Community > Posts By > joshyfox

joshyfox's photo
Sun 10/19/08 04:26 AM
I don't know about mean or intimidating, but it does look like you either just finished saying something clever and sarcastic, or was just about to.

No worries about how you look, I mean In my Pic I look like a complete dork and it's over a year old and I lost some weight... and yet I haven't made the effort to change it to a new Picture.

joshyfox's photo
Sun 10/19/08 04:23 AM
I like SOME country Music, but then again I like SOME of anything. I don't stick to a particular genre of music, because to me, music sells a mood and I'm not always in the same mood all the time.

joshyfox's photo
Sun 10/19/08 04:10 AM
Better question, is there ANY girl interested in me at all? laugh

I'm joking of course, I know there are... usually many miles from where I live. For some inexplicable reason, I seem to be popular in England.

joshyfox's photo
Sun 10/19/08 03:41 AM
"It Doesn't Matter" By: Crush 40, I kinda turned it into my theme song.

joshyfox's photo
Sun 10/19/08 03:30 AM
I've done my sleeping already, it's time to do other things now... not sure what.

joshyfox's photo
Sat 10/18/08 08:58 PM

There is only one Act that is Gay and that is sex with a member of the same sex you are. My advice is to stop worrying about it and just live your life, even if other people might think it seems effeminate.

I dunno, there are some other pretty gay acts i can think of that isnt sex. Would it not be a little gay if i rimmed you? lol!

And im not really taking tap dancing lessons. Its amazing how many people cant be bothered to check out the videos i posted!

To me "rimming" would be gay... sorry, oral counts in my opinion.

As for the video, I didn't want to see two people tap dancing and I'll admit it, I'm lazy and didn't look. Still my point remains valid.

joshyfox's photo
Sat 10/18/08 08:55 PM

I'm around, but I am looking for "My Vixen", who I am and will be committed to forever. I don't announce my believes on relationships as much as I used to, mostly because i think it annoyed people and creeped some girls out. laugh

Oh well, no worries! :smile:

I creep guys out but it's because they aren't willing to put in the time it takes to be with a woman like me..guys want things with no complications that'll be a cake walk for them and my life is far from a cake walk..but it's also not the hardest thing in the world that's ever been either..Guys just run because that takes less time than it does to get to know me.

Cowards, the lot of them. With anyone you'll meet a guy with an attitude closer to mine. I am more than willing to take any challenge I need to if it means at last being with my one and only.

ALOT of people..both guys and girls are gonna miss out on the one that they are SUPPOSED to be with because they took what was wrapped up in the pretty wrapping paper with the big colorful bow around it when really what they were SUPPOSED to have came in a plain brown paper bag.

Yeah not to say people are Shallow, but with a lot of them I can stand in a puddle of them without getting my feet wet.

joshyfox's photo
Sat 10/18/08 08:53 PM
There is only one Act that is Gay and that is sex with a member of the same sex you are. My advice is to stop worrying about it and just live your life, even if other people might think it seems effeminate.

joshyfox's photo
Sat 10/18/08 08:47 PM

I'm around, but I am looking for "My Vixen", who I am and will be committed to forever. I don't announce my believes on relationships as much as I used to, mostly because i think it annoyed people and creeped some girls out. laugh

Oh well, no worries! :smile:

I creep guys out but it's because they aren't willing to put in the time it takes to be with a woman like me..guys want things with no complications that'll be a cake walk for them and my life is far from a cake walk..but it's also not the hardest thing in the world that's ever been either..Guys just run because that takes less time than it does to get to know me.

Cowards, the lot of them. With anyone you'll meet a guy with an attitude closer to mine. I am more than willing to take any challenge I need to if it means at last being with my one and only.

joshyfox's photo
Sat 10/18/08 08:34 PM
I'm around, but I am looking for "My Vixen", who I am and will be committed to forever. I don't announce my believes on relationships as much as I used to, mostly because i think it annoyed people and creeped some girls out. laugh

Oh well, no worries! :smile:

joshyfox's photo
Sat 10/18/08 08:30 PM
Edited by joshyfox on Sat 10/18/08 08:31 PM

For that Chocolatey covered ice cream, so big and thick, no room for a stick? laugh

thats HOT!!!!
drooldrool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool

I hope not, then it'd be melted...

joshyfox's photo
Sat 10/18/08 08:27 PM
For that Chocolatey covered ice cream, so big and thick, no room for a stick? laugh

joshyfox's photo
Sat 10/18/08 08:24 PM
(I suppose this could go in music instead, but I felt it was better here because the whole thing is a huge joke.)

