Community > Posts By > HANDLEWITHCAUTION
There semms to be an irresolvable contradiction here:
Even though the thread is titled "Science and Philosophy", it is much more about the latter (Philosophy) than the former (Science). *** Yet, billy attempts to insist otherwise... *********************************************** So, all of you ingnorant people should just shut up and through your laughable ideas to the garbage -- BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT SCIENTIFICALLY VERIFYABLE! ! ! There are many other threads where your unsientific ideas would be welcomed!.. *** Though, I'm surprised WHY WOULD OTHER REALLY SCIENTIFIC PEOPLE -- compared with whom billy would pale like a high school kid -- have enough DIGNITY to not get involved? ? ? * * * **************************************************************** ---> Sure seems like billy doesn't get enough respect in his chosen field if he finds it necessary correcting and degrading everybody!!! ********************************************** (AS IF THE WORLD'S WELL-BEING DEPENDS UPON THE ACCURACY OF THE LAYMEN'S (or LAYWOMEN'S) IDEAS...) |
Ancient Astronaught theory
. . . . . F.O.O.D....F.O.R....T.H.O.U.G.H.T
* * * * *Regarding the ancient sstronauts* * * * * * * there's a catastrophic depletion of content of the dissolved oxigen in the world ocean, posing the gravest danger for the marine life... ***Apparently, the reason for the dinosaurs' extinction had been nothing more but a simple suffocation which has had resulted from the changing climate... (vulcanic activity, radiation, etc.) I recently read an article published by scientists from Berkley University -- Robert Rode and Richard Mueller -- who've estimated that, for the last 542 million years, the variation of the planet's bio-diversity has occurred every 62 - 65 million of years! While another scientist from the Kansas University, Andrew Melott, confirmed their findings AND suggested that such a regularity is connected to the movement of the solar system around the center of our galaxy -- thereby varying the level of space radiation... ************************************************** * * * Now I finally comprehend why some scientists state that our's is the FIFTH civilization on the planet -- there had been 4 others prior to our's! ! ! ************************************************** (Have all of the previous civilizations been hijacked by the aliens while the Earth is travelling around the center of th Milky Way?) Or they miss the cradle of Mother Earth? ? ?) |
Things To Do In Toronto Area
. . . .(Dancing and Encounters) *** FRIDAY, May 15th, 2009 *** ---------------- 8:00 PM ----------------| VERNISAGE restaurant (72 Steeles Ave. West) * * * · LIVE ORCHESTRA · DRESS CODE IN EFFECT · FREE PARKING · LOW COST CASH BAR ---------------COVER CHARGE: Only $10 !!! -------------------- MEET SOMEBODY SPECIAL – MAY BE YOUR DESTINY (?) P.S. I would appreciate if you notify the lady at the entrance about your looking for me – Jane Star. |
Ancient Astronaught theory
. . . . . . . . .METALWING:
. I an sincerely sorry for making public the private matters that concern only you! My full response is going to be private, from now on! ! ! |
Dear JB, here are the aswers to your questions (and some hypotheses):
Why you are frustrated?
Because, instead of 500,000.00 as I've intended to win, I only won the amount that is 1000 times less than that, i.e. only 500!!! (actually, I was just sarcastic! ********) First, see if you can be happy with the money you just received. Maybe that was just the beginning! A down payment. A sample of your power...
Thank you from the bottom of my heart! That's a very wise advice! (i.e. be happy with what you received!) Well, I am -- after all, even something is better than nothing! I certainly hope your right about the possibility of my winning be just the beginning... (who knows? That might be asign!) Intend with calm and focus to acquire the money and don't over look the opportunity when it knocks on your door. Recognize it. _____________________________________
"Intending" has long become my second nature already -- I always intend... However, most of the times, my askings fall onto deaf ears. And then, out of the blue, BAM -- I won! However, I never play the usual lottery -- 6/49, etc. -- since the chances of winning that are 1 to astronomical! As one of the professors at the university has put it: Lottery is just a method of voluntary IncomeTax!!!* * * * * Nevertheless, I always try to be attentive to my impulses. And take my chances whenever the opportunity presents itself -- so that I wouldn't be tortured later by regrets about the missed opportunity... ........................HOWEVER standing at the cross-road -- contemplating which way will lead to Happinness, there's no way of avoiding a random chance! Whatever way one chooses to take is solely one's responsibility! Thus, you're absolutely right in saying that whatever happens to us is OUR own responsibility! * * * AND THAT, I think, WHAT Abra's PROBLEM IS!* * * He must've taken the wrong route in his life, and refuses accepting the responsibility for that! He just wouldn't accept the fact that such a smart person as himself (a teacher) is responsible for failing miserably at one of the most important "tests", Life! ! ! Otherwise, if you take the "responsibility" out of the concept of LOA, he would gladly emrace it... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * P.S. Also, you have only once mentioned the fact of LOA's effectiveness is based on the subconscious level -- not just the conscious one! Thus, most of people disregard the doctrine as nonesence -- since it doesn't work by simply thinking of what you want. If you really want to convince them, you'd better show How the conscious idea transforms into the subconscious belief! Saying that "one has to really believe in one's desires", just isn't enough! |
You cannot create the experience if you are saying and believing the opposite.
