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Ancient Astronaught theory
... there could have been a very intelligent culture a while ago that got destroyed...
Speaking of Atlantis and The Great Flood (or a nuclear explosion which could have had desroyed it), those who's survived had to start everything from the scratch -- without any written documents and/or scientists - most of whom probably parished in the catastrophy... * As for aliens, I wonder Why would an advaced civilization -- capable of the interstellar/intergallactic travel -- be interested in some primitive species, millions of years ago?!! Example: an enthomologist, studying the insects, having discovered a unique ant-hill, would study it and conduct some experiments.. but, after confirming the ants' inability to communicate, would return to the base and report the findings. Though, inadvertently, he's left the box of matches behind... For centuries, all generations of the ants have crolled all over the box, experimented with it, etc. And finally have arrived to the conclusion that the mysterious origine of the box must be EXTRATERRESTRIAL! ! ! (although some of them still maintain the Godly origine..) The same is with the Humanity: Certainly, our descendants would conquer the space and TIME -- capable of traveling in time... ***But leaving any traces of that in the Past, might result in alteringing the History...* * * Therefore, anything inexplicable (like the "box of matches") is attributed to the illusive aliens! (that theory is better siuted for the laymen)!! |
The point of it all.....
_______________A reply to ABRACADABRA____________________
(I am sorry for your circumstances -- not being able to, or haven't taken time to, produce descendants.. BUT, PLEEEEEASE, DO NOT DISTRUCT EVERYBODY ELSE FROM PURSUING ONE OF THE MOST FUNDAMENTAL OF LIFE'S PURPOSES! ! !) * * * ... to which you replied: "You never even bothered to ask me what my reasons (for choosing not to procreate) might be." -- IBYP but my answer was based on whatever you cared to state in your lo-o-ong messages and your profile. The rest is beyond the scope of my interests. Nevertheless, you shamelessly voluntered to state your reasons -- shamelessly, because you oughtta be ashamed of yourself... Let's see: "1. This world is already over-populated by humans, IMHO." -- IMO, that's exactly what the AIDS virus has been created for -- to rid the population off of the human waste -- rather than limiting our procreation (which is necessary for saving the planet from the idiots!!! as correctly warned in the movie "Idiocracy") "2. Human society in general is utterly stupid and foolish." -- IBYP but if you consider yourself as such, I'd appreciate if you do not include me in your society! The wisdom and knowledge tend to propagate from the Top to the Bottom, but just because some parts of the Bottom still haven't been reached yet, doesn't mean they never will... (and those parts that won't, will definitely parish from AIDS!) "3. Humans have not yet risen above animalistic thought." -- oh, come on, that's an utter generalization!!! (speak for yourself) On the other hand, having risen from the animal world, humans do what's prescribed by the Mother Nature -- PROCREATE -- and progress along the way, reaching to the stars and beyond...! (I hope you do not dare to insinuate to have risen above animalistic nature, rather than already no longer being able to perform!!!) ... And further you state: "We live in a world that is driven by competition and greed. Not cooperation and sharing. This is the norm. I see no reason to bring more people into an overpopulated species that thinks itself higher than animals but doesn't act the role." -- I agree, we still have awhile to go... But, COMPARED TO THE DARK AGES, we're on the right track! ! ! Temporary difficulties along the way are not the reasons for ceising the development... ... And then -- after suggesting a few books to read (and the doctrines to study) -- and admitting their possible uselessness (in response to my counter-argument) -- you have a nerve of stating: "I never even suggested that they might answer these questions to any degree of satisfaction. I merely suggested that they address the questions being asked." -- That's a hell of the usefull answer to the person in distress, who's searching for an immediate safety support!!! Just because he's raised the questions that are similar to those covered in the books, doesn't make his queries less unique and personal! I presume, you're lucky to have all the free time for surfing the web and carelessly dispensing the useless suggestions... But I, for one, simply do not have time (and patience) for disputing with you over the phyllosophical matters -- you seem to feed off of the respect you get from the students that you no longer can impress with your elloquence... (however, you have a professional difficulty of arriving directly to the point -- if you have never been a teacher, you sure think like one! ! !) Therefore, this is my final reply to you! * * * And I would prefer if you don't reply to this post -- its a waste of my attention -- I do not have time for this! * * * . . . . F A R E W E L L ! ! ! P.S. How can immeasurable vastness be the same as emptiness? I don't know what Jess642 had in mind -- I presume its the immesurable vastness of the outer-space (i.e. Vacuum)? In that case, the "Oxford American Dictionary" defines the vacuum as the SPACE COMPLETELY empty OF MATTER ! ! ! In that respect, as you can see, both are the same! ![]() |
Ancient Astronaught theory
Great quote Atlantis75 :) I think that that kindof IS the case though; we progress, we learn, we grow. ''However''; there could have been a very intelligent culture a while ago that got destroyed. -------------- ------------- --------------- --------- Speaking of Atlantis and The Great Flood (or a nuclear explosion) which could have had desroyed it, the people who's survived had to start everything from the scratch.. without any written documents and/or scientists - most of whom probably parished in the catastrophy... * As for aliens, I wonder Why would an advaced civilization -- capable of the interstellar/intergallactic travel -- be interested in some primitive species millions of years ago?!! Example: an enthomologist, studying the insects, having discovered a unique ant-hill, would study it and conduct some experiments.. but, after confirming the ants' inability to communicate, would return to the base and report the findings. Though, he's left the box of matches behind... For centuries, all generations of the ants have crolled all over the box, experimented with it, etc. And finally have arrived to the conclusion that the mysterious origine of the box must be EXTRATERRESTRIAL! ! ! The same with the Humanity: Certainly, our descendants would conquer the space and TIME -- capable of traveling in time... But leaving any traces of that in the Past, might result in changing the History...* * * Therefore, anything inexplicable (like the "box of matches") is attributed to the illusive aliens! (that theory is better siuted for the laymen)!! |
Ancient Astronaught theory
... Aliens exist. But of course the do! Anyone claiming otherwise would be a firm beleiver in the Theory of Evolution! May be we'll get a chance to finally meet our fore-forefathers? ! ! |
The point of it all.....
