Topic: The Bible says its a sin to be Rich
adj4u's photo
Wed 05/07/08 07:55 PM

Nay - Abraham was rich - It is rich to know God

Obviously you do not understand that I am referring to monatary wealth.

obviously you do not understand

it is not the money that is the sin it is what you do or not do with it that is the sin


and does it not say in there somewhere it is not up to people to judge the sins of others


just a thought but hey what do i know

You look like you are the one that is deciding what Jesus's words really mean. It looks like your making a judgment on what sin is based on your interpretation as opposed to the actual words.

so if it is the coin that is a sin it matters not how many of them you have

having any is a sin if it is the coin its self

materials do not sin

it is what man does with those materials that may or may not be a sin

using your logic then sin has verying levels

but think what you want

Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 05/07/08 08:02 PM
Abraham was rich but he also took care of 316 servants. He seen them as his own household born of the land. When Yahweh told Abraham to circumsize himself he also did the 316.. Miles

wouldee's photo
Wed 05/07/08 08:08 PM
Edited by wouldee on Wed 05/07/08 08:15 PM

anybody watching and listening intently?

Let me tell you a story.

Yeterday, I read a post of rabbit's in which he stated that he couldn't accept Christianity and freed himself of it because he wanted wealth aND FELT HIS CONSCIENCE TESTIFYING AGAINST HIM FOR CHOOSING THAT OVER JESUS AND THE hOLY sPIRIT, WHICH, BY THE WAT IS WHERE HIS PURSUIT WOULD HAVE TAKEN HIM AND HE KNOWS PRECISELY THAT WAS GOING TO BE THE ULTIMATE CONSUMMATION OF HIS FAITH IN ACTION. oops, caplock keylaugh

Later in the day, I posted a response to him and suggested to him that his wealth does not prevent him, but be well.. in so many words.

This morning, this thread pops up and lo and behold a trap for hypocritcal Christians pops up.

The very thing that has eluded Rabbit is the peripheral doctrines that keep the insincere from coming to Jesus for the deep things of God.

The secret is, that there is no secret. At least not one kept from every person.

All must choose, and all must decide whether or not they prize the riches of this world or the riches of God in Jesus Christ the more.

Jesus does not hate prosperity and abundance.

He despises the deceptions of riches and wealth that taint the generosity and compassion and sympathies in the heart being choked and grieved and hindered.

God owns everything.

I do mean everything.

God gives and takes away as he sees fit.

sowing and reaping.

sparingly or liberally.

But blessing the heart to see clearly , the heart requires the invited presence of God to not be an invasion of secret things but rather the searcher of secret things in the heart to teach the heart the blessings of God in their fulness.

Man has no business entering into the heart of man made by God.

But God, on the other hand, only reveals that he searches the heart to those that invite Him in and then when He comes, He reveals the treasures in the heart to the man, but the man cannot open these treasures.

Only God can.

But first one has to invite God in without reservation and without thinking he shall receive anything other than God.

A gift is a gift until the next gift is asked for.

To ask again is theft. The gift is of free will.....God's free will but it comes through man's free will to not exclude God on God's terms.

God leads on God's terms.

Man already leads his own heart on his own terms, naturally.

But expectations are like a brick wall, sometimes, if not always. Depends on how confused the heart is.....more grace for poor choices where an abused and wounded and dying and suffering heart and then there is that> a healthy and nurtured one, but sincerity must always be immaculate.

The problem comes when we as men don't really want to hear God tell us what He wants for us.

Whatever is held back, holds back.

Believe me. It ebbs and flows in me still.

Crucifying and mortifying the flesh is a conscious struggle.

But as Paul put it, and he was apprehended for Christ as a man that persecuted the Church and was turned, and all the while til he was turned, he thought he was doing the will of God.

Covetousness slew him when Christ entered him. Covetousness of the things of God slew him! yet he lived and God gave him the Spirit of Christ, the Holy Spirit.

well, he said this...." with the flesh, I serve sin. With the spirit, I serve God"

You think on that.

The flesh needs nurturning and sustainence.

The spirit needs life.

"I am the way and the truth and the Life"

Who said that?

learn, grow, and be at peace.