. . . . . Dear JB: SO WHY AM I FRUSTRATED? ? ? After all, shouldn't I be happy to have won something? Yeah, but that is just a microscopic part of what I was really asking for! (not that I complain -- after all most of other people haven't won anything at all... -- so I'd rather shut up and count my blessings!) But the problem is that I've really been asking for at least a 1000 times the amount I won, i.e. 500,000 ... And mr.Luck just spits some meger 500 at me! ! ! Besides. every morning I wake up with the thought: "... today's the day I'll get showered with with the obcene amount of money!!!.. (like the 1st amount I quoted). And then, one day. it happens -- only, instead of the 1st smount, I win just a 2nd amount... Can you comprehend how frustrating is that? ! ! ! * * * * * * * * * |
Ancient Astronaught theory
. . . ....................DEAR METALWING ...............
O.H.....M.Y.....G.O.D!!! . I am ovewhelmed! I am speechless -- I am without words!!! And eternally greatfull to you for providing such a complete and exhaustive answer to my queuery -- especially the references... THANK YOU! It will sure take some time for me to injest-chew-and-digest everything -- that sure is a mouth-full! ! ! (I hope I'd avoid choking on it!). As one of the guys in here condescendingly remarks (after reading something that's way over his head), "Interesting!" I would go even further and state that is trully Amazing*** and Beautiful!!! (***AT FIRST SIGHT***) Apparently, as you have proven to yourself, it would seem like the Past is etched in stone and cannot be altered! (Otherwise, "The Paradox Resolution Engine" would burn from overheatting!!!) LOL However, the idea of sending the "cleaners" back -- to fix/resolve the paradoxes caused by each tourist -- may not be fiscally feasable because its very expensive, as I mentioned... (I'm sorry but you leave me no choice except of reporting you to the authorities for being a high risk candidate -- planning to cause the mischief in the Past... LOL! BTW, the commitee I mentioned -- for verifying the candidate's siutability for time travel -- involves a deep brain scan which will flash out all of the unsiutable candidates (like yourself)... *** And that's too bad because I was counting on spending a weekend with you at the Unquenchable Gardens -- presently known as the Sahara Desert!!! ...................BUT.........(***AT SECOND SIGHT***).............. * * * There's a major flaw in your thinking: all of the indicated authoritative references only seem to confirm one point: . ...................THE PRESENT DAY SCIENCE CONSIDERS TIME TRAVEL IMPOSSIBLE............... .......................************************************************.................. Nevertheless, I'm surprized at you -- how could you (a scientific person) close your mind to the infinite possibilities the future might hold? ! ! ! Its only been half a cebtury since the Humanity began exploring the possibilities of the Impossible... (compared to the future discoveries, we're still at the Neanderthal stage of development!) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * What seems to be inconcievable today, "tomorrow might be elementary! Perhaps I am a bit ignorant, but I am positive there will be many revisions of the current theories -- adding various exclusions and additions that will unite the Three Dimensional Model of space, i.e. Height, Length, Width, with the Temporal one -- thereby proving and implementing the Time travel! (perhaps, I'm too optimistic, though I am not referring to the next 5-10 years...) I realize that's a pure speculation on my part, but isn't that how much of the breakthroughs have been / are accomplished? ? ? (by thinking "outside the box", "swimming against the flow", etc.) ... Nevertheless, fantazy aside, considering the fact of our confined living in the 3-dimensional universe, I am greatful to you for reminding me again of the fact that we're still the prisoners of our own imagination! ! ! I look forward to your reply! (but, please, take your time! I wouldn't want to rush you...) P.S. the reason, as you say, you cannot get a date is (I suspect) you're way too smart for the average woman... Pity, but it would seem like you would have to play it down a bit -- otherwise, you might be scarring them away with your superior intellect... (i.e. by no means do I suggest for you to play a person with the Down syndrom! ! ! LOL God avod!) |
Ancient Astronaught theory
I know, no one wants to chew on eleven dimensional math which is the basis of current M theory. However! If the second time dimension is added, which gives equal possibilities to going backward in time, maybe the ancient astronauts are just us, in the future, going back for some mischief. There might be a "mothman" club or you just get a lizard makeover instead of a tatoo! Wow, METALWING, just as I suspected: ----------------------------------- Aliens are just tourists from the future! ! ! ******************************************* --IT'LL BE CONFIRMED!!! But why would you say "maybe the ancient astronauts are just us, in the future, going back for some mischief"??? ...MISCHIEF?!! lol: DO YOU KNOW HOW EXPENSIVE IS IT TO BOOK A TOUR IN THE ANCIENT TIMES? In addition to that, everyone would have to be approved by the special commitee -- to avoid the possibility of anyone inadventerdly ruining anything in the past, thereby altering the future... The reason the tickets are (or Wil be) so expensive is because of the expense associated with planting the idea of "ALIENS" in the 20th century -- to cover up the whole operation!!! Finally, my initial suspicion is confirmed! Would you be so kind as to provide some reference to that discovery? Thank you in advance!!! |
