More Palin Speak
I truly believe that McCain has put our country in peril by selecting Palin when we have all of our global problems. what are you worried about? you think nobama is going to win. LOL ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
"John, any president is going to face challenges. What we need is someone who can see a problem and address it before it becomes a calamity.
pre-emptive strikes, maybe? MARTIAL LAW FOR A CHANGE TO SOCIALIST THINK POLICE, HUH? Outlaw constitutional clarity, maybe? hire more democrats to new Washington bureaucracies that Bush dismantled, huh? more free lunches before the latest greates is digested, huh? Sounds like nobama has a plan, huh? right over your heads and right before your eyes. yup. delusional. keep sucking down that KOOL AID. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
More Palin Speak
it's only relevant if you act on it.
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the f-22 will take out eight at once from miles away.
sweet, huh? so, who can we sell f-16s to for a huge profit?. LOL |
More Palin Speak
nobama 20-ever.
Just a thought on something
His reach is extended to Kenya, too. read this. You can blame the Councile of Foreign Relations for that... did you read it? nobama taught this guy how to finance a candidacy and he even financed him. That's dangerous. Funding foreign nationals in their own elections. A US Senator? that's treasonous and duplicitous. What will nobama do for ahmed-ina-jihad and IRAN? think, people. every day these things are ignored is anohther day closer to giving this country's button to a traitor, and a known enabler of domestic terrorists and America haters. Blind. what else can be said? |
Just a thought on something
His reach is extended to Kenya, too.
read this. |
Just a thought on something
Now I saw a little clip about Obama's speech today in w/e city he was in. He was saying how their closed factories were gonna build wind turbines and solar panels and and that we will invent a green car before any other country. For one, how would he use wind turbines to power cars, and secondly solar panels cant really power a modern car. If I ever go to the other site where we talked about this I will find my calculation that stated the surface area we needed of solar panels to power a car, but it was way more than the total surface area of a car lol. I dont know if he just doesn't know these kinds of facts or if he is just giving people false hopes. nobama is a delusional anomoly. he is a manipulative liar. he knows nothing. listen to everything he says. he just spews. nothing credible, no proof, no facts, just spin and flips. He is dysfunctional. that's all there is to it. |
Back to the Hanoi Hilton?
soon we will see nobama's feet brought to the carpet to publicly defend his ties to
Wright, which displays his lack of judgement. Rezko, which does likewise. Ayers, which does likewise and his previous answer is a boldfaced lie. He and Michelle Obama have been tangled with Ayers in too many ways to excuse him as a bomber when nobama was 8 years old. and Acorn, which is under a lwasuit brought by Nevada for registering illegal voters and using convicts and felons to register voters, which they did falsify, as well as others. Other lawsuits are pending in other states. Not to mention the ties to freddie and fannie and the moneytrail and advisers in his campo from these corrupt mortgage abusers. I won't go on and on. None of these associations are defensible and none of these associations give him any moral high ground to exhibit anything but h8is utter lack of judgement in foreign affaairs, let alone domestic affairs. He is a non etity. An enigma. an American anomoly. An American embarrassment, if he is elected. He will preside over the greatest deficit in history, doubole the trouble of Bush's legacy when the deficit is 25 trillion in 2012 when the rupublicans are called back to fix yet another democrat tax ans spend mess. |
keep drinking that KOOL AID and never mind making any sense. Hey Woodmeister, If we're drinkin' (you betcha!) KOOL AID, what are you drinkin'? right now I had a Mike's Hard Lemonade. The other night, I was drinking ginger ale, if anything. LOL Rarely, though, I do favor Glenlivet 18 or 30 year old single malt scotch over. ![]() ![]() It tastes great with a Cuban swizel stick. ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 10/08/08 08:11 PM
Just as I said.