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

chickayoshi's photo
Wed 05/07/08 08:47 PM
Interesting. glasses

adj4u's photo
Wed 05/07/08 08:52 PM

Interesting. glasses

very interesting


no photo
Wed 05/07/08 08:56 PM

Interesting. glasses

very interesting


EXTREMELY interesting!!!!

adj4u's photo
Wed 05/07/08 09:15 PM
Edited by adj4u on Wed 05/07/08 09:24 PM

If I was to take your reading of the "camel needle" it would still mean that Jesus is saying that it will take a some huge effort on the part of God to get just 1 rich man into heaven.

mmmmmmm...seems you have changed "your" stance on this one?????

god does not make the effort the sinner needs to make the effort


and the needle was referring to a stone arrangement where the camel had to get down on there knees to get threw

noway noway noway noway

yzrabbit1's photo
Wed 05/07/08 10:02 PM

Look in the mirror.....yea face is totally straight...not even a smile. I would totally give everything he asked.....Yes Yes Yes.....The whole point of it is to not put credence in wordly things....because do you take it with you silly wabbit? Nope.....So kind of a mudane thing to say, "Those with the most toys wins" Because in reality those that Love the Lord about and beyond all of it....and who's faith is unwavering are the true winners.

And get something rabbit it has nothing to do with the wealth as much as it does the priority. If people make money their God.....well thats all well and good....but you ain't going to heaven.

Jesus says you are blessed if you understand where to put and how to deal with your worldly, toys, etc. He gives me many many blessings including money...but I in turn give it back...not because it's expected of me....but because I want to.

From where I stand you would rather twist the very clear words of Jesus then to part with what you have. I see that you try to get out from under this very clear message. Like I said earlier. Even if youy made one of these disappear by warping the message of Jesus there are many more. The tossing of the money changers, blessed are the poor, what you do to the least of my brothers. Etc.. This is not some type of message that you can make disapeare. You will not live up to it. You would rather hold on to the things of this world and twist the words of God then to follow them.

yzrabbit1's photo
Wed 05/07/08 10:04 PM

Ezekiel 16:49
" 'Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.

Amos 5:11
You trample on the poor and force him to give you grain. Therefore, though you have built stone mansions, you will not live in them; though you have planted lush vineyards, you will not drink their wine.

Matthew 5:3
"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 19:21
Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

John 2:15
So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple area, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables.

Matthew 19:24
Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

Luke 4:18
"The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed,

Luke 6:20
Looking at his disciples, he said: "Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.

Luke 11:41
But give what is inside the dish to the poor, and everything will be clean for you.

Lets take Amos 5:11. Do you know that the monetary food aid that the US gives to other countries that are in the midst of a famine must be spent on US grown food. So that means any amount of food that the farmers in the poor country have manged to grow is now worth nothing. It could have had a great value when our US tax dollars got there and boosted things up but instead it went to impoverish the poor man and possibly make him worse off then he was before. Possibly put many farmers out of business for good and make the country poorer in food production then it was.

Amos 5:11
You trample on the poor and force him to give you grain. Therefore, though you have built stone mansions, you will not live in them; though you have planted lush vineyards, you will not drink their wine.

what does have to do the teachings in the Bible about giving to the poor, and the monetary aid given by the US to poor countries?

Our US tax dollars actually go to impoverishing poor people in other country. Taking their grain from them like the verse says.

yzrabbit1's photo
Wed 05/07/08 10:06 PM

Nay - Abraham was rich - It is rich to know God

Obviously you do not understand that I am referring to monatary wealth.

obviously you do not understand

it is not the money that is the sin it is what you do or not do with it that is the sin


and does it not say in there somewhere it is not up to people to judge the sins of others


just a thought but hey what do i know

You look like you are the one that is deciding what Jesus's words really mean. It looks like your making a judgment on what sin is based on your interpretation as opposed to the actual words.

so if it is the coin that is a sin it matters not how many of them you have

having any is a sin if it is the coin its self

materials do not sin

it is what man does with those materials that may or may not be a sin

using your logic then sin has verying levels

but think what you want

So by this logic you would say there is nothing sinful about owning child pornography. (I think that is sick)

no photo
Wed 05/07/08 10:55 PM
it is the lOVE of money that is the root of all evil...not money itself.

The bible is talking about those who horde money upon themselves, and have no mercy for the poor.

Rabbit...there is a BIG difference between
You having WEALTH ...
Wealth having YOU .

A lot of people take scripture out of context, and therefore ,make the Word say anything they want it to say....

One needs to Study the WHOLE Word, not just part.

But first, one needs to be born again , in order for the Word to make sense.flowerforyou

chickayoshi's photo
Wed 05/07/08 11:02 PM

it is the lOVE of money that is the root of all evil...not money itself.