.....F.R.U.S.T.R.A.T.I.N.G .. S.T.O.R.Y........
A couple of weeks ago, I responded to a contest -- answering a few questions over the peiod of a few days... And, guess what: ******************************************* I WON an AMEX CARD preloaded with $500! ! ! ******************************************* I got so extatic I've already spend everything -- only memories remain (i.e. fading away fast...) . . . So, Why am I frustrated? ? ? BECAUSE -- REGARDLESS OF THE LOA -- IT HAPPENS SO DAMN SELDOM!!! |
Thank you HWC, It's always nice to know that I may not be as delusional as I think. ... on the other hand, I may be delusional myself -- thinking that you aren't! LOL! ! ! |
Religion = Evolution
LOL Handlewithcaution, you have a good mind and a quick wit. Yeah there are some who make an attempt at real discussion tiresome but people like you make up for it. Thanks for being here. ______________________________________________________________________________ Thank you, dear! I assure you, THE FEELING IS ABSOLUTELY MUTUAL! ! ! * * * * * * |
I'm under the delusion that my actions can affect other people's reality, and that's a DEEP responsiblity! ___________________________________________________________
Abra, you may not be as delusional as you think. Your actions' affect on others -- and vice versa: others' actions affecting you -- is a given fact, usually referred to as "human relations"... (if "sombody steps on your toe" -- literally, and otherwise) But that's only the smallest part of the problem! The real problem lies in the responsibility connected with the issue of one's very Thoughts affecting other people************************* Certainly, not every thought and not all the people. . . *************************************************** ____(usually, those in the close proximity...)____ But you might've noticed that people, sometimes, "coincidentally" act upon your desires (hopes, wishes, dreams, whatever). Personnaly, when I have been studying at the university, I'd often willed the lecturers to take a break...(and often they did..) Luckily, not everyone possesses the unique ability of mind control! (such fits are easily accomplished under hypnosis ***) However, the technique has long been in the arsenal of the Military -- presumably, for intelligence purposes. However, it's not going to be long until every other person would be capable of that. Then the responsibility would be of paramount importance! |
If you've studied the PSY, you must be aware of the unlimited potential hidden within our Subconsciousness! Regular (i.e. untrained) people are incapable of consciously controlling what’s going on in there… That can be achieved thru the deep meditation, OR under hypnosis, during which the person is most susceptible to suggestions of a trained physician. * * * Another words, one cannot be happy, if his Inner voice keeps telling him that he is miserable – such people are stuck in an “Infinite Loop” (because the terminating condition is always False!) In my late teens, I have been lucky to associate with a real Hypnotist from whom I’ve learned some of the secrets of the inner power (and the “miracles” it can do…) At the university, I’ve also taken a Psy course, though my motives have been different: I thought it would enable my better understanding of how to program the Artificial Intelligence… However, JB only once, in passing, has mentioned the fact that LOA operates on the subconscious level… That’s why everybody’s turned against the idea – because it was assumed as a “piece of cake” which anybody can master on their own… What most people do not comprehend (I suspect) is that JeanieBean might actually be right about the Law of Attraction! ***(silly name, I agree) However, I don’t think she’d be able to convince anybody unless they read at least some of the literature she’s referenced. Nevertheless, you must be aware of the fact that some of the scientific breakthroughs are/have-been based on nothing else but the 6th sense… -- and only afterwards have been scientifically proven…(i.e. the theory’s been invented to support the practice). P.S. The reason I jumped at you – calling you a “smart cookie” – is because the lay-men/women in here are using the term “Energy” in a broad sense – as a synonym for Power.* But you’ve taken them literally – insisting upon the former to be Work… P.P.S. No medicine (i.e. pills) will help your brother – since they only cure the effects of the ailment, but not the actual cause! But Hypnosis might * * * (since his is not a physical but an Emotional problem!) -- IMO: FORGET THE PILLS!!! **(Pharmaceutical Business - best way to get rich, Not healthy! ! !) |
Religion = Evolution
Over generations, the smarter children are more successful at catching doctors and the male children become the doctors.