Dear Sir:
I found your reply (lecture) to Kravin very educational - from the point of view of the Education - but not very helpful to the poor fellow who's temporarily got confused, and is searching for a way out: in essence, you suggested him to go and read some books (that even you have found to be "empty")... ************************************************ * * * HOW VERY TYPICAL OF THE TEACHER! ! ! * * * ************************************************ .. instead of the helpful straight-forward (though phyllosophical) advice, you -- in the typical teacher's manner -- say: GO READ A BOOK, STUDY SOME DOCTRINE -- MAY BE IT WILL HELP! ========================================================== And then you try to confuse the_hell from the poor fellow: "What's the point in keeping life going, if the only point to life is to keep it going?" -- it is, you're right, a circular redunancy! But, PARADOXICALLY, that's One of the main purposes of life! ! ! * * * * * (I am sorry for your circumstances -- not being able to, or haven't taken time to, produce descendants.. BUT, PLEEEEEASE, DO NOT DISTRUCT EVERYBODY ELSE FROM PURSUING ONE OF THE MOST FUNDAMENTAL OF LIFE'S PURPOSES! ! !) * * * Though, I agree with you: "They we've answered the real purpose of life! To have FUN!" ... And the Procreation Is the the main definition of FUN! ! ! (aside from self-actualization * * * * * * * * * *) P.S. In the words of the rock group, Pink Floyd: "HEY, TEACHER, LEAVE US KIDS ALONE!!!" -------------------------------------- |
The point of it all.....
"If there is no purpose, is there a purpose?" From the religious point of view, the purpose is to reproduce and multiple -- a simple (i.e. primitive) and a quite straight forward concept.. which has brought the humanity to the present day! From the Univers-al point of view, there's absolutely no reason (or purpose) for a speck of dust to exist! But, since we have been given a gift (or a curse) of existence, we're trying to make the best of it -- as comfortable and pleasant as possible! (the alternative is a Misery!!!) There's no scientific proof of the reincarnation -- nobody can prove to have had existed before (at least not Yet, although that's possible under the hypnotic trance!) -- the human brain is still not large enough to contain more than one consciousness at a time. But in just a couple of mileniums -- give or take a few centuries -- our descendants would be capable of assuming any personality they choose... (simultaneously) All of that may sound quite hypothetical, but until the crystal ball is invented (to confirm my theory one way or another), all of it may be quite plausible! However, the point is just in one word -- Descendants -- who require a lot of comfort (and bring a lot of pleasure..) * * * AND THAT IS THE REAL PURPOSE -- Reproduce and Multiply in the most comfortable and pleasant manner! ! ! * * * |
I beg your pardon, Gloria, but only today I have discovered your response to my initial posting -- regarding LOA. I'd like to answer your questions:
1. When you were doing your bedtime mantras, did you believe what you were telling yourself or were you afraid you were in trouble? Were you feeling excited about your prospects or were you worried? Why were you saying "Everything will be fine at work!"?? Were you worried that it would not be? -- Certainly, I have mantrasized before any troubles -- as a precaution, just in case.. (its the human nature to worry..) 2. It sounds like you were saying one thing and picturing something else. Did you actually see, feel and believe that your investments were growing or were you afraid they were not growing? --- The Stock Market is such an unpredictable venue, one cannot help but worry about the investments... (regardless of the positive thinking! (its the human nature to worry..) 3. If you do not believe your affirmations and mantras, and are picturing the opposite... guess what? There is no way you will effect their outcome in a positive manner. Worry and fear will manifest that which you worry and fear about. --- But of course, I've tried to be atmost positive about everything I attempted... BUT, due to the human nature, my mind kept on wandering -- I analyzed every possible outcome, including the worst. And I am well aware of the prophetic nature of the negative thinking... (but such is the human nature -- the mind keeps on wandering!) 4. It might also be safe to say, when it comes to a large company, one man's mantra or affirmation is not going to change it because there are too many other people involved in that manifestation. --- Unfortunately, that is still true -- I'm still incapable of affecting the unfamiliar people, without a personal 1-to-1 relationship... It all boils down to the problem of controlling one's thoughts -- preventing the worries! But how is that possible, since that's a human nature? Also, I do not comprehend, Why the Negative thoughts are reaffirmed before the Positive ones? ? ? (if either of them are of equal intencity) . . . . THANK YOU! |
OK Question
