Topic: WIDOWS AND WIDOWERS - part 2 | |
Voices Loved, idealized voices of those who have died, or of those lost for us like the dead. Sometimes they speak to us in dreams; sometimes deep in thought the mind hears them. And, with their sound, for a moment return sounds from our life's first poetry - like distant music fading away at night. Constantine P. Cavafy Thank you, poignant, to my heart. ![]() |
Landon dropped a can of something in his big toe yesterday at 4pm and by 5 it was already black. this morning it was a black green color and his toe was red and feverish all the way to where it joins his foot. dr said they won't drill it to release the blood and to just splint it. yea right splint a 1 year olds toe. i think they could just prick it with a needle just under the toenail and allow the blood to come out and it will stop throbbing. she said he cried all night with it hurting.
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Doc's sometimes don't consider everything.
i totally agree, now if it had been one of his kids or his own toe, he would have thought differently that's for sure
Four years ago, at this moment, the man I love more than anything in this world passed away. It gets a little bit easier each year. But on the anniversary of his passing, I find myself just as heart broken. I can't sleep and I can't think of anything else.
Will be thinking of you Lilypetal during this difficult time. My heart feels for you.
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awwww Lilypetal, I know how you feel...lost my hubby 2 yrs thoughts are with you today...
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It was really hard going to graduation yesterday.. My stepgrandson was validictorian of the class and received a full ride to OHIO STATE U., going to be a dr... **** would have been so proud of him!!
Hugs going your way, Lilypetal. Last month made four years for me as well with my departed spouse. Grief for me was obsessive and I have found a new obsession; Fixing old computers. I have parts scattered all over the house. I got one of the old computers working but have to take it apart, again because the heat sink I put on it was a low one and I need that low hink sink for another computer. It is a hobby; What can I say. Actually, this year I was able to take the picture of her and me off my desktop. I think I have just substituted obsessions but am getting through it. I hope your day is good.
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Thank you pkd, Ms Silver and Rainbow, for your support and understanding. I'm doing better this morning. Sunshine and birds singing always makes me feel better.
Hi everyone! So nice to see people still coming here!
![]() ![]() HUGS Lilypetal. Those are difficult days. |
We have so many people that weren't originally here when I started this thread in May of last year. I wonder if we could do intros again and tell a bit about our losses, when it was etc. I think it does help to know each other better.
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Well, I am Roy and my wife, Dorothy liked to be called Dottie because her kids teased her about being the Dorothy of the Wizard of Oz. We had just went out to our favorite Chinese restaurant and later that night while I was watching television she just rolled off the bed. I went and checked up on her because I had thought she had just fell off the bed. But she wasn't breathing and try as hard as I could with CPR I couldn't get any respirations or a pulse. When the ambulance finally arrived they got what they called a drug induced pulse but told me then not to get my hopes up. They even asked me if I wanted them to try to save her. I was shocked. Of course, I wanted them to try to save her. After all she was my wife. Geez. I drove to the hospital and they told me she was DOA. they told me they tried to save her but couldn't. Dottie didn't like hospitals, Wouldn't take medicine and was afraid of of doctors. Her last words were, "I am sure you will find someone better." Two months later I met a girlfriend online and it was going great but she died of a heart attack, too. Then I got a job at the nursing home and really can relate with the widows and widowers. At first it bugged me with the funeral home across from the nursing home but got to know the funeral director and he really is a nice guy.
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I'm Carole, My husband Richard was sick for 7 yrs.. He first had a back surgery in 2001 and was diagnosed then with alzheimers..He had a lot of damage in his back from playing football in college and hs..but he never complained.. He had to have another back surgery in 2006 and was not able to get his strength back plus his Alzheimers was getting really bad.. He wanted me to promise not to put him in a nursing home for that... Told him I would do everything I could not to.. After he had the second back surgery he did have to go to a nursing home for rehab but couldn't get his strength back.. The nursing home was a nightmare!!!! At the end he got on of those antibiotic resistant infections and it shut him down in 3 days... I was with him everyday for 4 months for at least 8 hrs a day but wasn't with him when he passed.. I was 3 min from the hospital and I couldn't get there in time....I try to look at it as a blessing because of the alzheimers, it was never going to get better, only worse...We were married 26 yr and I miss him very much.. Also I lost my mom 7 mo after I lost him.. It was a rough year....
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Mon 06/01/09 07:43 PM
![]() My husband died 11 years ago. Life is never the same. It took me way to long to get over the "shock" and try to find myself again. Still today I am somewhat lost...and turn. Death doesn't frighten me...yet anyway. I want to have my house in order as "they say". |
HUGS to you Carole and to you MarthaJean
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Mon 06/01/09 08:11 PM
I lost my husband to lung cancer June 13, 1999. He was 37, I was 35 at the time. We were married 12 years, no children. Always meant to get around to that, just ran out of time. We went to high school together; I knew him since I was 15 although we didn't date back then.
We were inpatient the last month. I slept there too. He turned jaundice the last week so on a Sunday a.m. they took us down to the G.I. lab to do a scope procedure called an ERCP. They felt the cancer was below the liver (since his liver scans were still clean) in the common bile duct or the gallbladder. We kissed, said I love you's. Lab is closed to the public on Sundays so we were the only ones down there. Roughly 20-30 minutes later "code blue g.i.lab" came over the p.a. He coded on the table just as they got started likely due to the morphine to relax his gag reflex for the scope. As a little time passed, I was glad it happened as it did. Very peacefully for him, and no bed-side vigil goodbyes. |
Good Afternoon Everybody! Hope all is well.
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Good Saturday morning to you all.
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