Evolution and Religion ....................* METALWING *............................ Thank you for your kind words regarding my performance -- I really value your opinion! As for comments from other so-called members (i.e. MM), you should disregard them altogether -- as you would the barking of a young puppy trying to immitate the older dogs... Just treat it as an inevoidable evil (or a shortcoming of the site)! As for the joke about a certain racial trend - LOL - it seems like a self-fulfilling prophercy! ******************************************************************** *** BTW, notice: MM is quiet now -- I guess his father really was*** *the captain of the high school football team! LOL!! (or he real-*** *ized that he will never become a Doctor...) <-! *** *** ******************************************************************** Yeah, times have sure changed. But most women still prefer to choose the partner based on his ability to provide for the future offspring(s) -- as opposed to Maria Magdalena who's followed Joshua because he's saved her from being stoned to death... It is amazing: the whole modern history of humanity had began with a lonely poor Rabbi, who's proclaimed himself a Son of God! ! ! He wasn't actually against God, but merely against the practices of the deteriorating faith, i.e. against the establishment! By the standards of those times, He was a real revolutionary!!! And he's taken upon himself the task of rebuilding the faith... Certainly, the establishment couldn't allow anyone challenging their authoruty -- hence, they got rid of him... But I've also heard another explanation: encient Jews had a law, according to which Anyone claiming to be God (or the son of God) aught to be put to death! That's why most of the modern men have gotten smarter: they don't claim to be gods, they become Doctors! ! ! LOL |
Religion = Evolution
Over generations, the smarter children are more successful at catching doctors and the male children become the doctors.
Evolution and Religion ....................* METALWING *............................ Thank you for your kind words regarding my performance -- I really value your opinion! As for comments from other so-called members (i.e. MM), you should disregard them altogether -- as you would the barking of a young puppy trying to immitate the older dogs... Just treat it as an inevoidable evil (or a shortcoming of the site)! As for the joke about a certain racial trend - LOL - it seems like a self-fulfilling prophercy! ******************************************************************** *** BTW, notice: MM is quiet now -- I guess his father really was*** *the captain of the high school football team! LOL!! (or he real-*** *ized that he will never become a octor...) *** ******************************************************************** Yeah, times have sure changed. But most women still prefer to choose the partner based on his ability to provide for the future offspring(s) -- as opposed to Maria Magdalena who's followed Joshua because he's saved her from being stoned to death... It is amazing: the whole modern history of humanity had began with a lonely poor Rabbi, who's proclaimed himself a Son of God! ! ! He wasn't actually against God, but merely against the practices of the deteriorating faith, i.e. against the establishment! By the standards of those times, He was a real revolutionary!!! And he's taken upon himself the task of rebuilding the faith... Certainly, the establishment couldn't allow anyone challenging their authoruty -- hence, they got rid of him... But I've also heard another explanation: encient Jews had a law, according to which Anyone claiming to be God (or the son of God) aught to be put to death! That's why most of the modern men have gotten smarter: they don't claim to be gods, they become Doctors! ! ! LOL |
Bushidobillyclub wrote:
Energy is the ability to do work. So no we are not talking about energy in any physical sense. ****************************
