Community > Posts By > causality

causality's photo
Tue 04/07/09 03:11 AM
there seems to be a large number of people who like to go out to the big public parks while it is nice out.

causality's photo
Wed 03/25/09 11:34 PM
I love that book. It's one half of my Bible.

causality's photo
Wed 03/25/09 11:32 PM
the noc noc has closed, i've now moved to the merc, but will soon stop going there, as I will be moving to the warehouse district.

causality's photo
Wed 03/25/09 11:27 PM
greetings and welcome.

causality's photo
Wed 03/25/09 11:22 PM
Edited by causality on Wed 03/25/09 11:23 PM
Anyone post Moon Child yet? Foreign film, but an amazingly good vampire flick. I just remembered the best vampire movie I've ever seen, "Let the Right One In" It's German I think. Amazing, beautiful, and I'm pretty sure there was a few seconds that weren't supposed to be shown in the USA, but were anyway.

causality's photo
Wed 03/11/09 11:01 PM
I loved Kermit in the music video of him covering "Hurt" by NIN

causality's photo
Tue 03/10/09 11:17 PM
Edited by causality on Tue 03/10/09 11:18 PM
Put on the glasses. *Punches you.*
Put them on. *Punches you again.*

You are all slaves to an alien force that has taken over control of your life, thoughts and actions. These things are insidious. They give us their minds, and we use their minds instead of our own. They are the counter-flow to our heartbeats. They need us to live, we don't need them. Wake up or I'll hit you again. All of you!

and obviously, I'm the hair model.

causality's photo
Tue 03/03/09 08:21 PM
The Dark Knight. I still have the mark from the IV from the emergency room that night.

causality's photo
Tue 03/03/09 08:13 PM
Eminem, Dre, and 50-cent: awesome rappers.

DMX: awesome rapper when he's not acting all religious.

That's it. Everyone else is crap.

Except Flo Rida. I haven't heard him, but I hear he can make some beats too.

causality's photo
Mon 03/02/09 04:20 PM
hope it lasts longer than mine did. congrats.

causality's photo
Sat 02/28/09 09:48 PM
completely. without the potential for intelligent conversation on a frequent basis, I have no reason to date them.

causality's photo
Thu 02/26/09 09:56 PM
Reposted From Witchcraft and Shamanism, part 2, page 5:

Go from normal human to something more in six steps.

step one: make a list of everyone you have met.

step two: (generally a couple years later) starting with the most recently met person and working backwards, find a quiet and dark place to sit and meditate. While meditating, you think back and vividly remember every detail of your interactions with said person; remembering every senses' input as well as your own emotions and thoughts at the time. While doing that, your head turns from your left shoulder to your right one slowly while you take in a long slow breath. As you breathe, visualize fibers of light flowing back into you from the memory scene you recreated. These strings made of light are your own emotional and personal energy. Once your head makes it to your right shoulder, you should be done with that particular scene. (As far as the timing of the meditation goes.) Turn your head facing forward and slowly exhale, visualizing other fibers of light, (not your own energy but that person's thoughts or concerns that made it into you) as they leave your body through the exhale. Repeat this for each encounter with said person where you felt an emotion. Once you have finished that person (all the encounters with them) move down your list and repeat. (You aren't done with step two until you have finished Mom and Dad, the first people you met.)

step three: find the center of you. Imagine a line going out from there straight ahead. (depends on the body in question, generally a bit below the navel.) measure off 40 degrees to the right of that imaginary line, around two feet out from your skin. At that spot, massage the air, as if you are playing a harp. (waggle your fingers there.) This spot is not part of your physical body, but it is a very important part of your energy body. After a while, you will slowly begin to feel your fingers moving through something, a resistance. Keep waggling the fingers, as you feel the resistance, move them a little closer to your body and repeat. You may feel a tickle, or pleasure from doing this. Once you feel that you have created enough of a dent there, proceed to step four.

step four: hyper stimulate the nerve endings near the skin of your right calf. (I recommend pants made of a very furry or fuzzy fabric, with the fuzziness being inside the pants)

step five: bring your right calf as close as you can get it to the dent you made in your energy body.

