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causality's photo
Tue 11/10/09 07:30 AM

Here is an animated artificial anthropoid which is simply a reflection using spears stacked inside of a structure.

His conclusion:


This interdisciplinary research has taken me into many related areas of study. Geometry, Optics, Ancient History of Art and Religion, Computer Imaging, Photography, Animation, Graphic Art and of course Sculpture are the major connecting disciplines that have contributed to this work.

I feel that I have rediscovered some of what was a highly developed understanding of Mankind's relationship to the Universe and this knowledge was utilized and documented in the geometry of ancient structures. Sacred Geometry, the study of the unity of the cosmos, demonstrates relationships between Number and Space and the Human Form. It was used in the construction of ancient glyphs and monuments thereby preserving the knowledge of these principles of Natural Law for future generations. This construction of reflective spheres may embody the technology that produced the animated images of the deities in the temples of antiquity. The Tree of Life which is a graphic representation of the interaction between cosmic forces is shown in Figure 22. It is found in many ancient texts of the Kabbalah.

This is an animated gif image and should be moving.

I think he did exactly that. Amazing read. It's part of it that I was missing.

causality's photo
Tue 11/10/09 07:23 AM
"love is a leech, sucking you up
love is a vampire, drunk on your blood
love is a creature that lives in the dark
will hunt you and lick you and mangle and pick you apart
love is a ghost haunting your head
love is the killer you thought was your friend"

-Concrete Blond

causality's photo
Tue 11/10/09 07:18 AM

the whole idea is to use your own death,

probably the only redeeming quality about Death is that you die before you are dead ...which brings up the question how can one use their death or imagine their death if they do not know what death truely is ..even if one claim reincarnation they can only tell of their past lives or when or how they died but will not have any "new unknown knowledge" pertaining to death itself

each person's own death is the very center of you, not your body, but you. it is just like a miniature black hole, and upon actual death, most people go through it, towards the light. (That's why people have the feeling of a dark tunnel.) This is the tiny bit of primordial nothingness that binds the spirit to the flesh. That's what I mean by use your death, you have to know yourself well enough first, but once you do, you will know what I was talking about.

causality's photo
Mon 11/09/09 05:31 AM

I know this sounds is like I am dealing with dark and light...who am I really...which way do I turn...

Oh neither, ride the middle ground. Both in equal measure is the best if you have to split. Try putting your tongue on the roof of your mouth more often. Try it in dreaming.

causality's photo
Mon 11/09/09 05:21 AM
whichever was in charge at the moment is fine for now. no need to complicate matters by involving the other yet.

causality's photo
Mon 11/09/09 05:11 AM

pupils will dilate during a lie... it if difficult to catch if your not practiced at it. Also kinsiology, it is the best lie detector..hard to do without them knowing.

Not always. There is no real 'best' lie detector, all have flaws and all can be manipulated. However, I don't know anything about kinesiology, but again...humans can be some of the most unpredictable creatures, so I would assume even kinesiology could be flawed.

I can dilate on command, or while acting, so that means I can lie with my eyes.

causality's photo
Mon 11/09/09 05:08 AM
So dark that I can barely see anything else would be a good change of pace. Someone so lost that they cling to death or nothingness or self-loathing would be best, as sometimes they tend to get stuck in the grip of the vicious circle that the downward spiral can turn into. So that I could help them escape the loops. I don't fully understand it myself, but I like helping people and my community, even though I have lost everything.

causality's photo
Mon 11/09/09 04:16 AM

This one is about sound and the Giza pyramid. It sounds really neat, and sort of ties in with stabilizing the holography. (Which is Photonics, or light science)

causality's photo
Mon 11/09/09 03:27 AM

Not to jump ahead but all of this information will eventually tie into sacred geometry and the projection of the human form.

I have not gotten into it in detail but here is a link to some interesting information about 3-D projections involving a three dimensional pyramid inside two intersecting spheres and other very interesting things.


Yay! What an amazing read!

causality's photo
Mon 11/09/09 02:43 AM
Keep in mind that an intended world, only exists in one place, the mind of the person who memorized it. Outside of that, there would be nothing, so in order to have a whole planet, let alone a whole universe, let alone an infinite number of independent expanding universes, the mind that memorized it all would have to be really smart. As far as if this reality is anything more than a unique intended world, we will have to explore space and find out I think. Like an intended world would be a false one, it would be utterly real the people there have thoughts, but it is all a memory, a dream. It's almost as if life is a really really really neat video game or movie. I mean I understand that everyone is unique, but we are all also linked into the same thing, so we are all interconnected too.

causality's photo
Mon 11/09/09 02:33 AM
Edited by causality on Mon 11/09/09 02:36 AM

The trick is, to go through this black hole of your own death while in dreaming, while you are still alive. The idea is that this force is what binds spirit to flesh and that by going through it in dreaming, one would then be able to access the other side of consciousness, the subconscious consciously. It sounds a bit scary, and a bit risky, but it also makes a whole lot of sense. Thoughts?

the question becomes how do one know that they are not doing this right now

how do one know that they are not indeed creating and manifesting their own reality ..technically reality is that which exist beyond the mind and technically it is the mind that ultimate create the reality it supposedly perceives

supposedly being able to consciously control one's subconscious supposedly will give them the power of a god and with that power comes the ability to alter reality with just a thought how does one know that they are not in fact using this ability and creating in their mind or perhaps beyond their mind all that exist around them