"The Assumption Song" By: The Arrogant Worms

There was an old farmer, who lived on a rock.
He sat in the meadow, just shaking his...

Fist at some boys, who were down by the "crick" (Creek)
Their feet in the water, their hands on their...

Marbles and playthings, and at half past four,
Their came a young lady, she looked like a...

Pretty young creature, she sat on the grass.
She pulled up her dress and she showed them her...

Ruffles and laces and white fluffy duck.
She said she was learning a new way to...

Bring up her children, so they would not spit.
While the men in the barnyard where shoveling...

Refuse and litter from yesterday's hunt,
While a girl in the meadow was rubbing her...

Eyes at the fellow, down by the dock.
He looked like a man with a sizable...

House in the country, with a big fence out front.
If he asked her politely, she'd show him her...

Little pet dog, who was subject to fits.
And maybe she'd let him grab hold of her...

Small tender hands, with a movement so quick,
and then she'd bend over and suck on his...

Candy so tasty, made of butterscotch.
And then he'd spread whipped cream all over her...

Cookies that she had left on her shelf.
If you think this is dirty, you can go **** yourself.

laugh laugh laugh

joshyfox's photo
Sat 10/18/08 07:29 PM

this topic is extremely personal to me..
i have had an abortion.
say what you will... i had "enough" children already that i was raising on my own (their father walked out after 7 years and has not taken responsibility since), i was raped.. there was no way that i could aford the time off of work that it would have taken me to have the baby with my income being the only thing supporting my family... and there was no way that i thought i could support another mouth at that point, and adoption would have been a choice, but again the time off of work would have been to much at that point..
i think about that decision nearly every day...
the guilt eats me up inside.. and though i do not beleve i made the "wrong" decision.. i do beleve that some times there is no "right choice".

and i hope that anyone who would judge others for the decisions that they make, would never have to spend the time to walk a mile in their shoes.

belssings flowerforyou brokenheart :cry: :heart:

You did what was right by you, nobody could've reasonably expected anything different. You have my sympathies for what you had been through.

No judgment from me, it's not my place, nor my desire. No worries and the very best in the rest of your life. flowerforyou

joshyfox's photo
Sat 10/18/08 07:24 PM
We are all pro life and we are all pro choice. The actual question is whether or not you believe abortion in the right circumstances, are justified and if the government has ANY right to make that decision for the people as a whole.

Myself, I don't agree with abortion and feel if the child cannot be cared for, after birth it can be placed in a clinic and eventually a foster home. On the other hand I don't feel the government should take away the freedoms of those people who feel differently, as tragic as it is.

joshyfox's photo
Fri 10/17/08 05:47 AM
I just got an email from a young lady who told me I was sexy...

...I never really considered myself sexy... I sexy? what spock surprised

joshyfox's photo
Sun 10/12/08 11:43 AM
Yawn... another Lazy Sunday where I accomplish nothing...

joshyfox's photo
Sun 10/12/08 03:10 AM
I know this one. According to my late father, women win arguments most of the time because Men give up. From what I've been told, It has nothing to do with who's right or wrong, because women can stick it out longer and win by forfeit. Men make the mistake of using facts they believe to be true and presenting evidence, thinking an argument has anything to do with those things and they are wrong, so once the guys are done pleading their case... well, they have nothing else.

That is what Dad used to tell me, I don't know if it's true and I wish no I'll will toward anyone, I just decided to share what he used to tell me.

joshyfox's photo
Sun 10/12/08 03:03 AM
On a semi-related topic, I find it to be sad that for a lot of people, the only reason there is to not engage in illegal activity is the possibility of going to prison, not the prevention of other people's or your own suffering, no, the fear of going to jail.

joshyfox's photo
Sat 10/11/08 05:19 PM
Live your life so you have nothing to regret. I don't mean the "oh I should've had salad instead of soup" kind of regret, I mean the big stuff.

Other than that, be honest to yourself and try to do no harm to others, you don't want the hassles that come from being a jerk.

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