Topic: The Bible says its a sin to be Rich | |
Jesus didn't need to mention how they made it back then. It was common knowledge. You were born into nobility and they took advantage of everyone else. You could not change your class in those times.
Paris Hilton? Most people don't think she is successful. She is rich, but she didn't earn it. You make it sound like people can only get rich by doing evil things, you example of selling women into slavery. There are lots of ways to make good money. If you take 2 identical people, who live their lives the exact same way. One is poor and the other is rich you think the poor man would go to heaven and the rich man go to hell just because he has more money. It is your actions that define you, not the amount of money that you have. |
Jesus didn't need to mention how they made it back then. It was common knowledge. You were born into nobility and they took advantage of everyone else. You could not change your class in those times. Paris Hilton? Most people don't think she is successful. She is rich, but she didn't earn it. You make it sound like people can only get rich by doing evil things, you example of selling women into slavery. There are lots of ways to make good money. If you take 2 identical people, who live their lives the exact same way. One is poor and the other is rich you think the poor man would go to heaven and the rich man go to hell just because he has more money. It is your actions that define you, not the amount of money that you have. in response to your two identical people question Not according to Jesus. He makes it clear that the Rich man resides in hell. In the parable and by the Camel saying. |
if that is what you truely believe, then you can feel free to give me all your access money. I will take very good care of it.
I personally believe that Jesus teaching are relative to the time they are taught in. Society has changed and they way people live their lives has changed. All you have to do is brush up on your history to realize this. We also have the technology now, to build a really big needle. ![]() |
Jesus didn't need to mention how they made it back then. It was common knowledge. You were born into nobility and they took advantage of everyone else. You could not change your class in those times. Paris Hilton? Most people don't think she is successful. She is rich, but she didn't earn it. You make it sound like people can only get rich by doing evil things, you example of selling women into slavery. There are lots of ways to make good money. If you take 2 identical people, who live their lives the exact same way. One is poor and the other is rich you think the poor man would go to heaven and the rich man go to hell just because he has more money. It is your actions that define you, not the amount of money that you have. in response to your two identical people question Not according to Jesus. He makes it clear that the Rich man resides in hell. In the parable and by the Camel saying. he also offered the Holy Spirit to whosoever will. That was not a commandment is it less or more than a commandment , my troubled friend? ![]() |
It says in his word " The love of money is the root of all evil. It says in his parable that the Rich man ended up Burning in Hades And he chose to do so, when given an opportunity to speak he has for a finger dipped in water. He did not ask to leave. Ever wondered why? who would choose only to ask for water? only those whose focus is in the wrong place. |
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Fri 05/09/08 01:29 PM
Rabbit....think about this...
During that Time in my Life when I Just Gave it ALL Away....... God Gave it Back and More. (And btw, NOWHERE in God's Word does it say that Christians are to Give it ALL Away......that is just something I did before ....but it was NOT required of me....and God did NOT even expect or ask me to ,in case there are any misunderstandings about what I shared earlier....) Now Rabbit, Back to the question I am asking you..... WHY would God KEEP GIVING All Back To me and MORE...Every Time I Gave? IF God Wanted me to STAY POOR??!! Did You Read Luke 6:38 yet? Rabbit...Do you yet see ,HOW the enemy can twist the Word of God for you ...making you feel TERRIBLE... just because you have a desire to become wealthy in this life? God does NOT mind you becoming wealthy and a successful man, as LONG AS WEALTH doesn't HAVE YOU!!! GET IT???? BUT....GOd DOES want you to PUT HIM FIRST.... to be RICH in HIM FIRST!!! Cause God KNOWS..that is the ONLY WAY you are going to be CONTENT and at PEACE and and FULL OF JOY in this Life!! Cause Money is NOT gonna FILL that EMPTINESS in You..ONLY GOD CAN. There are MANY rich people who do NOT KNOW GOD in their Lives. In the end, They are MISERABLE. Cause the HUNGER in the rich man's soul...and in every mans' soul..can ONLY be FILLED by God..not money or possessions or anything else in this world. But God in His Word DOES SAY...He would have you PROSPER and have GREAT SUCCESS!! God SAID, "I Would have you to PROSPER, EVEN AS THY SOUL PROSPERETH! But you Know WHO God is talking to here? God's is Talking to HIS People Who ALREADY KNOW HIM AS THEIR LORD....and are therefore ALREADY FIRST RICH IN JESUS..cause they KNOW the LORD...cause they have Made the LORD God, the LORD of THEIR LIFE FIRST!!!!! Thank You Lord God...for helping Rabbit to see and hear...... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Why does God not help the poor ,the needy ,the sick , and he asks you the little ones to help them ? ! . Is there something fishy here or what ?.
