I think he's young and vibrant and will at least be different. He's got my vote. I really want to be out of Iraq and I dont see that happening with McCain. Even if Obama gets in there, it wont be an overnight process. We will need to leave a presence there to avoid an uprising and power vacuum as all these factions rush to take over as soon as we are not there. It wont be like Vietnam where we just said screw it and airlifted everyone out in a few days. That was basically because there was no longer anything invested there and that Tet offensive kicked our ass.

i agree - the only time we should be going to war at all in my opninion is if someone is attacking us directly or areas we are in with our allies by thier want and permission. we've has since the mid 70's to wean ourselves off off oil and everytime we went back to our usual ways, we don't learn from our mistakes and now were back to a seroius depression over all this and more.
What ever happens as a country - we desrve it! to bad it's the kids that will pay for it and not us directly, trillions of dollars of debt?? thats just evil!!

Yep, I agree. Bottom line, there were no WMD found in Iraq. Thats not to say that they did not have any hidden or were not attempting to purchase the necessary items to begin manufacturing them but the decision to invade based partly on that neurosis was ridiculous and embarrassing. We cant preemptively attack other nations based on what they might do or what could possibly occur. It has the potential to set a very dangerous precedent. Especially since the US is so militarily elite compared to most other countries. England is basically our lapdog and closest Ali as far as that is concerned. They will follow us into anything no matter what if they feel it will benefit them in some capacity. The US just seems to have a knack for involving itself in unresolvable quagmires.

Krimsa's photo
Sat 10/11/08 03:37 PM

all together now,, do away with greed,,world wide!!!

Well you can start with the World Bank and the IMF. Bad bad news.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 10/11/08 03:40 PM
Did you see the article just a couple of days ago that was done supposedly with chemical engineers who had defected and told Powell that they were making them on trains and traveling around. They interviews 2 of them and both said they told Powell they knew of no WMD's being made in Iraq and this guy was thier head chemical engineer before he defected to Germany.. More Lies are coming out..Shalom..Miles

Krimsa's photo
Sat 10/11/08 03:53 PM
Not that story specifically but I saw a "Dateline" show about the potential for weapons (all kinds dirty bombs, chemical) brought over the borders of either Canada or Mexico. Of course it could happen but I still dont think we can preemptively take action and invade based on the bad intentions of other nations. Even after 9-11 occurred and the attacks on domestic soil, we have now killed and maimed something like 5 times the amount of citizens who were murdered during that. Enough is enough.

arkdanimal's photo
Sat 10/11/08 11:41 PM
Maybe if everyone dies there will be no more evil!

Krimsa's photo
Sun 10/12/08 02:31 AM

Maybe if everyone dies there will be no more evil!

I dont think murdering everyone is the answer Ark.

arkdanimal's photo
Sun 10/12/08 02:56 AM

Maybe if everyone dies there will be no more evil!

I dont think murdering everyone is the answer Ark.
surely you new I was being a smart _ _ _!

Krimsa's photo
Sun 10/12/08 02:59 AM

Maybe if everyone dies there will be no more evil!

I dont think murdering everyone is the answer Ark.
surely you new I was being a smart _ _ _!

How can I determine that based on your past history of ridiculous, nonsensical comments? Can you give us a "key" so we can tell? Thanks.

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 10/12/08 06:10 AM


BTW... Wealth is not something that Jesus is against. There is a difference between the godless use of money as opposed to God adding to us when we seek Him first. Even though money is the root of all evil God also knows what we have need of. Those many churches use that money to help give food & medical needs around the world.


money is not THE ROOT of all evil thats a mistranslation!

the IGNT: 0 riza <4491> gar <1063> {FOR A ROOT} pantwn <3956> twn <3588> {OF ALL} kakwn <2556> {EVILS} estin <2076> (5748) {IS} h <3588> {THE} filarguria <5365> {LOVE OF MONEY;} hv

YLT: 10 for a root of all the evils is the love of money,

both state that money is "A" root of evil, the love of money to be exact.

My explanation is the same as your Tribo...

I'm not going to argue semantics with you...

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 10/12/08 06:13 AM

Maybe if everyone dies there will be no more evil!

Man in his own wisdom will do just that.

Krimsa's photo
Sun 10/12/08 06:22 AM

Maybe if everyone dies there will be no more evil!

Man in his own wisdom will do just that.

Well perhaps it would behoove you to actually not sit there and turn your nose up at the perceived "pagan" worship of Gaia or "Mother Earth." or is that only because your perception is that you are bound for some superior plain so there is no real point in taking responsibility for your actions here and how it will effect the ecology for future generations as well as the planet itself?

arkdanimal's photo
Sun 10/12/08 07:54 AM

Maybe if everyone dies there will be no more evil!