I'm pretty certain that the subconscious part of the mind, or part of it, since it is equally as expansive as the conscious mind, is doing exactly that all the time we are awake. (and asleep too) the whole idea is to use your own death, which is the strange force that binds you together, to (through dreaming/meditations/practice) take a more conscious and aware role in handling that aspect of yourself. So the hard part, or the uniting of both sides is accomplished through the brain wave and frequency changes that are brought around during death, basically. The trick is to die while still alive. Basically surrender without surrendering completely, sort of bend in the wind with it. Sorry I meandered there for a moment. I say we all do it (create our own universes) right now, and a part of us even knows that. Reality is multi-layered, like all really good art.

causality's photo
Mon 11/09/09 02:10 AM
When they say Unemployment is 10%, I'm pretty sure that the real number is somewhere around 30-50% or so. At least these past two solid years of job-hunting with a single interview tell me that.

causality's photo
Mon 11/09/09 02:07 AM
you can, but it is entirely from context, as tone is absent. (without the extra markings that is)

causality's photo
Sat 11/07/09 10:06 PM
Edited by causality on Sat 11/07/09 10:09 PM

I would think that for lucid dreaming, the more control you have over either your dream life or this one, the more control you gain over the other.

I don't totally agree with that. I do think there needs to be some control, obviously, but even if you believe that it's your mind rearranging and talking to you, if you control it to tightly, then you only learn what you want to learn. For those who believe its a higher power, then you are still refusing to allow that higher power to communicate with you, because at that point you are hearing what you want to hear.

Allow me to rephrase that. Once you can control your dreams enough to dream a double of your physical body, then you can use that dreamed body as your body in the real world. This enables you to change reality a bit more than you would be able to otherwise. Do things like fly or vanish or teleport. The real trick though, is total memorization and visualization. Using both and intent a whole different world could be created and even sustained, as long as the focus was held on it anyway. The more attention used, the more the real it would be. That's about where my knowledge of dreaming sort of stops. It's the fourth gate, dreaming in someone else's intended world.

causality's photo
Sat 11/07/09 09:33 PM
Not at all. I find that it is sort of like what you get when you wave a pencil up and down in front of a TV or a screen. Reality (meaning what most people agree as it is) is the image resulting from the localized vibration of the gridwork of energy that is the foundation upon which everything sits. As the independant and aware fibers of light vibrate to their resonant frequencies, an image is reflected, or rather; created on the vibrations. That is reality. Sort of. There is the now and the infinite, but each is on a different part of the whole structure. And from what I understand, with each choice made in life, another reality of anti-matter is created from each choice of each consciousness. It's just pretty hard to put into words.

causality's photo
Sat 11/07/09 10:58 AM
I would think that for lucid dreaming, the more control you have over either your dream life or this one, the more control you gain over the other.

causality's photo
Sat 11/07/09 10:54 AM

I'm sort of at the point where I barely have physical stuff, and have no attachments at all. No, lease, no job, no nearby family or friends. It's an odd feeling.

I think this would be important.

For me, I can't go very far into this kind of thing before I get scared and panic. It's happened to me in meditation and I panic.

Fear is the first guardian of the path to knowledge of the truth. In fact, you can tell where the truth is, because it feels scary to go towards it. You have to conquer fear, and when you do you face clarity. Clarity is tough. If you pass that, you face power. Power wins. If it doesn't you face the last enemy, old age. That one really does some point.

causality's photo
Fri 11/06/09 10:16 PM

Regarding the Black hole concept, I think you'll find many won't be able to do it, and the biggest issue will be how much control one can, in the end, wield.

I'm thinking there may be a concept similar to falling dreams, whereby if you actually hit, you supposedly don't wake up. So, ultimate control of one's body and the majority don't truly have that.

I've been lucid dreaming for forever, but while I get closer to the ground, I still can't maintain enough control to touch down.

There are very real barriers set in place to restrict dreaming and the gaining of absolute control over the dreaming body. You have to go through each in order, and you can't go through one without smacking your face against it first.

Yes and no.

Many people can and do lucid dream, but don't know what they're doing.

It's when they realize, want to learn and start taking the steps necessary to do so that the barriers pop up and one has to work through it.

And there's still days when that's easy then others.

I think the biggest issue becomes the attachments in the waking world. Family, friends, animals, and since some really aren't suicidal, they never quite step past that last barrier.

Well, the way I understand it, it is basically jumping up the middle of the tree of life without messing around with all those zigzags the journey would normally have, done the safe way. Sort of heading through the abyss. Of course, anyone who has had a close brush with death, knows the power inherent in it. I'm sort of at the point where I barely have physical stuff, and have no attachments at all. No, lease, no job, no nearby family or friends. It's an odd feeling.

causality's photo
Fri 11/06/09 10:07 PM
Well, it depends on what you want. If you want quality over quantity, then your search gets harder as your standards grow more strict. If you want true love, it may not be local to you at the moment. Sometimes, twin souls are on different sides of the planet. Sometimes they are next door to each other and never realize it. I'm here because I believe it's possible to find love on here, and because it is free. (With optional subscription possible with payment.) I'm also pretty lonely, as I know almost no one in my area. But I digress, I would put the probability around 3.000000546%-ish

causality's photo
Fri 11/06/09 05:50 PM
I am a huge WWE fan, my favorite is the Undertaker. I used to watch it in the days of Hogan and Randy Savage. I still do today. I try to order as many PPV's as I can afford to, but the recession has been murdering my budget for them.

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