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if that is what you truely believe, then you can feel free to give me all your access money. I will take very good care of it. I personally believe that Jesus teaching are relative to the time they are taught in. Society has changed and they way people live their lives has changed. All you have to do is brush up on your history to realize this. We also have the technology now, to build a reeed;ally big needle. ![]() On the Needle quote you are exactly right. People today would rather go to EXTREAM lengths to avoid following the words of Jesus. It wont surprise me when they build the huge needle and while they are at it they might as well change the Name of hades to heaven in the parable. That way the poor man will go to hades and the Rich man will go to heaven. |
It says in his word " The love of money is the root of all evil. It says in his parable that the Rich man ended up Burning in Hades And he chose to do so, when given an opportunity to speak he has for a finger dipped in water. He did not ask to leave. Ever wondered why? who would choose only to ask for water? only those whose focus is in the wrong place. It doesn't make a difference because there is no way to get across. The reason Jesus put in the asking for water is because they are a dessert people. They know what it is like to go without water and what it feels like to have your thirst quenched. He is giving an example so that you feel what the rich man feels. |
Rabbit....think about this... During that Time in my Life when I Just Gave it ALL Away....... God Gave it Back and More. (And btw, NOWHERE in God's Word does it say that Christians are to Give it ALL Away......that is just something I did before ....but it was NOT required of me....and God did NOT even expect or ask me to ,in case there are any misunderstandings about what I shared earlier....) Now Rabbit, Back to the question I am asking you..... WHY would God KEEP GIVING All Back To me and MORE...Every Time I Gave? IF God Wanted me to STAY POOR??!! Did You Read Luke 6:38 yet? Rabbit...Do you yet see ,HOW the enemy can twist the Word of God for you ...making you feel TERRIBLE... just because you have a desire to become wealthy in this life? God does NOT mind you becoming wealthy and a successful man, as LONG AS WEALTH doesn't HAVE YOU!!! GET IT???? BUT....GOd DOES want you to PUT HIM FIRST.... to be RICH in HIM FIRST!!! Cause God KNOWS..that is the ONLY WAY you are going to be CONTENT and at PEACE and and FULL OF JOY in this Life!! Cause Money is NOT gonna FILL that EMPTINESS in You..ONLY GOD CAN. There are MANY rich people who do NOT KNOW GOD in their Lives. In the end, They are MISERABLE. Cause the HUNGER in the rich man's soul...and in every mans' soul..can ONLY be FILLED by God..not money or possessions or anything else in this world. But God in His Word DOES SAY...He would have you PROSPER and have GREAT SUCCESS!! God SAID, "I Would have you to PROSPER, EVEN AS THY SOUL PROSPERETH! But you Know WHO God is talking to here? God's is Talking to HIS People Who ALREADY KNOW HIM AS THEIR LORD....and are therefore ALREADY FIRST RICH IN JESUS..cause they KNOW the LORD...cause they have Made the LORD God, the LORD of THEIR LIFE FIRST!!!!! Thank You Lord God...for helping Rabbit to see and hear...... ![]() ![]() ![]() As you obviously can't see. The things that God would call prospering are diffrent then what man calls it. You are being deceived by the THINGS of this world. God doesn't give you worldly things. He gives you your reward in heaven. Even his son went through hell on earth. If he did not reward his own holy son with these things then why do you look for them? Quite looking on earth for signs of God. He is in heaven and his rewards are there. If you really want the prosperity he offers then look for it in the next life. Not in this one. |
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Fri 05/09/08 02:41 PM
Rabbit......I say this last time.... I can't help you see the Truth of God's Word...only God can.
![]() I noticed how you "skip" over what is shared with you. Everytime. And for me to keep rehashing here with you is pointless.... I choose not to do that anymore . Be Blessed Now, Rabbit. ![]() |
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Fri 05/09/08 02:38 PM
Rabbit, do you think King David and King Solomon went to Hell? I am pretty sure the Bible places at least King David in Heaven, yet they were both rich.
Let me add that I ask this in all seriousness. Just want your point of view on the subject. |
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Fri 05/09/08 03:05 PM
Rabbit, do you think King David and King Solomon went to Hell? I am pretty sure the Bible places at least King David in Heaven, yet they were both rich. Let me add that I ask this in all seriousness. Just want your point of view on the subject. The reason these men had things is that they were kings and what they owned was communal wealth. They were responsible for their people. I do not think anyone here is a king. Even if you point to the few people like that, since that time Jesus has come and made it clear that being rich is now bad. After Jesus the laws of what you could eat changed also. So he either changed or clarified things when he was here. For some reason Rich and Poor is something he addressed almost more then anything else. People who think that is a accident, or that he really didn't pick his words very well. They are fooling them selves. If I was you I would go with his words and make my own fit his. |
I don't think you have any authority to tell me what I should or should not do. I already stated my belief on why he targeted the rich of that era. I take it all in context and I make my own decisions on interpretation.
