Community > Posts By > causality

causality's photo
Tue 12/01/09 01:41 PM
I blame the mass media and advertising for the distorted and unhealthy image of the female body that is propagated. This is exactly why women aren't happy with their own bodies. Because airbrushed and digitally thinned models give them ideas of what they should like, when in reality, no woman could ever look like those models do. Ever.

causality's photo
Tue 12/01/09 03:16 AM
I'd rather live in pain; at least when I feel pain, I know I can feel something...anything.

causality's photo
Mon 11/30/09 11:52 PM
very much a yes.

causality's photo
Mon 11/30/09 11:11 PM
Edited by causality on Mon 11/30/09 11:12 PM
If one doesn't know who one is, the first thing to do is meditate upon oneself until identity is completely known. Personally, I had no freaking clue who I was at all until I was thirty.

causality's photo
Mon 11/30/09 09:20 PM
I thought the La Vey "Satanists" were the only ones who thought that they themselves were God. I know that Atheists are people who do not believe in any God at all. I believe personally that God is all that was, is, and will be. God is also everything that isn't. I also feel that God is the light and love of universal oneness, the Heart of Bacchus, connecting all life to each other and to everything else. There is a tiny spark of divinity in each person. Me, you, everyone here, everyone not here, the living, the dead, everyone everywhen. God is all of these things, and God is most assuredly not Evil. (It was expelled pretty early on, and sort of never went back home.)

causality's photo
Mon 11/30/09 08:53 PM
Edited by causality on Mon 11/30/09 09:13 PM
I think that the Nephilim interference in human history helps explain the double helix (twistee-tie) way that human DNA is put together. It's rather unique among all of the animals on Earth. Animal DNA doesn't twist in the double helix manner as ours does. (I think. I'm not exactly a genetic engineer.) Now how would alien DNA intermingling with our own (Humanity's) affect the breeding and lineages of humankind? I would not guess at what it would do, other than it would most assuredly do SOMETHING.

causality's photo
Mon 11/30/09 06:58 PM
Edited by causality on Mon 11/30/09 06:58 PM
seconded. (the no one owning a gun thing) no need to hurt or kill others.

causality's photo
Mon 11/30/09 06:51 PM
i wish i could talk to my ex, she was giving me a really strange vibe though, almost like she was scared of me. (No reason to be, but whatever.) i love her still, and i wish i could make things better. I can't even talk to her though. Ah, the pain of unrequited love!

causality's photo
Mon 11/30/09 05:34 AM
i'd like to see a new sort of politics take shape, one made out of and exemplifying love, light, and oneness between all living things. (not beastiality, just an unconditional compassion really.)

causality's photo
Mon 11/30/09 03:38 AM
Edited by causality on Mon 11/30/09 03:39 AM
The Descent. (Amazing horror flick) Also the entirety of the Saw franchise. I'm so down for Pinhead fantasy role-playing, that I can barely bring myself to type now.

causality's photo
Mon 11/30/09 03:36 AM
well, in my opinion, there haven't been any generations (ever) that weren't screwed in that department.

causality's photo
Mon 11/30/09 03:33 AM
i was in a gang, when i was 15 or so.

causality's photo
Mon 11/30/09 01:40 AM
use the forums, and maybe local searches by age preferences. and good luck.

causality's photo
Mon 11/30/09 01:10 AM
no the downward spiral isn't death, it can just end in death. big difference. the downward spiral just means that there is a force, spiraling which pulls you low, then lower, then lower, and the lower you get, the harder it is to get out of the viscous cycle.

causality's photo
Mon 11/30/09 12:53 AM
the downward spiral that ends in death is present with both romance and alcohol.

causality's photo
Sun 11/29/09 11:47 PM
Just use your eyes and ears, and experience the spiraling insanity all around you on this wonderful planet, which is just a tiny bitty speck of nothing, floating in space. Every single star, the light of which took a very long time to arrive here, is another whole solar system, or at least there is a chance there is a new solar system around each. First of all, not only are you yourself here and alive now in this wonderful time, but you have an entire planet of potential new friends to meet...or not. Secondly, this entire planet is home to a nearly unlimited amount of other forms of life, from plants and algae, to animals and birds. You don't have to even be able to read the Bible (or any book) to know that there is a God. Just look around and think about it. Something had to start all of this. Sure, random chance could have done it, but the chances are so infinitesimally small, that Occam's Razor eliminates that as the cause of it all. (I think it's Occam's Razor anyway)

causality's photo
Sun 11/29/09 10:28 PM
i was born an outcast and i will surely die one. i am happy that i am about as far as one can get from being "normal" Normal people are obviously dangerously insane, as anyone who could see the universe that we exist in, and still stay sane is either not paying anywhere near enough attention, or is delusional to the point of being dangerously insane. Normal. Yeah, right.

causality's photo
Sun 11/29/09 10:13 PM
at this point i don't care if i have to scrub toilets, or clean up stalls at a xxx shop, or even shoot people as a long-haired mercenary, as long as it's an income. (Hopefully over the $2.13 I made an hour in New Orleans, but at this point in my life, I'd be grateful for even a crappy server job for illegally low pay.

causality's photo
Sun 11/29/09 08:59 PM
sure thing, but ever since my internship, working for free leaves such a bad taste in my mouth, that I doubt I could bring myself to do so. I was contemplating trying to start my own production company.

causality's photo
Sun 11/29/09 07:25 PM
i have one word for you, just one word: confidence.

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