___________________PROFESSIONAL ADVICE________________________
The best approach is BE DIPLOMATIC!!! (and POETIC!!!) . . . . . . . . . ------------- TEST THE WATERS BEFOR TAKING A PLUNGE: ... honey, I really enjoy the time we spend together... And, I hope, you know How I feel about you. I would hate to rush into anything, but I wanna get to know the real YOU -- thereby letting you know the real ME. I wanna feel your heart against mine... and I dont want anything in between us -- including our clothes! I want us connect on the most deeply emotional and intimate level. . . If she says 'Not yet, I'm not ready, (God avoid: Not tonight, I have a headache, LOL), etc.' -- be patient, dont rush her! (that's the usual female trait: first, say NO (as much as she wants to say YES!) But be persistant: attempt the same/similar approach the next time -- until she gets used to your intentions, and surrenders. . . But be prepared to act on your intentions right away -- the settings are of paramount importance: the place where the intimacy is to occure Must be prepared in advance! (hopefully with flowers, candles, whatever...) -- your car is a NO-NO! (Its the cheepest place reserved for the quickies!) In fact, she might be wondering: When will he make the advance?.. --------------- So, do not despare!!! -------------------------- Now, take two aspirines, and call me in the morning -- if you need further assistance... LOL |
Dear, that's exactly what they are talking about -- Sexual relationships.. Judge for yourself:
"a photon was the intrusion signature of the movement of a mass point located in another reality?" Can't you feel How emotional and sexy that is? A proton penetrating... intrusion.. (violation), the movement of a mass (in and out...) You roll up your eyes and... you're in another reality... WOW, those guys are real perverts !!! LOL |
Ladies, I'd hate to rain on your parade -- although I too am a firm believer in the "Ask and you shall receive" doctrine -- but it only works with the personal stuff:
Up until a year ago, I was gainfully employed and was a successful investor at the TSX -- the Stock Market... -->>> My nightly routine consisted of various bed time mantras and affirmations, i.e. "Everything will be fine at work! My investments will continue growing! etc.etc.etc. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Then, over the peiod of one week, everything has turned upside-down: - my investments turned into dust; - my employment was in jeopardy because the company has also suffered tremendous lossess -- due to the loss of customers, and the stock market... As much as I commanded the economy to improve, nothimg would help! Because IT IS BEYOND OF MY CONTROL! ! ! * * * Your stories might be helpful and entertaining to the hopeless people -- with low degree of education... As for the rest of us, its just a bunch of boloney!!! (excuse me, please, for venting my frustration...) |
Honestky, Amigo, the gypsy is right:
it takes you too many words to come to the point, which id jusr 2-3 sntenced lomg. Itbe very hekpful if yot woild confine yourself (on ,oyt then 10 sebtences! |
I would think that if he smiles at the woman, and she smiles back, there would be no harm in approaching her and saying hello. However, it's not a given that it's an invitation. I think every situation is different. -- O M G, coudn't you make it any even more confusing? ? ? What am I supposed to tell my poor friend -- study the theory of Relativity? ? ? |
I would look even if I was attached, all humans look at other attractive humans, it is nature. I do not pick a man to date based on his looks. So if I am admiring how handsome he is, I do not think to myself "I need to date him because he is handsome". A polite smile will suffice. I will smile back. --> If he comes over to talk to me and I like what I hear I may consider him as more than eye candy. Then you confirm that a stare should be treated as an invitation? |
How can I win a guy over?...
Well, I'm not talking about skirts and crap, I'm talking about, do guys like girls who are smart, who read, who can party, what?/quote] . . . all of the above, PLUS a nice Butt and boobs, obviously! ! ! |
Yeah, I know what u mean... But haven't u ever wondered if a stare could result in a LaFS - Love at First Sight? ? ?
I have a friend - a fairly good looking single man. But I cannot explain him How should he behave when women are starring at him - without scaring them away...
I mean, he is often catching the unfamiliar women starring at him in the public places - parks, stores, busses, etc. And he doesn't understand What is he supposed to do: - node and/or smile back? (in passive inactivity) - wave at her? (which will embarrass her for sure!) - treat the stare as an invitation to make a move - approach her and strike up a conversation...)? - look back at her and walk away. . . Im interested in the female opinion, mainly, but guys are also welcome to post their takes on the subject! Thanx to all of you! |
Here we go again
Darling, it doesn't mater whether your BF knows about your still being here... The question is WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE? ? ?