That's merely one convenient mathematical definition that makes calculations easy. Where do you get off claiming that energy is not physical? --------------------------------------------------------- It most certainly is. It's as least as phsyical as any other property of this unviverse. To begin with it's a conserved quantity. It's not just an arbitary abstract esoteric definition for calculating work. Energy is a real and genuine property of this universe. In fact, have you forgotten about E=mc²? And the fact that energy and matter are completely interchangeable? Energy is a very real substance that is conserved. It's not just some arbitarty abstract mathematical concept for calculating work.-- That's merely one mathematical relationship. In fact, if you pay very close attention to any process where work is being done you can actually follow the energy. The thing that is doing the work loses energy and will therefore lose motion or heat because of this. It needs to give up the energy that it puts into the 'work'. ***To say that we aren't talking about something 'physical' would be scientifically incorrect. * * * Energy is a conserved quantity that is measurable. It moves from place to place and can always be accounded for. It's every bit as "phsyical" as matter is. It's completely conserved and you can keep track of it. ENERGY is PHYSICAL! Energy can be measured and kept track of and even converted into mass or vice versa. Energy is affected by the warping of spacetime. Energy can cause the warping of space time. And enegy is always conserved. You can't just make up arbitrary esoteric amounts of it for fun. Also, you can even use it for the purpose of having sex! Tell me it's not real! Can you even imagine having sex without energy? Energy's not real? You're so silly. ********************************************** BRAVO, Abra! ! ! You rub silly-Billys nose against his own ignorance * * * * This smart cookie aught to be taught a lesson of respecting those "FOOLISH" folks in here who dont deal with physics since the high school... He must,ve assumed everybody here are ignorant fools -- thereby showing his own foolishness: You know what happens when you(i.e. him) Assume: --He's making an_ASS out of U and ME! ! ! And you, Abra, just reminded Billy of leaving "ME" (the rest of us) out when he's making an_ASS_out of himself! ! ! **************************************************** Once again, BRAVO! ! ! |
********* AN EXCELLENT suggestion, Jeanie: ************ should do what ever you can to FEEL GOOD OR FEEL BETTER.
FYI this is what "sex magic" is all about. The visualization is done during the point of orgasm and that is the highest feel-good energy some people can muster. * * * All men should should take a note: WHEN YOU ARRIVE FOR A JOB INTERVIEW, ALWAYS ASK THE FRONT-DESK SECRETARY -- in case your wife or partner is busy -- TO GIVE YOU A QUICK BLOW JOB!!! (during which, you should concentrate on nothing else but your your interview performance) * * * * * * * * * * IBYP, Jeanie, just thinking of the visualization you mentioned... LOL What timely advice; I have an interview tomorrow. And to think I have been wondering why I still haven't found a job. Now I know, it is ;ack of a pre-interview bj that has been holding me back. Listen in case the secretary turnds out to be an Ugly Old bat, tell her to take her penties off so you can use 'em to cover her disgusting face with... |
SWEETCHEEKS, darling, you're absolutely right:
I think a person with stinking thinking sends out that vibe. If you are happy and confident that vibe is there also. We are how we think.
... Sometimes, Im even afraid of turning my PC on -- for the fear of the stinch thats gonna come out from the screen (thats why I keep the gas-mask close by)! LOL |
********* AN EXCELLENT suggestion, Jeanie: ************ should do what ever you can to FEEL GOOD OR FEEL BETTER.
FYI this is what "sex magic" is all about. The visualization is done during the point of orgasm and that is the highest feel-good energy some people can muster. * * * All men should should take a note: WHEN YOU ARRIVE FOR A JOB INTERVIEW, ALWAYS ASK THE FRONT-DESK SECRETARY -- in case your wife or partner is busy -- TO GIVE YOU A QUICK BLOW JOB!!! (during which, you should concentrate on nothing else but your your interview performance) * * * * * * * * * * IBYP, Jeanie, just thinking of the visualization you mentioned... LOL |
ummmmmm excuse me! I know I am ugly and unpleasant to talk to, but what is the reply to this post that I am reposting again. Everyone just skipped right over it like it didn't exist! Darling, I am sorry for skipping over your post, but it has nothing to do with your appearance... Frankly, YOU HAVE A BAD BREATH! ! ! ********************* |