The bible is talking about those who horde money upon themselves, and have no mercy for the poor.

Rabbit...there is a BIG difference between
You having WEALTH ...
Wealth having YOU .

A lot of people take scripture out of context, and therefore ,make the Word say anything they want it to say....

One needs to Study the WHOLE Word, not just part.

But first, one needs to be born again , in order for the Word to make sense.flowerforyou

Yes, yes, and yes!

no photo
Wed 05/07/08 11:18 PM
Rabbit...listen Precious......

God says in His Word, I would have you PROSPER, even as thy SOUL prospereth......

Now...listen my friend......carefully...cause the enemy of your soul has LIED to you enough about what God's Word REAllY SAYS!!


Read Luke 6:38
Give and it shall be Given.....(I'll let you go find the scripture and read the rest yousrelf )

ALso.. find this in the bible.
I let you look this up also ...

"God owns the cattle on a thousansd hills...."

Rabbit.....IF heaven is so rich, that it even has its streets paved in gold......
do you HONESTLY think that God is going to have a problem with you having wealth ..... here on earth?

it is HOW
you HANDLE your wealth that could be the problem. !!!
Not the HAVING of wealth.

wouldee's photo
Wed 05/07/08 11:55 PM
and then give it away, if you like.bigsmile

no photo
Thu 05/08/08 12:09 AM
Edited by MorningSong on Thu 05/08/08 01:02 AM
Rabbit.....God does not mind if you want to become a wealthy man!

As long as wealth doesn't HAVE you.

When you
Put God FIRST in your life, by becoming born again.. you will WANT to give.
The Love of Jesus in your heart just makes you want to give and give and give.
And guess what....because God sees your heart,that you give out of Love .... God multiplies it right back to you!!
You can't outgive God.
And God loves a cheerful giver!!!

BUt..but but but...
HOW can you GIVE, if you have nothing to Give????
How can you give to others, if God wants you poor?

What if everyone were poor.....
No..God is saying to GIVE to the poor..not that he wants you poor.

By the way..the word poor has different meanings in the bible.

THAT is why the word needs to be rightly divided..and not taken out of context....... otherwie the bible will appear to be a book of contradictions.

When you become born again, the Word will THEN start to become clear, as you grow in the Word.

Rabbit the subject of the thread you started here, is an example of what happens when people try to dissect the Word, without the Holy Spirit to lead and guide them.

That's why it is important to be born again, so you CAN rightly divide the word, and understand it.

DON"T let the devil twist the Word for you any longer Rabbit.. Satan is the father of All lies.
Remember that. And He hates the Word os God!!

"Thou God was rich, for our sake he became poor....."

He shall make my way propserous and I shall have good success."

" It is more blessed to give than to recieve"

"If I sow bountifully, I shal reap bountifully"

"I honor my God with my substance."

"God loves a cheerful giver"

God knows the plans he has for me, plans to prosper me ..."

"The Lord has pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.."

Rabbit..WHEN we are born again...quess what!!!
We WANT to Give to the poor!!

When we have Jesus living in our heart, we LOVE to GIVE!!!! :heart: flowerforyou

sethwyo's photo
Thu 05/08/08 12:25 AM
The bible does Not teach that it is a sin to be rich.
I once knew a person that was doing something wrong, Not wrong like Against the criminal law, But the person knew that what he wore doing was wrong, And did not feel good about it inside. that person always was trying to justify himself, Always trying to make others believe that he was happy and satisfied with himself. He would make a statment that he knew was not true, So that others would try to explain it to him, He knew thay would,
And he would then try to argue with them.
He had to argue, to try and justify himself, to try and make others look bad, like thay wore wrong, not him.
And he lived unhappily ever after. The End.
just a story Ya'll might enjoy.
Any ladies want out there want to chat?

wouldee's photo
Thu 05/08/08 12:27 AM
and then you can stand on the promises of God.

but then agin, you don't have to be wealthy to be rich.


HangedMan's photo
Thu 05/08/08 01:08 AM
Thank god for zealots!!!!!

Britty's photo
Thu 05/08/08 03:26 AM

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

The flesh needs nurturning and sustainence.

The spirit needs life.

"I am the way and the truth and the Life"

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Britty's photo
Thu 05/08/08 03:28 AM

It is not being a zealot to speak the truth
about one's beliefs.

It is not being a zealot to care about others
nor to be sick of the lies and bullying of others.

"There is no condemnation to them which are in Christ
Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit."