no one can defend nobama's ties to these four. neither can onbama. precisely why no one should vote for him. |
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Wed 10/08/08 08:09 PM
McCain was not "completely exhonerated". The Senate Ethics committee gave him a slap on the wrist siting him for "poor judgement". To be "completely exhonerated" would have meant the Ethics Committee would have done nothing. He got off easy. ![]() tHEY DID NOT CITE McCain tHAT IS BLUSTER. tHERE WAS NO SANCTION. THERE WAS NO CIVIL OR CEIMINAL PROCEEEDING AGAINST MC CAIN. He recused hinmself of the investigation and recused himself from associating with Keating in his trouble, out of respect for impartiality in the congressional investigation. Keating could not rewrite convertibles due in order to aid his efforts to recapitalize bank reserves of capital, under legal mandate, by commercial banks that successfully lobbied for a change of the rules in capital resaerve backstops for S&Ls. S&Ls cannot borrow friom the discount window of the FRB like commercial banks. The legislation was meant to kill S&L competition for loans when interst rates fell. That was hurting commercial banks and their vested interests. Besides that, S7Ls would be alive and well today. Apparently, no one here understands economics and banking rules. It is no small wonder that nobama fools so many people so much of the time. KOOL AID is to strong for nobama.LOL |
This doesn't answer your question but it tells me a lot about McCain. Keating 5. McCaim is innocent. Nobama is guilty. explain then... Wright, Rezko, Ayers, Acorn. and quit ducking it and hiding behind changing the subject. defend your man. I want to know what nobama will not acknowledge about his ties to these people and ACORN. GIVE IT YOUR BEST SHOT. |
he has no judgement.
obama is a parrot chattering nonsense and spending OPM. and democrats love OPM. it is waht they do, spend OPM. |
The last two terms brought the death and disappearance of much evil for the 911 attack.
good thing, there. The CRA and the abuses of mortgage lending have democrat fingerprints all over them. natural disasters are not a republican problem, they are a national tragedies. The federal Government is not respionsible for fixing those messes, the people are. That is what insurance is supposed to cover, and the choice is each person's and where one lives is each pwerson s choice, not the fault of government. You want a babysitter? More regulations? more rules to break? What is Acorn doing for you? There's a great example of democrat liberal bleeding hearts. Manipulating the voter registration roles and tipping the balances with willful fraud in conspiracy to overcome republicans votes. None of their work has phony republican registrations in it, only phony democrats. And Pelosi chaired the House when the first bailout had a free lunch program for Acorn in it. NO, the last two terms are fine. It's your mess, deal with it. have some more KOOL AID to wash down your delusions called free lunch programs. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
exactly. LOL
you need some tittilation for your distraught emotions or you can't pay attention. nothing personal, but that's indicative of the shrugs democrats offer for their behavior. It is called excuses, not reasons, for licentious beliefs. The typical answer from democraats is wrapped in rhetorical finger pointing and smugness for evading the issues with fluffy pie in the sky delusions accomplishing only to expand the role of government and government payrolls with democrats that have nothing better to offer the country than to fill unproductive seats with their time and efforts. Government employment and free lunch programs offer nothing and contribute less than nothing to the productivity of this nation. They coost money, produce nothing, and make no profit. No profit, no contyribution. Only strain, drain and misuse of public treasure. yeah, right. I am so impressed. good luch with that 25 trillion Dollar National Debt on the next go round in 2012. You all have four more years to get your excuses ready why obama is not at fauylt, like you claim Bush to be for the rise in the National Debt on his watch. Try not to increase spending, won't you, and prove me wrong? But no matter what you do or do not do, that Debt will double. And Democrats will say it's not their fault. wrong again. wash down those free lunches with KOOL AID, not my tax Dollars. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 10/08/08 08:02 AM
Obama never answered any question. He turned every answer into another spiel of circular and conclusory garbage and ended it all each time with, "and that's why we are going to fix it" or "and that's what I will do".
He said nothing. He knows nothing. He professes to beilieve a lot of things, but belief is just like a guess, unsubstantiable as a belief or as anything more than a guess. He is just a smiling face manipulating disgruntled democrats that want to blame Bush for everything. Democrats didn't even care that Hillaryus and Edwards were nailing sweet silver tongued obama with his own treasonous and ill inspired connections, which he conveniently disavaows as suits him. Delusions are what democrats want, not reality. delusions are all democrats know, I mean, believe. ![]() The democrats applaud lying and manipulation. It is what democrats do. and democrats cry foul, "NO we don't, republicans are evil" evil is as evil does, kiddies. have some KOOL AID. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I volunteered
doesn't appear to be the problem, does it?
expose it. obama also claims he is not a lobbyist for freddie and fannie. but their money and their people are in his camp. gee, that's a huge difference. the democrats tried to put in an earmark for Acorn in their first bailout, not something Paulson had in mind in his three page outline to Congress for a bailout. gee, that's a big difference, huh? Obama has no complicity with democrats in the House, huh? He is just a "present" Senator on the Hill, and he promised voters he wouldfinish his first 6 year term in the Senate and not run for president. gee, big difference there too. he is so innocent I will have to rethink my humility, huh? keep drinking that KOOL AID. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I volunteered
good luck with that registration of bogus registration of phantom democrats.