Once you have completed the above five steps, you will have your normal waking awareness step back, shifting control to your dreaming attention. When this happens, it feels like you get rolled up like a cigar and placed into the dent you made. Then proceed to step six.

Step six: To switch to sorceror mode, simply let your eyes glance at the dent you made. To switch back to normal mode, just look at your physical body instead.

That's it. We're done.


causality's photo
Thu 02/26/09 09:54 PM
I also dropped a whole bunch of toltec knowledge in another topic, i'll copy it here also.

causality's photo
Wed 02/25/09 08:44 PM
you would be you either way. It's just I find having all the energy I've spent over my almost 30 years alive all available at once to be worth the effort and years of raking my memory. So I thought I would share.

causality's photo
Wed 02/25/09 08:35 PM
Plus when you recapitulate the sex, you get to re-live it. Bonus.

causality's photo
Wed 02/25/09 08:33 PM
you don't undo the sex. It's just clearing out all the energy that isn't yours, and claiming your own energy back. As someone who has been on the receiving end of a rape, getting rid of that guy's energy made me feel vastly better. I recommend any abusive or emotionally draining relationships be subjected to step two's process, even if that is all you do.

causality's photo
Wed 02/25/09 08:29 PM
Edited by causality on Wed 02/25/09 08:29 PM
The list should be everyone you have ever met. Here is a much shorter list for you to try as an exercise. Just the sexual encounters. They are the biggest transferals of energy anyway. Once you have gotten back all the sexual energy you have given away to other people, and have gotten rid of all their energies that they gave to you, you will feel much better. Try it.

causality's photo
Wed 02/25/09 08:07 PM
Edited by causality on Wed 02/25/09 08:08 PM
Go from normal human to something more in six steps.

step one: make a list of everyone you have met.

step two: (generally a couple years later) starting with the most recently met person and working backwards, find a quiet and dark place to sit and meditate. While meditating, you think back and vividly remember every detail of your interactions with said person; remembering every senses' input as well as your own emotions and thoughts at the time. While doing that, your head turns from your left shoulder to your right one slowly while you take in a long slow breath. As you breathe, visualize fibers of light flowing back into you from the memory scene you recreated. These strings made of light are your own emotional and personal energy. Once your head makes it to your right shoulder, you should be done with that particular scene. (As far as the timing of the meditation goes.) Turn your head facing forward and slowly exhale, visualizing other fibers of light, (not your own energy but that person's thoughts or concerns that made it into you) as they leave your body through the exhale. Repeat this for each encounter with said person where you felt an emotion. Once you have finished that person (all the encounters with them) move down your list and repeat. (You aren't done with step two until you have finished Mom and Dad, the first people you met.)

step three: find the center of you. Imagine a line going out from there straight ahead. (depends on the body in question, generally a bit below the navel.) measure off 40 degrees to the right of that imaginary line, around two feet out from your skin. At that spot, massage the air, as if you are playing a harp. (waggle your fingers there.) This spot is not part of your physical body, but it is a very important part of your energy body. After a while, you will slowly begin to feel your fingers moving through something, a resistance. Keep waggling the fingers, as you feel the resistance, move them a little closer to your body and repeat. You may feel a tickle, or pleasure from doing this. Once you feel that you have created enough of a dent there, proceed to step four.

step four: hyper stimulate the nerve endings near the skin of your right calf. (I recommend pants made of a very furry or fuzzy fabric, with the fuzziness being inside the pants)

step five: bring your right calf as close as you can get it to the dent you made in your energy body.

Once you have completed the above five steps, you will have your normal waking awareness step back, shifting control to your dreaming attention. When this happens, it feels like you get rolled up like a cigar and placed into the dent you made. Then proceed to step six.

Step six: To switch to sorceror mode, simply let your eyes glance at the dent you made. To switch back to normal mode, just look at your physical body instead.

That's it. We're done.

causality's photo
Wed 02/25/09 02:19 AM
so i have a legitimate source (in my view anyway) of real occult shamanism. Would anyone like to know several easy and repeatable steps to becoming someone who can twist reality to their will?

causality's photo
Wed 02/25/09 02:07 AM
which, in turn, means that I proved to myself that both the Toltec and Discordian religions that I follow are actually true, amd not just printed words.