Man in his own wisdom will do just that.

Well perhaps it would behoove you to actually not sit there and turn your nose up at the perceived "pagan" worship of Gaia or "Mother Earth." or is that only because your perception is that you are bound for some superior plain so there is no real point in taking responsibility for your actions here and how it will effect the ecology for future generations as well as the planet itself?
Prehaps not, if we could just people to do a liitle something to expose the true line of terroristic psychobable, it's called testing the spirits, your has just been tested, I'll let the readers of these post's decide for themsevles where you landed!

Krimsa's photo
Sun 10/12/08 08:03 AM
Um what?? Since when is conservation and ecological responsibility directly linked with "terrorist psychobabble"? Does that also make me a "Nazi Tree Hugger" or a "cry baby liberal" ? laugh laugh

arkdanimal's photo
Sun 10/12/08 08:09 AM
Edited by arkdanimal on Sun 10/12/08 08:09 AM

Um what?? Since when is conservation and ecological responsibility directly linked with "terrorist psychobabble"? Does that also make me a "Nazi Tree Hugger" or a "cry baby liberal" ? laugh laugh
Oh ya could you please explain everyhing you just said? It really dosen't make much sense! I know, well maybe not, Ya I do, but I'm not gonna tell you! ha..see how siily you sound when you get on here and pose insults as questions!

Quikstepper's photo
Mon 10/13/08 07:00 AM
A better way would be to stop thumbing your nose at God & ask Him to forgive you your sins & to heal your land.

God keeps His promises...he says...

"If My people who are called by MY NAME, shall repent of their ways & turn back to Me I will forgive them their sins & heal their land."

"Seek first the Kingdom of God & His righteousness & all these things shall be added unto YOU!"

No where in God's word says to believe any old thing like a reed blowing in the wind & expect a good result. laugh

Your ways are the ways of dogma since everything old is new again. witchcraft, heathenisms, paganisms, new (old) age etc..

God & God alone is the source of life & living...that is God of the Bible. No other religion speaks of grace & faith but the works of man...not God. Go figure????? :wink:

The only thing getting in the way at this point is man's pride. So? Now why should I believe you & your pride over a loving powerful & awesome God??? :wink:

arkdanimal's photo
Mon 10/13/08 07:48 AM
love? anybody who has love in their heart will be the first to open their mind to a better way!

Quikstepper's photo
Mon 10/13/08 07:55 AM
...and what way is that?

arkdanimal's photo
Mon 10/13/08 07:58 AM
To be willing to allow God to be the almighty, instead of some half there half not fence rider!

Krimsa's photo
Mon 10/13/08 09:34 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Mon 10/13/08 09:35 AM

A better way would be to stop thumbing your nose at God & ask Him to forgive you your sins & to heal your land.

God keeps His promises...he says...

"If My people who are called by MY NAME, shall repent of their ways & turn back to Me I will forgive them their sins & heal their land."

"Seek first the Kingdom of God & His righteousness & all these things shall be added unto YOU!"

No where in God's word says to believe any old thing like a reed blowing in the wind & expect a good result. laugh

Your ways are the ways of dogma since everything old is new again. witchcraft, heathenisms, paganisms, new (old) age etc..

God & God alone is the source of life & living...that is God of the Bible. No other religion speaks of grace & faith but the works of man...not God. Go figure????? :wink:

The only thing getting in the way at this point is man's pride. So? Now why should I believe you & your pride over a loving powerful & awesome God??? :wink:

Or perhaps if one were to not simply lay around the house relishing the fact that they will someday be joining their angry, faceless, formless grand creatrix up in the clouds someplace and instead actually TOOK the initiative of their own free will to "heal the land" we might not be having all of these problems with global warming and the destruction of the ozone layer? Hmm? Just a thought.

If taking a naturalistic and healing approach to one's own spirituality is "sin" in your estimation than surely destroying it based on god's will (and the Republican platform) isn't? God gave you his explicit permition to "be fruitful and multiply" and that you have done to the tune of about 6.6 billion humans worldwide. A large percentage of which this planet can no longer support and they will perish. Not quickly either. It will be a long, torturous, slow, painful, agonizing death of starvation and malnutrition and disease. Thats okay with you though as long as you have your home and shelter and your god and heaven waiting for you? No accountability required.

splendidlife's photo
Mon 10/13/08 09:53 AM

To be willing to allow God to be the almighty, instead of some half there half not fence rider!

How do you...

a mere mortal man...

profess to know who is "there" and who is "half there"?

What makes you think you have the inside track to God almighty?

Where is your proof that you got it right and the rest of us heathens got zilch?

You keep stirring the pot with comments that beg to be countered.

Loneliness is a *****, but I guess negative attention is better than none.