Acorn just got sued by the Democrat Sec. of State in Nevada for submitting knowingly bogus voter registrations. An audit of suvbmittals clearly shows that the whole starting line up of Dallas Cowbots were registered. Yeah, right. And that felons in transitional housing from the Prison system in Nevada were contracted by Acorn to register voters. Felonsand paolees registering voters. cute. keep up the great work, democrats. my tax doollars at work, once again for pimping fraud, democrat style. obama's not involved? uh huh. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
August 14, 2008
Obama's "guilty" associations By Michael Gaynor Just as the Edwards family was trying to fool the voters about John Edwards' real character, the Obama campaign was trying to fool the voters into believing that Obama was a candidate who transcends race and not a faithful follower of a crazed anti-America black racist like Rev. Wright. On one hand, Team Obama rails against presumptive 2008 Republican presidential candidate Senator John Sidney McCain's associations with lobbyists (even though McCain eschews earmarks and their candidate freely uses them) and solicitation of the political endorsement of Rev. John Hagee (as though that solicitation signified that McCain embraced all of Rev. Hagee's political and religious views instead of McCain's hope that Rev. Hagee would conclude that McCain is the best viable candidate). On the other hand, Team Obama whines that their man's close associations with crazed "religious leaders" like Rev. Jeremiah A. "God damn America" Wright, Jr. and Father Michael Pflager, convicted criminals like Tony Rezko, radical terrorists like William Ayers, foreign extremists like Kenya's Raila Odinga and communists like Frank Marshall Davis should be ignored by voters. The truth is that Obama has a huge guilty association problem of his own making and voters would be both foolish and derelict in their duty as voters if they ignored it. Wikipedia defines "guilt by association" as "[a]n association fallacy is an inductive formal fallacy of the type hasty generalization or red herring which asserts that qualities of one thing are inherently qualities of another, merely by an irrelevant association." A key word in that definition is "irrelevant." Relevant associations SHOULD be considered. In the old "Batman" television series starring Adam West, there was an episode in which the villainous Penguin ran for Mayor of Gotham City against Batman and campaigned on the theme that he regularly associated with police while Batman was to be found with criminals. Of course, the Penguin did NOT point out that the police with whom he was shown in his ad were arresting him for his distardly crimes while Batman was fighting the criminals with whom he was depicted in the ad. Context matters. My article on presumptive 2008 Democrat presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.'s most known (NOT so well known these days) North Carolina supporters: the political phony former Senator John Edwards, now admittedly an adulterer and a liar; his wife Elizabeth, who, while knowing the truth, nevertheless enthusiastically promoted him as a moral values presidential candidate even as he publicly lied about his relationship with his mistress; and the despicable political opportunist and race card player, former Durham County, North Carolina District Attorney Michael B. Nifong, who used former position of public trust for the vilest of political and personal purposes by pretending that the members of the 2005-2006 Duke University Men's Lacrosse Team were either rapists/sexual assaulters/kidnappers or covering up for teammates whom they knew or had good reason to believe were rapists/sexual assaulters/kidnappers, because he desperately needed the black vote to win an election and keep his job, the ex-convict stropper who was claiming to be a victim happened to be black, all but one of the team members happened to be white and persecuting the innocent would provide him with (temporary) political salvation. It's certainly true that (1) candidates often are supported by persons whose support they would rather not have (at least publicly) and (2) the inferences to be drawn from political and personal associations should be carefully considered. Thus, I don't blame Obama because (as reported) white supremacists expect that if Obama is elected President, their number will increase. That surely is not Obama's goal. We know that Obama is no white supremacist. If white supremacist ranks ever increase, it will not be because Obama wanted that result. Likewise, if the number of black supremacists increases, it will not be because either Obama or McCain wanted that result. But the saying that "a person is known by the company he (or she) keeps" is a sensible one. It IS relevant that Obama (1) chose the black liberation theology church of Rev. Wright as his church when he flipped from atheist/agnostic to Christian and (2) quietly stayed a member for so many years, until Rev. Wright had become a political albatross who absolutely had to be abandoned. It is also relevant that at the time he left that church, he nevertheless praised it and Rev. Wright's chosen successor, Rev. Otis Moss, a defender, if not a