This is one of those things I mentioned in previous posts on another thread. I have no problem with you letting me know why you believe something. I do have a problem with you trying to tell me what I should do. |
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Fri 05/09/08 07:20 PM
Yahshua used coins Ceasers. So it is only a sin to use Paper Money javascript:add_smiley('glasses','post_text')
Glasses ![]() ![]() |
Why does God not help the poor ,the needy ,the sick , and he asks you the little ones to help them ? ! . Is there something fishy here or what ?. ![]() Not sure. Why is your nose in your underwear? ![]() ![]() |
Oh since we are to give to Ceasers what ceaser tells us. If I go To Cearsers Palace in Vegas and he wants me to gamble...Would I be sinning? I would be giving to ceaser
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Fri 05/09/08 10:19 PM
Rabbit....think about this... During that Time in my Life when I Just Gave it ALL Away....... God Gave it Back and More. (And btw, NOWHERE in God's Word does it say that Christians are to Give it ALL Away......that is just something I did before ....but it was NOT required of me....and God did NOT even expect or ask me to ,in case there are any misunderstandings about what I shared earlier....) Now Rabbit, Back to the question I am asking you..... WHY would God KEEP GIVING All Back To me and MORE...Every Time I Gave? IF God Wanted me to STAY POOR??!! Did You Read Luke 6:38 yet? Rabbit...Do you yet see ,HOW the enemy can twist the Word of God for you ...making you feel TERRIBLE... just because you have a desire to become wealthy in this life? God does NOT mind you becoming wealthy and a successful man, as LONG AS WEALTH doesn't HAVE YOU!!! GET IT???? BUT....GOd DOES want you to PUT HIM FIRST.... to be RICH in HIM FIRST!!! Cause God KNOWS..that is the ONLY WAY you are going to be CONTENT and at PEACE and and FULL OF JOY in this Life!! Cause Money is NOT gonna FILL that EMPTINESS in You..ONLY GOD CAN. There are MANY rich people who do NOT KNOW GOD in their Lives. In the end, They are MISERABLE. Cause the HUNGER in the rich man's soul...and in every mans' soul..can ONLY be FILLED by God..not money or possessions or anything else in this world. But God in His Word DOES SAY...He would have you PROSPER and have GREAT SUCCESS!! God SAID, "I Would have you to PROSPER, EVEN AS THY SOUL PROSPERETH! But you Know WHO God is talking to here? God's is Talking to HIS People Who ALREADY KNOW HIM AS THEIR LORD....and are therefore ALREADY FIRST RICH IN JESUS..cause they KNOW the LORD...cause they have Made the LORD God, the LORD of THEIR LIFE FIRST!!!!! Thank You Lord God...for helping Rabbit to see and hear...... ![]() ![]() ![]() As you obviously can't see. The things that God would call prospering are diffrent then what man calls it. You are being deceived by the THINGS of this world. God doesn't give you worldly things. He gives you your reward in heaven. Even his son went through hell on earth. If he did not reward his own holy son with these things then why do you look for them? Quite looking on earth for signs of God. He is in heaven and his rewards are there. If you really want the prosperity he offers then look for it in the next life. Not in this one. rabbit. Jesus was 33 1/2 years old when he surrendered Himself to the authorities. The Bible says it is appointed to man 70 years. He was in his peak strength, physically, mentally, and spirituallly as thw carnal son of man that he was. he performed miracles and avoiding the cross would only make him not one of us. He was a carpenter..a teckten (sic) which means literally , a laborer, but supposing he was a carpenter. That is not easy. I am 52, with a briken baCK And blind in one eye and can make 150 k in a good year workung six days a week. I have over come the pain but am stronger for the constant exercise and strenuous nature of this trade. most make 15-20/hr. My point is, that he had no power tools and was at his prime when he was cut off. Why? he always intended to endure that premature death. death brought him into life. Having overcxome the world and sin he reigned over it as judge. Nothing can judge thet. He knew what he was doing, and knew that when he offered the Holy Spirit to his firends, that he could perform giving what he was given, as a man, to them and us. It is not a commandment. Or is it? He is the king of life through mastering death, iis he not? as depicted? His words are unequalled. Why isn't this one? This is the only modern day miracle he needs to display. It may be the only one most ever witness for themselves. Prove it. prove it isn't so. The survival of Christianity today, says it is proved. It cannot be that he came to live without having a reason. The reason was to lead. He leads the way. "Let the dead bury their dead....follow me" we are called to be buried with him in the resurrection? to be born again from the living and not dead as the dead that bury their dead but alive to God in hope with faith and buried with him in baptism to be raised with him incorruptible. There is no other real point. The question is, how many outs does it take to excuse His message? There is no need for anyone to argue against Christianity. But that is what having no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends means No wonder Christians are so tenatious. They love their friends and wish them to live beyond the first death. But then we understand and know what Jesus was doing. I knew that when I first read about him. And I saw the offer right away too. But when i opened the Bible to read it cover to cover, I had no clue. then when he sent his saints to me because I had been praying for the Holy Spirit, I knew that God had sent them, and they knew it too. They were waiting for our paths to cross and I was waiting for God. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() They didn't find me in church, they found me in life as professionals meeting in our work. They never bombbarded me, somehow I brought it up, or they did, or something about then....whatever it was, the saints have the power pof the witness to share. The ones sent didn't do it, though. I sought to be baptised at a church, not known to me or any one close to me and that is where God touched me. The morning before the baptism, my heart was sore and tender. After the baptism, I was dumb as a rock with not a thought i my head and my heart ached to the point of pain for days, aND EVEN NOW AS i WRITE THIS,but still, I only felt clean, not changed, but I knew I was different. Two weeks later, the Holy Spirit hit me so hard I felt like I was drunk on a quart or two of good whiskey and damn near fell to the ground, laughing, not knowing what happened, and wondering if in fact i was ill, but I felt so wonderful all I ccould do was laugh. I walked around like that for years til i could get used to it LOL But the from that oment on, I had God's presence in me, awake or asleep and awake when I sleep to thids day and ever conscious of God and always aware of his presence and never not knowing God is with me aND IN ME. That eventually led to other things which are not to be talked about. That is Him in me and not mine to glory in, only mine to witness, but there you go. Your license to brand me a lunatic, or maybe the one man you have ever met that gives you ways to see God and His Word that you never have before considered and wish what you dealt with had a different angle back then. Take it back up to Him. Despite what has happened in your heart to you by your rashness. Only God and rabbit know why and what and where and when and why. It happened more than once. I only dare to go this far because I have had insight today that troubled me and had your name attached to it and I thought it very odd, but somehthing you said here made me see how right it was. You said, "If I was you, I wouyld go with his wordsand make my own fit his." Rabbit, did you get rich yet for all the trouble you have gone through to have the freedom to do so? Don't answer me. In fact, I would prefer you ignore acknowledging this altogether. It is clearly a very private matter and my day was rather astonishingly interrupted with you on my heart. It is none of my business. But intercession has occured, Rabbit. peace, out ![]() And you might be wondering what in the world that means. |
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Wed 05/14/08 12:58 AM
Rabbit, do you think King David and King Solomon went to Hell? I am pretty sure the Bible places at least King David in Heaven, yet they were both rich. Let me add that I ask this in all seriousness. Just want your point of view on the subject. The reason these men had things is that they were kings and what they owned was communal wealth. They were responsible for their people. I do not think anyone here is a king. Even if you point to the few people like that, since that time Jesus has come and made it clear that being rich is now bad. After Jesus the laws of what you could eat changed also. So he either changed or clarified things when he was here. For some reason Rich and Poor is something he addressed almost more then anything else. People who think that is a accident, or that he really didn't pick his words very well. They are fooling them selves. If I was you I would go with his words and make my own fit his. "NO SIN BE GREATER THAN ANOHTER" jesus said.....we think MANY sins are greater than others, so what we think as sin must NOT be the correct or SAME logic as thought when spoken by jesus.........why it was said it was harder for a rich man to get to heaven then for a camel to pass thru the eye of a MAN enter heaven PERIOD, AS THE SECOND YOU BREATH YOUR LAST HUMAN BREATH YOU ARE NO LONGER A it was ALSO said "no flesh can enter there" ...........was not humanity OR THE WORLD called "children of god" when referred to from prophetic love AND NOT MAN??????? nothing that get to heaven take ANYTHING PHYSICAL with it, as it was said earthly treasures cannot be taken who will be money rich when they get there?????????? SO INDEED WHAT YOU SAY IS TRUE, NO RICH MAN OR ANY MAN SHALL ENTER THERE........why is was added with "god" all things are so???????????? as it was said no man enter heaven without first being born on earth, and NO MAN HAS MADE HIMSELF TO BE BORN, SO NO MAN CAN MAKE HIMSELF ENTER THERE EITHER..........all that have breathed mortal life must feel immmortal life for the scriptures to be unbroken and this "god" TRUTH to be fair and just as it also was written.........the truth is fair and just and condem none as it see the reason for all things is to learn by comparison of pairs...... how could one know "no pain" unless pain had been "felt"..... how could one know what poor was without rich???????......... so of course as long as "man" is alive poor and rich will HAVE to exist..........story of all scriptures to be true |
He also told us to LOVE ONE ANOTHER. We first have to provide for our familes, then share what we can.