disciple, of Rev. Wright. It is especially relevant because Obama praised Rev. Wright so greatly in his biography, Dreams From My Father, and even took the title of his presidential campaign book, The Audacity of Hope, from the sermon by Rev. Wright that supposedly had moved him so powerfully. It is especially relevant that Obama first invited and then dis-invited Rev. Wright to give the invocation when Obama announced his presidential campaign last year and prayer privately with Rev. Wright just before the announce after telling Rev. Wright not to appear in public with him because Rev. Wright's sermons could be "rough." Just as the Edwards family was trying to fool the voters about John Edwards' character, the Obama campaign was trying to fool the voters into believing that Obama was a candidate who transcends race and not a faithful follower of a crazed anti-America black racist like Rev. Wright. Likewise, Obama's association with William Ayers, an unrepentant domestic terrorist from the Vietnam War era, is telling. It is telling that Obama married the former Michelle LaVaughn Robinson, who wrote in her college senior thesis that she put the Black community "first and foremost." (No wonder she stayed with Rev. Wright so long!) It is telling that the persons who selected Obama to deliver the keynote address at the 2004 Democrat national convention were the 2004 Democrat presidential candidate, Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts, and his colleague, Senator Ted Kennedy. It is telling that Obama was slow to support Georgia as a victim of Russian aggression, especially when his reaction is contrasted with his strong support of unsuccessful Kenyan presidential candidate and current Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga, especially during the New Hampshire primary campaign. (Odinga was educated in then Communist East Germany, named his first child after Fidel Castro and contracted with Muslim extremists to impose Sharia law in Kenya in return for their political support. He claims to be Obama's cousin. Obama campaigned for him the last time he visited Kenya and warned of the possibility of sending American troops to Kenya after Odinga complained that the Kenyan presidential campaign had been stolen from him.) It is telling that Obama's childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was a communist.Cliff Kincaid, Accuracy in Media, "Obama's Communist Mentor," February 18, 2008: "In his books, Obama admits attending 'socialist conferences' and coming into contact with Marxist literature. But he ridicules the charge of being a 'hard-core academic Marxist,' which was made by his colorful and outspoken 2004 U.S. Senate opponent, Republican Alan Keyes. "However, through Frank Marshall Davis, Obama had an admitted relationship with someone who was publicly identified as a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). The record shows that Obama was in Hawaii from 1971-1979, where, at some point in time, he developed a close relationship, almost like a son, with Davis, listening to his 'poetry' and getting advice on his career path. But Obama, in his book, Dreams From My Father, refers to him repeatedly as just 'Frank.' "The reason is apparent: Davis was a known communist who belonged to a party subservient to the Soviet Union. In fact, the 1951 report of the Commission on Subversive Activities to the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii identified him as a CPUSA member. What's more, anti-communist congressional committees, including the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), accused Davis of involvement in several communist-front organizations. "Trevor Loudon, a New Zealand-based libertarian activist, researcher and blogger, noted evidence that 'Frank' was Frank Marshall Davis in a posting in March of 2007. It is telling that at a private fund raiser in San Francisco earlier this year Obama was taped denigrated Americans for "clinging" to religion and guns and explaining this attitude toward religion in Marxist terms. It is telling that Obama voted NOT to confirm either Chief Justice John Roberts or Associate Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr. and was rated the most liberal United States Senator by non-partisan National Journal. It is telling that Obama is an abortion absolutist who wanted to deny Fourteenth Amendment protection to babies born alive as a result of botched abortions. It is telling that Father Pfleger was an official part of the Obama campaign until the nation learned what kind of person Father Pfleger when excerpts from Father Pflger's outrageous sermon (by invitation of his friend Rev. Wright) at Rev. Wright's church (Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, Illinois) was broadcast and repeatedly rebroadcast on national television. It is telling that Obama was part of the Million Man March of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan (a good friend of both Rev. Wright and Father Pfleger). The key is whether an association is relevant. Choices of mentors, spiritual and political, are relevant. So are a person's political alliances. © Michael Gaynor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates. (See RenewAmerica's publishing |